Intra EU mobility student (Directive (EU) 2016/801)
What is intra-EU Mobility for the purpose of studies?
Directive (EU) 2016/801 enables students from outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland to study in several EU countries. This is called intra-EU mobility. Students choose the EU country where they are going to study. Afterwards the student can follow part of the studies in one or more other EU countries. The student uses the study residence permit from the first country for this. They do not need a Dutch residence permit.
The Netherlands as first country for studies
Is the Netherlands the first country where you want to study? Then look for the application for the residence permit on the web page student residence permit for university or higher professional education.
These are the requirements that apply to intra-EU mobility for the purpose of studies:
- You have a valid residence purpose for the purpose of studies in a different EU country, other than Ireland and Denmark.
- You are following an educational programme in which you study in several countries. Or you are coming to the Netherlands under an agreement between 2 or more schools for higher education.
- You are going to study at a Dutch university of applied sciences or an academic university that is recognised by the IND as a sponsor. A recognised sponsor is listed in the Public Register Recognised Sponsors.
- You will stay for a maximum of 360 days to study in the Netherlands. Your residence permit for the purpose of study from the other EU country will be valid during your stay in the Netherlands.
- You have enough money. Find out more about the income requirement for students.
- There are no reasons to assume that you want to live in the Netherlands for a purpose other than studies.
- You do not pose a danger to public order or national security.
Process and costs
These are the steps in the process for intra-EU mobility for the purpose of studies.
Application forms
You or your educational institution must send a written notification. Your educational institution can also send a written or digital notification via Studielink.
Written application forms
Working during intra-EU mobility
You are allowed to work during intra-EU mobility under these rules.
- You are allowed to work for a maximum of 16 hours. Or full time in June, July and August. Your employer must have a work permit (in Dutch: tewerkstellingsvergunning or TWV) for you.
- You are also allowed to work as a self-employed person. Then you must continue to meet the requirements for intra-EU-mobility for the purpose of studies.
Duration of intra-EU mobility
You can study in the Netherlands for a maximum of 360 days. Your residence permit for the purpose of studies in the other EU country must be valid as long as you study in the Netherlands.
See also
- Living in the Netherlands
- Study at university or higher professional education​
- Recognition as sponsor
Rules and regulations
- Directive (EU) 2016/801
- Artikel 3.3 Aliens Decree (Vreemdelingenbesluit) 2000 (only available in Dutch)
- B6/2.6 Aliens Act Implementation Guidelines (Vreemdelingencirculaire 2000) (only available in Dutch)
Responsible organisation
Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst