Pilot to complete last year of vocational training in the Netherlands
The residence permit for incoming mobility MBO4 is a pilot project. These requirements apply to you and your educational institution.
- You meet the general requirements that apply to everyone.
- You are 18 years or older.
- You are following a fulltime programme at vocational education level 4.
- You have obtained a score of at least 4.5 on a test of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Or you have been educated in English before.
- The educational institution is a member of the Code of Conduct for incoming mobility MBO4, and is included in the corresponding register.
- The educational institution is a sponsor recognised by the IND.
- The application for a residence permit comes under the criteria in Article 8.1 of the Code of Conduct Incoming Mobility MBO4 (only available in Dutch: Gedragscode Inkomende mobiliteit mbo-4).
Process and costs
These are the steps in the application process for the residence permit.
1. Check requirements open minus -
1. Check requirements open minus -
2. Collect documents open minus -
2. Collect documents open minus -
3. Apply open minus -
3. Apply open minus -
4. Pay for application open minus -
4. Pay for application open minus -
5. Wait for decision on application open minus -
5. Wait for decision on application open minus -
6. Decision on application open minus -
6. Decision on application open minus -
7. Make appointment for MVV visa sticker and travel to the Netherlands open minus -
7. Collect residence permit open minus -
8. Collect residence permit open minus
Application form
Written application forms
Written application forms
Notification form
Your educational institution must notify the IND of changes that have consequences for your residence permit. This also applies to changes that have consequences for recognition as a sponsor. The IND must be notified of a change within 4 weeks. Will the address change where the records of the educational institution are kept? In that case your educational institution must notify the IND within 2 weeks. Your educational institution must use this notification for study under the pilot 'incoming mobility MBO4' (only available in Dutch):
The residence permit
Other things you need to know about the residence permit:
Do you still have questions? Then contact Team Business Relationship Management (in Dutch: Team Zakelijk Relatiemanagement) via verkort@ind.nl.