To help users assess the value of a document, the Document and Identity Office has developed DISCS (Document Information System for Civil Status). DISCS is a database containing images and descriptions of over 5000 different civil status documents from all over the world. 

What are civil status documents?

Civil status documents include, for example, birth, marriage, and death certificates. Governments accept these documents as proof of a person’s (civil) status. Civil status documents are needed to register in the Personal Records Database (BRP), apply for residency, or obtain a passport, among other things. 

What does DISCS do?

DISCS describes the genuineness features of civil status documents at different levels: from first-line information for those who check documents to detailed (technical) information for document experts. 

DISCS as a tool against identity fraud

DISCS helps users assess the value of documents. This way, it helps combat identity fraud. DISCS shares alerts, notifications, falsifications and trends with users.

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DISCS users

In the context of the Netherlands, DISCS if for government agencies that work with civil status documents, such as local councils, the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, the Social Insurance Bank and Dutch embassies abroad. And of course, the staff of the Netherlands Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). Additionally, several international organisations, such as Frontex and Interpol, also use DISCS.


For questions or further information about DISCS, please click here
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