The latest Business Newsletter is available for recognised sponsors and concerns employment.
Once again, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) got more work done in 2024 than in the year before. More…
As from January 1, highly skilled migrants can go to the municipal office in Goes to arrange everything for their stay in Zeeland…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for recognised sponsors and concerns employment.
From 1 January 2025, new fees will apply. Fees are the costs of applications for residency in the Netherlands. The IND adjusts…
A government that aspires to have the strictest asylum policy ever, a large stack of pending applications for residency in the…
For the time being, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will not decide on asylum applications from Syrian citizens…
For the time being, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will not make any decisions on asylum applications filed by…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for recognised sponsors and concerns employment.
The latest Business Newsletter is available for recognised sponsors and concerns employment.
The government has announced its plans for asylum and migration. The government, just as the Immigration and Naturalisation…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for recognised sponsors labour.
Communicating in clear language so that every applicant understands what the IND means. The Immigration and Naturalization…
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (in Dutch: Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst, or IND) is going to decide again on…
A majority of the House of Representatives (in Dutch: Tweede Kamer) agreed this afternoon to abolish administrative penalty…
The application process for refugees from Ukraine who newly arrive in the Netherlands will change as of 17 June. The must have…
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) would like to be involved in drawing up the migration plans in the outline…
On Friday 7 June, it was shared with the House of Representatives that in August 2023, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service…
As of April 3, 2024, Mardjan Seighali will be the new chairperson of the IND's Social Advisory Council (MAR). She will succeed…
From 6 May, third-country nationals with a temporary residence permit in Ukraine can pick up a residence sticker. With this…
Foreign investors from outside the EU can no longer make use of a special scheme to apply for a residence permit. The government…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for recognised sponsors labour.
The IND has started reconstruction of the registration centre in Ter Apel. This renovation is necessary due to major maintenance…
In the past twelve years it has become more complex for staff members of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) to take…
In 2023 the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) again processed more applications for residency in the Netherlands and…
The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has offered to support the Netherlands in executing its asylum process as of 1…
The Red Cross is going to provide support with the reception of asylum seekers in Ter Apel. At the request of the Dutch Council…
Since 1 October, in the Netherlands, persons who say they are stateless can have this established. This can be done via the court…
This week, the IND sent out a letter to non-Ukrainians with a temporary Ukrainian residence permit (third-country nationals)…
This year the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) also sees a rise in the number of international students who come to…
In the future, solicitors no longer have to fax the IND. In the course of next year, they can email their clients’ documents…
2022 was a year of great challenges for the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). Because of the outbreak of the war in…
In the first six months of 2023, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) received 20,122 asylum applications in total.…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
There is not only a lack capacity within the IND to process the high number of asylum applications within the legal period, but…
With the higher influx of asylum seekers and the protection of Ukrainian displaced persons, 2002 was a busy year for the…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
Read the new VreemdelingenVisie
This month, the IND also sees an increase in the number of applications for asylum. More and more people want to live, work or…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
From 6 March 2023 all family members journeying in connection with family reunification can apply after their arrival in the…
The number of asylum seekers from Yemen increased sharply in 2021 and 2022. In 2022, 7% of the total number of first asylum…
Lately, individuals have been pretending to be IND employees on the phone, but are in reality after your data or money.…
In 2022 the IND paid penal sums amounting to 3.4 million euros. A periodic penalty payment is an amount that the IND must pay if…
In January 2023 the total asylum influx (the total of first and repeat asylum applications and persons journeying in connection…
Until 4 September 2023 third country nationals with temporary residence permits in Ukraine will come under the European Temporary…
Because of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, we are receiving applications from people who want to return, want to have family…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
The IND will also be given 15 months to decide on asylum applications in 2023. Because the IND is receiving many more asylum…
38 implementing organisations, including the IND, indicate in the first Performance Update (only in Dutch) that their work…
In December 2022 the total influx of asylum seekers (the total of first and repeat asylum applications and persons journeying in…
From 5 January, international highly skilled migrants, scientific researchers, students, start-ups and investors who live and…
From 1 January 2023, new fees apply. These are the costs of applications for residency in the Netherlands. They are adjusted each…
The Minister for Migration will extend the postponement of decisions and departures for Russian conscripts by half a year as of…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
Read the new VreemdelingenVisie
The IND likes to be open and transparent about its work, even if applicants find that we are not doing it well. That is why from…
By now, the IND has given 68,000 refugees from Ukraine proof of their residency. It concerns refugees from Ukraine who have been…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
The European Commission has decided to extend the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) until 4 March 2024. This means that…
The IND will start issuing residence endorsement stickers to refugees from Ukraine again. The coming weeks, 20,000 refugees can…
The special start-up scheme allowing starting entrepreneurs to come to the Netherlands since 2015 has been a success. The purpose…
Read the new VreemdelingenVisie
Last Saturday, thousands of international students came to The Hague University of Applied Sciences to collect their residence…
On Saturday 24 September, the COA, Dutch Council for Refugees, IND and DT&V are organising the annual Open Reception Centre…
In August 2022, the total influx of asylum seekers (the total number of first and repeat applications and family reunifications)…
In recent weeks, the IND issued 45,000 residence stickers to refugees from Ukraine. With the sticker, they can demonstrate that…
All Turkish citizens and their family – also those who come under EEC-Turkey association law – need a provisional residence…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
Today, the IND is opening the sixth location where registered refugees from Ukraine can get proof of residency – by appointment…
Asylum seekers who want to apply for asylum in the Netherlands can soon also go to Bant (municipality of Noordoostpolder,…
Sufficient income is a condition for a residence permit in the Netherlands. Because foreign nationals sometimes had to deal with…
British nationals who are staying in the Netherlands and have not applied for a Brexit residence permit yet can do so until 1…
Read the new VreemdelingenVisie
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will not take any decisions on asylum applications by Russian conscripts who…
Seeing the status of an asylum case in a quick glance, uploading documents easily and exchanging data safely: it has all…
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) is issuing residence stickers to Ukrainian refugees in a number of pilot…
In the first half year of 2022 alone, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) was looking for over 500 new staff members…
In May 2022, the influx of asylum seekers (the total number of first and repeat applications and family reunifications) was 3,369…
The social task of the IND to decide quickly on applications by people who want to stay in the Netherlands is becoming…
The coronavirus and its consequences for the IND, a high asylum influx and a peak in the processing of naturalisation requests:…
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will include lessons learnt by the Asylum Applications Task Force in its change…
In April 2022, the influx of asylum seekers (the total number of first and repeat applications and family reunifications) was 3,…
Between 1 June 2021 and 1 May 2022, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) received 3,250 naturalisation applications…
The Inspectorate of Justice & Security (in Dutch: Justitie & Veiligheid, or J&V) concludes that the Immigration…
Since the summer of 2020, asylum seekers have no longer had a right to a payment (incremental penalty) when the IND has not…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
It is busy at the IND desks. That being the case, applicants have to wait two to three times longer than usual for an appointment…
Read the new VreemdelingenVisie
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) has taken measures to shorten the waiting time for persons journeying in…
In March 2022, the total influx of asylum seekers (the total of first and repeated asylum applications and relatives) amounted to…
The number of asylum applications the IND receives is increasing. Together with the large number of applications in the second…
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) is going to ask recognised sponsors (companies that have been assessed as…
This week, the IND started the first reassessments of cases under the Final Regulation for Long-term Resident Children (the…
A multi-disciplinary project team of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) is making sure that applications for…
In February 2022, the total influx of asylum seekers, i.e., the sum of first and repeated applications for asylum and dependents…
Acting managing director Annelore Roelofs is leaving the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). As of 28 March, she will…
In order to be of service to refugees in the best way possible, the IND is going to provide information on location. This will…
In December 2021, the IND and COA started a pilot for joining family members in Zevenaar. Those joining family members who do not…
Recent oordeelde de Raad van State dat de IND de werkwijze bij de beoordeling van asielaanvragen van afvalligen en…
In January 2022, the total influx of asylum seekers, i.e., the sum of first and repeated applications for asylum and dependents…
Soon services from the IND desks will change. We wish to be more attuned to the applicant's needs and work more efficiently.…
Recently, over 2000 employees (out of over 5000 in total) of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service have participated in a…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors
In 2021, the IND received over 194,000 applications. Made by people who want to work, study, live with their families, apply for…
As from 1 January 2022, a number of changes to applicable law and regulations may be of importance to clients of the IND. This…
Currently, it is very busy at the IND desks. As a result, waiting times for appointments are sometimes considerable. For example…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors.
The IND moves applications of dependents of asylum permit holders from Ter Apel to the IND location in Zevenaar. This measure…
The latest Business Newsletter is available for business-related recognised sponsors
Currently, many people are calling the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) with their questions. Due to a large number…
For the IND, Project Brexit came to an end on Friday, 1 October. Since that date, British citizens and their family members who…
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service will decide again on the application by the Armenian children Davit and Nunë and their…
Read the new VreemdelingenVisie
The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (in Dutch: Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers or COA), the Repatriation…
To improve services for international employees, the IND, jointly with the municipality of Maastricht, the Expat Centre…
As of now, minor foreign nationals with a residence permit may again apply for the travel regime in connection with family…