112 results

Application for admission and residence for an orientation year as a highly educated migrant seeking employment

Written application form 9571

Appendix ‘Statement of financial support’ (company)

Separate appendix (pdf) 7674

Vragenlijst (1) Visumaanvraag

Other form 4031

Request to lift a pronouncement of undesirability or an entry ban

Other form 9504

Application for the purpose of residence of ‘European blue card’ (foreign national)

Written application form 7515

Appendix Statement due to European sanctions against Russia and Belarus

Separate appendix (pdf) 7675

Application for family members of the holder of the EU Blue Card (recognised sponsor/non-recognised sponsor

Written application form 7573

Application for a Statelessness Document (S-document)

Written application form 6508

Request for registration of actual departure

Other form 9505

Appendix Proof of income

Separate appendix (pdf) 7611