Temporarily no decisions on asylum applications Ukrainians
Consequences of the decision and departure moratorium
Are you from Ukraine and have you applied for asylum? And are you not covered by the Temporary Protection Directive? Then the decision and departure moratorium may apply to you.
Decision moratorium
A decision moratorium applied from 28 February 2022 to 28 November 2023. This gave the IND more time to decide on Ukrainian asylum applications. Does this apply to your asylum application? The IND has then extended the decision period for your application by 21 months.
Departure moratorium
A departure moratorium applied from 28 February 2022 to 28 February 2023. This meant that you were not obliged to return to Ukraine after a negative decision.
Decision and departure moratorium has not been extended
The decision and departure moratorium has not been extended. What exactly this means for these asylum applications has yet to become clear. However, the IND still sees Ukraine as an unsafe country of origin. Therefore, Ukrainians who have received a negative decision do not have to return.