92 results

Online application for frontier workers WA (Brexit)

ou can use this form to apply for the document 'art. 50 Withdrawal Agreement: frontier worker'. With this document you can show that you have access to the Netherlands as a frontier worker and you can continue your current activities.
Online application

Application for a EU residence document for staying with a minor Dutch child

Written application form 6550

Application for suspension of departure under Section 64 of the Aliens Act

Written application form 7541

Application for the purpose of residence 'Start-up' working on a self-employed basis (foreign national)

Written application form 7558

Application for the purpose of stay 'Intra Corporate Transfer' (Directive 2014/66/EU) (recognised sponsor)

Written application form 7560

Application for the purpose of stay 'Intra Corporate Transfer' (Directive 2014/66/EU) (sponsor)

Written application form 7561

Application for the purpose of stay ‘Intra Corporate Transfer/Mobile ICT’ (Directive 2014/66/EU) (recognised sponsor)

Written application form 7563

Application for the purpose of stay ‘Intra Corporate Transfer/Mobile ICT’ (Directive 2014/66/EU) (sponsor)

Written application form 7564

Application for the purpose of residence of 'employment as essential start-up personnel' (sponsor) - PILOT

Written application form 7570

Application for the purpose of residence of 'employment as essential start-up personnel' (foreign national) - PILOT

Written application form 7571