Frequently asked questions

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  • How long may I stay outside the Netherlands with my valid residence permit?

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  • I need a payment reference, but I lost the letter. What should I do?

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  • Can I make an arrangement to pay the fees in installments?

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  • Can I live and work in the Netherlands if I have a residence permit in another EU country?

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  • Can I pay the fees by bank transfer from a foreign bank to the IND?

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  • What do I have to do as an employee if I go to work for a different employer?

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  • Can I submit an online application for an extension for my minor child?

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  • I want to upload more files than is allowed. Is this possible?

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  • Why can I not upload a photo card?

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  • I have paid but I get the message ‘submission unsuccessful’. What should I do?

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