IND annual report 2024: more penalties because of more legal proceedings
Once again, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) got more work done in 2024 than in the year before. More…
The Child Care and Protection Board (RvdK), the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), and the Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V) have set up a permanent form of cooperation under the name SKIV (Samenwerkingsverband Kinderen In het Vreemdelingenbeleid[1]). The SKIV is the successor to the former cooperation project 'Belang van het kind in het vreemdelingenrecht[2]' launched in 2015.
The cooperation focuses on the coordination between the three organisations by exchanging data and knowledge in cases involving children. The IND provides information to the RvdK on a family's residence permit status so the RvdK may consider it in its investigations. In turn, the RvdK shares pedagogical knowledge with the IND and the DT&V, so the latter two may consider this knowledge when making decisions. As contacts, each organisation appointed persons familiar with the subject matter who will ensure that the exchange of data will take place both smoothly and quickly. Also, issues are up for joint discussion aiming at finding a solution with a sustainable perspective for the child.
In recent years, the organisations have invested a great deal of time in mutual comprehension and sympathy for the differences in their respective tasks. As a tangible result, there is a guideline for the expert reports on the part of the RvdK, so these rapports are also transparent and usable for both the IND and the DT&V.
The project group also worked closely on a policy framework for children with a child protective measure, which policy framework came into force on 1 October 2019. It is about child protection cases, such as the family supervision order (OTS) and the termination of custody (GZBM). The new policy framework has been included in the Aliens Act Implementation Guidelines, that determine the situation in which a (temporary) residence permit may be granted to a minor foreign national subject to a child protection order as decided by the Dutch juvenile court.
The child's interest project
The 'child's interest project' started by way of investigation in 2015. As implementation of the policy of all three organisations (RvdK, IND and DT&V) has reciprocal influence, cooperation is of the essence. After all, it concerns a very vulnerable group of children.
[1] Cooperation in the field of children in the aliens policy
[2] The child's interest in the immigration law