Apply for recognition as sponsor
Video: How do I apply for recognition as a sponsor?
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Video title is visible in animation: How do I apply for recognition as a sponsor?
voice-over: You are a company, educational institution or organisation and you would like to bring someone to the Netherlands for work, research, study or exchange.
In most cases, you must be a recognised sponsor for this purpose. You can apply for recognition as a sponsor from the IND, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service.
You can do this in 7 steps. Step 1. Read the conditions on You can apply for recognition as a sponsor for four categories: work, research, study and exchange.
On you can read when recognition as a sponsor is mandatory and which conditions apply. Your company, educational institution or organisation
must be reliable. And financially healthy. Therefore, the IND will assess continuity and solvency. Registration with the Chamber of Commerce (in Dutch: KvK) is also mandatory.
In addition to the conditions, our website states the advantages and obligations of a recognised sponsor. Step 2. Collect all the necessary documents.
You need to send documents with the application. Which documents depends on your situation. Our website lists what is requested. Step 3. Fill in the application form.
You can download it from Please enclose all requested documents and send the complete application to the IND. Step 4. Pay for the application.
On you can find out how much an application for recognition costs. Once the IND has received your application, you will receive a letter advising how you can pay.
Step 5. Wait for the decision. Have you paid? Then the IND has 90 days to take a decision. This is called the decision period. This period can be extended. For example, because your application is incomplete.
Or in case additional research is needed. Step 6. The decision. The IND has taken a decision. Has your application been rejected, and do you disagree?
Then you can object against this decision. Is the decision positive? Then you are now a recognised sponsor. Step 7. Registration in the public register of recognised sponsors.
Have you become a recognised sponsor? Then your company, educational institution or organisation, will be included in the public register of recognised sponsors on
You will remain a recognised sponsor until you cancel the recognition, or until you no longer meet the conditions. Wish to apply for recognition as a sponsor? Visit
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Video title is visible in animation: How do I apply for recognition as a sponsor?
voice-over: You are a company, educational institution or organisation and you would like to bring someone to the Netherlands for work, research, study or exchange.
In most cases, you must be a recognised sponsor for this purpose. You can apply for recognition as a sponsor from the IND, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service.
You can do this in 7 steps. Step 1. Read the conditions on You can apply for recognition as a sponsor for four categories: work, research, study and exchange.
On you can read when recognition as a sponsor is mandatory and which conditions apply. Your company, educational institution or organisation
must be reliable. And financially healthy. Therefore, the IND will assess continuity and solvency. Registration with the Chamber of Commerce (in Dutch: KvK) is also mandatory.
In addition to the conditions, our website states the advantages and obligations of a recognised sponsor. Step 2. Collect all the necessary documents.
You need to send documents with the application. Which documents depends on your situation. Our website lists what is requested. Step 3. Fill in the application form.
You can download it from Please enclose all requested documents and send the complete application to the IND. Step 4. Pay for the application.
On you can find out how much an application for recognition costs. Once the IND has received your application, you will receive a letter advising how you can pay.
Step 5. Wait for the decision. Have you paid? Then the IND has 90 days to take a decision. This is called the decision period. This period can be extended. For example, because your application is incomplete.
Or in case additional research is needed. Step 6. The decision. The IND has taken a decision. Has your application been rejected, and do you disagree?
Then you can object against this decision. Is the decision positive? Then you are now a recognised sponsor. Step 7. Registration in the public register of recognised sponsors.
Have you become a recognised sponsor? Then your company, educational institution or organisation, will be included in the public register of recognised sponsors on
You will remain a recognised sponsor until you cancel the recognition, or until you no longer meet the conditions. Wish to apply for recognition as a sponsor? Visit
Categories of recognition as sponsor
You can apply for recognition as a sponsor for the following 4 categories.
- Study: applications for residence permits for the purpose of study.
- Exchange: applications for residence permits for the purpose of au pair and cultural exchange.
- Research: applications for residence permits for the purpose of research under Directive (EU) 2016/801.
- Work: applications for residence permits for the purpose of work as a highly-skilled migrant, work in paid employment, seasonal labour, gaining work experience, intra-corporate transfer or residence as the holder of a European Blue Card.
Do you want to become a recognised sponsor for more than one category? In that case you must apply separately for each recognition category.
Do you want to apply for recognition for each business unit or faculty? In that case you have to apply for recognition for each branch or business unit.
Recognition is sometimes mandatory
Recognition is mandatory if you want to apply for these residence purposes as a company, educational institution or organisation.
- Au pair
- Exchange
- Study
- Highly-skilled migrant
- Researchers under Directive (EU) 2016/801
An exception applies to highly-skilled migrants and researchers with Turkish nationality.
And recognition is not mandatory, but it is possible for these residence purposes.
- Regular work in paid employment
- Seasonal work
- Gaining work experience
- Intra-company transfer
- Holder of a European Blue Card
For these residence purposes, you can choose whether or not to have your organisation recognised as a sponsor.
Advantages of recognition as sponsor
Recognition as a sponsor has several advantages.
- The IND processes your applications faster. The IND tries to decide on an application within 2 weeks. In some cases the target period is 7 weeks, for example if a work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning) is needed.
- You need to enclose fewer supporting documents with the application.
- You can apply for residence permits online via the Business Portal.
- You are not obligated to submit a minimum or maximum number of applications per year.
Obligations as recognised sponsor
If you are recognised as a sponsor, then you will have several legal obligations. See the obligations of a sponsor and recognised sponsor.
There are general requirements for applying for recognition as a sponsor that apply to all categories. In addition, extra requirements also apply to the categories research, study and exchange.
General conditions in applying for recognition as a sponsor
The following conditions apply to your organisation:
- Your organisation is registered in the Commercial Register in the Netherlands (in Dutch: Handelsregister). This is not necessary if not required under the Commercial Register Act 2007 (Hrw 2007).
- The continuity and solvency of your organisation is sufficiently guaranteed.
- Your organisation is not insolvent or has not been granted suspension of payment.
- Your organisation, directors and officers and other natural persons and legal entities involved in your organisation are reliable.
- Your organisation complies with the Code of Conduct that applies to your organisation. Does your organisation carry out activities such as assigning personnel for payment? Then your organisation must be listed in the register of the Labour Standards Foundation (SNA). Has the registration of your organisation in the register of the SNA been terminated? But are you still engaged providing employees or payrolling. Then you must report the termination.
Additional requirements per category
Extra requirements to become a recognised sponsor apply to the categories research, study and exchange.
Process and costs
These are the steps in the application process for recognition.
Application form
Download the form. Fill in the form and send it by post.
Written application forms
See also
Rules and regulations
All rules and regulations are only in Dutch.
Reasons to deny recognition: Artikel 2e Vreemdelingenwet (Vw 2000)
Suspension and withdrawal recognition: Artikel 2f Vreemdelingenwet (Vw 2000)
Recognition as sponsor and application for recognition: Hoofdstuk 1, Afdeling 3 Vreemdelingenbesluit (Vb 2000)
Recognition as sponsor: Hoofdstuk 1, Afdeling 2 Voorschrift Vreemdelingen (VV 2000)
Application recognition and suspension: B1/2 Vreemdelingencirculaire (Vc 2000)