83 results

Application for a Permanent Residence Document for Nationals of the Union and their Family Members

Written application form 8004

Online application form Continued residence after a stay as a family member

Application for a residence permit humanitarian non-temporary after stay as a family member. Do you have a residence permit as a family member of a holder of a European blue card? Then you cannot use the online application form. Please use the written application form humanitarian non-temporary.
Online application

Online application form application regular permanent residence or EU-long term resident

Application for a permanent residence permit or an EU-long term resident permit. You have a regular temporary residence permit (type I). You want to apply for a permanent residence permit (type II) or an EU-long term resident permit (type V).
Online application

Online application form extension temporary asylum permit or application for a permanent asylum permit

Application for extension of a temporary asylum permit or application for a permanent asylum permit. You have a temporary asylum permit (type III). You want to extend your permit. Or you want to apply for a permanent asylum permit (type IV).  Do you want to apply for an EU-long term resident permit (type V)? Please use the written application form.
Online application

Online application form permanent residence EU (duurzaam verblijf)

Application permanent residence for EU/EEA or Swiss citizens and their family members. This online application is for EU/EEA or Swiss citizens and their family members that have been living in the Netherlands for 5 years.
Online application

Online application form permanent residence document WA

Application residence documents Withdrawal Agreement (WA/Brexit). This application is for United Kingdom (UK) nationals and their family members who come under the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. You have been living in the Netherlands with permission for 5 years or more in a row.
Online application

Appendix Antecedents Certificate

Separate appendix (pdf) 7601

Appendix Fingerprints, passport photo and signature

Separate appendix (pdf) 7602

Appendix Declaration of intent to undergo a TB test

Separate appendix (pdf) 7603

Appendix TB test referral form

Separate appendix (pdf) 7604