Leaving the Netherlands
Leaving the Netherlands voluntarily
You are leaving the Netherlands voluntarily. For example because you are returning to your country of origin. You do not have to end your residence permit. But there are some things you need to take care of before you leave the Netherlands.
Inform your local council
Do this at the Civil Affairs Department (in Dutch: afdeling Burgerzaken) of the local council in your area. Your local council (municipality) will deregister you from the personal records database (in Dutch: Basisregistratie Personen or BRP). They will let the IND know you have deregistered.
Inform the IND of you departure
In certain situations, you must also inform the IND of your departure. You can do this yourself, or your sponsor (for example your partner or employer) can do this for you.
You must inform the IND of your departure in these situations:
- You did not inform your local council of your departure within 4 weeks after leaving the Netherlands.
- You have an asylum residence permit and are leaving the Netherlands voluntarily. Always use this declaration:
Do you have EU, EEA or Swiss nationality? Then you do not have to inform the IND of your departure.
Informing the IND of departure online
Do you want to inform the IND of your departure online? Then use the online notification form.
Are you a recognised sponsor? Then use the notification form in the Business Portal.
Informing the IND of departure in writing
Do you want to inform the IND of your departure in writing? Then use the relevant form relevant for the residence purpose of your residence permit:
Leave the Netherlands on time
On time means that you leave before your residence permit expires. What happens if you do not leave the Netherlands on time? Then the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (KMAR) can impose a return decision on you. You can also receive an entry ban.
Being obliged to leave the Netherlands
Are you in the Netherlands without a valid residence permit? Then you are illegal and the government can oblige you to leave the Netherlands. What happens if you do not leave the Netherlands yourself? Then the government can force you to leave.
Foreign nationals detention
Do you have to leave the Netherlands but do you not leave voluntarily? And is there a risk that you will not do so? Then you could be placed in foreign nationals detention. This is a way to keep someone available for departure from the Netherlands. It is not meant as a punishment. Find out more about foreign nationals detention.
You can be placed in a detention centre. You will stay there until you leave the Netherlands. Can you be removed in a short period? Then you can be placed in a deportation centre.
Appeal against foreign nationals detention
Do you disagree with the foreign nationals detention? Then you can appeal. Find out more about appealing against foreign nationals detention (in Dutch).
Return residence document (card) to the IND
The residence document or card is property of the Dutch government. Therefore, you must return it to us. You can return the pass by post to the IND. You can also hand it in at an IND desk.
Sending your card by post
Always invalidate the card before you send it back to the IND. You can do this by cutting a corner off the card. Or by making a hole in it. You can send the residence document to the IND in 2 ways:
- Send the card in an envelope to the following postal address:
IND Bureau Documenten
Postbus 49
9560 AA Ter Apel
Send the card along with the Reporting form for foreign nationals. The address is in the form:
Hand in your card at IND desk
You want to hand in the residence document in person at an IND desk. Always make an appointment first. You can do this by calling the IND. Take your card and the completed Reporting form for foreign nationals with you to the appointment.
Are you leaving the Netherlands with help from the International Organisation for Migration (IOM)? Then always hand in your card in person at an IND desk.
Assistance with leaving the Netherlands
You get help when you leave the Netherlands. It does not matter whether you leave voluntarily or are made to leave.
Getting assistance with passport or other travel document
You need a valid passport or other travel document to travel. What if you do not have such a document? Then apply for a new passport or travel document. You do this at the embassy or consulate of the country of your nationality.
Are you unable to get a travel document? The Repatriation and Departure Service (DTenV) can help you. DTenV will ask for a replacement travel document (laissez-passer) for you. Find out more about assistance from DTenV.
Organisations that provide help for departure
The following organisations can help you when you want to leave the Netherlands:
See also