42 results

Aanvraag verlenging gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid (GVVA) (vreemdeling)

Written application form 7048

Aanvraag voor een 'machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf - op grond van het Haags Kinderbeschermingsverdrag'

Written application form 7055

Aanvraag verlenging verblijfsvergunning voor het verblijfsdoel 'arbeid in loondienst - Aziatische horeca' (referent) GVVA

Written application form 7057

Kennisgeving inkomende mobiliteit onderzoeker en gezinsleden (vreemdeling)

Written application form 7069

Application for an EU residence document for residence as a (half) brother or (half) sister of a minor Dutch child

Written application form 6552

Provisional Residence Permit – Family Reunification Asylum Art. 8 ECHR’ (516/517)

Written application form 6514

Application for renewal of an EU residence document as caring parent of a minor Dutch child

Written application form 6551

Application for the purpose of residence 'performing international activities on Dutch territory without an employer established in the Netherlands'

With this form, you apply for a Dutch residence permit for the purpose of performing international activities in the Netherlands. Your employer is not established in the Netherlands.
Written application form 6516

Registration for citizens of the Union

Written application form 6021

Aanvraag voor een gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid (GVVA) (referent)

Written application form 7044