IND annual report 2024: more penalties because of more legal proceedings
Once again, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) got more work done in 2024 than in the year before. More…
In October 2022 the total asylum influx (the total of first and repeat asylum applications and persons journeying in connection with family reunification) was 4,697. This was a decrease compared to last month: in September that was 5,373. With this the total asylum influx this year adds up to 39,311, which is higher than the total in entire 2021 (36,620).
The number of first asylum seekers in October was 3,912. In September that was 4,319. The total number of first asylum applications in 2022 to date is 28,030.
The top 5 countries of origin of asylum seekers who submitted their first asylum application in October are: Syria (1,736), Turkey (301), Yemen (285), Eritrea (151) and Somalia (134).
Russian invasion of Ukraine
In October the number of asylum applications by people from the Russian Federation was 89. This is an increase compared to previous months and was not as high earlier this year. This puts the Russian Federation in tenth place this month on the list of countries of origin of asylum seekers. Up to now 455 asylum seekers from the Russian Federation submitted first asylum applications. It remains to be seen in the time to come whether the partial mobilisation announced in Russia will result in asylum applications in the Netherlands in the longer term.
Unaccompanied minor foreign nationals (UMFN)
The number of asylum applications submitted by unaccompanied minor foreign nationals (UMFN) in October was 595. In September there were 651. Most of them (351) came from Syria.
The total number of UMFN who submitted asylum applications to date is 3,483.
Effort to clear the backlog of identification & registration
An application is counted in the figures only after the first asylum application is signed during identification and registration by the Aliens Police (AVIM). Since 15 Augustus 2022, a catch-up effort has been made to eliminate the backlog of the identification and registration of asylum seekers. This catch-up effort has influence on the monthly figures of first asylum applications.
The number of repeat asylum applications in October was 126. In September there were 90.
The number of incoming persons journeying in connection with family reunification in October was 659. In September there were 964. The total number of incoming persons journeying in connection with family reunification to date is 10,033. That is almost the same as the total in entire 2021 (10,120).