My IND My IND is an online service from the IND. In My IND you can log in to see your personal details and the status of your application. Log in To use My IND you have to log in using DigiD . DigiD is explained in different languages (Dutch, English, …
Accessibility The website must be accessible to everyone. That means easy to use and understand. This includes visitors who have difficulty reading, who do not see well, or have another disability. On this page you can find out the requirements …
Cookies When you visit, cookies can be placed on your computer. This page explains what cookies are and why we use them. What is a cookie? A cookie is a small text file. This text file is saved on your computer, tablet or smartphone the first time …
Recording the audio of conversations with IND You have the right to make audio recordings of your conversation with an IND staff member. This is only allowed for your own use. Find out which conversations you can record, what the rules are and how to …
Frequently asked questions On this page, you will find over 50 questions. Click on one of the topics to find your question quickly. … Frequently asked …
Privacy The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) assesses all residence permit applications from the people who want to live, work or study in the Netherlands. The IND also assesses applications from the people who want to become Dutch. For this …
Call the IND Our telephone number Our telephone number is 088 043 04 30 . The standard rates apply. From abroad you call +31 88 043 04 30 . Opening hours You can call us from Monday until Friday between 9.00 and 17.00. Keep V number or case number …
Contact form Do you have a general question or comment? Use our contact form on this page. You can ask your question in Dutch or English. Only general questions Our answer will not include any information from your IND file. Do you have questions about …
Foreign nationals documents The identity and nationality of a person is stated on a foreign nationals document. The document also shows if a person is lawfully staying in the Netherlands. Find out what types of foreign nationals documents there are, what …
Submit a Woo request By way of a WOO request you ask the IND to disclose certain information. WOO is the Dutch abbreviation of the Open Government Act (in Dutch: Wet open overheid or WOO). Find out what the WOO is and how you can submit a WOO request. …