Reporting undesirable behaviour (integrity report)

We expect our employees to be independent, professional and to handle their work with care. This means they stick to their agreements and treat our applicants with respect. And that they comply with the laws, rules and behavioural norms.  We call this acting with integrity. Do you suspect that an IND employee is acting without integrity? Or have you experienced undesirable behaviour? Please let us know.

Examples of acting without integrity or undesirable behaviour

  • An employee has checked certain databases when this was unnecessary or not allowed.
  • An employee has given information to persons that were not entitled to this information.
  • An employee commits fraud. For example by approving an application while the employee knows it was not possible to do so.
  • An employee steals, wastes or misuses property of the IND.
  • An employee has other positions, connections or activities that do not fit with their work for the IND.
  • An employee displays undesirable behaviour. For example: aggression, violence, discrimination, (sexual) intimidation, bullying, stalking.

Filing an integrity report

You file an integrity report to the Integrity Office of the IND. You can do this by email or by post. In your report, please state the following information:

  • Name and position of the employee.
  • A detailed description of the behaviour.
  • The time and place of the behaviour.
  • Add documents that support the behaviour.
  • Your address, email address and telephone number.

You will receive a notification after we have received your report. In the notification we will explain what the IND will do with your report.

Email address Integrity Office

Mail Integrity Office

Postal address Integrity Office

Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Attn. Integrity Office
Postbus 16275
2500 BG The Hague

Anonymous report

Would you prefer to not give your name, email address and telephone number? You may also make an anonymous report. However, without your personal details we are unable to ask you for more information. Therefore, provide us with as much information as possible about the employee and the employee's behaviour.

Report Crime Anonymous

Do you think an employee has committed a crime? You can anonymously contact Meld Misdaad Anoniem (Report a Crime Anonymously).

Meld Misdaad Anoniem is not a department of the IND. Therefore, we do not have any influence on reports to Meld Misdaad Anoniem.