Interpreting for the IND

Become an interpreter for the IND

Are you a motivated interpreter who wants to play an indispensable role in the smooth running of procedures at the IND? Then we are searching for you. Professional interpreters are essential to make sure the IND procedures run carefully and correctly. Below, read about the process to sign up as a interpreter for the IND. 

Registration and sign-up

To become an interpreter for the IND, you must be registered in the Dutch Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators (in Dutch: Register beëdigde tolken en vertalers or Rbtv). Are you an interpreter in one of the scarce languages (see list at the bottom of this page)? Then registration in the Rbtv is not mandatory. Interpreters must also be registered with intermediaries to be able to work for the IND. 

Sign-up through intermediaries

De IND works with three intermediary organisations that schedule interpreters. You can sign up by sending an email or by clicking the link:

•    Global Talk: Registration form for interpreters    
•    AVB: 
•    Acolad: 

Register with all intermediaries to be optimally employable for the IND. 

Registration with the IND

Have you already registered with an intermediary? Then sign up by sending an email to the Senior Advisor for Interpretation and Translation Affairs: Attach the following documents:
•    A completely filled in (only in Dutch available)  intake form interpreters (IND)
•    An up-to-date CV (in Dutch)
•    An up-to-date passport photo

Introductory interview

After receiving your documents, you may be invited for an introductory interview. During the interview, IND-specific matters will be discussed. The Senior Advisor for Interpretation and Translation Affairs will assess your employability for our procedures.  

Declaration of suitability 

When the introductory interview is concluded positively, you will receive a declaration of suitability (in Dutch: Inpaspaarheidsverklaring or IPV). This declaration confirms you are able to work as an interpreter within our procedures, and in which languages. 

Not registered with Dutch Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators (Rbtv)

Following the Interpreters and Translators Act (in Dutch: Wet Beëdigde Tolken en Vertalers or Wbtv), the IND must hire interpreters who are registered in the Rbtv. For scarce languages, for which few or no interpreters are available, the IND can also hire non-registered interpreters. At the moment, we are searching for interpreters in the following scarce languages: 

  • Balochi
  • Dendi
  • Zarma (Djerma)
  • Edo
  • Fon
  • Hausa
  • Maninka (Kankan)
  • Nuer
  • Saho
  • Shona
  • Yoruba
  • Wolof
  • Soninke

More information

Do you have any questions? Or do you want more information about interpreting for the IND? Then send an email to

Important documents

-    Intake form (pdf) (only in Dutch available)
-    Code of Conduct IND interpreters (pdf) (only in Dutch available)