231 results

Application for admission and residence ‘to work on a self-employed basis’ (foreign national)

Written application form 9531

Application for admission and residence for working purposes (foreign national)

Written application form 9532

Application for admission and residence as a ‘start-up’ working on a self-employed basis

Written application form 9541

Application for admission and residence for a Working Holiday (Argentina, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Uruguay nationals)

Written application form 9561

Application for admission and residence for an orientation year as a highly educated migrant seeking employment

Written application form 9571

Online application form for a residence permit to stay with a spouse, registered or unmarried partner

Application to live with a partner: foreign national does not yet have a Dutch residence permit. Does the sponsor have a temporary residence permit? Then you cannot apply online. Please use the written application form to apply for a residence permit to stay with a partner.
Online application

Online application for verification against EU law

Is the sponsor a Dutch national? Then you cannot apply online. Please use the written form for Application for verification against EU law family member of the EU citizen.  
Online application

Online application form to change to a residence permit to stay with a spouse, registered or unmarried partner

Application to live with a partner: foreign national has a  Dutch residence permit, but wants to apply for a permit to stay with a spouse, registered or unmarried partner. Does the sponsor have a temporary residence permit? Then you cannot apply online. Please use the written application form to apply for a residence permit to stay with a partner.
Online application

Online application form child under 18

Application for a child under 18 to live with its parents.
Online application

Online application form child born in the Netherlands

Application for a child born in the Netherlands. Do you (the father or mother) have a residence permit as a victim of or witness reporting human trafficking? Then you cannot do the application online. Please use the written application form.
Online application