97 results

Online notification form for foreign national or sponsor

Something has changed in your situation or in the situation of your family member and this change may affect your right of residence. On the basis of the obigation to provide information you must report these changes to the IND within 4 weeks. You can submit the changes with this form.
Online application

Appendix Statement due to European sanctions against Russia and Belarus

Separate appendix (pdf) 7675

Authorisation Objection Visa Decision

Other form 4534

Appendix Proof of income

Separate appendix (pdf) 7611

Appendix Declaration on income of self-employed person

Separate appendix (pdf) 7612

Registration for citizens of the Union

Written application form 6021

Application for a ‘Residence document Withdrawal

Written application form 6530

Bewijs Garantstelling en/of particuliere logiesverstrekking

Other form 1310

Residence permit for work as a highly skilled migrant

Brochure or fact sheet (pdf) 3072

Recognition as sponsor

Brochure or fact sheet (pdf) 3084