17 results

Request to lift a pronouncement of undesirability or an entry ban

Other form 9504

Provisional Residence Permit – Family Reunification Asylum Art. 8 ECHR’ (516/517)

Written application form 6514

Appendix Questionnaire brother or sister in case of family reunification and 8 ECHR

Separate appendix (pdf) 7677

Application for a ‘Regular Provisional Residence Permit - persons making a journey in connection with family reunification with an asylum seeker’ (647)

Written application form 7521

Application for the purpose of residence of 'non-temporary humanitarian' (foreign national)

Written application form 7527

Application for a residence permit in connection with the Convention between the European Union and Turkey

Written application form 7531

Aanvraag verlenging verblijfsvergunning asiel bepaalde tijd; of Verblijfsvergunning asiel onbepaalde tijd; of EU-verblijfsverguning voor langdurig ingezetenen

Written application form 6011