Asylum influx in January 2023

Last update: 10 February 2023

In January 2023 the total asylum influx (the total of first and repeat asylum applications and persons journeying in connection with family reunification) was 2,991. This is a decrease compared to the preceding month: in December this was 3,243.  

First asylum applications

The number of first asylum seekers in January was 2.490. This is a decrease compared to the preceding month (2,595).
The top 5 countries of origin of asylum seekers who submitted a first asylum application in January are: Syria (638), Turkey (163), Somalia (161), Yemen (156) and Algeria (153).

Unaccompanied minor foreign nationals (UMFN)

The number of asylum applications submitted by unaccompanied minor foreign nationals (UMFN) in January was 261. This is an increase compared to the preceding month. Then there were 256. The majority (87) came from Syria, followed by Somalia (50) and Eritrea (33).

Repeat asylum applications

The number of repeat asylum applications in January was 111. In December there were 149.

Persons journeying in connection with family reunification

In January the number of persons journeying in connection with family reunification entering the Netherlands was 390. This is a decrease compared to December (499).