Residence permit economically inactive long-term EU resident
Who can apply as an economically inactive long-term EU resident?
You are a long-term EU resident in another EU country. This means that you have a residence permit for a long-term EU resident in another EU country. This is a European permanent residence permit. You want to come and live in the Netherlands and you will not work here. You are economically inactive. You will also need a residence permit in the Netherlands.
These are the requirements for a residence permit for an economically inactive long-term EU resident.
- You meet the requirements that apply to everyone.
- You have a residence permit for long-term EU residents in another EU country.
- You meet the income requirements.
Process and costs
These are the steps in the application process for the residence permit.
1. Check requirements open minus -
1. Check requirements open minus -
2. Collect documents open minus -
2. Collect documents open minus -
3. Apply open minus -
4. Pay for application open minus -
3. Wait for decision on application open minus -
5. Wait for decision on application open minus -
4. Decision on application open minus -
6. Decision on application open minus -
7. Collect residence permit open minus
Application form
Written application forms
The residence permit
Find out what else you need to know about the residence permit.
Working with the residence permit
You are free to work in the Netherlands with the residence permit for economically inactive long-term EU residents. Your employer does not need a work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or TWV). The back of the residence document says in Dutch ‘Arbeid vrij toegestaan, TWV niet vereist’. (Free to work. Work permit not required.)
Legal obligations
You have an obligation to provide information. This means you must inform the IND of any changes in your situation. Find out more about your obligation to provide information.
The IND checks whether you meet your obligations. If you do not, you may get an administrative fine.
Validity of residence permit
The residence permit is valid for 5 years. After this period you can extend the residence permit. Or you can apply for a permanent residence permit.
Type of residence permit
The residence permit is type I, temporary regular residence permit.
Other applications
Replacement residence permit
Has the residence permit been damaged, lost or stolen? Then have the residence permit replaced. Visit the web page residence permit damaged or change details or residence permit lost or stolen.
Extension of residence permit
Will the residence permit expire soon? Then you can extend the residence permit.
Permanent residence permit
Have you had a residence permit for 5 years? Then you can apply for a permanent residence permit.