67 results

Application for the purpose of residence of 'medical treatment' (foreign national)

Written application form 7540

Application for the purpose of residence 'Start-up' working on a self-employed basis (foreign national)

Written application form 7558

Application for the purpose of residence of 'employment as essential start-up personnel' (sponsor) - PILOT

Written application form 7570

Application for the purpose of residence of 'employment as essential start-up personnel' (foreign national) - PILOT

Written application form 7571

Authorization request for documents or information

Written application form 7655

Online application form orientation year highly educated

Application to look for a job after study, promotion or scientific research in the Netherlands. You can only use this online application form when you live in the Netherlands with a valid residence permit.
Online application

Online application form Working Holiday

Application for a Working Holiday Programme or Working Holiday Scheme. You can only use this online application form when you have the nationality of Australia, Canada or New-Zealand. You do not need DigiD for this application. Do you have the nationality of Argentina, Hong Kong or South Korea? Please go to the Dutch embassy in your country to apply.
Online application

Online application form Continued residence after a stay as a family member

Application for a residence permit humanitarian non-temporary after stay as a family member. Do you have a residence permit as a family member of a holder of a European blue card? Then you cannot use the online application form. Please use the written application form humanitarian non-temporary.
Online application

Online application form application regular permanent residence or EU-long term resident

Application for a permanent residence permit or an EU-long term resident permit. You have a regular temporary residence permit (type I). You want to apply for a permanent residence permit (type II) or an EU-long term resident permit (type V).
Online application

Online application form extension temporary asylum permit or application for a permanent asylum permit

Application for extension of a temporary asylum permit or application for a permanent asylum permit. You have a temporary asylum permit (type III). You want to extend your permit. Or you want to apply for a permanent asylum permit (type IV).  Do you want to apply for an EU-long term resident permit (type V)? Please use the written application form.
Online application