Report fraud, abuse or confidential information

You want to report fraud or abuse. Or you want to pass on other, confidential information to us. Find out how and in which situations you can report this.

Fraud form

To report, you can use the online fraud form. You don't have to give your name (anonymous). Use the form anonymously if you are not reporting for a company or organisation.

Report fraud or abuse 

If you click the button, the online fraud form may not open immediately. In that case please click on 'Restart form'. 

Upload documents

You can upload multiple documents with your report. These attachments must be files in PDF or JPG format. 

Send notification by post

Is it not possible for you to use the online fraud form? Then send your report by post to the following address:

Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst
Attn. Handhavingsinformatieknooppunt (HIK)
Postbus 17
9560 AA Ter Apel

You will receive a letter (confirmation of receipt) with a reference number.

Report additional information

Did you report fraude or abuse? And would you like to add additional information? Then once again use the online fraud form. Under 'Subject', select 'Additional information for a previous report'. You will need the reference number of your previous report.

When to report to the IND

Examples of fraud and abuse

The following examples represent fraud, abuse or migration-related crime:

  • Having a sham marriage or sham relationship to obtain a residence permit.
  • Using false or falsified documents. For example, a false passport.
  • Finance fraud. For example, using a fake employment contract. Or abuse of the Personal Care Budget (PGB).
  • Labour exploitation, human trafficking or smuggling.

In the following situations, report fraud, abuse or confidential information to the IND:

  • about a person in the Netherlands
  • about a person who has yet to come to the Netherlands
  • about a company in the Netherlands
  • about a sponsor or a recognised sponsor in the Netherlands.

Is the person or company in another country? If so, contact the government of the country in question.

When to report to other organisations

Sometimes you do not have to report to the IND. In the following situations, you must report to another organisation:

Handling of your report

The IND will assess your report as soon as possible. Is your report clear enough? And is there cause for an investigation? Then the IND will investigate.

The outcome of the investigation

Does the investigation reveal abuse or fraud? Then the IND can take action. Such as revoking the residence permit. Or rejecting an application. Does the IND establish a criminal offence, such as fraud or the use of false of documents (falsification)? Then the IND will report this to the police.

The IND does not share information

You will not receive any information about the consequences of your report. The IND is not allowed to share this with you. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  demands it this way. The GDPR (in Dutch: AVG) is a law regulating privacy in the Netherlands.

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