Residence permit under EU-UK Trade Agreement
These requirements apply to you.
- You meet the general requirements that apply to everyone.
- You need to be in the Netherlands temporarily to supply your services.
- You supply services in a sector mentioned in Annex 22 to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement on the website of the European Union.
- You, or your employer in the UK, have concluded a contract for services for a maximum of 12 months. The contract was concluded with the client of the service supplier in the Netherlands. The client is the person, organisation or company to which you supply services.
- Your contract was not concluded via an agency for job placement and staffing.
- You supply your services directly to the client of the service supplier in the Netherlands.
- You have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences when you apply. Or proof that your knowledge is on the same level.
The single permit (GVVA)
The single permit (in Dutch: GVVA) combines a residence permit (in Dutch: verblijfsvergunning) and a work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or TWV). You, or your client of the service supplier, apply to the IND for a single permit ‘work in paid employment’ (in Dutch: Arbeid in loondienst). The single permit (GVVA) process will apply until the Netherlands, incorporates the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement with the UK into national rules.
No single permit (GVVA) needed
If you will live in the Netherlands for less than 3 months, you do not need a single permit (GVVA). In most cases, your employer must, however, apply to the UWV for a TWV (Dutch only).
Process and costs
These are the steps in the application process for the residence permit.
1. Check requirements open minus -
1. Check requirements open minus -
2. Collect documents open minus -
3. Apply open minus -
2. Pay for application open minus -
4. Pay for application open minus -
5. Wait for decision on application open minus -
3. Decision on application open minus -
6. Decision on application open minus -
7. Collect residence permit open minus
Application forms
Download the right application form. An accompanying form also belongs to each application form. Fill in both forms and send them by post.
Written application forms
The residence permit
Other things you need to know about the single permit:
Working with the single permit
The single permit (GGVA) consists of a residence permit and an additional document. The residence permit says ‘Work allowed in accordance with the additional document’ (in Dutch: Arbeid toegestaan conform aanvullend document. The additional document specifies for which client you are allowed to work. It also says under which conditions you are allowed to work. With the residence document and the additional document, you are allowed to live in the Netherlands and work for your client. Your client will receive a copy of the additional document.
Legal obligations
As a sponsor, your client has an obligation to provide information and an obligation to keep and retain records. And as a recognised sponsor also a duty of care. You as a service supplier only have an obligation to provide information.
Read more about the legal obligations of the (recognised) sponsor and the foreign national’s obligation to provide information.
The IND checks whether you meet your obligations. What if you do not? Then you can get an administrative fine.
Validity of your residence permit
Your single permit (GVVA) is valid for 1 year at most. You cannot extend this permit.
Type of residence permit
The residence permit is type I, temporary regular residence permit.
Other applications
Replace residence permit
Has your residence permit been damaged, lost or stolen? Then have the residence permit replaced. Visit the web page Residence permit damaged or change of personal details or Residence permit lost or stolen.