96 results

Application for admission and residence for a Working Holiday (Argentina, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Uruguay nationals)

Written application form 9561

Online application form orientation year highly educated

Application to look for a job after study, promotion or scientific research in the Netherlands. You can only use this online application form when you live in the Netherlands with a valid residence permit.
Online application

Online application form Working Holiday

Application for a Working Holiday Programme or Working Holiday Scheme. You can only use this online application form when you have the nationality of Australia, Canada or New-Zealand. You do not need DigiD for this application. Do you have the nationality of Argentina, Hong Kong or South Korea? Please go to the Dutch embassy in your country to apply.
Online application

Reporting form for exchange purposes

Reporting form 7591

Reporting form for study purposes (recognised sponsor)

Reporting form 7592

Appendix Antecedents Certificate

Separate appendix (pdf) 7601

Appendix Fingerprints, passport photo and signature

Separate appendix (pdf) 7602

Appendix Declaration of intent to undergo a TB test

Separate appendix (pdf) 7603

Appendix TB test referral form

Separate appendix (pdf) 7604

Appendix Exemption from the obligation to apply for a regular provisional residence permit and specific situations

Separate appendix (pdf) 7605