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Residence permit for orientation year

Last update: 13 February 2025

If you want to look for work in the Netherlands after your graduation, doctorate or research, then you need a residence permit. Find out what the requirements are and how to apply for the residence permit.

Do you want to work as a start-up entrepreneur after your graduation? You may be able to apply for the residence permit Start-up.


These requirements apply to you:

  • You meet the general requirements that apply to everyone.
  • One of these situations applies to you:
    • You have conducted scientific research in the Netherlands in the 3 years before the date of application.  You had a residence permit in the Netherlands for research purposes according to Directive (EU) 2016/801 (in Dutch: onderzoek in de zin van richtlijn (EU) 2016/801), or for work as a highly skilled migrant. Your contract or appointment letter states a job name and job code from the University Job Classification System (UFO). You only are seen as a scientific researcher when the job code starts with 01.
    • You obtained a master’s degree in the 3 years before the date of application in the context of an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course.
    • You completed one of the following study programmes in the 3 years before the date of application:
      • An accredited bachelor’s or master’s degree programme at a Dutch higher education institution.
      • A post-master's programme in the Netherlands for at least one academic year (at least 10 months).
      • A study programme in the Netherlands in the context of the Cultural Policy (Special-Purpose Funding) Act.
      • A study programme in the Netherlands in the context of the development cooperation policy of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
      • A master’s degree programme, a doctoral programme or a post-master's programme at a designated foreign educational institution. In addition, you meet one of these requirements:
  • You did not have a residence permit for an orientation year after conducting this research. Or after completing this study programme or doctoral programme.

Second or following orientation year

Have you conducted different research projects? Or have you completed different study programmes or doctoral programmes? The IND can give a residence permit for an orientation year after each performed research project. Or after each completed study programme at a Dutch higher education institution, or a doctoral programme.

However, the new study programme or doctoral programme must have been completed after your previous orientation year. The new scientific research must also have been conducted after your previous orientation year. During the new research, you must have had a residence permit in the Netherlands for research purposes according to Directive (EU) 2016/801, or for work as a highly skilled migrant.

Different requirements may apply to Turkish citizens and their family members.

Designated foreign educational institution

This is an educational institution in the top 200 of the general rankings or rankings per faculty or academic subject of the following publishers:

Your foreign diploma must meet all following requirements:

  • Your educational institution is in the top 200 of the general rankings or the rankings by subject of at least 2 of the 3 publishers.
  • Your educational institution is in the top 200 of these rankings on the date of your graduation or promotion.
  • Is your educational institution in a ranking by subject? In that case that ranking must be about your study or research subject.

You can combine general rankings and rankings per subject, if the rankings are by different publishers.

Evaluation of foreign diplomas

All foreign diplomas have to be evaluated by Nuffic before they can be accepted. This credential evaluation shows the worth of a foreign degree in the Netherlands. Nuffic may also check whether your diploma is genuine. How to apply for a diploma evaluation and which documents you need for this, you will find on the website International credential evaluation.

A diploma from accredited higher education programmes in Flanders, Belgium does not have to be evaluated by Nuffic. The programma must however be registered in the Higher Education Register Flanders.

Process and costs

These are the steps in the application process for the residence permit:

Show details Hide details
  • 1. Check requirements open minus
  • 1. Check requirements open minus
  • 2. Collect documents open minus
  • 2. Collect documents open minus
  • 3. Apply open minus
  • 3. Apply open minus
  • 4. Pay for application open minus
  • 4. Pay for application open minus
  • 5. Wait for decision on application open minus
  • 5. Wait for decision on application open minus
  • 6. Decision on application open minus
  • 6. Decision on application open minus
  • 7. Make appointment for MVV visa sticker and travel to the Netherlands open minus
  • 7. Collect residence permit open minus
  • 8. Collect residence permit open minus

Application forms

You can only submit this application online if you meet all these requirements:
• You live in the Netherlands.
• You graduated, obtained your doctorate or conducted research in the Netherlands.
• You have a valid residence permit for that purpose.
• You are registered in the Personal Records Database (in Dutch: Basisregistratie Personen or BRP). This is the population register of the municipality
• You have a Citizen Service Number (in Dutch: burgerservicenummer or BSN).

You need DigiD with SMS verification and internet banking (iDEAL) for this.

Online application form orientation year highly educated

Written application forms

Can you not make the application online? Download the written form and send it by post.

Online application form orientation year highly educated

Written application forms

Can you not make the application online? Download the written form and send it by post.

The residence permit

Find out what else you need to know about the residence permit:

TB test

Did you indicate at the time of the application that you will take a TB (tuberculosis) test? Then make an appointment at the public health service (in Dutch: Gemeenschappelijke Gezondheidsdienst or GGD). Do this within 3 months of getting the residence permit. Take with you to the appointment:

Working with the residence permit

You may work freely in the Netherlands or do an internship. Your employer does not need a work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or TWV). You may also work freely as an independent entrepreneur, self-employed person or freelancer. On the back of the residence document, it says ‘Work freely permitted, TWV not required’.

Working during the application process

You are allowed to start working during your application process in the following situations: 

  • Your application included a copy of a Dutch diploma, certificate or a ‘statement on completion of study’. 
  • Your application included a copy of a foreign diploma or certificate. This diploma or certificate has been assessed by Nuffic. Diplomas from Flanders (Belgium) do not have to be assessed by Nuffic.
  • You have conducted scientific research over the past 3 years.

However, you need to have a Residence Endorsement sticker in your passport first. The Residence Endorsement sticker states, ‘Work freely permitted, TWV not required’ (in Dutch: Arbeid vrij toegestaan, TWV niet vereist). You can make an appointment with the IND to have a Residence Endorsement sticker placed in your passport. 

Legal obligations

You have an obligation to provide information. This means that you must notify the IND of changes in your situation. Read more about your obligation to provide information.

The IND checks whether you meet your obligations. If you do not, you may get an administrative fine

Validity of residence permit

The residence permit for the orientation year for highly educated persons is valid for 1 year. 

Type of residence permit

The residence permit is type I, temporary regular residence permit.

Other applications

Extension not possible

You cannot extend the residence permit for the orientation year for highly educated persons. 

Replacement of the residence permit

Has your residence permit been damaged, lost or stolen? Then have the residence permit replaced. Visit the web page residence permit damaged or change of personal details or residence permit lost or stolen.

Apply for a different residence permit

Did you find a job during your orientation year and you want to stay in the Netherlands? You can apply for a residence permit that allows you to work. For example, a residence permit as a highly skilled migrant, start-up or self-employed person.

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