17 results

Online application form loss

Application because you have lost your permit or it has been stolen.
Online application

Online application form replacement

Application because your residence permit is damaged or contains wrong information.
Online application

Application for admission and residence for working purposes (foreign national)

Written application form 9532

Online application for frontier workers WA (Brexit)

ou can use this form to apply for the document 'art. 50 Withdrawal Agreement: frontier worker'. With this document you can show that you have access to the Netherlands as a frontier worker and you can continue your current activities.
Online application

Application for the purpose of residence of 'employment as essential start-up personnel' (foreign national) - PILOT

Written application form 7571

Application for extension of residence permit for work-related purposes of residence (foreign national)

Written application form 7535

Application for a Statelessness Document (S-document)

Written application form 6508

Application for the purpose of residence 'performing international activities on Dutch territory without an employer established in the Netherlands'

With this form, you apply for a Dutch residence permit for the purpose of performing international activities in the Netherlands. Your employer is not established in the Netherlands.
Written application form 6516

Online Request for documents or information

You would like to receive documents from your IND file. Or you want information about your personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can ask for documents or personal data online.
Online application

Application for the purpose of residence of ‘European blue card’ (foreign national)

Written application form 7515