9 results

Application for extension residence permit for study at secondary school or vocational education (393) (foreign national)

Written application form 7534

Online application form extension temporary asylum permit or application for a permanent asylum permit

Application for extension of a temporary asylum permit or application for a permanent asylum permit. You have a temporary asylum permit (type III). You want to extend your permit. Or you want to apply for a permanent asylum permit (type IV).  Do you want to apply for an EU-long term resident permit (type V)? Please use the written application form.
Online application

Online application form renewal

Application to renew (extend) your permanent residence permit. With this application form you can renew your residence document regular permanent residence (type II), asylum permanent residence (type IV), EU-long term resident (type V) or permanent residence (type EU/EER) when the document is no longer valid.
Online application

Aanvraag EU verblijfsvergunning voor langdurig ingezetenen of een verblijfsvergunning regulier voor onbepaalde tijd

Written application form 6009

Aanvraag verlenging verblijfsvergunning asiel bepaalde tijd; of Verblijfsvergunning asiel onbepaalde tijd; of EU-verblijfsverguning voor langdurig ingezetenen

Written application form 6011

Application for the purpose of residence 'study' (recognised sponsor) Higher education

Written application form 7504

Application residence permit for study at secondary education or vocational education (MBO) (393) (recognised sponsor)

Written application form 7505

Application for the purpose of residence 'study' (recognised sponsor) International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Written application form 7506

Application for the purpose of residence of 'paid employment' (recognised sponsor)

Written application form 7510