Are you a student? Are you a student and looking for an internship or mentorship for your final project? We may be able to help you. You can find out more on this page. Research An outsider’s view is often valuable. That is why the IND is open to …
DISCS To help users assess the value of a document, the Document and Identity Office has developed DISCS (Document Information System for Civil Status). DISCS is a database containing images and descriptions of over 5000 different civil status documents …
The Document and Identity Office: training and courses The Document and Identity Office (Bureau Documenten) has examined the genuineness of thousands of documents over the years. Today, we are recognized experts in the field of civil status documents and …
What does the Document and Identity Office do? Foreign nationals from over 160 countries live in the Netherlands. If they apply for a residence permit or Dutch passport, or want to register with their municipal service, they must present certificates or …
VisualDOC The application VisualDOC was recently developed by the Document and Identity Office and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO. VisualDOC uses machine learning to help document experts examine documents and to focus …
Work for the IND From a refugee who is not safe in their own country to an engineer who is coming to the Netherlands to apply their knowledge in practice: as an IND staff member you help people faced with major events in their lives. See our vacancies …
Application process The IND offers all sorts of career opportunities for professionals with different backgrounds and ambitions. Working for the IND means working with talented colleagues in an environment where you will be given plenty of choices and …
Growing in your world job The IND is a large employer that offers you plenty of choices and opportunities to develop yourself. We think it is important that you have the opportunity to grow in your world job. Personal development – growing in your world …
Job with impact Each day, the IND works for people who come to the Netherlands from all over the world. We do this with attention for every application. From asylum seekers to family members. From highly skilled migrants to students. And we are there for …
IT specialist at the IND At the IND, you are not just an IT staff member. You are a specialist who works for the Netherlands as a whole. What is more: you work for the world. You do this by helping us with modern solutions and data-driven services. For …