Becoming a Dutch national through naturalisation

Last update: 5 June 2024

You want to apply for Dutch nationality through naturalisation. Watch the video, read the requirements and how to apply for naturalisation.

Video: How can I become Dutch through naturalisation?

You apply for Dutch nationality with a request for naturalisation. You must submit your application for naturalisation to the municipality. First, watch the video below.

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Becoming a Dutch national by means of an option application

Sometimes you can also become a Dutch national in a faster and easier way. We call this option. Different requirements apply for option than for naturalisation. There are a number of advantages:

  • For an option application, you usually do not have to renounce your nationality. 
  • When applying for option, you do not have to demonstrate that you are sufficiently integrated in the Netherlands. 
  • The costs are lower than for naturalisation.

Check if you are eligible to apply for Dutch nationality by means of an option application.



The following requirements apply to naturalisation:

  • You must be 18 years or older.
  • You can prove your identity and nationality with valid documents.
  • You have lived in the Kingdom of the Netherlands for at least 5 consecutive years with a valid residence permit. You have always extended your residence permit on time. In some cases you can apply for naturalisation earlier. Find out about exceptions to the 5-year term.
  • At the time of your application for naturalisation, you have one of the following residence permits:
    • An asylum permanent residence permit or regular permanent residence permit.
    • A residence permit as a long-term EU resident.
    • A temporary residence permit with a non-temporary purpose of stay.
    • A resident permit as a family member of an EU national (including stay with minor Dutch child, ruling Chavez-Vilchez).
    • You have residence pursuant to EU law because you have the nationality of an EU or EEA country or Switzerland. You do not need to have a residence permit.
    • A residence document Article 50 TEU Withdrawal Agreement Brexit (in Dutch: Terugtrekkingsakkoord Brexit) for UK nationals and their family members.
  • On the date of the naturalisation ceremony, you have a valid residence permit or you still have a valid right of residence under EU law.
  • You have fulfilled the integration requirement. This means you must have passed the civic integration exam on at least language level A2. Sometimes you are exempted form the civic integration exam. For example, because you can already read, write, speak and understand Dutch to a sufficient level. For more information about the civic integration requirement, go to our webpage Civic integration for more secure residence permit and naturalisation.

  • You are not a danger to the public order or national security of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
  • You must renounce your current nationality. There are exemptions to this rule. Find out if you are required to renounce your nationality and what that means for you before you request naturalisation.
  • You must be willing to make the declaration of solidarity during the naturalisation ceremony. You hereby declare that you are aware that the laws of the Kingdom of the Netherlands also apply to you.
  • You must have your name determined if your name does not consist of a first name and a last name (surname). Your first name and surname will then be determined together with you.

Naturalisation abroad: no residence permit, but conditions are required

Are you applying from abroad? Then you do need a Dutch residence permit. You must meet the requirements that apply to a residence permit for a non-temporary purpose.

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  • Requirements children

    open minus

Process and costs

These are the steps in the application process for the residence permit.

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  • 1. Check requirements open minus
  • 1. Check requirements open minus
  • 2. Collect documents open minus
  • 3. Apply open minus
  • 4. Pay for application open minus
  • 5. Wait for decision on application open minus
  • 6. Decision on application open minus

After the positive decision

You have received a positive decision on your application. Find out what else you need to do before you become a Dutch citizen.

Signing of the Royal Decree Dutch Citizenship

According to the IND, you meet all requirements to become a Dutch citizen. The IND will forward this decision to the King of the Netherlands. The King needs to place his signature. By signing, the King gives official permission to grant you Dutch nationality. This is called a Royal Decree.

Obligatory participation in naturalisation ceremony

You will only become a Dutch citizen after you have gone to the required naturalisation ceremony. Do this within 1 year after you’ve received the positive decision. If you do not go, you will not get the Dutch nationality, and you will have to apply for naturalisation again.

Local councils (in Dutch: gemeenten) organise naturalisation ceremonies. The local council celebrates together with you that you have become a Dutch citizen. The naturalisation ceremony also pays special attention to the meaning of Dutch nationality.

Children aged 16 and over

Was your child aged 16 or older when the request for naturalisation was submitted? In that case your child must also attend the naturalisation ceremony. Is your child under 16 years old? In that case your child does not have to but may attend the ceremony.
Find out more information about the naturalisation ceremony on the Dutch Government website.

Declaration of Solidarity

During the ceremony you will make a Declaration of Solidarity. You declare that you know that the laws of the Kingdom of the Netherlands also apply to you. Afterwards you will receive proof that you have become a Dutch citizen: the naturalisation decision.
See the brochure Declaration of Solidarity on the Dutch Government website.

Apply for a Dutch Passport

Did you go to the naturalisation ceremony? And have you received the naturalisation decision? In that case you can apply to your local council for a Dutch passport.
If you have a foreign national’s or refugee’s passport you must hand it in when you collect your Dutch passport.

Renouncing your nationality

Have you become a Dutch citizen? And did you state at the time of the application that you will renounce your other nationality? You can often do this at the embassy or consulate of that country in the Netherlands. Find out more about renouncement of your other nationality.

Later naturalisation of a child

Did your child not naturalise together with you? After you have become a Dutch citizen yourself, you can also apply for naturalisation of your child. This is called subsequent naturalisation.

Requirements for later naturalisation of a child

Requirements for later naturalisation of a child born during your naturalisation process

Was your child born during your naturalisation process? In that case the application for your child will be free of charge. You must submit the application within 1 year after you have become a Dutch citizen yourself.

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