71 results

Online application form permanent residence document WA

Application residence documents Withdrawal Agreement (WA/Brexit). This application is for United Kingdom (UK) nationals and their family members who come under the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. You have been living in the Netherlands with permission for 5 years or more in a row.
Online application

Online application form renewal

Application to renew (extend) your permanent residence permit. With this application form you can renew your residence document regular permanent residence (type II), asylum permanent residence (type IV), EU-long term resident (type V) or permanent residence (type EU/EER) when the document is no longer valid.
Online application

Online application form loss

Application because you have lost your permit or it has been stolen.
Online application

Online application form replacement

Application because your residence permit is damaged or contains wrong information.
Online application

Appendix Declaration of sufficient means of existence

Separate appendix (pdf) 7665

Appendix Declaration ‘More than normal emotional ties’

Separate appendix (pdf) 7666

Appendix Signature Upload

Separate appendix (pdf) 7667

Appendix Statement of financial support’ (private person)

Separate appendix (pdf) 7668

Appendix Authorisation submitting ‘Application for verification against EU Law family member of the EU-citizen’

Separate appendix (pdf) 7669

Appendix Questionnaire ‘Close personal ties’

Separate appendix (pdf) 7670