117 results

Appendix Questionnaire brother or sister in case of family reunification and 8 ECHR

Separate appendix (pdf) 7677

Application for an EU residence document for residence as a (half) brother or (half) sister of a minor Dutch child

Written application form 6552

Application for renewal of an EU residence document as caring parent of a minor Dutch child

Written application form 6551

Appendix Proof of income

Separate appendix (pdf) 7611

Appendix Declaration on income of self-employed person

Separate appendix (pdf) 7612

Application for a ‘Residence document Withdrawal

Written application form 6530

Exchange Programme

Brochure or fact sheet (pdf) 3015

Aanvraag voor een 'machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf - op grond van het Haags Kinderbeschermingsverdrag'

Written application form 7055

Recognition as sponsor

Brochure or fact sheet (pdf) 3084

Enabling a family-member or relative to come to the Netherlands

Brochure or fact sheet (pdf) 3085