IND signs Direct Clear Deal and makes letters even more understandable

Last update: 22 July 2024

Communicating in clear language so that every applicant understands what the IND means. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) signed the so-called Direct Clear Deal last Wednesday for this purpose. The signing was also a kick-off of the IND-wide project that aims to make the letters that the IND sends clearer.

In the future, we will no longer use the sentences like ‘The employment contract has not been given the usual value.’ Or: ‘This discrepancy has remained uncontested in the objection’. All letters will be written in such a way that everyone can understand what they say. Therefore, the IND manager Imro Simmelink and deputy director general Jan Willem Schaper signed the Direct Clear Deal of User-Centred* on Wednesday. Schaper: ‘The IND already does a lot to make all communication understandable. It seems simple, but it is not. That is why we believe it is important to raise awareness of this matter in our organization.

In the coming year, the letters sent to applicants will be made understandable. This is important, so that the applicants know better what is expected of them. Schaper: ‘Our letters contain important information for the applicants. The clearer we are, the better and more complete the applications that we receive, will be.’

*only in Dutch