The Social Advisory Council (in Dutch: Maatschappelijke adviesraad or MAR) advises the IND about the immigration policy. This advise helps us to remain critical of our work. And it allows us to improve ourselves where necessary and possible. The MAR is not involved in individual files and therefore has no advice on this.
Mardjan Seighali (head) ‘I'am committes to equal opportunities for people and have interest in organizations that deal with the fate of individuals. migration themes have caught my attention. As director of the foundation for Refugee Students, the UAF, i focused on the talent of refugees. After the publication of my book "Until the Day' about my own refugee experience, i continued to stay in touch with the IND. I understand how challenging the work is in a complex, political environment. Having an eye and ear for the story of others and working together towards a more inclusive society is important to me. As MAR chair, i have a connecting role. That is where my strenght lies. In recognitiion of my connecting work, i reveived the Comenius Prize in 2019. I will do everthing in my power to make the MAR an indispensable advisory board that offers valuable insights and added value for the IND.’
Freek Landmeter ‘For my work for Médecins Sans Frontières I’ve been in Rwanda, among other places. I know that the IND has complex cases. Sometimes, their nuance is lost in the media. But I want to know: what is really going on. I think it’s important that the IND has public support. Besides, every week I’m at the side of the football pitch with an employee of the IND and one of the COA. We then have interesting conversations and must watch out that we don’t miss a goal.’
Heleen Dekker In the past I have worked for various types of government, regional, national and international. The scope of my work is wide, including the judiciary, administration and, for the last 20 years in management positions at various government departments. My background is in management and law. I am therefore committed to good governance and in particular to the protective and constructive role of the law. The IND is a very labour-intensive organisation. It specialises in the careful application of the law. A large workflow leads to decisions that often have a profound impact on the lives of individuals. Precision, an eye for detail, clear reasoning and quick decision-making are essential. But the IND is also attracting a lot of interest from society and politics. All in all, a considerable management challenge. With my expertise and experience in policy development and implementation issues in various fields, I hope to make a positive contribution, together with my colleagues in the MAR, to the tasks and ambitions of the IND through reflection and advice.
Uzoma Onwudiegwu At the consultancy RadarAdvies, I develop clear and comprehensive solutions to complex social issues in the field of diversity and inclusion, civic integration and migration. I know many people who are or have been personally affected by the Dutch immigration policy. Advising the IND on the implementation of immigration policy, whether requested or unsolicited, seems to me to be a meaningful challenge. These consultations will help the IND to keep a critical eye on its own work. And to improve that work, where necessary.
Annemarie Sweeris In the past I have worked for the peace organisation PAX and other social organisations focusing on peace and security, migration and social cohesion. There I realised the importance of finding shades of grey and looking for common interests. With an active career in education, I see how young people are trying to find their place in a world of widely differing opinions. I find it very important to really listen and ask further questions. Even when truths seem far apart. It is this attitude that I will bring as a member of the MAR. The IND stands for complex issues that I believe also require nuance and cooperation. As a member of the MAR, I want to build a bridge between the IND and the people in my region in the east of the Netherlands. Because the work of the IND affects us all.