20 results

Online notification form for foreign national or sponsor

Something has changed in your situation or in the situation of your family member and this change may affect your right of residence. On the basis of the obigation to provide information you must report these changes to the IND within 4 weeks. You can submit the changes with this form.
Online application

Online Request for documents or information

You would like to receive documents from your IND file. Or you want information about your personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can ask for documents or personal data online.
Online application

Vragenlijst (1) Visumaanvraag

Other form 4031

Aanvraag voor een gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid (GVVA) (erkend referent)

Written application form 7042

Aanvraag voor het verblijfsdoel ‘studie’ op grond van de pilot

Written application form 7062

Aanvraag voor een 'machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf - op grond van het Haags Kinderbeschermingsverdrag'

Written application form 7055

Application for the purpose of residence of 'paid employment' (recognised sponsor)

Written application form 7510

Application for the purpose of residence 'European blue card' (recognised sponsor)

Written application form 7513

Application for a residence permit for a 'long-term third country national from outside the EU' (sponsor)

Written application form 7519

Application for a ‘Regular Provisional Residence Permit - persons making a journey in connection with family reunification with an asylum seeker’ (647)

Written application form 7521