Council of ministers approves asylum laws, IND fears becoming overburdened
On Friday 7 March, the council of ministers approved Minister Faber’s asylum laws. The IND supports the plans, but also warns…
In October, the European Temporary Protection Directive was extended by a year, until 4 March 2024. This only applies to Ukrainians and third-country nationals with a permanent residence permit or asylum residence permit in Ukraine. The extension does not apply to third-country nationals with a temporary residence permit in Ukraine. The IND will send everyone a letter about the consequences of this before 4 March 2023.
The Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) gives the right to reception, medical care and education for minor children in the Netherlands. It also allows people to work.
By far, most refugees who fall under the TPD are Ukrainians. They will be given protection in the Netherlands until 4 March 2024 as a result of the extension. The IND will extend their proof of residency (sticker or O-document card) in a letter until the temporary protection ends. Because this is done in a letter, people do not have to come to an IND desk again. The IND will send the letters before 4 March 2023 to the addresses on which people are registered in the Personal Records Database (in Dutch: Basisregistratie Personen or BRP). Together with the sticker or O-document that has already been issued, this letter is the evidence that someone has protection in the Netherlands.
Around 1920 third-country nationals who currently fall under the TPD retain the right to protection after 4 March 2023. For example because they have a permanent residence status in Ukraine or are family members of Ukrainians. This group will also receive a letter before 4 March 2023. It says that they can pick up a (new) O-document, which is valid until 4 March 2024.
Does someone have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine? For example for work or study? To this group of third-country nationals applies that the temporary protection of the TPD ends after 4 March 2023. The IND will also send these people a letter before 4 March, saying that the temporary protection will end on 4 March. So what does this mean for them?
Letters intended for Ukrainians have been sent to third-country nationals by mistake. Because of this, they can wrongly assume that the extension of temporary protection also applies to them. The IND regrets that this has happened because it leads to unnecessary confusion. All third-country nationals who have received the letter will soon receive an apology from the IND. It concerns around 400 people.
More information about Temporary Protection Directive Ukraine is available on