The 28 January 2025 edition of the Business Newsletter is online
The latest Business Newsletter is available for recognised sponsors and concerns employment.
The Red Cross is going to provide support with the reception of asylum seekers in Ter Apel. At the request of the Dutch Council for Refugees and under the direction of the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) basic facilities will be delivered on the grounds of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) in Ter Apel. The deployment of the Red Cross is necessary because the waiting rooms of the IND have already been used every night for almost two months to accommodate asylum seekers. Some people spend several consecutive nights on chairs or on the ground. During the day as well, it has meanwhile become necessary to use some waiting rooms for accommodation. The IND waiting rooms are not suitable to stay in for a longer time, which is indeed happening now.
The Red Cross is going to place a tent with mobile showers on the grounds of the IND application centre in Ter Apel. In addition, the Red Cross will deliver additional blankets, airbeds, hygiene sets, and shower materials. Volunteers of the Red Cross will help, for example by distributing them.
Since last week is has also been necessary to use some IND waiting rooms to accommodate people inside. In the daytime, there is room in the waiting rooms mainly for vulnerable persons so that they do not have to stay outside. The accommodation is provided under the responsibility of the COA. The Dutch Council for Refugees is present there to provide asylum seekers with information and to keep an eye on their well-being.
Director General of the IND Rhodia Maas calls the situation distressing. “The shortage of accommodation places has caused the whole asylum system to come to a standstill. The staff members in Ter Apel do what they can to provide people with basic needs such as shelter, food and basic hygiene. But our waiting rooms are not suitable for accommodation and our organisation is not equipped for it. I am thankful that the Red Cross is now coming to help with this. But this is not a long-term solution. The IND is responsible for the application process in Ter Apel and the further asylum process. In order not to allow it to stand still any longer additional reception locations now need to be made available quickly.”