The Document and Identity Office: training and courses
The Document and Identity Office (Bureau Documenten) has examined the genuineness of thousands of documents over the years. Today, we are recognized experts in the field of civil status documents and are happy to share our knowledge and experience with other experts and government colleagues worldwide. To this end, we train government professionals and experts who want to expand their knowledge of civil status documents.
A varied selection
Our training helps professionals examine documents and substantiate outcomes. This applies to first, second, and third-line document examination. For example, a course of study on technical and tactical examination, or information about document and identity fraud. Is a tailored approach required? That is also possible. We assist beginners, lay experts and specialists.
Teaching materials from practice
The Document and Identity Office has developed its own teaching materials with examples from practice. This makes it more recognizable to participants. For example, they can conduct an examination using systems like DISCS. Our training sessions and courses of study focus primarily on the examination of civil status and travel documents, as well as the comparison of photographs.

What we offer
Here is a selection from our range:
1. Information
o How does the Document and Identity Office work?
o Tailored approach to topics such as country information, and examination methods and analysis.
2. Document Control Training (first line)
o Digital preparation with various technical and e-learning modules.
o Two-day examination of the genuineness features of security documents, mechanical and digital printing techniques, inks and
o Practical and theoretical exam.
3. In-depth Document Examination Training (continuation of first-line level)
o Keep your knowledge up to date in a digital recap programme and learn about the latest developments. On the practical day you
practice with false and falsified documents.
4. Recertification of source documents
o Did you do modules b1b or s3a via the Dutch Association for Civil Affairs (NVVB)? If so, enrol for a follow-up course and renew your
5. Document Examiner Course (traineeship)
o In six months, we will train you to become an independent examiner of (civil status) documents. In training sessions, e-learning,
assignments and practical exercises, you will learn how to examine documents technically and tactically.
6. Theme Day Document Examination second line (internal, annually)
o Keep your knowledge and skills up to date with trends and developments in the field of document fraud.
7. Document Expert Course (under development)
o Would you like to deepen your knowledge as a document examiner? And play a crucial role in the examination process? Learn how
to successfully support the process and reach objective results. This course teaches you to summarize, analyse and appear in court.
Cooperation with government agencies
The Document and Identity Office is a member of the training task force of the Netherlands Quality Circle for Documents and Payment Methods (KD&B). We work together with trainers of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, the Dutch Police and Customs, and the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW). And also: the Dutch Association for Civil Affairs (NVVB), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and foreign organizations such as the Northern Identity Network (NIN) and Frontex. The Document and Identity Office only provides training to government agencies.
Do you have questions about a training or a course of study? Please email us here.