18 results

Application for admission and residence 'to stay with a family member’ (foreign national)

Written application form 9511

Application for admission and residence 'to stay with a family member (specific situations)’ (foreign national)

Written application form 9512

Application for family members of the holder of the EU Blue Card (recognised sponsor/non-recognised sponsor

Written application form 7573

Online notification form for foreign national or sponsor

Something has changed in your situation or in the situation of your family member and this change may affect your right of residence. On the basis of the obigation to provide information you must report these changes to the IND within 4 weeks. You can submit the changes with this form.
Online application

Request to lift a pronouncement of undesirability, an entry ban or a decision to alert

Other form 9504

Vragenlijst (1) Visumaanvraag

Other form 4031

Aanvraag verlenging verblijfsvergunning asiel bepaalde tijd; of Verblijfsvergunning asiel onbepaalde tijd; of EU-verblijfsverguning voor langdurig ingezetenen

Written application form 6011

Application for family members of your employee via recognised sponsor

Written application form 7514