43 results

Application for the purpose of residence of 'medical treatment' (foreign national)

Written application form 7540

Application for suspension of departure under Section 64 of the Aliens Act

Written application form 7541

Application for the purpose of stay 'Intra Corporate Transfer' (Directive 2014/66/EU) (recognised sponsor)

Written application form 7560

Application for the purpose of stay 'Intra Corporate Transfer' (Directive 2014/66/EU) (sponsor)

Written application form 7561

Application for the purpose of stay ‘Intra Corporate Transfer/Mobile ICT’ (Directive 2014/66/EU) (recognised sponsor)

Written application form 7563

Application for the purpose of stay ‘Intra Corporate Transfer/Mobile ICT’ (Directive 2014/66/EU) (sponsor)

Written application form 7564

Online application form loss

Application because you have lost your permit or it has been stolen.
Online application

Online application form replacement

Application because your residence permit is damaged or contains wrong information.
Online application

Visa object

  You want to object to the decision on a visa application.
Online application

Online notification form for foreign national or sponsor

Something has changed in your situation or in the situation of your family member and this change may affect your right of residence. On the basis of the obigation to provide information you must report these changes to the IND within 4 weeks. You can submit the changes with this form.
Online application