91 results

Online Request for documents or information

You would like to receive documents from your IND file. Or you want information about your personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can ask for documents or personal data online.
Online application

Request to lift a pronouncement of undesirability or an entry ban

Other form 9504

Appendix Proof of income

Separate appendix (pdf) 7611

Appendix Declaration on income of self-employed person

Separate appendix (pdf) 7612

Bijlage Machtiging onderwijsinstelling inkomende mobiliteit studie

Separate appendix (pdf) 7158

Bijlage Vacaturevoorziening (Aziatische) horeca

Separate appendix (pdf) 7172

Application for recognition as sponsor

Written application form 7501

Coming to work in the Netherlands

Brochure or fact sheet (pdf) 3086

Enabling an employee to come to the Netherlands

Brochure or fact sheet (pdf) 3089

A residence permit on the basis of an international treaty between the European Union and Turkey

Brochure or fact sheet (pdf) 3090