Interpreting for the IND Become an interpreter for the IND Are you a motivated interpreter who wants to play an indispensable role in the smooth running of procedures at the IND? Then we are searching for you. Professional interpreters are essential to …
Asylum Trends Every month, the IND draws up a report on asylum applications in the Netherlands and Europe: the Asylum Trends (AT). In January 2025, the total asylum influx (the sum of first and repeated asylum applications and family reunifications) …
Statistics and publications Do you want to learn more about our work and our results? Then have a look at our statistics and publications. And those of other organisations in the migration system. Asylum Trends Here, you can find our monthly report about …
CELIA – Common European Language Indication and Analysis Please find our English flyer on Celia . For more information: please contact us at: Language analyses are used in the asylum procedure to investigate the origin claimed by asylum …
IND Social Advisory Council The Social Advisory Council (in Dutch: Maatschappelijke adviesraad or MAR) advises the IND about the immigration policy. This advise helps us to remain critical of our work. And it allows us to improve ourselves where necessary …
Economy Each year, the IND processes around 43,000 applications for residency from students and employees. This makes up a large proportion of our work. We make sure that these applications are processed smoothly and quickly. Working or studying in the …
Asylum Worldwide, around 100 million people are displaced. A small proportion of these people come to the Netherlands and apply to us for asylum. We assess whether these asylum seekers can receive protection. Protection for people who are entitled to it …
Annual Reports We publish our annual and tertiary figures every year. Interesting, if you are curious about our results and progress of the past year and those of previous years. IND Annual Report 2024 published In the Annual Report among other things …
Our organisation At the IND, we receive between 100,000 and 150,000 applications for residency every year. In addition, we process applications for naturalisation from people who have been living here so long that they feel Dutch and would like to apply …
EU subsidies at the IND: this is what we do with them On this page you will find a summary of several important projects at the IND. These projects are possible thanks to subsidies Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI), the Asylum, Migration and …