File increase asylum applications
The IND is urgently looking for new colleagues who can help in the interview and decision process. We are improving work processes where necessary. Every effort is being made to prevent asylum seekers from having to wait long for a decision. Unfortunately this cannot always be avoided.
Read more about the asylum procedure and waiting times
Latest news on this topic
- Over 20 thousand asylum applications in first half year; peak expected in autumn (13 July 2023)
- IND also given more time for asylum applications in 2023 (7 February 2023)
- Number of asylum applications also increasing in 2023 (4 November 2022)
- Maximum decision period for asylum applications from 6 to 15 months (28 September 2022)
- Open Reception Centre Day Saturday 24 September (21 September 2022)
- Extra application centre in Bant (Flevoland) | IND (6 July 2022)
- More people, resources and time needed for IND (3 May 2022)
- Appeal against incremental penalty judgments (2 May 2022)
- Measures to shorten the waiting time for family reunification (19 April 2022)
- IND Annual Figures 2021: Despite corona a busy year for IND | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) (17 January 2022)
- Pilot for application dependents relieves Ter Apel | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) (21 December 2021)
- Pressure on the asylum process due to a higher influx | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) (15 December 2021)
- Residence permit for well over 2,000 Afghan evacuees | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) (14 December 2021)
- IND speaks about asylum influx in technical briefing in House of Representatives | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) (19 November 2021)
- Unaccompanied minors
- Family reunification
- Sexual orientation and gender identity as a reason for asylum
- Conversion or no longer following a religion as a reason for asylum
- Carla: My work is a grey area in which I have to take black-and-white decisions
- ‘Asylum belongs to us all’ – interview with Alvin (tactisch manager Ter Apel)
Available data
- Asylum influx per month and nationality (asylum trends)
- Asylum influx per week
- Asylum decisions per nationality (see tab data sources)
- Timely processing workload first asylum applications
- Processing times asylum: how long will my procedure take?
- Medical examination in the asylum process
- Penalties and the IND
- Information about asylum policy on
- Parliamentary papers on asylum policy (only available in Dutch)
Contact details spokesperson
Britt Enthoven
Mobile: 06 29 67 44 40 (also in evenings and weekends)
Tom van Essenberg
Mobiel: 06 23 30 76 98 (also in evenings and weekends)