Apply for asylum in the Netherlands
You can obtain a residence permit if you meet one of the following requirements:
- You have well-founded reasons to fear of persecution in your country of origin because of your race, religion, nationality or political opinion, or because you belong to a certain social group. These reasons are explained in the Geneva Convention on Refugees.
- You have well-founded reasons to fear the death penalty or execution, torture or other inhumane or degrading treatment in your country of origin.
- You have well-founded reasons to fear that you will become a victim of random violence due to an armed conflict in your country of origin.
- Your husband or wife, partner, father, mother or minor child has recently obtained an asylum residence permit in the Netherlands.
If possible, bring important documents with you to the Netherlands. These are documents showing who you are and why you are applying for asylum.
Process and costs
Applying for asylum is free of charge. When applying for asylum, you follow the asylum procedure.
The residence permit
Collect the residence permit
You obtain the residence permit immediately after the decision if possible. Otherwise, you will receive a letter when the residence permit is ready at the IND desk. You can collect the residence permit by appointment only. Appointment to collect your residence document or original document.
At the IND desk you hand in the Foreign Nationals Identity Document (in Dutch: Vreemdelingen Identiteitsbewijs).
Working with the residence permit
You are free to work in the Netherlands. Your employer does not need a work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or TWV). The back of the residence permit says ‘Free to work. Work permit not required' (in Dutch: Arbeid vrij toegestaan. TWV niet vereist).
Legal obligations
You have an obligation to provide information. This means that you must inform the IND of changes in your situation. Find out more about your obligation to provide information.
The IND monitors whether you keep your obligation. If you do not, you may get an administrative fine.
Validity of the residence permit
The temporary asylum residence period is valid for 5 years.
Type of residence permit
The residence permit is type III, temporary asylum residence permit.
Other applications
Repeat asylum applications (HASA)
After rejection of your asylum application you can apply for asylum again. this is called a repeat asylum application (in Dutch: herhaalde asielaanvraag or HASA).
Replacement of the residence permit
Has the residence permit been damaged, lost or stolen? Make sure to replace your residence permit. Go to the page residence permit damaged or change of personal details or residence permit lost or stolen.
Extension of the residence permit
Will your residence permit expire soon? You can extend the residence permit.
Permanent residence permit
Have you had a temporary asylum residence permit for 5 years? You can then apply for a permanent asylum residence permit.
Intention to withdraw residence permit
The IND can withdraw your residence permit for a number of reasons. Withdrawal of a residence permit has major consequences.
Does the IND intend to withdraw your residence permit? Then you will receive a letter. Do you not agree with this intention of withdrawal? Then you can present your perspective in a viewpoint (letter). In this viewpoint, you state why your residence permit should not be withdrawn. You can ask a lawyer for help with writing this down. Send your letter to the IND within 6 weeks.
See also
- Asylum procedures in the Netherlands
- Information from VWN about applying for asylum in the Netherlands on
- Working during the asylum procedure (only available in Dutch)
- Living in the Netherlands
- Travelling with a residence permit and a return visa
- Family reunification with holders of asylum residence permits