Public Register Regular Labour and Highly Skilled Migrants
Regular labour and highly skilled migrants
Organisatie | KvK-nummer |
""Aa-Dee"" Machinefabriek en Staalbouw Nederland B.V. | 16051874 |
""AAE"" Advanced Automated Equipment B.V. | 17037842 |
@EasePay B.V. | 83892869 |
@Fentures B.V. | 82701695 |
01-10 Architecten B.V. | 24257403 |
050media | 58806415 |
073 Meeting Company B.V. | 61829420 |
100 Grams B.V. | 69299544 |
10X Genomics B.V. | 68933223 |
12Build Sales B.V. | 63719444 |
180 Amsterdam BV | 34117849 |
2 Getthere B.V. | 63748924 |
2 Getthere Holding B.V. | 30225996 |
20Face B.V. | 69220085 |
21 Markets B.V. | 59575417 |
21SanSec B.V. | 85586617 |
247HAIR | 02076358 |
247TailorSteel B.V. | 09163645 | B.V. | 64312100 |
2525 Ventures B.V. | 63661438 |
2-B Energy Holding | 08156456 |
2Care4Kids Holding B.V. | 56027400 |
2M Engineering Limited | 17172882 |
360KAS B.V. | 66831148 |
361° Europe B.V. | 66674999 |
365Werk Contracting B.V. | 67524524 |
3BFAB B.V. | 86686623 |
3D Communications EU | 92219535 |
3D Hubs B.V. | 57883424 |
3Dimerce B.V. | 30168665 |
3DM-Engineering | 76027287 |
3DUniversum B.V. | 60891831 |
3esi Netherlands B.V. | 71974210 |
3M Nederland B.V. | 28020725 |
3P Project Services B.V. | 20132450 |
3S Money Club | 76166120 |
3SC Analytics B.V. | 72658622 |
3Webapps B.V. | 61834890 |
4 Minutes B.V. | 53921291 |
4DotNet B.V. | 04079637 |
4G Clinical B.V. | 65755774 |
4People Zuid B.V. | 50131907 |
4PS Beheer B.V. | 08087997 |
4PS Development B.V. | 55280404 |
4WEB EU B.V. | 59251778 |
510.Netherlands B.V. | 67094570 |
5BAR Assurance B.V. | 30244543 |
5CA B.V. | 30277579 |
7 Solutions B.V. | 24450204 |
72andSunny NL B.V. | 34257945 |
8 Lakes Shared Services B.V. | 67304311 |
83Design Inc. Europe Representative Office | 66864844 |
8vance Matching Technologies B.V. | 55679218 |
A Beautiful Story B.V. | 56453663 |
A Booth B.V. | 37082463 |
A New Hope B.V. | 83795790 |
A&S System Integrators B.V. | 52135403 |
A.A.B. International B.V. | 30148836 |
A.C.E. Ingenieurs en Adviesbureau, Werktuigbouw en Electrotechniek B.V. | 17071306 |
A.L. Hoogesteger Fresh Specialist B.V. | 34065005 |
A.M. Best (EU) Rating Services B.V. | 71592717 |
A.M.P.C. Associated Medical Project Consultants B.V. | 11023272 |
A.M.S. B.V. | 65813073 |
A.N.T. International B.V. | 06089432 |
A.R. Management & Consultancy B.V. | 69196915 |
A.S. Watson (Health & Beauty Continental Europe) B.V. | 31035585 |
A.T. Kearney B.V. | 33279525 |
A.Z. N.V. | 41238026 |
A10 Networks Ltd Netherlands | 50839500 |
A2B-Online B.V. | 08096714 |
A2G Consulting B.V. | 77210344 |
A2Z-CM N.V. | 63550547 |
A3BC B.V. | 13033679 |
AACSB International, Inc.- The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business | 61700967 |
AAEON Technology (Europe) B.V. | 17170435 |
AAK Netherlands B.V. | 35012547 |
Aako B.V. | 31009627 |
Aalberts hfc B.V. | 29010189 |
AAme Flex Solutions B.V. | 27338828 |
AAme Premium Solutions B.V. | 27238661 | B.V. | 64105954 |
Aannemersbedrijf Poolster B.V. | 27252390 |
AAR Aircraft Component Services International | 34036552 |
Aardevo B.V. | 27319349 |
Aarding Thermal Acoustics B.V. | 08070459 |
Aareon Nederland B.V. | 04026125 |
Aarini Consulting B.V. | 61189693 |
Aaron Management B.V. | 34258040 |
Aatop Personeelsintermediairs B.V. | 24305889 |
AB Dent B.V. | 71032258 |
AB Engineering & Consultancy B.V. | 92152600 |
AB Mauri Netherlands B.V. | 24133172 |
Ab Ovo Nederland B.V. | 28084550 |
AB Sciex Finance B.V. | 34220135 |
AB Vista Europe B.V. | 74202855 |
ABAB Accountants B.V. | 18028690 |
Abacus Medicine B.V. | 56400705 |
Abalioglu Holding B.V. | 24441621 |
Aban-S B.V. | 62623001 |
Abaque Holding B.V. | 14060944 |
ABB B.V. | 83315233 |
ABB E-mobility B.V. | 24000504 |
ABB Finance B.V. | 33232125 |
Abbott B.V. | 33179692 |
Abbott Biologicals B.V. | 32040276 |
Abbott Healthcare Products B.V. | 32039508 |
Abbott Laboratories B.V. | 05018369 |
Abbott Logistics B.V. | 05026851 |
Abbott Medical Nederland B.V. | 30142036 |
Abbott Vascular Netherlands B.V | 34191828 |
AbbVie B.V. | 54914094 |
AbbVie Central Finance B.V. | 69571627 |
AbbVie Finance B.V. | 59116218 |
AbbVie Logistics B.V. | 54910765 |
AbbVie Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 05075314 |
ABC Consultancy & Detachering B.V. | 32141275 |
ABC Expats Services B.V. | 61814393 |
ABC Holland B.V. | 27299210 |
ABC Holland Services B.V. | 54674689 |
Abel & Imray LLP | 84076291 |
ABEL Delft B.V. | 61371912 |
Aberdeen Property Investors The Netherlands B.V. | 33226980 |
ABiLiTieS | 65375319 |
ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance N.V. | 30099465 |
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. | 34334259 |
About Backoffice Services B.V. | 30181489 |
About Backoffice Services II B.V. | 76228398 |
ABQuant B.V. | 86719173 |
ABS Europe Ltd. | 24193191 |
Abstraction Games B.V. | 52564401 |
ABT B.V. | 09110804 |
ABT EUROPE B.V. | 68692269 |
ABZ Rotterdam Beheer B.V. | 24323015 |
AC Analytical Controls B.V. | 24197331 |
Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht | 14124959 |
Acaia B.V. | 70322201 |
Acal BFI Netherlands B.V. | 17204312 |
Accel Club B.V. | 84248750 |
A-ccelerator B.V. | 54377447 |
Accell Global B.V. | 69722536 |
Accent Pointe B.V. | 33298018 |
Accentia B.V. | 71160906 |
Accenture B.V. | 34156015 |
Accerio B.V. | 34279408 |
Access Business Group International B.V. | 12049514 |
Access Financial Services Sàrl | 30198546 |
Access Innovations B.V. | 20107818 |
Acciona Industrial NL B.V. | 86018108 |
Account 4 B.V. | 32093604 |
Accountantskantoor Van Stee B.V. | 65626826 |
Accres Select B.V. | 17257625 |
Accrès Tandartsenpraktijk Purmerend B.V. | 37161647 |
Accucoms International B.V. | 61824607 |
Accuracy Corporate Financial Advisory | 16075440 |
Acda RPA Consultancy B.V. | 56518617 |
Ace and Tate Holding B.V. | 56577710 |
ACE Company B.V. | 64954188 |
ACE Incubator B.V. | 71903488 |
ACE Management Consulting B.V. | 84086580 |
Ace Solutions B.V. | 65179935 |
Ace Tankers C.V. | 30240841 |
Acer Computer B.V. | 16081669 |
Acer Europe B.V. | 16084594 |
Acerta Pharma B.V. | 52977501 |
Acetate Europe Coöperatief U.A. | 69534306 |
Achmea Interne Diensten N.V. | 30124927 |
Achtung B.V. | 34220472 |
ACI Worldwide B.V. | 29041088 |
Acibadem International Medical Center B.V. | 62665618 |
Acist Europe B.V. | 30159397 |
ACMetric B.V. | 74798804 |
ACNielsen (Nederland) B.V. | 33078613 |
ACOMO N.V. | 24191858 |
Acorel Technology B.V. | 63532697 |
ACP Technology B.V. | 39072086 |
Acquaint B.V. | 61556173 |
Acre Resources B.V. | 77904109 |
Across Health B.V. | 20139878 |
ACT Commodities B.V. | 27336523 |
ACT Commodities Group B.V. | 53845900 |
ACT Financial Solutions B.V. | 68344864 |
ACT Fuels B.V. | 67412971 |
Act-3D B.V. | 27343208 |
Acta Marine Management Services B.V. | 91548071 |
ACTA* Holding B.V. | 53105206 |
Actief Techniek B.V. | 02058479 |
Action Service & Distributie | 50969838 |
Active Cues B.V. | 62573764 |
Active Theory B.V. | 70263957 |
ActiveVideo Networks B.V. | 30202881 |
Activision Blizzard International B.V. | 34324431 |
Actronics B.V. | 08173851 |
Actually Design | 28100709 |
Actually Design B.V. | 86649159 |
Acuiti Labs B.V. | 89987004 |
Acunmedya Holding B.V. | 67477801 |
Acunmedya Netherlands TV & Production B.V. | 73749079 |
Acupunctuur Centrum Kockengen | 30115542 |
Ad van Geloven B.V. | 18012279 |
Adabt | 75087413 |
Adalat Distelplein B.V. | 67242103 |
ADAMA Northern Europe B.V. | 33282727 |
Adams Multilingual Recruitment B.V. | 37107061 |
Adams Paukenfabriek B.V. | 13023690 |
adapa the Netherlands Amersfoort B.V. | 31007030 |
ADAPTFY B.V. | 78341493 |
ADASTEC B.V. | 86886010 |
ADATA Technology B.V. | 34259092 |
A-dato B.V. | 64967492 |
ADC Tech Netherlands B.V. | 51515539 |
Adchieve B.V. | 60421533 |
AddendoValue B.V. | 81422466 |
Addition Knowledge House B.V. | 34276249 |
Addverb Technologies B.V. | 82068364 |
Adecco Payroll B.V. | 30190875 |
Adecco Personeelsdiensten B.V. | 16031601 |
Adecco Support B.V. | 30190859 |
Adeco Project Engineering B.V. | 17107828 |
Adept Technologies B.V. | 78766915 |
AdeptView B.V. | 69366764 |
Aderans Europe B.V. | 33234902 |
AdFin Solutions B.V. | 92307906 |
Adform B.V. | 64055302 |
adidas Benelux B.V. | 20034099 |
adidas International B.V. | 33276292 |
adidas International Marketing B.V. | 34122362 |
Aditech B.V. | 34258589 |
ADM Europoort | 24160592 |
ADM WILD Netherlands | 24257652 |
Admatec Europe B.V. | 59366524 |
Admind Polska Spólka Z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnoscia | 66965624 |
Adobe Systems Benelux B.V. | 33266509 |
Adora B.V. | 78514525 |
Adryan B.V. | 56507151 |
Adsolutions B.V. | 34215077 |
AdSysCo B.V. | 34194247 |
ADT Nederland B.V. | 76553426 |
Adtraction Nederland B.V. | 74284460 |
Advalley B.V. | 34355881 |
ADValue PMC B.V. | 85965553 |
Advanced Chiropractic Studio B.V. | 27197227 |
Advanced Electromagnetics B.V. | 17235479 |
Advanced Encryption Technology Europe B.V. | 09114089 |
Advanced Industrial Computer Europe B.V. | 30194704 |
Advantech Europe B.V. | 24284472 |
Advanza B.V. | 62910353 |
Advario B.V. | 84312610 |
Advario Europe B.V. | 34392448 |
Adver-Online B.V. | 37081975 |
Adversitement B.V. | 17124430 |
Advise Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 63318245 |
Advisie Automatisering B.V. | 31033154 |
Advision Finance B.V. | 58981314 |
Advocate Benelux Field Marketing B.V. | 30132353 |
Adyen N.V. | 34259528 |
AEB Exploitatie B.V. | 58867937 |
AECOM Netherlands B.V. | 27119183 |
Aectual B.V. | 58864598 |
AEG Power Solutions B.V. | 27270545 |
AEGIR-Marine Employment Services B.V. | 84298685 |
AEGIR-Marine Production B.V. | 54357691 |
AEGON Employees Netherlands B.V. | 89261437 |
AEGON N.V. | 27076669 |
AEO Europe Retail Co. B.V. | 86530763 |
Aeon Astron Europe B.V. | 27313329 |
Aeon Plaza Hotels Management B.V | 34219929 |
AerCap Holdings N.V. | 34251954 |
AerData B.V. | 34277357 |
AERKOEL Service B.V. | 73562734 |
Aero Express B.V. | 69140901 |
Aerohive Networks Netherlands B.V. | 61174017 |
Aeronamic | 08127192 |
Aerox B.V. | 31020309 |
AES Global Power Holdings B.V. | 24276196 |
AES International B.V. | 67811477 |
Aesis B.V. | 81467958 |
Aetina Europe B.V. | 85284688 |
Aevitas Property Partners Coöperatief U.A. | 55653804 |
Afa Dispensing Group B.V. | 17192702 |
AFC Ajax N.V. | 33302453 |
AFCONA Additives B.V. | 34374635 |
Affidea B.V. | 27289621 |
Affinius Capital Europe B.V. | 67464300 |
AFHCo Stores Netherlands B.V. | 51420074 |
African Asset Finance Company Holdings B.V. | 71321446 |
African Clean Energy B.V. | 61155748 |
African Health Systems Management Company B.V. | 34266755 |
AFRY Netherlands B.V. | 88584917 |
AFS Energy B.V. | 37086118 |
AFS Interest B.V. | 33226084 |
AfterShokz Euro B.V. | 74715739 |
AG Neovo Technology B.V. | 24308102 |
AG5 B.V. | 34233942 |
A-Gas Nederland B.V. | 14079856 |
AGC Chemicals Europe Commercial Centre | 34259986 |
AGCO Netherlands B.V. | 12032836 |
Agendia N.V. | 34185452 |
Agenor Technology B.V. | 61953555 |
agentschap College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen | 50658131 |
Agerion IT B.V. | 24355449 |
Agga Technologies B.V. | 71083073 |
Agglomix B.V. | 18080454 |
Aggreko Nederland B.V. | 23046086 |
Agiboo B.V. | 32157662 |
Agidens Life Sciences B.V. | 53704746 |
Agile Cockpit B.V. | 62062719 |
agile42 Consulting B.V. | 59402342 |
Agilent Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 34115690 |
AgiLight B.V. | 70711879 |
Agiliz B.V. | 69295611 |
Agium Financiële Detachering B.V. | 27250371 |
Agora Zaanstreek | 34149420 |
Agracom B.V. | 65467469 |
Agri Information Partners | 09133823 |
Agrico B.V. | 32143948 |
Agricultural Production & Handling B.V. | 01076622 |
Agrifac Machinery B.V. | 01139456 |
Agrifirm Group B.V. | 50003631 |
Agrifirm NWE B.V. | 16050353 |
Agrioil B.V. | 24137513 |
AgriPlace B.V. | 72188561 |
AgroCare Ontwikkeling B.V. | 27274144 |
Agrovision B.V. | 38018161 |
AgroWizard B.V. | 80210201 |
AGT Group (Netherlands) BV | 34376201 |
AguroTech B.V. | 81016816 |
AGV International B.V. | 64215318 |
Ahold Delhaize European Business Services B.V. | 61640220 |
Ahold Delhaize GSO B.V. | 61639699 |
AHS Services B.V. | 71845585 |
AHV International B.V. | 59567821 |
Aicotek B.V. | 66823803 |
Aidan Strain Electrical Engineering Limited | 63825872 |
AIDE Energy Europe B.V. | 54452872 |
Aiden Netherlands B.V. | 69505160 |
Aidence B.V. | 64531694 |
AIG Europe S.A. | 71305491 |
Aigostar B.V. | 60512091 |
Aiko Energy Netherlands B.V. | 89030451 |
AIMMS B.V. | 34068128 |
AimValley B.V. | 32096051 |
Aina Zorg | 77109759 |
Aiqos CPM B.V. | 71140123 |
Air Agencies Benelux B.V. | 24355288 |
Air China Limited | 28111701 |
Air Energi Netherlands | 53908775 |
Air Liquide B.V. | 17063904 |
Air Liquide Industrie B.V. | 24266306 |
Air Products Nederland B.V. | 29048443 |
AirBeamTV B.V. | 61079634 |
Airblast B.V. | 37046071 |
AirBliss+ B.V. | 72121203 |
Airbnb Netherlands B.V. | 72077166 |
Airborne Development B.V. | 27238301 |
Airbus Netherlands B.V. | 28086907 | B.V. | 34251536 |
Aircrete Systems B.V. | 08166036 |
Airios | 34090225 |
AirLife Netherlands Holdings, B.V. | 90558014 |
Airofiller Equipment Solutions B.V. | 30108663 |
Airpack Nederland B.V. | 22030896 |
Air-Paq B.V. | 72334789 |
Airspace B.V. | 78301084 |
Airtel Mobile Commerce B.V. | 34375413 |
Airtrade Holland B.V. | 33248489 |
Airwallex (Netherlands) B.V. | 77519256 |
AISWEI B.V. | 75780291 |
AJC International B.V. | 73703206 |
Ajisen Europe B.V. | 27307418 |
Akamai Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 34153909 |
AKD N.V. | 24366820 |
Akkodis Netherlands B.V. | 17102525 |
Akkodis Netherlands International B.V. | 34277257 |
AKOS B.V. | 08037027 |
AKQA B.V. | 34275347 |
Akros Pharma Inc. Netherlands Branch | 76925439 |
AKSA Power Generation Europe B.V. | 78194628 |
Akshayapatram B.V. | 83444033 |
Aktief Team B.V. | 56611560 |
Akzend/SMS Uitzendburo B.V. | 17060244 |
AKZO Nobel Car Refinishes | 28080293 |
AKZO Nobel Decorative Coatings | 28080295 |
Akzo Nobel N.V. | 09007809 |
AKZO Nobel Nederland B.V. | 09011382 |
AL International Transport & Logistics B.V. | 57661383 |
A-Label IT B.V. | 30284115 |
AlAlim Legal B.V. | 27348139 |
Alara-Lukagro B.V. | 23033397 |
Albelli B.V. | 69103437 |
Albert Heijn B.V. | 35012085 |
Albert Heijn Support B.V. | 34305784 |
Alblasserdam Yachtbuilding B.V. | 24337487 |
AlbumPrinter Productions B.V. | 27285301 |
Alcan Holdings Nederland B.V. | 20069216 |
Alcatraz Interlocks B.V. | 20081525 |
Alcedo B.V. | 08108022 |
Alco Energy Rotterdam B.V. | 66377021 |
Alcoa Nederland Holding B.V. | 66023068 |
Aldora Dienstverlening B.V. | 65142543 |
Aldowa Projects B.V. | 76600416 |
Aleph The Netherlands Corporation B.V. | 52636003 |
Alewijnse Netherlands B.V. | 55752713 |
Alexander Mann Solutions B.V. | 34238256 |
Alfa Laval Benelux B.V. | 30077778 |
Alfa Laval Nijmegen B.V. | 10143387 |
Alfaro Tandheelkunde B.V. | 87409259 |
Alfen B.V. | 39037364 |
Alfen N.V. | 64462846 |
Algeco B.V. | 16063640 |
Algorithmic Trading Group Netherlands Management B.V. | 51315521 |
Alibaba (Netherlands) B.V. | 65271505 |
Alicat Scientific B.V. | 74014358 |
Alicia Insurance B.V. | 75354608 |
Align B.V. | 33168549 |
Align Matters B.V. | 87542978 |
Align Netherlands B.V. | 89386434 |
Align Technology B.V. | 34207531 |
Alimentiv B.V. | 58050043 |
Aliter Networks B.V. | 09107788 |
Al-Khier Food B.V. | 69303363 |
All Capital Holding B.V. | 24236419 |
All Time Code Stars B.V. | 76895920 |
All Trading B.V. | 34251664 |
ALL2MD B.V. | 66293634 |
All4Trade B.V. | 63961350 |
Allard Architecture B.V. | 34280497 |
Allchiefs B.V. | 71883800 |
Alleari B.V. | 59554851 |
Allegis Contracting Services B.V. | 34193804 |
Allegis Group B.V. | 14109133 |
Allego B.V. | 54100038 |
Allego Employment B.V. | 71531769 |
Allen Overy Shearman Sterling LLP | 34368587 |
Alliance Healthcare Management Services (Nederland) B.V. | 53833295 |
Alliance Laundry (Netherlands) B.V. | 71041389 |
Alliance Tire Europe B.V. | 34145205 |
Alliander N.V. | 34108286 |
Allianz Benelux | 59395435 |
Allianz Direct Versicherungs-AG, Dutch branch | 82940533 |
Allianz Global Assistance | 33094603 |
Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE | 59935618 |
Allianz Nederland Groep N.V. | 24155648 |
Allianz Technology SE | 72029854 |
All-In Facility Services B.V. | 69746842 |
Allinq Group B.V. | 08085412 |
Allinq Insite B.V. | 39087077 |
Allison Transmission Europe B.V. | 23077575 |
Allnex Netherlands B.V. | 20025410 |
Allocacoc B.V. | 50859110 |
Allroad Projecten B.V. | 17235279 |
Allseas Engineering B.V. | 27233498 |
Allseas Welding Services B.V. | 83351574 |
Allshare Finance B.V. | 30096365 |
AllSolutions B.V. | 30180615 |
Allucent (NL) B.V. | 30225482 |
AllYourBI B.V. | 62936808 |
Alma Resources B.V. | 60974796 |
Alma Trading B.V. | 60156244 |
Almatis B.V. | 24253371 |
Almazara B.V. | 68093861 |
Almende BV | 24307997 |
Alnylam Netherlands B.V. | 69382115 |
Alpha Assembly Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 32028941 |
Alpha Financial Markets Consulting Netherlands B.V. | 61668451 |
Alpha FX Netherlands Limited, Dutch Branch | 78318858 |
Alphacomm Solutions B.V. | 24243279 |
AlphaGrep Amsterdam B.V. | 88509079 |
Alphatron Marine B.V. | 24182635 |
Alphatron Medical Innovations B.V. | 52371433 |
Alpine Grove (Netherlands) B.V. | 62698788 |
Alpine Nederland B.V. | 32094029 |
AlpInvest Partners B.V. | 27186537 |
Alpla Nederland B.V. | 30120159 |
ALSTOM Netherlands B.V. | 34308168 |
AltaDent | 72513039 |
Altcon Equipment B.V. | 51736349 |
Alten Nederland B.V. | 24382391 |
Alter Domus Nederland B.V. | 34270994 |
Altimedia B.V. | 60449497 |
Altrad Services B.V. | 33057851 |
Altran Netherlands B.V. | 34106539 |
Altrex B.V. | 08012289 |
Altum Consulting B.V. | 66590671 |
Altum RF International B.V. | 71400192 |
Altura B.V. | 82677530 |
Alucha Works B.V. | 85844411 |
Alumet B.V. | 20026381 |
Aluminium & Chemie Rotterdam B.V. | 24120312 |
ALVA B.V. | 81630190 |
Alvarez & Marsal Benelux B.V. | 34283629 |
Alver B.V. | 85539570 |
AM Flex Solutions.B.V. | 76707644 |
AMADA WELD TECH B.V. | 17040286 |
Amadeus Benelux | 33273584 |
Amadeus Hospitality Netherlands B.V. | 35027356 |
Amanos Projektbureau B.V. | 24280094 |
Amaris Netherlands B.V. | 57638527 |
Amarna Therapeutics B.V. | 52831825 |
Amarula Solutions B.V. | 53730941 |
Amazon CS Netherlands B.V. | 77956311 |
Amazon Data Services Netherlands N.V. | 61925926 |
Amazon Development Center (Netherlands) B.V. | 56869649 |
Amazon EU SARL, Dutch Branch | 74430661 |
Amazon Online Netherlands B.V. | 76926605 |
Amazon Transport Netherlands B.V. | 34227844 |
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, Dutch Branch | 68579780 |
AmbAgon Therapeutics B.V. | 78067197 |
Ambassadors B.V. | 54069475 |
Ambassadors Lab B.V. | 52965139 |
Ambassadors Visual Effects B.V. | 34271010 |
Amber Garden B.V. | 68697864 |
Amber Implants B.V. | 65089545 |
Amberscript B.V. | 70427585 |
Amberscript Global B.V. | 81461887 |
Ambrell B.V. | 57312281 |
Ambroise Holland B.V. | 06073110 |
AMC Studios International B.V. | 63881713 |
AMCA Hydraulic Fluid Power B.V. | 02056534 |
AMCO Solutions B.V. | 61663395 |
Amcor Specialty Cartons Brabant B.V. | 20073363 |
Amdocs B.V. | 34109782 |
Amelia NL B.V. | 76963632 |
America II Europe B.V. | 80988830 |
American Eagle Outfitters Dutch Op Co B.V. | 59936797 |
American Express Europe S.A. (Netherlands branch) | 71660275 |
American Express Payments Europe, S.L. (Netherlands branch) | 71767126 |
American Orthodontics B.V. | 11047739 |
Americold Netherlands II B.V. | 59299312 |
AM-Flow Holding B.V. | 63558963 |
Amgen B.V. | 20060763 |
Amgen Europe B.V. | 20080576 |
Amicorp Netherlands B.V. | 32015492 |
Amiri Collections B.V. | 57649693 |
Amis Services B.V. | 30114159 |
AMISYS Co. Ltd. | 68731124 |
Amity Global Education | 68862555 |
Ammega Group B.V. | 71725385 |
AMMP Technologies B.V. | 73076872 |
Amnesty International, Afdeling Nederland | 40530953 |
AMO Groningen B.V. | 02032828 |
Ampelmann Operations B.V. | 27340502 |
Amperapark B.V. | 71376518 |
Ampersan Services NL B.V. | 85920037 |
Ampersand Management B.V. | 68755066 |
AM-Pharma B.V. | 28087313 |
Amphenol Benelux B.V. | 30073649 |
Amphia Ziekenhuis | 20100257 |
Ampire Vastgoed B.V. | 58043713 |
Ampleon Coöperatief U.A. | 64552926 |
Ampleon Netherlands B.V. | 63399113 |
Amplitude Analytics B.V. | 68002459 |
Ampowr B.V. | 82591326 |
AMS Green Markets B.V. | 83905308 |
ams Sensors Netherlands B.V. | 76711188 |
AMS Sourcing B.V. | 34140623 |
AMSE | 24312508 |
Amsino HR B.V. | 59003251 |
AMSMA Group B.V. | 55412688 |
AMST-Aviation B.V. | 71778705 |
Amsterdam | 34366966 |
Amsterdam Capital Partners B.V. | 61570982 |
Amsterdam Data Collective B.V. | 68312148 |
Amsterdam Downtown Hotel B.V. | 62236970 |
Amsterdam Institute of Technology B.V. | 64758958 |
Amsterdam Internet Exchange B.V. | 34128666 |
Amsterdam Platform Creation B.V. | 77884124 |
Amsterdam Scientific Instruments B.V. | 52038408 |
Amsterdam Scrap Terminal B.V. | 67207405 |
Amsterdam Software B.V. | 34143911 |
Amsterdam UMC Research B.V. | 33284074 |
Amsterdam VentureLab B.V. | 61738840 |
Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten | 41210838 |
AMSYSTEMS B.V. | 75875969 |
An Info Systems B.V. | 75094541 |
ANA Architecten B.V. | 84068779 |
Anaar B.V. | 54402506 |
Anachron B.V. | 34124936 |
Anachron Technology B.V. | 51497190 |
Anadolubank Nederland N.V. | 34239060 |
Anago B.V. | 30174530 |
AnalitiQs B.V. | 63430371 |
Analog Folk B.V. | 74187376 |
Analytical Solutions and Products B.V. | 34128662 |
Analytics in HR B.V. | 66776163 |
Analytix Power B.V. | 83422781 |
Ananda B.V. | 57805199 |
Ananda Digital Technologies B.V. | 71017216 |
Anaplan Nederland B.V. | 59187352 |
Anatolia B.V. | 34259163 |
AND Digital Nederland B.V. | 82470960 |
Anderis Technology B.V. | 57626987 |
Andile B.V. | 77666194 |
Andre Rieu Productions B.V. | 14625884 |
anDREa B.V. | 83360263 |
Andries Geerse Stedenbouwkundige B.V. | 24338706 |
ANDRITZ FEED & BIOFUEL B.V. | 17045790 |
ANDRITZ Gouda B.V. | 29019468 |
Andritz Metals France SAS | 66537754 |
aNewSpring | 24308587 |
Angara DX B.V. | 84560509 |
Angelo, Gordon Netherlands B.V. | 34332986 |
AngioDynamics Netherlands B.V. | 34164980 |
Angiogenesis Analytics B.V. | 72117583 |
Anglia NL. B.V. | 83774505 |
Anglo-Eastern Ship Management (NL) B.V. | 70959250 |
AniCura Netherlands B.V. | 64331326 |
AniForm Engineering B.V. | 51841894 |
Animal Health Concepts B.V. | 53350472 |
Anixter Nederland B.V. | 24259899 |
Anji Logistics Europe B.V. | 92049230 |
Anker Recruitment B.V. | 81850891 |
Ankerbeer B.V. | 02077646 |
Ankerpoort N.V. | 14626792 |
ANKO Food Tech B.V. | 93727593 |
Anna Agency B.V. | 34365521 |
ANNA Dutch B.V. | 17232319 |
Anna Technology B.V. | 81123272 |
Annogen B.V. | 76696073 |
Annual Insight B.V. | 60965401 |
Anomaly B.V. | 53239148 |
Anopanel B.V. | 17228082 |
Anotech Energy Netherlands B.V. | 75873095 |
AnQore B.V. | 14052072 |
Anritsu Infivis B.V. | 74789163 |
Ans Exam B.V. | 63652374 |
ANSINGER B.V. | 65738470 |
ANSYS Netherlands | 66972264 |
Antaris Solutions B.V. | 50302108 |
Antec Europe | 24296662 |
Antec Leyden B.V. | 28051415 |
Antek Europe B.V. | 32107722 |
AntenneX B.V. | 90378431 |
Anterra Capital B.V. | 58012281 |
Anteryon B.V. | 17137217 |
Anteverta-mw B.V. | 27378405 |
Anthesis B.V. | 30180751 |
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. | 24167719 |
Anthos Fund & Asset Management B.V. | 34258108 |
Anthos Private Wealth Management B.V. | 34201104 |
Antlia Advies en Consultancy B.V. | 77439465 |
Anton Paar Netherlands B.V. | 87790408 |
ANVA B.V. | 70547319 |
Anvil Ventures The Netherlands B.V. | 74628267 |
ANWB B.V. | 27157000 |
ANWB Reizen B.V. | 27153706 |
ANWB Retail B.V. | 75467186 | B.V. | 87900769 |
AOC International (Europe) B.V. | 52168204 |
AOC Nederland B.V. | 04063810 |
Aoki Co.,LTD Rotterdam Branch | 24472319 |
Aon 5 B.V. | 91898374 |
Aon Groep Nederland B.V. | 24001497 |
Aopen Computer B.V. | 16084198 |
Apacer Technology B.V. | 17102989 |
Apandam Europe B.V. | 66488567 |
Apara B.V. | 82444463 |
Apeel Netherlands B.V. | 74822683 |
Apeldoorn Orthodontie | 01167738 |
Apex Financial Services B.V. | 28065255 |
Apex Global Logistics (NL) B.V. | 62432818 |
Apexmed International B.V. | 34159173 |
APG Asset Management N.V. | 58476369 |
APG Fondsenbedrijf | 14099617 |
APG Groep N.V. | 14099616 |
APL Logistics Europe B.V. | 24315271 |
APM Terminals Maasvlakte II B.V. | 24399863 |
APM Terminals Management B.V. | 24354277 |
Apo SHS B.V. | 24333211 |
Apolix B.V. | 75820706 |
Apollo Capital Solutions Europe B.V. | 85881678 |
Apollo Seiko Europe B.V. | 63160498 |
Apollo Tyres (Europe) B.V. | 54806941 |
Apollo Tyres (NL) B.V. | 34223268 |
Apollo Tyres Global R&D B.V. | 55648118 |
Apotheek Jager Bruining B.V. | 27280941 |
Appical B.V. | 54038502 |
Apple Benelux B.V. | 30063224 |
Apple Inn Hotel B.V. | 34170567 |
Apple Retail Netherlands B.V. | 34236124 |
Applied Drone Innovations B.V. | 72238542 |
Applied Materials Europe B.V. | 34062769 |
Applied Medical Europe B.V. | 32115550 |
Applied Micro Electronics ""AME"" B.V. | 17092884 |
Applied Nanolayers B.V. | 55596630 |
Applied Principles B.V. | 80005047 |
Applied Risk B.V. | 55381456 |
Applied Value Technologies B.V. | 87625784 |
Applikon Biotechnology B.V. | 24233266 |
Approba Executives Flecs B.V. | 14067432 |
AppSignal B.V. | 62960407 |
Apptitude B.V. | 32168888 |
AppyThings B.V. | 61889733 |
APS Group B.V. | 51336634 |
APS Uitzendburo B.V. | 17060180 |
Aptiv Mexican Holdings (US) LLC | 64062953 |
Aqana B.V. | 52658953 |
AQS European Real Estate Coöperatief U.A. | 66996236 |
AQTIS Medical B.V. | 30220215 |
Aqua Vision B.V. | 30215805 |
AquaBattery | 60486015 |
Aquacare Europe B.V. | 17107938 |
Aqua-Spark Operating B.V. | 60039809 |
Aquatic Drones B.V. | 66266149 |
Aquent LLC | 54234395 |
Araco International B.V. | 08160200 |
ARAG SE Nederland | 55794173 |
Aragen Life Sciences B.V. | 58267026 |
Arai Helmet (Europe) B.V. | 08018253 |
Araido B.V. | 70206821 |
ARAM Technology Services | 24328120 |
Aramco Overseas Company B.V. | 28040948 |
Aramex Nederland B.V. | 34196827 |
Aratis B.V. | 27303614 |
Aratis System Experts B.V. | 73305367 |
Arauco Europe Coöperatief U.A. | 50951998 |
ArboNed B.V. | 30120994 |
ARC Phone Accessories B.V. | 77650913 |
Arcadia Maritime Group B.V. | 74149806 |
Arcadis Global B.V. | 57602255 |
ARCADIS N.V. | 09051284 |
ARCADIS Nederland B.V. | 09036504 |
ArcelorMittal Netherlands B.V. | 33297298 |
ArcelorMittal Projects Europe B.V. | 20081827 |
Archer Daniels Midland Europe B.V. | 24149451 |
Archer Hotel Capital B.V. | 50342762 |
Architechts N.V. | 69903042 |
Architectenbureau Cepezed B.V. | 27223130 |
Architectenbureau Popma en ter Steege | 50104853 |
ArchLynk Netherlands B.V. | 73331163 |
Arcus European Investment Manager Netherlands B.V. | 81729383 |
Arcwide B.V. | 84717173 |
Ardagh Glass Benelux | 18110358 |
Ardagh Metal Beverage Netherlands B.V. | 16088794 |
Ardena Amsterdam B.V. | 34336591 |
Ardena Oss B.V. | 55049079 |
AR-Development B.V. | 65122011 |
Ardos B.V. | 14091850 |
Area of People B.V. | 72862106 |
Arec Crop Protection B.V. | 57817146 |
Arena Aviation Capital B.V. | 60274050 |
Arena Aviation Partners B.V. | 67644694 |
Arep Accountants & Belastingadviseurs B.V. | 30145890 |
Argent Energy Netherlands Holding B.V. | 71874534 |
Argentex B.V. | 81662076 |
Argentrade International B.V. | 24237237 |
Argo Coral Maritime Ltd | 55685897 |
Argo Design Europe B.V. | 74040723 |
ARGO MOTOR SPARES B.V. | 80257429 |
Ariana Garden B.V. | 85925160 |
Ariane Zorggroep B.V. | 92383041 |
Arisphone B.V. | 82238707 |
Aristos B.V. | 68108001 |
Arjo Nederland B.V. | 69089396 |
ARKEMA B.V. | 24270059 |
Arkoil Technologies Nederland B.V. | 55123465 |
Arkray Europe B.V. | 34214240 |
Arktura B.V. | 73723754 |
Arla Foods B.V. | 32151766 |
ARLANXEO Holding B.V. | 64658066 |
ARLANXEO Netherlands B.V. | 14032465 |
Armada Consultants B.V. | 27269718 |
Armflow Pump Technologies B.V. | 64125920 |
Arnold & Siedsma B.V. | 20060991 |
Aroundtown Management NL B.V. | 66881307 |
ARQ Nationaal Psychotrauma Centrum | 27310568 |
Array Industries Engineering B.V. | 29035351 |
ARRIS Group B.V. | 39080338 |
ARS Traffic & Transport Technology B.V. | 27168565 |
Artefact Benelux | 51364247 |
Artemis Bioservices B.V. | 86350404 |
ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten | 09109756 |
Arthe Civil & Structure B.V. | 30236509 |
Arthrex Distribution Hub EMEA B.V | 64031454 |
Arthrex Nederland B.V. | 17213459 |
Arthur D. Little Benelux N.V. | 24336922 |
Arthur's Legal B.V. | 34226401 |
Artificial Design | 61953679 |
Artinis Medical Systems B.V. | 09127900 |
Artipoppe B.V. | 57904758 |
Arts en Zorg B.V. | 32104230 |
Artsen zonder Grenzen (Médecins Sans Frontières, Nederland) | 41215974 |
Arup B.V. | 34143988 |
Arval B.V. | 30139084 |
Arval Benelux B.V. | 30092677 |
Arvato Netherlands B.V. | 33238888 |
Aryza B.V. | 30116651 |
ASA International N.V. | 30251052 |
Asahi Tanker Co. , Ltd. Europe Office | 78465192 |
ASAMCO | 20071395 |
Asbuilt Solutions B.V. | 63331071 |
Asc Academics B.V. | 63249863 |
ASCI Netherlands B.V. | 74368249 |
Ascom (Nederland) B.V. | 30041716 |
Ascott Hospitality (Europe) N.V. | 50042971 |
ASE NL Service Center B.V. | 59083573 |
Asfalt Productie Tiel (APT) B.V. | 66151295 |
Ashland Industries Nederland B.V. | 27022150 |
Ashland Services | 24267865 |
Asian Bistro Nijmegen | 69874638 |
Asica Group B.V. | 70311765 |
ASICS Europe B.V. | 34092761 |
ASICS Technology B.V. | 87169347 |
Asimo Networks B.V. | 69725284 |
Ask Community Systems B.V. | 24339751 |
Ask Nicely B.V. | 76941175 |
Ask Phill B.V. | 66271266 |
ASL Dutch B.V. | 71886354 |
ASL Global B.V. | 70818533 |
ASM Europe BV | 54004004 |
ASM International N.V. | 30037466 |
ASM IP Holding B.V. | 51509644 |
ASM Maritime B.V. | 34313871 |
ASML Holding N.V. | 17085815 |
ASML Netherlands B.V. | 17052456 |
ASML Trading B.V. | 69631557 |
ASMPT ALSI B.V. | 59991909 |
ASP The Netherlands B.V. | 72492449 |
Aspen Oss B.V. | 57822883 |
Aspentech Europe B.V. | 17096166 |
Asperion Hosting B.V. | 34209714 |
Aspire Systems B.V. | 67347894 |
ASR Nederland N.V. | 30070695 |
ASRock Europe B.V. | 12048643 |
Assai Software Services B.V. | 11025854 |
Assemble 33 B.V. | 74344684 |
Assembling Manufacturing & Sourcing Group B.V. | 34186302 |
Assent Compliance Netherlands B.V. | 75451565 |
Assertive Yield B.V. | 74301268 |
Asset Control International B.V. | 01060543 |
Asset Insight B.V. | 70034915 |
Asset People B.V. | 67635180 |
ASSET Rail B.V. | 32107173 |
AssistiveWare B.V. | 34323889 |
AssistYou Group B.V. | 70786828 |
Astellas B.V. | 33193274 |
Astellas Pharma Europe B.V. | 28053775 |
Aster Technology Holland B.V. | 52726509 |
Asteria Food B.V. | 76154165 |
Astrata Europe B.V. | 76632334 |
AstraZeneca B.V. | 24234576 |
Astrolkwx B.V. | 27246267 |
Astronergy Solar Netherlands B.V. | 53764498 |
ASUS Holland B.V. | 24302961 |
Asus Technology Holland | 30224127 |
AT&T Global Network Services Nederland B.V. | 34112329 |
Atabix Solutions B.V. | 54687195 |
ATAG Nederland B.V. | 24279246 |
ATC Europe Coöperatief U.A. | 67401694 |
ATC International Coöperatief U.A. | 53390393 |
ATC International Financing B.V. | 70127298 |
Atelier Eindhoven B.V. | 60716797 |
ATENSUS Detachering B.V. | 77630882 |
ATG Engineering B.V. | 86887831 |
ATG Netherlands B.V. | 28103377 |
AthenaStudies B.V. | 62750151 |
Athlon Car Lease International B.V. | 34066011 |
Athlon Car Lease Nederland B.V. | 33136871 |
Athom B.V. | 61036498 |
Athora Netherlands N.V. | 30099450 |
Atlanship S.A. | 24417682 |
Atlanta Field B.V. | 56395205 |
Atlantic Integrated Freight B.V. | 85066494 |
Atlantic Logistics B.V. | 81902689 |
Atlantis Solutions B.V. | 52471276 |
Atlas Copco Internationaal B.V. | 23032900 |
Atlas Global Energy B.V. | 69807809 |
Atlas Inexco Contractors B.V. | 28083334 |
Atlas International B.V. | 58356037 |
Atlas Networks B.V. | 72237414 |
Atlas Services Group | 33183196 |
Atlas Services Group Energy B.V. | 33266137 |
Atlas Services Group Merchant B.V. | 24258479 |
Atlassian B.V. | 34311373 |
ATMOS UAV B.V. | 58187391 |
ATO-gear B.V. | 63392445 |
Atos International Global Functions B.V. | 88520811 |
Atos Netherlands B.V. | 88539342 |
Atotech B.V. | 30128915 |
ATR Infra-Services B.V. | 58321594 |
Atradius | 66569540 |
Atradius Collections B.V. | 29051065 |
AtriCure Europe B.V. | 27284379 |
ATS Global B.V. | 34101316 |
ATS Group Holding B.V. | 34205239 |
Atterbury Europe B.V. | 61775665 |
Attrace B.V. | 71511245 |
Audacity Capital Technologies B.V. | 65370120 |
Audibene B.V. | 57083584 |
Audiokinetic B.V. | 89788087 |
Audio-Technica Benelux B.V. | 33125236 |
AugmedIT B.V. | 73186686 |
Augusta Aiken & Associates B.V. | 87563436 |
AUO Display Plus Netherlands B.V. | 50936395 |
AUO Europe B.V. | 34203615 |
Aura B.V. | 86530844 |
Aurea Imaging B.V. | 70573670 |
AURELIUS Nederland B.V. | 73381403 |
Auren Staffing Amersfoort B.V. | 31025962 |
Aurora Netherlands B.V. | 17141882 |
Aurora Technology B.V. | 28076579 |
Aurubis Netherlands B.V. | 52930610 |
Ausnutria Operations B.V. | 16071398 |
Autarco B.V. | 55102697 |
Autel Netherlands B.V. | 84342773 |
Autisme Centrum Groei! B.V. | 70341079 |
Auto Camper Service International Holding B.V. | 10017059 |
Auto Kökcü B.V. | 67498949 |
Auto Wonders | 54862973 |
AutoBinck Group N.V. | 27309079 |
Autodesk B.V. | 24257680 |
AutoFacets B.V. | 27192319 |
AutoForm Engineering B.V. | 24340780 |
Autoglas D & K B.V. | 28052444 |
Automotive Mediaventions B.V. | 75213370 |
Autoriteit Consument en Markt | |
AutoScout24 Nederland B.V. | 34132428 |
Autotelex B.V. | 09045121 |
AV Flexologic B.V. | 28029253 |
AV Group B.V. | 93969325 |
Avago Technologies Holdings B.V. | 34233872 |
Avalor AI B.V. | 82695806 |
Avanade Netherlands B.V. | 34138431 |
Avanca International B.V. | 27359105 |
Avania B.V. | 30145386 |
Avans Hogeschool | 41104408 |
Avans Hogeschool B.V. | 20097716 |
Avant Arte B.V. | 63169231 |
Avantes B.V. | 08061324 |
Avantium Chemicals B.V. | 34336587 |
Avantium Renewable Polymers B.V. | 67111386 |
Avantium Support B.V. | 34336581 |
Avast Software B.V. | 59827874 |
Avaya Nederland B.V. | 30134328 |
Aveco De Bondt B.V. | 30169759 |
Avedon Capital Partners B.V. | 27318150 |
Aventiss Europe Engineering | 55778372 |
AvePoint Deutschland GmbH | 58166815 |
Avery Dennison Hong Kong B.V. | 28059050 |
Avery Dennison Materials Europe B.V. | 27314864 |
Avery Dennison Materials Nederland B.V. | 28016666 |
Avery Dennison Netherlands Investment II B.V. | 28099309 |
Avery Dennison Treasury Management B.V. | 57292256 |
AVEVA Select Benelux B.V. | 20065389 |
AVEVA Software Netherlands B.V. | 68293747 |
Aveza Industrial Automation | 58724087 |
AVH Dairy Trade B.V. | 37141955 |
Aviaco Nederland B.V. | 70129061 |
Aviator Netherlands B.V. | 58005862 |
Avidicure B.V. | 86627767 |
Avient Colorants Netherlands B.V. | 34246357 |
Avignon Capital Netherlands B.V. | 75010445 |
Aviko B.V. | 08027672 |
Avion B.V. | 89058534 |
Avisi Cloud Services B.V. | 76632393 |
Avit Group B.V. | 30184675 |
Avito Technologies B.V. | 73099988 |
Aviva Investors Luxembourg - Netherlands branch | 74523783 |
Avivia B.V. | 17182870 |
AVOXT B.V. | 86234404 |
AVR-Afvalverwerking B.V. | 58599843 |
Avular Innovations B.V. | 59394285 |
Avy B.V. | 64101339 |
AWA Alexander Watson Associates B.V. | 34116509 |
AWA Conferences B.V. | 34166635 |
Awaretrain B.V. | 68933886 |
AWAREWAYS B.V. | 56432267 |
AWIN B.V. | 34249159 |
AWL-Techniek B.V. | 08065983 |
AXA Real Estate Investment Managers Nederland B.V. | 30199846 |
AXELERA AI B.V. | 82483027 |
Axia Power Holdings B.V. | 34109067 |
Axia Vegetable Seeds B.V. | 51496313 |
Axians Communication Solutions B.V. | 32057918 |
AxiCom B.V. | 27193737 |
Axign B.V. | 60429089 |
Axion Biosystems B.V. | 56622244 |
Axon Public Safety B.V. | 60432713 |
AxonIQ B.V. | 68902093 |
Axoy Holding B.V. | 77668421 |
Axual B.V. | 64350622 |
Axus Nederland B.V. | 34063455 |
Axus Nederland N.V. | 39037163 |
Axxemble B.V. | 70563748 |
Ayurveda Specialist B.V. | 27380209 |
Azerion Productions GD B.V. | 76533557 |
Azerion Productions Services BV | 76533441 |
Azerion Services B.V. | 76887855 |
Azerion Sports B.V. | 17245693 |
Azerion Tech Holding B.V. | 76432572 |
Azerion Technology B.V. | 20139757 |
AZZ WSI B.V. | 24340519 |
B & C International B.V. | 08064339 |
B & S International B.V. | 24254078 |
B&C Lifestyle B.V. | 53678451 |
B&F Palace Amsterdam B.V. | 60633239 |
B. Building Business B.V. | 60902159 |
B. Futurist B.V. | 77668685 |
B.T.H. Service B.V. | 17149968 |
B.V. Alabastine (Holland) | 11009080 |
B.V. Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau ANP | 27037499 |
B.V. Arrow Electronics DLC | 33298008 |
B.V. Chiropractie Rugcentra A.B. van Beest D.C. | 12047903 |
B.V. Design-Production Link ""D.P.L."" | 24286607 |
B.V. Rubberfabriek ""Wittenburg"" | 32000126 |
B.V. Systemation AES | 24308721 |
B.V. Twentsche Kabelfabriek | 06008145 |
B.V. Vega Meet- en Regeltechniek | 31016969 |
B.V. VITESSE | 09102466 |
B+B Vakmedianet Groep B.V. | 58780688 |
B2C Europe Support B.V. | 51843307 |
B4C Markets B.V. | 59038489 |
Baat accountants en adviseurs | 14118248 |
Baat Medical Products B.V. | 08130406 |
Babysits B.V. | 68591950 |
Bac B.V. | 32060680 |
Bacardi-Martini B.V. | 33164385 |
Backbase B.V. | 34192943 |
Backbase Europe B.V. | 34274514 |
Backbase R&D B.V. | 34274511 |
Backbase Services B.V. | 77020146 |
BackOffice Associates NL B.V. | 71549552 |
BACKROADS B.V. | 94716064 |
Badenoch + Clark B.V. | 28079464 |
Baeken B.V. | 91018692 |
BAF Group B.V. | 59050284 |
Baffinland Iron Mines Europe B.V. | 75553953 |
Baggerbedrijf De Boer | 23059422 |
Baggermaatschappij Boskalis B.V. | 23011424 |
Bagira Netherlands B.V. | 76573966 |
Bain & Company Netherlands LLC | 33293447 |
Baker & McKenzie Amsterdam N.V. | 34208804 |
Baker Atlas | 34053177 |
Baker Hughes Energy International B.V. | 68025289 |
Baker Hughes Reservoir Software B.V. | 27271490 |
Baker Tilly (Netherlands) N.V. | 24425560 |
BakerCorp, a United Rentals Company | 20133298 |
Bakken & Bæck B.V. | 64169235 |
Bakker Centrale Inkoop B.V. | 24150319 |
Bakker Magnetics B.V. | 17040749 |
Bakker Repair B.V. | 23037045 |
Bakker Sliedrecht Electro Industrie B.V. | 23040872 |
Bakker Tandheelkunde & Orthodontie | 08199103 |
Bakkersteam Services B.V. | 56643691 |
Balance Ervaring op Projectbasis B.V. | 33269431 |
Balanced Force B.V. | 66243971 |
Balemaster Europe B.V. | 66400066 |
Ballast Nedam Bouw & Ontwikkeling | 33121397 |
Ballast Nedam Industriebouw B.V. | 33183018 |
Ballast Nedam Infra B.V. | 33154028 |
Ballerton B.V. | 59276789 |
BALR B.V. | 57910960 |
Baluster Care B.V. | 78241308 |
BAM Bouw en Techniek B.V. | 30195841 |
BAM Energie & Water West B.V. | 34049433 |
BAM Groep Nederland B.V. | 30282400 |
BAM Infraconsult B.V. | 09073590 |
BAM International B.V. | 27068392 |
BAM Nederland B.V. | 64738868 |
BAM Specials B.V. | 74525743 |
Bambelo B.V. | 20111350 |
Bambi Belt B.V. | 70126100 |
Bambi Belt Holding B.V. | 66325153 |
Bambooder Biobased Fibers B.V. | 64109739 |
Banco Santander, S.A., Amsterdam Branch | 85357332 |
BANDALL B.V. | 30094569 |
Bang! Media Group B.V. | 34368707 |
Banijay Benelux Holding B.V. | 61823147 |
Bank of Beijing | 50585843 |
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. Rotterdam Branch | 24404193 |
Bannerboy B.V. | 56792697 |
Bannerwise B.V. | 63348322 |
Bannink Accountants en Belastingadviseurs | 34312659 |
Baosen Suntop Europe B.V. | 61775207 |
Barak Capital Market Making B.V. | 81697201 |
Barclays Bank Ireland Plc, Netherlands branch | 73040398 |
BARCODE Architects B.V. | 61674494 |
Barena Europe B.V. | 69692416 |
Barentz Commodities B.V. | 34096110 |
Barentz Holding B.V. | 75958619 |
Barilla International B.V. | 90076184 |
Barla Food B.V. | 54842328 |
Barry Callebaut Nederland B.V. | 34093059 |
Barsan Global Logistics B.V. | 66654335 |
Barth Industrial Automation B.V. | 81507208 |
BAS Mining Trucks B.V. | 17266443 |
BAS Parts & Tyres B.V. | 17221169 |
BAS Truck Center B.V. | 16021586 |
BAS Uitzenden en ZZP B.V. | 66658985 |
BAS World B.V. | 17103220 |
Base Cyber Security B.V. | 63412454 |
Baseblue B.V. | 75566532 |
BaseClear B.V. | 28060938 |
Baseflow B.V. | 71659374 |
Basel Life Niederlande I B.V. | 34143831 |
Basell Sales & Marketing Company B.V. | 34245062 |
Basenet Internet Projects B.V. | 33282707 |
BASF Coatings Services B.V. | 30145628 |
BASF Nederland B.V. | 09022883 |
Basic City A+U | 56415389 |
Basic Fit International B.V. | 34314877 |
Basic Pharma Manufacturing B.V. | 13028530 |
Basis Expert Consulting Services B.V. | 74298917 |
Basis-E-Markt Groothandel | 27251462 |
Basware B.V. | 34148630 |
Bata Nederland B.V. | 17008954 |
Batavia Biomanufacturing B.V. | 88173240 |
Batavia Biosciences B.V. | 27362965 |
Battolyser B.V. | 70827540 |
Bau Lian B.V. | 64579077 |
Bauer Funderingstechniek B.V. | 34202843 |
Bausch+Lomb Netherlands B.V. | 80878482 |
Bausch+Lomb OPS B.V. | 59464364 |
BauWatch Nederland B.V. | 04058684 |
Bavelstaete Holding B.V. | 20102618 | B.V. | 50943642 |
Baxter B.V. | 16032724 |
Bayards Helidecks B.V. | 23047288 |
Bayer B.V. | 30048949 |
Bayer Global Investments B.V. | 51490986 |
Bayer Holland | 36003206 |
Bayer Medical Care B.V. | 58745718 |
Bayer Netherlands B.V. | 73816035 |
Bayer World Investments B.V. | 56476760 |
BBBLGM B.V. | 85631264 |
BBD Software B.V. | 76547264 |
BBLeap B.V. | 75923238 |
B-Built B.V. | 20144793 |
BC Distribution B.V. | 52873471 |
BCD Travel Nederland B.V. | 27185876 |
BCD Travel Services B.V. | 30213174 |
BCEI International B.V. | 65372743 |
BCS (EU) B.V. | 76698491 |
BD Kiestra B.V. | 01067516 |
BD&Spectrum B.V. | 76571548 |
Bdairy B.V. | 68300417 |
BDO Accountancy, Tax & Legal B.V. | 17171188 |
BDO Audit & Assurance B.V. | 17171186 |
BDO Investigations B.V. | 17171175 |
BDP Global Services B.V. | 24445976 |
BDR Thermea Group B.V. | 08125298 |
Be Empowered B.V. | 65061284 |
BE Semiconductor Industries N.V. | 09092395 |
BearingPoint B.V. | 30142784 |
BEAT Research B.V. | 74490133 |
Beatgrid Media B.V. | 57458847 |
BeathChapman B.V. | 63289733 |
Beckhoff Automation B.V. | 34068873 |
Beckman Coulter Nederland B.V. | 30049740 |
Becton Dickinson | 28065261 | B.V. | 50090933 |
BeDataDriven B.V. | 61548278 |
Bedrocan International B.V. | 02062255 |
Beemup B.V. | 78646308 |
Beerwulf B.V. | 67422020 |
BeeXact B.V. | 80738354 |
BeGame B.V. | 64323307 |
Beiersdorf N.V. | 39032682 |
Bejo Finance B.V. | 37083070 |
Bejo Zaden B.V. | 37048509 |
Bekaert Combustion Technology B.V. | 04024852 |
Beko B.V. | 34166639 |
Beko Europe B.V. | 88850528 |
Beko Netherlands B.V. | 27142032 |
Belden Europe B.V. | 12033370 |
Belden Wire & Cable B.V. | 12033356 |
Belkin B.V. | 33306733 |
Bell Identification B.V. | 24236705 |
Belvac Decorating Systems | 18110482 |
Belvilla Services B.V. | 17061015 |
BEMAC Corporation Europe Representative Office | 74995561 |
Bemet International B.V. | 55425399 |
Benchmark Electronics B.V. | 06090691 |
Benglish B.V. | 09135507 |
BENK PROJECTS B.V. | 24491838 |
Bennet & Boss B.V. | 68842120 |
Bennet & Boss Netherlands B.V. | 68841795 |
Bennink Dunin-Wasowicz | 76962970 |
Benq Europe B.V. | 17085773 |
Bentley Systems Europe B.V. | 34085497 |
Bentvelsen Fleer Architecten B.V. | 39064077 |
Benzler-Technisch Buro Aandrijftechniek B.V. | 12021081 |
Berg en Dal B.V. | 50130463 |
Bergland Advies B.V. | 10041602 |
Bergman Clinics Nederland B.V. | 30196373 |
Bernard van Leer Foundation, Stichting | 41197262 |
Bernhoven B.V. | 17120496 |
Beroe Advantage Procurement B.V. | 63822407 |
Beround Testing B.V. | 62710370 |
BerryWorld, The Netherlands | 34267973 |
Bertschi B.V. | 24291317 |
Beson Distributie B.V. | 50042440 |
Beson Post B.V. | 58328785 |
Best of Worlds B.V. | 55426840 |
BESTMIX Software B.V. | 09062575 |
Bestron Nederland B.V. | 16035413 |
BESTSELLER Service B.V. | 60223715 |
Bestseller Wholesale Benelux B.V. | 31048963 |
Betaselect B.V. | 77140486 |
Betech B.V. | 04072573 |
Beter Bed B.V. | 16062358 |
Beter Horen B.V. | 09059657 |
BE-terna B.V. | 65287967 |
Betontechniek Noord B.V. | 73508845 |
Better Be Goods B.V. | 64779440 |
Better Future B.V. | 75241242 |
Betty Blocks B.V. | 66172446 |
Betty Blocks Holding B.V. | 51769476 |
Between B.V. | 63218747 |
Between Us Media Marketing Consultants B.V. | 28073917 |
Beveco Gebouwautomatisering B.V. | 24429527 |
Bevers Chiropractie B.V. | 76716201 |
Beyond Belief B.V. | 80795587 |
Beyond Engineering NL B.V. | 86804464 |
Beyond Meat EU B.V. | 77010019 |
Beyond Space B.V. | 80911595 |
Beyond Sports B.V. | 63498138 |
BF Construction Consultancy B.V. | 82952450 |
BF COÖPERATIEF U.A. | 68035942 |
BF Global Logistics B.V. | 56569114 |
BGB Dentistry B.V. | 73349887 |
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs B.V. | 77902483 |
BGIS Global Integrated Solutions Ireland Limited | 74993852 |
BGN INT B.V. | 87856042 |
bGrid B.V. | 68285515 |
Bharosa Taaluiting B.V. | 72296771 |
Bharti Airtel International (Netherlands) B.V. | 34387410 |
BHS Corrugated B.V. | 06082598 |
BICL (NL) B.V. | 66666473 |
Bidfood B.V. | 39051693 |
Bierenko Amsterdam B.V. | 33195747 |
Bierens Incasso Advocaten B.V. | 17114967 |
Bierman Henket architecten B.V. | 17107424 |
Big Adventure Travel Company B.V. | 73383449 |
BigCommerce Netherlands B.V. | 86155717 |
BigData Republic B.V. | 62888692 |
Bikeurope B.V. | 08023280 |
Bilfinger Insulation B.V. | 23029050 |
Bilfinger Tebodin Netherlands B.V. | 27336603 |
Bilgeadam Technologies B.V. | 72797517 |
Bilgin Bouwservice B.V. | 58311173 |
Bilthoven Biologicals B.V. | 53751221 |
Bimasbikes | 60683554 |
BIM-Connected Consultancy B.V. | 86868098 |
BIMINI Biotech B.V. | 75882760 |
BinckBank N.V. | 33162223 |
Bio Diets B.V. | 69288534 |
Bio Energy Netherlands B.V. | 66819083 |
BioActor B.V. | 52104540 |
Bioclear earth B.V. | 02044410 |
Biogas Plus Systems B.V. | 17215570 |
Biogen Netherlands B.V. | 34108067 |
BioGeneration III Services B.V. | 66432294 |
BioGX B.V. | 68176384 |
Bio-ITech B.V. | 53765273 |
Biolumnis B.V. | 56179146 |
Biomedical Distribution North Europe B.V. | 60669101 |
Biomet Global Supply Chain Center B.V. | 23090168 |
BIOND Solutions B.V. | 70154252 |
Bioriginal Europe/Asia B.V. | 24298869 |
Biostar Microtech Netherlands B.V. | 24431821 |
Biosynth B.V. | 39097142 |
Biota Nutrients B.V. | 71723358 |
Biotisk Energier Netherlands B.V. | 86441426 |
BioTop Medical | 28095963 |
Bioventus Coöperatief U.A. | 55398901 |
Bird & Bird (Netherlands) LLP | 27374435 |
Bird Control Group B.V. | 58351701 |
BIRD Recruitment B.V. | 57390533 |
Bird Rides Europe B.V. | 70872120 |
Birkenstock Netherlands B.V. | 88862178 |
Birlasoft (UK) Limited | 34247670 |
Bisdom Roermond | 74911929 |
BISSELL International Trading Company B.V. | 53752139 |
bitbird | 69121672 |
Bitdefender Netherlands B.V. | 66389690 |
Bitfury Holding B.V. | 60269421 |
Bitonic B.V. | 58276149 |
Bitpanda GmbH | 84410876 |
Bits of Stock B.V. | 76309983 |
Bitvavo B.V. | 68743424 |
BIYU B.V. | 80174590 |
Bizaline B.V. | 66314194 |
Bizbloqs Management Solutions B.V. | 71838392 |
Bizcuit B.V. | 68122853 |
Biztory B.V. | 64980499 |
BiZZdesign International | 08204584 |
BKL B.V. | 17065403 |
Black Bear Carbon | 50269178 |
Black Box International B.V. | 66400740 |
Black Door Recruitment B.V. | 71077669 |
BLACKBEAR B.V. | 72489669 |
BlackBerry Netherlands B.V. | 17044288 |
Blackboard International B.V. | 30170649 |
BlackLine International B.V. | 52094030 |
BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V. | 17068311 |
Blackstone Shipping Netherlands B.V. | 76670090 |
Blanco Services B.V. | 64426696 |
Blanq Labs B.V. | 86844784 |
blauwfruit B.V. | 85721182 |
Blauwtrust Groep B.V. | 51346060 |
Bleckmann Nederland B.V. | 06078339 |
Bleckmann Solutions B.V. | 66593557 |
Bleeve B.V. | 62679015 |
Bleko Chemie B.V. | 08093259 |
Blender | 34276786 |
Blendle B.V. | 58724109 |
BlinkLane Consulting B.V. | 30192079 |
Bliq B.V. | 74432192 |
BLiS Digital B.V. | 24386524 |
Blitz Optiek Ermelo | 83673369 |
Block Global B.V. | 64624439 |
Blockbax Technology B.V. | 70370281 |
Blockchain Fieldlab B.V. | 69159785 |
Blockrise Capital B.V. | 74879782 |
BlockTech B.V. | 70787972 |
BlockTrail B.V. | 60262060 |
Bloem Health Products B.V. | 61604003 |
Blonk Milieu Advies B.V. | 24317458 |
Blonk Sustainability Tools B.V. | 59850868 |
Bloomon Nederland B.V. | 61571504 |
Bloomon SSC 2 B.V. | 70182078 |
Bloomon SSC B.V. | 68898215 |
BloomReach B.V. | 34239916 |
Bloozy Maritime Trading B.V. | 62870785 |
Blox B.V. | 71663533 |
BLOXS Software B.V. | 62076957 |
Blu-3 (UK) Ltd | 70355010 |
Blue 10 B.V. | 27195343 |
Blue Billywig International B.V. | 64616576 |
Blue Clue Payroll Solutions B.V. | 53892232 |
Blue Dynamic B.V. | 83303308 |
Blue Engineering B.V. | 58223541 |
Blue Fielders B.V. | 62211544 |
Blue Heart Energy B.V. | 66754607 |
Blue Lynx Employment B.V. | 27153281 |
Blue Ocean Engineering B.V. | 28109590 |
Blue Offshore B.V. | 50478923 |
Blue Phoenix Group | 24448294 |
Blue Phoenix Holding B.V. | 86707590 |
Blue Radix B.V. | 75407531 |
Blue Rose Technologies B.V. | 73901415 |
Blue Sphere Brabant | 66863643 |
Blue Umbrella | 34331176 |
Blue Water Shipping B.V. | 54254981 |
Blue21 B.V. | 62510436 |
BlueAlp Production B.V. | 82644845 |
BlueBee | 51859076 |
Blueberry ICT B.V. | 63618052 |
BlueCielo ECM Solutions B.V. | 27133487 |
BlueConic B.V. | 59800143 |
BlueFinch B.V. | 52644855 |
Blueprint Automation B.V. | 30089111 |
BlueRock Logistics B.V. | 58417028 |
Bluespring B.V. | 65751477 |
BlueStone Solutions B.V. | 70032726 |
Bluestream Offshore B.V. | 37151264 |
Bluetech Engineering B.V. | 51489015 |
Bluewater Energy Services B.V. | 34088044 |
BlueXPRT B.V. | 71346937 |
BluJay Solutions B.V. | 23054829 |
BluprintX B.V. | 76602974 |
Blygold Nederland B.V. | 30060192 |
BMC Software Distribution B.V. | 30106755 |
BMCE Euroservices SA - Nederland | 59240903 |
BME | Building Materials Europe B.V. | 76083411 |
BMS Heavy Cranes B.V. | 77058526 |
BMS Netherlands Operations B.V. | 81072058 |
BMW Finance N.V. | 27106340 |
BMW Financial Services Nederland B.V. | 16036186 |
BMW Nederland B.V. | 27063861 |
BNG Bank N.V. | 27008387 |
BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT France, Netherlands Branch | 81007248 |
BNP Paribas Cardif B.V. | 20100169 |
BNP Paribas Personal Finance B.V. | 33235784 |
BNP Paribas Real Estate Advisory Netherlands B.V. | 34288609 |
BNP Paribas SA, Netherlands Branch | 33148246 |
BNR-Quality B.V. | 81954042 |
BO18 B.V. | 72366206 |
BoCari International B.V. | 58655638 |
Body & Fit Sportsnutrition B.V. | 52492052 |
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Netherlands B.V. | 33224075 |
Boehringer Ingelheim B.V. | 37046285 |
Boeing Netherlands B.V. | 34247907 |
Boekestijn Transport Service B.V. | 17150389 |
Boels Verhuur B.V. | 14039581 |
Boer & Croon Management Solutions B.V. | 34183315 |
Bol Accountants B.V. | 16064022 | B.V. | 32147382 |
Bold Online B.V. | 55799280 |
Bold Security Technology B.V. | 65757319 |
Bolder Business Services (Netherlands) B.V. | 82349967 |
Bolders Consulting Group | 52640825 |
Bolidt Kunststoftoepassing B.V. | 23035272 |
Bollegraaf Recycling Machinery B.V. | 02038528 |
Boloo B.V. | 75993228 |
Bolt Europe B.V. | 76609391 |
Bolt Support Services NL | 82441308 |
Bomaz B.V. | 22054769 |
Bond high performance 3D technology B.V. | 62091654 |
Bond IT B.V. | 56297785 |
Bond3D International B.V. | 81373929 |
Bondify B.V. | 74163671 |
Bonemasters Europe B.V. | 71561242 |
Bonesca Import en Export B.V. | 61887692 |
Bontrup Aggregates B.V. | 14626793 | B.V. | 71743650 |
Bookchoice (Benelux) B.V. | 61244848 |
Bookchoice B.V. | 84745274 |
Booker25 | 56795114 |
Booking Experts B.V. | 55796850 | B.V. | 31047344 | Customer Service Center (Netherlands) | 57989168 | Customer Service Holding | 57988358 | Distribution B.V. | 80456243 | Holding | 57987823 | International B.V. | 57988218 | International Services B.V. | 60025018 | IT Services B.V. | 60025360 |
BookingSuite B.V. | 61672947 |
BookSpot B.V. | 59878916 |
Booleans B.V. | 71034218 |
BOOM Landscape B.V. | 90687337 |
Boomerang Agency B.V. | 34362606 |
Boomerang Create B.V. | 69096066 |
Boomi BeNeLux B.V. | 82479666 |
Boon Edam Global Export B.V. | 61604119 |
Boost Collectibles B.V. | 53165667 |
Boosting Alpha B.V. | 72193565 |
Boots Nederland B.V. | 22040269 |
Booz Allen Hamilton Netherlands B.V. | 72440902 |
Boreal Europe B.V. | 24314645 |
Boreas Logistics Holdings B.V. | 68923791 |
Boreas Maritime B.V. | 67864201 |
Borgen Tax B.V. | 58879765 |
Boring Agency B.V. | 80961819 |
Bortly B.V. | 32129769 |
Bos Polijstmaterialen B.V. | 30113317 |
Bosal Energy Conversion Industry B.V. | 23061974 |
Bösch Boden Spies Import GmbH | 85255092 |
Bosch en Slabbers Den Haag B.V. | 22054096 |
Bosch Energy and Building Solutions B.V. | 87361418 |
Bosch Power Tools B.V. | 20067148 |
Bosch Rexroth B.V. | 84474742 |
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 17078624 |
Bosch Thermotechniek B.V. | 38021061 |
Bosch Transmission Technology B.V. | 18018770 |
Boschman Technologies B.V. | 09138178 |
Bose Products B.V. | 36037901 |
Bosing Engineers & Consultants B.V. | 89746511 |
Boskalis Subsea Cables B.V. | 24387623 |
Bosman Van Zaal B.V. | 33211411 |
Bosporus | 53883195 |
Bostik Benelux B.V. | 20033506 |
Bostik Nederland B.V. | 20041764 |
Boston Scientific Group plc | 14633872 |
Boston Scientific International B.V. | 14633083 |
Bota Technik Benelux B.V. | 75164515 |
Botau Engineering and Construction B.V. | 78515890 |
BOTS Support Services B.V. | 84198486 |
Bouman Industrial Services B.V. | 08220826 |
Bouwbedrijf M.K. B.V. | 70398437 |
Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors B.V. | 34180506 |
Bowman Chiropractie B.V. | 55770282 |
BoxFonteck B.V. | 58164723 |
Boxspring Benelux B.V. | 71420940 |
BP Europa SE - BP Nederland | 24489071 |
BP Raffinaderij Rotterdam B.V. | 24178415 |
BPC Software Labs B.V. | 62228935 |
BPI Services B.V. | 30227232 |
BPM Company Netherlands B.V. | 52987221 |
BR1GHT B.V. | 73839337 |
Brabantia Branding B.V. | 17028708 |
Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij Holding B.V. | 18033506 |
BRAC International Enterprises B.V. | 85092509 |
BRAC International Holdings B.V. | 34393125 |
Brace Automotive B.V. | 27256461 |
Brack Capital Properties N.V. | 34250659 |
Braden-Europe B.V. | 14047046 |
Bradford Engineering B.V. | 20046521 |
Brain Agency B.V. | 62452444 |
Brain Corporation B.V. | 77166051 |
brainbay B.V. | 71551034 |
Brainboss B.V. | 66060257 |
Brainbox Consulting B.V. | 64713032 |
Braincreators B.V. | 66314542 |
Braingineers International B.V. | 64636658 |
Brainport Development N.V. | 17051095 |
Brains Unlimited B.V. | 52499383 |
Brainsfirst B.V. | 66426200 |
BrainStax B.V. | 56492839 |
Brainstructions B.V. | 71267522 |
Brainum B.V. | 32124789 |
Branch Office of zooplus AG | 71168583 |
Brand Articulations B.V. | 64230538 |
Brand Equipment B.V. | 72038047 |
Brand Loyalty B.V. | 16079322 |
Brand Loyalty Development B.V. | 71614664 |
Brand Loyalty Sourcing B.V. | 17187852 |
Brand Loyalty Special Promotions B.V. | 17192153 |
Brand New Day Bank N.V. | 30067102 |
Brand New Day Diensten B.V. | 56476779 |
Brand New Day Premiepensioeninstelling N.V. | 52429687 |
Brand Potential B.V. | 27112013 |
Brandclick B.V. | 69645388 |
Braskem Netherlands B.V. | 24401995 |
Braskem Netherlands Finance B.V. | 61905771 |
Braskem Netherlands Inc. B.V. | 62115081 |
Braskem Trading & Shipping B.V. | 90073614 |
Bravinci NL B.V. | 77930703 |
Bravoure B.V. | 51837498 |
BRB International B.V. | 13020953 |
BRB Lube oil Additives & Chemicals B.V. | 70126194 |
BreachLock Netherlands B.V. | 74299913 |
Breadbox Shipping Lines B.V. | 24373958 |
Breathomix B.V. | 71801103 |
Breda University of Applied Sciences | 41104616 |
Bredero Shaw International B.V. | 27147411 |
Breeze Social B.V. | 80045944 |
Brenger B.V. | 67078583 |
Brenntag Amsterdam B.V. | 68190018 |
BresMed Netherlands B.V. | 60999101 |
Brickyard B.V. | 17138064 |
Briddge B.V. | 51446030 |
BridgeFund B.V. | 70304580 |
Bridgestone Mobility Solutions B.V. | 61185787 | B.V. | 68922906 |
Bright Cape B.V. | 61603244 |
Bright Computing B.V. | 34376066 |
Bright Interim B.V. | 61372900 |
Bright IT Services B.V. | 90692837 |
Bright Photonics B.V. | 50904213 |
Bright River B.V. | 57217602 |
Bright Society B.V. | 61372528 |
B-Right Urban Living Development B.V. | 16088163 |
BrightContact Technology B.V. | 53534050 |
Brightin B.V. | 02074310 |
Brightlands Venture Partners B.V. | 59082739 |
BrightNight India, B.V. | 84228679 |
Brightsight B.V. | 30105045 |
Brimit B.V. | 64108171 |
Bring Cargo B.V. | 23056300 |
Brink & Hoek Amsterdam B.V. | 69710201 |
Brinkman International B.V. | 27217803 |
Brinks Components B.V. | 06061489 |
Brink's Solutions Holdings B.V. | 78553393 |
Bristow Netherlands B.V. | 83850996 |
British American Tobacco Holdings (The Netherlands) B.V. | 33236251 |
British American Tobacco International (Holdings) B.V. | 33268088 |
Broad Horizon 2Focus B.V. | 30243050 |
Broadband Hosting B.V. | 27197308 |
Broadcom Netherlands B.V. | 30154873 |
Broadview Energy Solutions B.V. | 59448245 |
Broadview Industries B.V. | 14097575 |
Broekman Logistics Division B.V. | 24422047 |
Broks-Messelaar Consultancy B.V. | 08091133 |
Bronkhorst Sales II B.V. | 64858316 |
Bronswerk Heat Transfer B.V. | 08022150 |
Brooks Sports B.V. | 59935472 |
BrosMed Medical B.V. | 61321834 |
Brown-Forman Netherlands B.V. | 34313023 |
Brownline B.V. | 24289722 |
Bruco Integrated Circuits B.V. | 08215715 |
Bruker Nederland B.V. | 35015408 |
Bruna B.V. | 30059273 |
Brunel Energy Europe B.V. | 34186664 |
Brunel Nederland B.V. | 27229487 |
BS Isiltir B.V. | 59453893 |
BSGi NL Warehouse B.V. | 72934182 |
BSH Huishoudapparaten B.V. | 33172709 |
BSI Group The Netherlands B.V. | 33264284 |
BSPA B.V. | 34114775 |
BSS Holland B.V. | 34310311 |
BSUR Agency B.V. | 33264480 |
B-Synergy B.V. | 20143520 |
BTG BioLiquids B.V. | 08167874 |
BTS in Amsterdam B.V. | 50470477 |
BTT Office Services B.V. | 80957846 |
Bubty B.V. | 78697875 |
Buck Amsterdam Design B.V. | 81178328 |
Buck Consultants International B.V. | 10146507 |
Buckaroo B.V. | 04060983 |
Budbee B.V. | 74690280 |
Bufab Flos B.V. | 17062762 |
Bugaboo International B.V. | 34112667 |
Bugloos B.V. | 86809393 |
Bühler B.V. | 06068355 |
Build in Amsterdam B.V. | 58859446 |
Build2Live B.V. | 75981718 |
Builders Studio B.V. | 62682466 |
Buitelaar NL B.V. | 73902586 |
Buitengaats Management B.V. | 01177142 |
Bulletproof Design B.V. | 74406132 |
Bulls and Dogs Amsterdam B.V. | 65310489 |
Bumicom Telecommunicatie B.V. | 27096162 |
Bunge Loders Croklaan B.V. | 35011263 |
Bunge Loders Croklaan Group B.V. | 34178266 |
Bunge Netherlands B.V. | 66808006 |
Bungie Netherlands B.V. | 82130019 |
bunq B.V. | 54992060 |
BUNZL Outsourcing Services B.V. | 33054904 |
BURA urbanism B.V. | 77522915 |
Burdock Maintenance Consultants B.V. | 27166196 |
Bureau Schmidt B.V. | 68445326 |
Bureau Veritas Inspection and Certification The Netherlands B.V. | 32069296 |
Bureau Veritas Marine Nederland B.V. | 24414871 |
Buren N.V. | 27259366 |
Burg Industries B.V. | 27229637 |
Burk Consulting NL B.V. | 71928162 |
Buro Happold B.V. | 80152872 |
Buro Harro | 54165296 |
Buro Kade B.V. | 17145768 |
buro ontwerp & omgeving B.V. | 09148203 |
Buro Sant en Co | 33266178 |
Burton Hamfelt Urban Architecture B.V. | 70292140 |
Busan Port Authority B.V. | 80738923 |
Busan Port Authority EURO Office | 65852427 |
Business Radar B.V. | 68648103 |
Business Sweden Business Support Office AB | 74303600 |
BusinessForensics B.V. | 50422731 |
BUX Technology B.V. | 58403787 |
BuyBay B.V. | 59498862 |
BW Global (Europe) B.V. | 71673725 |
BW Offshore Management B.V. | 34354070 |
B-ware Business Software B.V. | 06061893 |
BWise B.V. | 17121580 |
BWW International Trading B.V. | 66815290 |
ByBorre Lab B.V. | 64732592 |
Byd Europe B.V. | 24288673 |
ByggBlock B.V. | 57529981 |
BYK Netherlands B.V. | 38016572 |
Byldis Facades B.V. | 91611024 |
Byldis Prefab B.V. | 91610982 |
Bynder B.V. | 56995229 |
Byondis B.V. | 54042577 |
Byte B.V. | 06090748 |
C & C Asian Market | 66193850 |
C & D Foods (Netherlands) B.V. | 34215779 |
C Teleport B.V. | 72063920 |
C&E Development B.V. | 24418153 |
C&J International Trading B.V. | 78128048 |
C. Fleet Supervision B.V. | 50675885 |
C. Steinweg-Handelsveem B.V. | 24001123 |
C.C.S. Conmar Coating Services B.V. | 30199113 |
C.E.M.S. (Community of European Management Schools) Alumni Association the Netherlands | 40348052 |
C.H. Robinson Europe B.V. | 34184256 |
C.O.H.E. | 33282028 |
C.P.I. Governance B.V. | 34224065 |
C1 Connections B.V. | 74750534 |
C2CA Technology B.V. | 66509424 |
CA Software Holding B.V. | 24242191 |
Cabka N.V. | 80504493 |
Cabooter Logistics B.V. | 12035177 |
Cabot B.V. | 24108495 |
CACEIS Bank, Netherlands Branch | 67323944 |
CAD2M B.V. | 09132824 |
Cadac Group ISV B.V. | 14095746 |
CADCAM-E Netherlands B.V. | 72611022 |
Cadence Design Systems B.V. | 17065436 |
Cadir Restaurant B.V. | 61806269 |
Cadmatic B.V. | 02034210 |
Cadran Consultancy B.V. | 32073161 |
CAE Aviation Training B.V. | 33294836 |
CAE CFT B.V. | 28099150 |
Caely Renewables B.V. | 83482059 |
CAF Netherlands B.V. | 68114109 |
Cafiver International B.V. | 69226555 |
Cagemax Holding B.V. | 01097692 |
Cainiao (Netherlands) B.V. | 78300568 |
Cainiao Supply Chain Netherlands B.V. | 69413320 |
Cairn Real Estate B.V. | 08149727 |
Çak Textile B.V. | 24449901 |
CAL Consult Nederland B.V. | 09078710 |
Calcit Zeeland B.V. | 72975784 |
Caldic B.V. | 24248451 |
CALIBER TECHNOLOGIES B.V. | 86572911 | B.V. | 53654889 |
Çalik Denim B.V. | 68000987 |
Callisto Integration Europe B.V. | 64030644 |
Callisto Web Solutions B.V. | 72985518 |
Calvin Klein Europe B.V. | 24271819 |
CAM Bioceramics B.V. | 27324016 |
Cameo Global B.V. | 60396024 |
Camping De Robbenjager B.V. | 85118036 |
Camposol Fresh B.V | 24152493 |
Campuskey B.V. | 73011231 |
candi solar B.V. | 78504929 |
Canfield Scientific Europe B.V. | 34302429 |
Cankara Telecom | 58615709 |
Canline Systems B.V. | 17270973 |
Canna Corporate B.V. | 20105847 |
Cannamax B.V. | 78291704 |
Canon Europa N.V. | 33166721 |
Canon Medical Components Europe B.V. | 86954547 |
Canon Medical Informatics B.V. | 30141061 |
Canon Medical Informatics Europe B.V. | 27288635 |
Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. | 27143943 |
Canon Production Printing Netherlands B.V. | 12002662 |
CAN-PACK Netherlands B.V. | 65982584 |
CANSO B.V. | 55171427 |
Canyon Nederland B.V. | 55655963 |
Caotech B.V. | 37077521 |
Capayable B.V. | 59234784 |
Cape Five NL B.V. | 11070278 |
Cape Global International Developments Nederland | 51019418 |
Cape Systems Integration B.V. | 08166119 |
Capgemini Nederland B.V. | 30053172 |
CapitalT Management B.V. | 74392980 |
Caple B.V. | 64272826 |
CAPLINQ Europe B.V. | 52503208 |
Capptions B.V. | 27305863 |
CAPREIT NL I B.V. | 67506488 |
Capri Partners B.V. | 84304464 |
Capstone Advisory B.V. | 73300136 |
Capte B.V. | 70155844 |
CaptureTech Products B.V. | 28084840 |
Carat Nederland B.V. | 34186991 |
CarbExplore Research B.V. | 68097522 |
Carbon Trust Europe B.V. | 74185039 |
CarbonX B.V. | 60071052 |
Carbyon B.V. | 76485161 |
Cardano Risk Management B.V. | 24308915 |
Cardia International B.V. | 66173132 |
CardiacBooster B.V. | 71058176 |
Cardimed B.V. | 56246145 |
CardioTek B.V. | 14097237 |
Care Force Medical B.V. | 50226045 |
Care4Agro B.V. | 76517721 |
CarePay International B.V. | 68738129 |
Carerix B.V. | 27270911 |
CareServant B.V. | 57598274 |
Cargill B.V. | 33119622 |
Cargill Bioindustrial B.V. | 24324849 |
Cargo B.V. | 86197517 |
Cargo King B.V. | 34260448 |
Cargonaut Nederland B.V. | 51782952 |
Carhartt B.V. -EMEA | 05060293 |
Carl Zeiss B.V. | 32033579 |
Carlier Group B.V. | 52462862 |
Carlisle Construction Materials B.V. | 05083686 |
Carnival Plc | 32141387 |
Carrier Fire & Security B.V. | 13033009 |
Carrier Transicold Ltd. | 24137858 |
Carrière Detachering B.V. | 50741128 |
Carrière Personeelsdiensten B.V. | 50778366 |
CarShare Ventures B.V. | 55839118 |
Cartama Europe B.V. | 78610052 |
Carthago Consultancy B.V. | 24265198 |
CARU Containers B.V. | 20074202 |
CarUX Technology Europe B.V. | 14088784 | B.V. | 84849738 |
Carya Automatisering V.O.F. | 27260060 |
Cascoland | 55552765 |
Caselex B.V. | 64887944 |
Casengo Facilities B.V. | 56953054 |
Caseware Nederland B.V. | 22031439 |
Caspar B.V. | 75121743 |
Casper B.V. | 51021153 |
Caspian Investments Resources Ltd. | 64754286 |
Cass Europe B.V. | 51862980 |
Cassini Technologies B.V. | 70847932 |
Castor Marine B.V. | 32130742 |
Castor Networks B.V. | 32111065 |
Cataly Partners B.V. | 24431634 |
Catalyze B.V. | 70456674 |
Catawiki B.V. | 01131735 |
Catella IM Benelux B.V. | 56049773 |
Catella Residential Investment Management GmbH | 88738140 |
Caterpillar Work Tools B.V. | 16047090 |
Catexel B.V. | 24332343 |
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited | 34079171 |
Cato Networks (EU) B.V. | 80906036 |
Cavotec Nederland B.V. | 23078227 |
CB&I Nederland B.V. | 27049906 |
CBE Staffing B.V. | 33300166 |
CBMM Europe B.V. | 34259328 |
Cboe Clear Europe N.V. | 34268194 |
CBOE Europe B.V. | 72273968 |
Cboe Netherlands Services Company B.V. | 80564313 |
C-Boost B.V. | 75781824 |
CBOX Containers Netherlands B.V. | 56549121 |
CBRE B.V. | 33191573 |
CBRE Global Investment Administration B.V. | 63072297 |
CBRE GWS Integrated Facility Management B.V. | 33273785 |
CBRE Investment Management Indirect Holding B.V. | 27292128 |
CBRE Investment Management Personnel Services B.V. | 34278673 |
CBRE Valuation & Advisory Services B.V. | 34202510 |
CBS Development B.V. | 77561619 |
CBS International (Netherlands) B.V. | 33122106 |
CBTJ Financial Services B.V. | 34181848 |
CC Beverages Holdings II B.V. | 33298456 |
CC7 Europe B.V. | 81924305 |
CCIC Europe B.V. | 24331915 |
CCIC EUROPE Food Test B.V. | 66758483 |
CCIC Netherlands B.V. | 68730306 |
CCmath B.V. | 34231454 |
C-Corp B.V. | 22035259 |
CCV Group B.V. | 09045274 |
CCWH Holding B.V. | 53497864 |
CDR International B.V. | 56270127 |
CDS Development B.V. | 58519505 |
CE Delft | 27251086 |
CEAD B.V. | 64651126 |
CEAT Specialty Tyres B.V. | 68642547 |
CECS B.V. | 68816308 |
CeDo Recycling B.V. | 14066702 |
CEE-BIG B.V. | 34305204 |
Cefetra Group B.V. | 56121172 |
Cegeka Business Solutions Real Estate Software B.V. | 34104715 |
Cegeka Nederland | 30091566 |
Cegelec Industry B.V. | 56833695 |
Cegelec Infra B.V. | 20065021 |
Celanese Europe B.V. | 61484660 |
Celebratix B.V. | 89487621 |
Celestia Satellite Test and Simulation B.V. | 65304209 |
Cell Signaling Technology Europe B.V. | 28100442 |
Cellex B.V. | 91700604 |
Cellmark Netherlands B.V. | 76054926 |
Cellnex Netherlands B.V. | 56564767 |
CellSens B.V. | 09221168 |
Celltrion Healthcare Netherlands B.V. | 70819742 |
Celonis B.V. | 67121780 |
CelSian Glass & Solar B.V. | 54306272 |
Cenosco Custom B.V. | 27314026 |
Censo Data Solutions B.V. | 09171892 |
Center Parcs Europe N.V. | 34136068 |
Centerdam Hotel B.V. | 50807137 |
Centillion Solutions B.V. | 85048100 |
Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen | 56809786 |
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek | 51197073 |
Centraal Planbureau | 52813150 |
Centralis Netherlands B.V. | 52887227 |
Centre for Human Drug Research | 41167480 |
Centric Netherlands B.V. | 24181890 |
Centrient Holding B.V. | 71889027 |
Centrient Pharmaceuticals Netherlands B.V. | 14090826 |
Centrum voor Tandheelkunde Maarheeze B.V. | 73473782 |
Century Distribution Systems (Europe) B.V. | 24374662 |
Cepheid Netherlands B.V. | 82966672 |
Ceradis B.V. | 09156772 |
Cerberus Global Investments B.V. | 34208986 |
Cerence B.V. | 74815571 |
CerQlar Solutions Group B.V. | 76658821 |
Certara Netherlands B.V. | 20152950 |
Certhon Build B.V. | 27237620 |
Certis | 30110489 |
Certus Port Automation B.V. | 58796762 |
Cervo Dienstverlening B.V. | 32130659 |
CET Logistics B.V. | 70898375 |
CEVA Freight Holland B.V. | 34034262 |
CEVA Logistics Headoffice B.V. | 33132522 |
CEVA Logistics Netherlands B.V. | 16066165 |
Cevinio B.V. | 34219654 |
CF Industrial B.V. | 53010302 |
CFF Communications B.V. | 33245987 |
CFP Groep B.V. | 74703919 |
CG Drives & Automation Netherlands B.V. | 17033961 |
CG Holding B.V. | 63402475 |
CGG Services (NL) B.V. | 24294747 |
CGI Nederland B.V. | 33136004 |
Chain Fashion Industries | 24275629 |
Chain Professionals B.V. | 66326508 |
ChainBalance B.V. | 30205205 |
ChainCraft B.V. | 09222453 |
CHAINels B.V. | 54175437 |
Chain-IC B.V. | 81184476 |
Chainn B.V. | 72316721 |
ChainStock B.V. | 73410381 |
Chain-Sys Europa B.V. | 55888569 |
Chane Terminals B.V. | 35017577 | B.V. | 63350726 |
Channext | 72595752 |
Chapman Bright B.V. | 65759028 |
Chargebee B.V. | 75453797 |
ChargePoint Network (Netherlands) B.V. | 66828147 |
ChargeSight B.V. | 83575502 |
Chargetrip | 65426959 |
Charles River Laboratories Den Bosch B.V. | 16055281 |
Charles River Nederland B.V. | 34137756 |
Charlie works crew B.V. | 59486821 |
Chartboost B.V. | 57696713 |
Chase Bliss B.V. | 88552799 |
Châteraisé Europe B.V. | 80659306 |
CHE B.V. | 70591636 |
Check Technologies B.V. | 74034057 |
CheckMark Laboratorium Support B.V. | 18024786 |
Checkout Group B.V. | 74268341 |
Checkpoint Apparel Labeling B.V. | 09062615 |
Cheddar Payments B.V. | 78307635 |
Cheers Interactive (Netherlands) B.V. | 63420295 |
Cheil Benelux B.V. | 54115957 |
Chemelco International B.V. | 31027478 |
Chemelot Campus B.V. | 52201619 |
Chemours Netherlands | 54013445 |
Chemploy B.V. | 62267604 | EMEA B.V. | 50893254 |
Chemship B.V. | 30086290 |
Chep Benelux Nederland B.V. | 28032707 |
Chevron Oronite Technology B.V. | 27058602 |
Chiesi Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 34163035 |
CHILAS B.V. | 73281298 |
Chimbusco Europe B.V. | 24176325 |
ChimpWorks B.V. | 58052577 |
China Airlines Ltd. | 33171485 |
China Carbon N.V. | 34256051 |
China Cargo Airlines Company Limited | 56359152 |
China Center Amsterdam B.V. | 53832248 |
China Classification Society Rotterdam B.V. | 52350932 |
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. Amsterdam Branch | 62538519 |
China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited | 66171717 |
China Great Hotel Management B.V. | 52693457 |
China Light Festival B.V. | 56151209 |
China Si Chuan Warmoesstraat B.V. | 66047544 |
China Southern Airlines Amsterdam Office | 33284086 |
China Taiping Insurance (UK) Co Ltd, the Netherlands Branch | 24355743 |
Chinees Specialiteiten Restaurant Mountain Spring | 64629260 |
Chinese Medical Center | 33271637 |
CHINT Electrics Netherlands B.V. | 68935471 |
Chios Media B.V. | 32078547 |
Chiquita Europe B.V. | 20077397 |
ChiroBalance | 73546526 |
Chiropractie Borger | 01154306 |
Chiropractie Castricum B.V. | 37125726 |
Chiropractie Centraal B.V. | 82484767 |
Chiropractie De Pijp | 62948318 |
Chiropractie Den Haag B.V. | 81128355 |
Chiropractie Doetinchem B.V. | 55915922 |
Chiropractie Emmen B.V. | 04087570 |
Chiropractie Kampen B.V. | 05086264 |
Chiropractie LaFlamme | 84311363 |
Chiropractie Leiden | 28052651 |
Chiropractie Mulder | 55953670 |
Chiropractie Noordwijk B.V. | 28071156 |
Chiropractie Praktijk Kennemerland | 34151446 |
Chiropractie R. Blaauw B.V. | 55440932 |
Chiropractie Rugcentrum Assen B.V. | 77770927 |
Chiropractie Rugcentrum Groningen B.V. | 77770757 |
Chiropractie Rugcentrum Zwolle B.V. | 73872393 |
Chiropractie Westland B.V. | 27325250 |
Chiropractie Wijchen | 09182391 |
Chiropractie Wolters B.V. | 12034400 |
Chiropractie Zoetermeer | 69056439 |
Chiropractor van der Veen B.V. | 09108991 |
Chiropractor Van der Veen v.o.f. | 09187247 |
Chiyoda Corporation Netherlands B.V. | 56569890 |
Choice Hotels Licensing B.V. | 34135974 |
Choice in Energy B.V. | 72930624 |
Chordify B.V. | 60387238 |
Chr. Muller Touw B.V. | 09055321 |
Christian Dior Netherlands B.V. | 54864046 |
Chroma Ate Europe B.V. | 09105261 |
Chromalloy Holland B.V. | 18030901 |
Chrysal International B.V. | 32029274 |
Chrysalix Netherlands B.V. | 74526758 |
Chubb European Group SE | 24353249 |
Chubb Fire & Security B.V. | 33257455 |
Chubby Gorilla Europe B.V. | 73558729 |
Chubu Electric Power Company Netherlands B.V. | 75639815 |
Chugoku Paints B.V. | 20038825 |
CI IV Coöperatief U.A. | 77404777 |
CI NMF I Coöperatief U.A. | 75107910 |
CIC International B.V. | 65212142 |
CIC NL B.V. | 62074962 |
Cicek Ler Telecommunicatie B.V. | 27189920 |
CIG Architecture B.V. | 28116301 |
Cignal Infrastructure Netherlands B.V. | 72488735 |
CiMaas B.V. | 62806386 |
Cimpor Global Holdings B.V. | 72885327 |
Cimpress Investments B.V. | 57476586 |
Cimsolutions | 23068838 |
cimt B.V. | 27315486 |
Cimtaq B.V. | 66412188 |
CINAR INFRA B.V. | 75161915 |
Cincero IT B.V. | 68454244 |
Cintex Group Holding B.V. | 57647593 |
CipherLab Europe Representative Office | 65407679 |
Cipla Holding B.V. | 58651160 |
Circana B.V. | 18043306 |
Circle B B.V. | 70274916 |
Circle Imperium B.V. | 60993448 |
CircleCI Netherlands B.V. | 61013366 |
Circonica Circular Energy B.V. | 72954590 |
Circular IQ B.V. | 65210956 |
Circularise B.V. | 66543339 |
CIRRO E-Commerce Europe B.V. | 78487811 |
Cirrus B.V. | 61107581 |
CIS Management B.V. | 21016442 |
Cisco Netherlands B.V. | 78517273 |
Cisco Systems International B.V. | 33283209 |
CISN Management Company Netherlands B.V. | 69838194 |
Citco Bank Nederland N.V. | 33185291 |
Citco Fund Services (Europe) B.V. | 33205112 |
Citco Nederland B.V. | 33161897 |
CITG Netherlands B.V. | 27195138 |
Citibank Europe Public Limited Company Netherlands Branch | 64729206 |
CITIC Telecom CPC Netherlands B.V. | 33269851 |
citizenM Operations Holding B.V. | 34218994 |
CITS V Service (Netherlands) B.V. | 51055252 |
City Kids Rotterdam B.V. | 54893119 |
CITYFöRSTER | 67709397 |
Civieltechnisch Bureau Aronsohn B.V. | 24134477 |
Civil 7 B.V. | 76289567 |
Ciwit B.V. | 54723655 |
CJ Administratiekantoor | 50685260 |
CJ Europe GmbH | 80892159 |
CJ Logistics Europe B.V. | 24344208 |
CJ Netherlands Office | 86936387 |
CJ Wildbird Foods Europe B.V. | 81114931 |
C-Job & Partners B.V. | 34289047 |
CKD Corporation Europe Branch | 34199214 |
CKD Europe B.V. | 24350255 |
CKW Trading B.V. | 58889604 |
CL Solutions B.V. | 76832155 |
Clafis Engineering Midden-Zuid B.V. | 61643386 |
Clarify B.V. | 63648938 |
Clarks Inn International B.V. | 72331984 |
CLDIN B.V. | 84345209 |
CleanNA B.V. | 72839511 |
Clear Round B.V. | 68231563 |
Clear Tech B.V. | 87728613 |
Clear2Pay Nederland B.V. | 33299164 |
ClearBank Europe N.V. | 89463366 |
ClearBlue Markets Europe B.V. | 72668237 |
Cleeng B.V. | 34392902 |
Clever Conductors B.V. | 57055246 |
CleverFranke B.V. | 57841209 |
cleversoft supervisory reporting B.V. | 34136560 |
CLEVR NL B.V. | 33281311 |
Click Crew Media B.V. | 71934049 |
ClickDealer Europe B.V. | 62093533 |
ClickDimensions, LLC | 58990100 |
ClickFox, Inc. | 61306738 |
ClickHouse B.V. | 83934162 |
Clifford Chance LLP | 34360401 |
Climate & Controls Benelux B.V. | 28023950 |
Climate Focus B.V. | 24369512 |
Climate Fund Managers B.V. | 64460789 |
Climate Risk Services B.V. | 76608670 |
Climate-KIC Holding B.V. | 63299658 |
Climax Molybdenum B.V. | 24108516 |
Clinic63 B.V. | 56514735 |
Cliq B.V. | 34377410 |
Clocktimizer B.V. | 61369373 |
Clockwork B.V. | 34315392 |
Cloetta Holland B.V. | 34221053 |
Close B.V. | 68741383 |
Close Contact B.V. | 33268804 |
Closing the Loop B.V. | 60758066 |
Clou B.V. | 14046498 |
Cloud Life B.V. | 78459702 |
Cloud Software Group Netherlands B.V. | 56282885 |
Cloud Solutions Nederland B.V. | 73818046 |
Cloud Team Company | 61952443 |
Cloudator B.V. | 64645282 |
CloudBilling B.V. | 55485243 |
Cloudfactory B.V. | 55229700 |
CloudFive B.V. | 67446515 |
Cloudflare Netherlands B.V. | 82497060 |
Cloudflight Netherlands B.V. | 74955780 |
CloudGrizzly B.V. | 58244484 |
Cloudnation B.V. | 72131632 |
Clouds Capital B.V. | 80886523 |
Cloudwise B.V. | 57641730 |
CLS Services B.V. | 30203820 |
CLSA Europe B.V. | 72509775 |
ClusterVision Solutions B.V. | 74556975 | International B.V. | 20163380 | R&D 14 B.V. | 60815515 | R&D 7 B.V. | 73313750 |
CMA-CGM (Holland) B.V. | 24276503 |
CMC Group Europe B.V. | 33224969 |
CMD Automotive | 71159916 |
CME Amsterdam B.V. | 71973761 |
CMIS Operations B.V. | 64812715 |
C-Monc B.V. | 70820848 |
CMS Beheer B.V. | 71014918 |
CNC Grondstoffen B.V. | 12033188 |
CNL Groep B.V. | 24417658 |
CNODC Management B.V. | 34256025 |
CNS Media B.V. | 09128939 |
Coates Netherlands B.V. | 77566750 |
Cobbler ICT Services B.V. | 05077635 |
Cobra adviseurs B.V. | 17232157 |
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Nederland B.V. | 24172526 |
Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. | 34154633 |
Coca-Cola HBC Holdings B.V. | 58229906 |
Coca-Cola HBC Sourcing B.V. | 74883399 |
Coca-Cola Nederland B.V. | 24251438 |
Coco Yachts B.V. | 54027675 |
Cocoanect B.V. | 61588024 |
Coda Netherlands Holdings B.V. | 82560072 |
Code d'Azur Interactive B.V. | 34266401 |
Code Internet Applications B.V. | 27255884 |
Code Nomads B.V. | 70302669 |
Code Nomads Rotterdam B.V. | 90550943 |
Code Nomads Utrecht B.V. | 85059838 |
Code Orange B.V. | 60428163 |
Code Product Solutions B.V. | 14095157 |
Code Yellow B.V. | 56026897 |
Codean B.V. | 82936080 |
Codeclan Den Bosch B.V. | 81821107 |
Codeglue B.V. | 24306201 |
CodeNext21 B.V. | 83173579 |
CodeSandbox B.V. | 71881972 |
CodeShop B.V. | 34229568 |
Codit Nederland B.V. | 30246968 |
COE International B.V. | 68030495 |
coeo Incasso B.V. | 24470897 |
Cofano Software Solutions B.V. | 50684183 |
COFCO International Netherlands B.V. | 24307569 |
Coffee IT B.V. | 72465646 |
Co-Flo Enterprise B.V. | 77691903 |
Coforge B.V. | 27154561 |
COFRA Amsterdam | 33159098 |
Cofra Amsterdam B.V. | 33082697 |
Cogent Communications Netherlands B.V. | 27191337 |
Cognizant Technology Solutions Benelux B.V. | 17101092 |
Cognyte Netherlands B.V. | 34139430 |
Coil Services B.V. | 04075911 |
Cojafex B.V. | 24098095 |
Collagen Research Center B.V. | 77711440 |
Collect Trading | 72618523 |
Collective Netherlands B.V. | 86899503 |
Collective Services B.V. | 82382905 |
College van Bestuur VO Haaglanden | 27253825 |
College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden | 09212570 |
Colliers Design & Development B.V. | 17252186 |
Collins Foods Holdings Europe B.V. | 84080787 |
Color Concepts B.V. | 24345285 |
Colorant Chromatics Europe B.V. | 57546614 |
ColorMatrix Europe B.V. | 17213716 |
Colosseum Dental Klinieken B.V. | 24447874 |
Colsen, Adviesburo voor Milieutechniek B.V. | 22050688 |
Colt Technology Services B.V. | 33303165 |
Com1 B.V. | 53152808 |
Comaen B.V. | 62431072 |
Combifloat Systems B.V. | 24162932 |
Combined Barge Operators (C.B.O.) B.V. | 30110470 |
Combined Computer Services C.C.S. B.V. | 30089418 |
Comed B.V. | 12042925 |
Comfort Payroll B.V. | 75981254 |
ComfortAce B.V. | 55085695 |
Command Alkon Netherlands B.V. | 14043781 |
CommerceCX B.V. | 70619441 |
Commercial Vehicle Charging Europe B.V. | 86950606 |
Commerzbank AG Benelux Branch | 34241101 |
Commissioning Agents Ireland, Ltd. | 65804716 |
Common Affairs B.V. | 66267609 |
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Europe) N.V. | 72946520 |
CommScope Netherlands B.V. | 34138906 |
Communications & Power Industries Europe Ltd. | 30128726 |
ComOps B.V. | 54516013 |
Companial B.V. | 56784600 |
Company Webcast B.V. | 24384974 |
Company.Info B.V. | 33302047 |
Compass Group Nederland Holding B.V. | 34082317 |
Competa It B.V. | 27165153 |
Compliment B.V. | 17154914 |
Compressor Controls Corporation B.V. | 34145176 |
Compskill B.V. | 60548525 |
CompuGroup Medical Nederland B.V. | 56159765 |
Compusult Europe B.V. | 75352176 |
Computer Packages Europe B.V. | 20073529 |
Computest Consultancy B.V. | 32108687 |
Comron International B.V. | 34213160 |
comScore B.V. | 33281270 |
Comsec International-Information Security B.V. | 30173045 |
COMSOL B.V. | 28102433 |
Comviva Technologies B.V. | 63223767 |
Concanon B.V. | 76703460 |
Concentrix International Europe B.V. | 33258450 |
Conclusion Application Innovation | 27296853 |
Conclusion Enablement B.V. | 39101391 |
Conclusion MBS B.V. | 30191754 |
Conclusion Mission Critical B.V. | 27364140 |
Conclusion Xforce B.V. | 30195258 |
Conclusion Zuyd B.V. | 32091040 |
Concr3de B.V. | 69341648 |
Concr3de Team B.V. | 84113863 |
Concreet Projectmanagement B.V. | 54834260 |
Concrefy B.V. | 51652293 |
Concur Holdings (Netherlands) B.V. | 34356267 |
Conduent Netherlands B.V. | 34139814 |
CoNet Zaandam B.V. | 53020243 |
Conexxia B.V. | 87360640 |
Conference Compass B.V. | 51173980 | B.V. | 65256336 |
Conjoint Analysis B.V. | 80229948 |
Connect Solutions B.V. | 56940327 |
ConnectAir B.V. | 90838947 |
Connected Circles B.V. | 72129301 |
Connected Information Systems B.V. | 24444001 |
Connecterra B.V. | 61840491 |
Conneqtech B.V. | 63567385 |
Connex B.V. | 80178707 |
conneXXion Nederland N.V. | 32083680 |
Conoship International B.V. | 02039662 |
Conpend B.V. | 65073029 |
Consafe Logistics B.V. | 20114696 |
Conscia Nederland B.V. | 29031508 |
Conscious Aerospace B.V. | 87702118 |
Conservatorium Hotel B.V. | 50975773 |
Considerati B.V. | 34285744 |
Constell B.V. | 68855966 |
Constellation Netherlands B.V. | 55034373 |
Constructie- en Aannemingsbedrijf Peter de Kok B.V. | 50043773 |
Consultantrading B.V. | 70094926 |
ConsuMatrix B.V. | 64081176 |
Consumer Evaluation Systems Inc. | 34378672 |
Container Solutions B.V. | 61884316 |
CONTAX Nederland B.V. | 61903728 |
Contentoo B.V. | 66406234 |
Context Labs B.V. | 65544382 |
Contexta B.V. | 67354971 |
ContextF B.V. | 68346182 |
ContextLogic BD B.V. | 68609175 |
Continental Bakeries (Haust) B.V. | 24047120 |
Continental Juice B.V. | 24315295 |
Continu | 29049044 |
Continuous Events B.V. | 72330120 |
Contiweb B.V. | 17167501 |
Contractuo Nederland B.V. | 77946219 |
Control Payroll B.V. | 60785578 |
Control Risks Benelux B.V. | 33237947 |
Control Union Certifications B.V. | 24274509 |
Control-Care B.V. | 34307628 |
Controllab Products B.V. | 06076204 |
Controlpay B.V. | 20107910 |
CONVAL Group B.V. | 86586017 |
Converge | 27193776 |
Convergenc3 B.V. | 87104741 |
Convergence Industry B.V. | 59654163 |
Conversation Studio B.V. | 86888439 |
Converse Netherlands B.V. | 34186851 |
Convesting B.V. | 86575880 |
Convious | 64967743 |
Conway & Partners N.V. | 24424599 |
ConXys Technologies International B.V. | 32103773 |
Cool Separations B.V. | 27330539 |
Coolbi B.V. | 67180906 |
Coolblue B.V. | 24330087 |
Cooler Master Europe B.V. | 12039810 |
CoolGames B.V. | 24474216 |
CoolGames Media B.V. | 61037605 |
CoolGames Publishing B.V. | 54992761 |
Coolrec B.V. | 17072571 |
Cooper Consumer Health B.V. | 56307675 |
Cooper Pet Care B.V. | 81970900 |
Cooperatie Eucord U.A. | 30188723 |
Coöperatie Koninklijke Avebe U.A. | 02300804 |
Coöperatie Koninklijke Cosun U.A. | 20028699 |
Coöperatie Koninklijke Fruitmasters U.A. | 11044248 |
Coöperatie Royal FloraHolland U.A. | 34284016 |
Coöperatie Studio CC Amsterdam U.A. | 34311943 |
Coöperatie Tory Burch U.A. | 34354545 |
Coöperatieve KazMunaiGaz U.A. | 34250159 |
Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. | 30046259 |
Coosto B.V. | 58880771 |
Copado Netherlands B.V. | 30263556 |
Copernica BV. | 34129493 |
Copernicos Nederland B.V. | 85015261 |
Copiatek Scan & Computer Solution B.V. | 63458632 |
Copier Engineering B.V. | 56007183 |
Copius (NI) Ltd | 56355246 |
Coraltech B.V. | 87982242 |
Cordstrap B.V. | 17026315 |
Core Avionics & Industrial HR B.V. | 72523336 |
CoRe Pro B.V. | 87813882 |
Core Supply Group B.V. | 53313461 |
CoreDux Netherlands B.V. | 18017112 |
Corendon City Hotel | 34252106 |
Corendon Hotels & Resorts B.V. | 56571291 |
Corendon International Travel B.V. | 34220902 |
Corendon Village Exploitatie B.V. | 69005133 |
Corion B.V. | 56941188 |
Cornerstone OnDemand Europe Netherlands B.V. | 70766967 |
Corning B.V. | 34127518 |
Corpag Holding B.V. | 76580679 |
Corpag Services (Netherlands) B.V. | 18079208 |
Corparis | 02089849 |
Corporate Communication Centre B.V. | 41132150 |
Corrosion Laboratory B.V. | 65219414 |
Corsano Health B.V. | 75738910 |
Corsearch B.V. | 54875625 |
Corteva Agriscience Netherlands B.V. | 24177863 |
Cortex Glass B.V. | 60446358 |
Corthom B.V. | 37110522 |
Corvers Procurement Services B.V. | 17126215 |
Corvus Drones B.V. | 74998110 |
CoSa Connects B.V. | 68645767 |
Cosanta B.V. | 60688890 |
COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Transport (Europe) B.V. | 56626789 |
Cosco Shipping Lines (Netherlands) B.V. | 24374564 |
COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers (Europe) B.V. | 24290729 |
Cosen Europe B.V. | 58397167 |
Cosine Research B.V. | 28091022 |
Cosmo Oil Europe B.V. | 34394501 |
CosmoCows B.V. | 39072121 |
Cosmos Business Group B.V. | 82029415 |
Cost Engineering Consultancy B.V. | 23081784 |
Cosun Holding B.V. | 20034886 |
Coty International B.V. | 75592932 |
Coty Management B.V. | 75588730 |
Coty Netherlands B.V. | 64288412 |
Coty Operations B.V. | 76066223 |
Coulisse B.V. | 06067496 |
Council of International Schools | 52943372 |
COUNT Energy Trading B.V. | 67740731 |
Countr Commerce Concepts B.V. | 68975910 |
Countr International B.V. | 30242651 |
Courdid Employer Services B.V. | 91510724 |
Coveo (Europe) B.V. | 59805706 |
Cover Genius Europe B.V. | 73237426 |
Covestro (Netherlands) B.V. | 62059459 |
Covetrus B.V. | 16044987 |
Cow Hills Retail B.V. | 30218521 |
Coway Europe B.V. | 82817553 |
CowManager B.V. | 59285273 |
Coyote Logistics Nederland B.V. | 68498241 |
Cozy | 70880832 |
CPH Pharma B.V. | 34191409 |
CPIC Europe B.V. | 56575017 |
CPM Europe B.V. | 33106197 |
CPMView Consulting B.V. | 09181756 |
CPYou B.V. | 77405714 |
Cradle Bio B.V. | 84219092 |
Crane Services Oss B.V. | 50209248 |
Crane Worldwide Logistics B.V. | 34359094 |
Cranium Nederland B.V. | 68949979 |
CRAVEA B.V. | 84572043 |
Cravit B.V. | 20099850 |
CRAYON B.V. | 59310715 |
CRC-Evans B.V. | 08074094 |
Creamy Creation B.V. | 74214055 |
Create Entrance B.V. | 56248644 |
Creativ-Ceutical B.V. | 66428483 |
Creative Clicks B.V. | 34371042 |
Creative Fabrica B.V. | 70114412 |
Creative Strategy Digital B.V. | 64151646 |
Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance Nederland B.V. | 33183520 |
Credit Europe Bank N.V. | 33256675 |
Credit Management & Investor Solutions B.V. | 51486202 |
CreditAccess India N.V. | 60281758 |
Creetion B.V. | 17225252 |
Cregora B.V. | 17221846 |
Crem International B.V. | 64736148 |
Crest Dutch Machinery B.V. | 05077025 |
Crestec Europe B.V. | 33264526 |
CRF International Holding B.V. | 34288937 |
CRH Nederland B.V. | 28068878 |
Crisp | 71482288 |
CRITEO B.V. | 52465624 |
Critical Path Institute Stichting | 85256862 |
Crobox B.V. | 65563956 |
Crobox Services B.V. | 80401120 |
Crocs Europe B.V. | 27276812 |
Croes Bouwtechnisch Ingenieursbureau B.V. | 10032195 |
Cromwell Netherlands B.V. | 34142932 |
Croonwolter&dros B.V. | 64954153 |
CROP registeraccountants | 32166733 |
CropIn Technology Solutions B.V. | 77306724 |
CropX B.V. | 53188772 |
Crossroads International Church | 34385150 |
Crowd Mobile QA Services B.V. | 65398807 |
CrowdBuilding Tech B.V. | 81149301 |
CrowdSense B.V. | 55605389 |
CrowdStrike (Netherlands) B.V. | 67285929 |
Crowe Foederer B.V. | 17034844 |
Crown Bioscience Netherlands B.V. | 77296443 |
Crown Deck B.V. | 24382449 |
Crown Laminates Holland B.V. | 66363543 |
Crown Relocations B.V. | 23042710 |
Cruden B.V. | 34206285 |
CRUN Tech B.V. | 93783116 |
Crux Innovations B.V. | 56896956 |
CRV B.V. | 09128755 |
CRV Holding B.V. | 09125050 |
Cryosol-World | 71053913 |
Cryptohopper B.V. | 70270481 |
Crystal Amethyst B.V. | 27363920 |
Crystal Lagoons B.V. | 53878779 |
Crystalloids B.V. | 34247825 |
CS Digital Media B.V. | 60106050 |
CSafe Global Coöperatief U.A. | 58418954 |
C-Shipping B.V. | 24281871 |
CSi Industries B.V. | 18057257 |
CSM Bakery Solutions Europe Holding B.V. | 56145624 |
CSM Ingredients Benelux (NL) B.V. | 80825095 |
CT Hostels B.V. | 76012034 |
Ctac Nederland B.V. | 34102528 |
CTC Europe B.V. | 94082456 |
CTF Amsterdam B.V. | 61000574 |
CTH EU B.V. | 68110383 |
CTN Group B.V. | 61249475 |
CTO7 B.V. | 54795710 |
CtrlChain B.V. | 72617217 |
CTS International Logistics (Netherlands) B.V. | 76363848 |
CTS Offshore and Marine B.V. | 78649544 |
Cubematch B.V. | 67127398 |
Cuccibu B.V. | 61072923 |
Cuccibu Consultancy Services B.V. | 78571715 |
Cullinan Academy B.V. | 54652200 |
Cultivation Systems B.V. | 27315697 |
Cultivators B.V. | 77084357 |
Cummins Emission Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 12067345 |
Cummins Holland B.V. | 34220850 |
Cummins Limited | 65479912 |
Curado Trust (Nederland) B.V. | 34147143 |
Curavista B.V. | 20067415 |
CureSupport Nederland B.V. | 81439822 |
CureVac Netherlands B.V. | 73486809 |
Curgoal | 70526591 |
Currency Cloud Services B.V. | 76606619 |
Curvature LLC | 34175039 |
Customized Energy Solutions Europe B.V. | 90773993 |
Customs Support Group B.V. | 24294906 |
Customs Support NCTS B.V. | 24252173 |
Cutr B.V. | 82617805 |
CVmaker B.V. | 70894027 |
CWN Marine B.V. | 81904479 |
CWT Global B.V. | 34254672 |
CXPerts B.V. | 68552467 |
Cybage Software B.V. | 58413715 |
CyBe Construction B.V. | 59128380 |
CYBERDYNE, INC | 72299800 |
CyberLens B.V. | 71351043 |
Cycle Link (Europe) B.V. | 51277387 |
Cycleon B.V. | 30204625 |
Cycling Sports Group Europe B.V. | 06060448 |
Cyclomedia | 16063843 |
Cyclotron VU | 33244269 |
Cygnum Capital B.V. | 82981590 |
Cyient B.V. | 20100712 |
Cymer B.V. | 33302949 |
Cymo B.V. | 77760344 |
Cytek Biosciences B.V. | 74997823 |
Cytocypher B.V. | 64058905 |
D&M Europe B.V. | 17073774 |
D. SOLUTIONS B.V. | 73358525 |
D. TRADING B.V. | 73358355 |
D.O.R.C. Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center (International) B.V. | 24167879 |
D.P. Supply B.V. | 04043678 |
D.Q.A. Pharma International B.V. | 23087494 |
D/DOCK B.V. | 75191687 |
D2D Holding B.V. | 62708996 |
D2X Group N.V. | 82248915 |
Da Vinci Derivatives B.V. | 63796473 |
Da Vinci Group B.V. | 62888315 |
Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions B.V. | 24312114 |
Daarnhouwer & Co B.V. | 35026025 |
Dada Consultancy B.V. | 09106692 |
Daedong Kioti Europe B.V. | 24484869 |
Daesang Europe B.V. | 33256878 |
DAF Trucks N.V. | 17078445 |
Dagi Metals B.V. | 06078549 |
Dahua Europe B.V. | 61278629 |
DAIA Luxembourg Holding S.à r.l. | 90286693 |
Daikin Chemical Netherlands B.V. | 18049280 |
Daily Paper Wholesale B.V. | 68051875 |
Dainippon Screen (Nederland) B.V. | 33163141 |
DairyDataWarehouse B.V. | 51385309 |
Daisycon B.V. | 39073684 |
Daisys B.V. | 77947002 |
Daitron (Netherlands) B.V. | 88695891 |
Daiwa House Europe B.V. | 77560809 |
Daiwa Kasei Europe B.V. | 62679465 |
Daksh B.V. | 61123498 |
Daksha Consultancy B.V. | 84759003 |
Dallas Netherlands Cooperative U.A. | 64235254 |
Dalsem B.V. | 27221420 |
Dam 9 B.V. | 58172149 |
Damen Civil & Modular Constructions B.V. | 80687628 |
Damen Dredging Equipment B.V. | 08018149 |
Damen Global Support B.V. | 58686010 |
Damen Marine Components Netherlands B.V. | 23033889 |
Damen Offshore & Specialized Vessels B.V. | 73405345 |
Damen Research Development & Innovation B.V. | 84607343 |
Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding B.V. | 22044040 |
Damen Services B.V. | 76791718 |
Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam B.V. | 11044239 |
Damen Workboats B.V. | 76792595 |
Damen Yachting B.V. | 22047281 |
Dana Petroleum Netherlands B.V. | 27120679 |
Dana SAC Benelux B.V. | 28034356 |
Danfoss B.V. | 24227769 |
Danfoss Power Solutions II B.V. | 78230403 |
Danieli Corus B.V. | 34079535 |
Danieli Corus Technical Services B.V. | 34088462 |
Danone Baby and Medical Nutrition Nederland B.V. | 27089897 |
Danone Global Research & Innovation Center B.V. | 09096817 |
Danone Nutricia Nederland B.V. | 27090766 |
Danone Trading ELN B.V. | 27194422 |
Danone Trading Medical B.V. | 62263560 |
DanTrade B.V. | 57667667 |
Daqso International B.V. | 57681201 |
Darfon Europe B.V. | 61951064 |
Dark Matter Laboratories B.V. | 75174405 |
Darktrace Netherlands B.V. | 63964228 |
Darling Ingredients International Holding B.V. | 17064839 |
Darling Ingredients International IT Services B.V. | 17088546 |
DART Aerospace B.V. | 72246111 |
Darwin Recruitment B.V. | 53725514 |
Dashmote B.V. | 63300095 |
Dassault Systèmes B.V. | 30147672 |
DAT.Mobility B.V. | 27103813 |
Data eXcellence B.V. | 32153046 |
Data2Logistics Europe B.V. | 27268138 |
Databricks | 51208121 |
Datacation B.V. | 82577102 |
Data-Centric Engineering B.V. | 85241148 |
Datadog Netherlands B.V. | 77823664 |
Dataflex International B.V. | 24146017 |
Dataiku B.V. | 83000828 |
DataLane B.V. | 72782234 |
DataLyzer International B.V. | 12048189 |
Datamaran B.V. | 80824390 |
DataPebbles B.V. | 78354617 |
DataProphet International Operations B.V. | 77590082 |
DataSnipper B.V. | 69343861 |
Datavideo Technologies Europe B.V. | 24194095 |
Datenna B.V. | 68808070 |
DatHuis B.V. | 68601271 |
Datlinq | 17094483 |
David Lewis Productions B.V. | 60885653 |
David Lloyd Sports & Health Club | 17111830 |
Dawn Aerospace Nederland B.V. | 73356824 |
Dawn Foods B.V. | 20097264 |
Dawn Foods International B.V. | 32070903 |
Dawning Digital B.V. | 85078115 |
Daxx Soft B.V. | 34278628 |
Daymon Netherlands B.V. | 73911119 |
Dayrize B.V. | 77342275 |
DAZN Media Netherlands B.V. | 78544297 |
DBR B.V. | 23028207 |
DBXB Netherlands B.V. | 24366706 |
DCC Energy Nederland B.V. | 32094780 |
DCE-Europe B.V. | 22058526 |
DCG Consulting B.V. | 82520267 |
DCI Dutch Certification Institute | 01045701 |
DCN Diving B.V. | 13019455 |
DCprime | 34224535 |
DDB Amsterdam B.V. | 34219983 |
DDL Diagnostic Laboratory B.V. | 27236979 |
De Agile Testers B.V. | 64013987 |
De Architectenwerkgroep Tilburg (DAT) | 18033496 |
de Architekten Cie. B.V. | 58806075 |
De Bezorgersshop | 72675497 |
De Blauwe Tand B.V. | 81554249 |
De Blokkenhut B.V. | 34258209 |
De Bondt B.V. | 04023846 |
De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek N.V. | 27171912 |
De Efteling B.V. | 18122297 |
De Gier B.V. | 27212124 |
De Groot en Visser B.V. | 23056962 |
De Haagse Hogeschool | 27255912 |
De Heus Voeders B.V. | 14626985 |
De Jong & Laan Controle B.V. | 06054458 |
De Jong Combustion B.V. | 24489047 |
De Jong Plants | 28095372 |
De Kerk van Jezus Christus van de Heiligen der Laatste Dagen in Nederland | 24481208 |
De Kleijn Energy Consulting B.V. | 52926915 |
De Kok Staalbouw B.V. | 20074900 |
De Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt N.V. | 30116000 |
De Koninklijke Nederlandse Zwembond - KNZB | 40477530 |
De Korte Weg B.V. | 20142702 |
De la Rue B.V. | 23070434 |
De Lage Landen International B.V. | 17056223 |
De Markt Mondzorg | 66972914 |
De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. | 33003396 |
De Nieuwe Winkel B.V. | 88447979 |
de Noordhoek Zonnemaire | 20141428 |
De Oude Bibliotheek B.V. | 59354461 |
De Pooter B.V. | 21006768 |
De Praatmaat Groep B.V. | 52941167 |
De Regt Marine Cables B.V. | 24196885 |
De Ruggesteun | 60193611 |
De Rugspecialist B.V. | 66803209 |
De Ruijter International B.V. | 18115159 |
De Staffing Groep Nederland B.V. | 11020532 |
De Voogt Naval Architects B.V. | 34059966 |
De Werkunie B.V. | 30257805 |
De Zwaluw Logistiek B.V. | 36046107 |
De Zwarte Hond Groningen B.V. | 63642182 | B.V. | 59237368 |
DEAM Products B.V. | 53081579 |
DEBoss B.V. | 90734726 |
Dec Netherlands B.V. | 51119498 |
Decathlon Netherlands B.V. | 34306685 |
DECATNS B.V. | 90892488 |
Deckers Benelux B.V. | 27354489 |
Decoders B.V. | 84779179 |
Decos Software Development B.V. | 51814617 |
Decos Software Engineering B.V. | 28054540 |
DeedMob B.V. | 67534554 |
Deel Nederland B.V. | 82007594 |
Deep B.V. | 34118003 |
Deep Blue Capital B.V. | 34296402 |
Deep Branch B.V. | 80907970 |
DeepL NL B.V. | 84080930 |
Deeploy B.V. | 78193621 |
Deerns Nederland B.V. | 27047671 |
Defacto Urbanism B.V. | 78695775 |
Defenced B.V. | 76908631 |
Defesche Van den Putte architectuur en stedenbouw B.V. | 27214553 |
DEG Groep B.V. | 68602510 |
DEHA B.V. | 73091456 |
Déhora advies B.V. | 34193380 |
DEITYcommerce B.V. | 71080562 |
DEKC Maritime B.V. | 02037627 |
Dekimo Experts Delft B.V. | 70326525 |
Dekimo Experts Eindhoven B.V. | 74470345 |
Dekimo Experts Enschede B.V. | 78648777 |
Dekker Management Beheer B.V. | 36030162 |
Dekker Olifanta B.V. | 28055371 |
Dekkers Visual Communication B.V. | 17121214 |
DEKOM B.V. | 52638472 |
DEKRA Certification B.V. | 09085396 |
DEKRA Rail B.V. | 27141477 |
Del Monte (Holland) B.V. | 29036144 |
DELA Natura- en levensverzekeringen N.V. | 17078393 |
DeLaval | 02041794 |
Delaware Consulting B.V. | 17105219 |
Delft AI B.V. | 84607483 |
Delft Circuits B.V. | 68796803 |
Delft Imaging Systems B.V. | 30185278 |
Delft Research Group B.V. | 27294457 |
Deliflor Chrysanten | 27218476 |
Deliverect B.V. | 80411088 |
Deliveroo Netherlands B.V. | 63605929 |
Dell Benelux Call Centre | 33226753 |
Delmar International (Netherlands) B.V. | 34111646 |
Del-Mar Safety B.V. | 53951425 |
DELMIC B.V. | 51556650 |
Deloitte Accountancy & Advies B.V. | 57666954 |
Deloitte Accountants | 24362853 |
Deloitte Consultative Services B.V. | 33259541 |
Deloitte Group Support Center B.V. | 24362837 |
Deloitte Tax & Legal B.V. | 24362840 |
Delos Sage Holdco Coöperatief U.A. | 70002924 |
Delpharm Development Leiden B.V. | 88276872 |
Delphy B.V. | 09131958 |
Delrin Netherlands B.V. | 85951218 |
Delta Air Lines, Inc. | 33258232 |
Delta Capita B.V. | 56180888 |
Delta Diagnostics B.V. | 71183477 |
Delta Electronics (Netherlands) B.V. | 12040831 |
DELTA Fiber Nederland B.V. | 22051676 |
Delta Greentech (Netherlands) B.V. | 34297145 |
Delta Labs B.V. | 66814251 |
Delta Light Nederland B.V. | 20071847 |
Delta Team Personeelsdiensten B.V. | 27260283 |
Delta Travel Service B.V. | 33166123 |
Delta Wines B.V. | 24378358 |
Delta-N B.V. | 27170474 |
DeltaQuad B.V. | 51835193 |
DELVA Landscape Architects | 61008001 |
Demaco Holland B.V. | 37079728 |
Demcon Advanced Mechatronics | 06070325 |
DEMCON high-tech systems Eindhoven B.V. | 82010781 |
DEMCON high-tech systems Enschede B.V. | 06076725 |
DEMCON kryoz B.V. | 08177692 |
DEMCON life sciences & health Delft B.V. | 66542030 |
DEMCON life sciences & health Eindhoven B.V. | 53846486 |
DEME Offshore NL B.V. | 20064480 |
Demir-Halk Bank (Nederland) N.V. | 24199853 |
DEMO Consultants B.V. | 28071545 |
Den Haag | 27370927 |
Den Haag Centrum voor Strategische Studies (HCSS) B.V. | 27245148 |
Den Hartogh Shared Services B.V. | 50411160 |
Den Ouden Materieel B.V. | 16085715 |
Denham The Jeanmaker B.V. | 57908680 |
Denim City HQ B.V. | 59138785 |
Denka International B.V. | 21019769 |
Denkavit Nederland B.V. | 09036151 |
Denkers Shipping B.V. | 09149929 |
DENS Power B.V. | 76433277 |
Denso Europe B.V. | 32050077 |
Denso International Europe B.V. | 32027898 |
DENSsolutions B.V. | 55763820 |
Dent2Dent Hendrik Ido Ambacht B.V. | 70711062 |
Dental Clinics Joure B.V. | 67277608 |
Dental Clinics Veenendaal B.V. | 61835161 |
Dental Robotics B.V. | 69775702 |
DENTAL Universe B.V. | 27286953 |
Dental365 Rotterdam B.V. | 67451551 |
Dentons Europe LLP | 34207824 |
Dentons Europe LLP | 73505323 |
Dentsply Sirona Benelux B.V. | 27088755 |
DentVille B.V. | 62534718 |
Denyo Europe B.V. | 30230846 |
Deployment Matters Netherlands B.V. | 70862109 |
Dept Brand & Advertising B.V. | 27378801 |
Dept Design & Technology B.V. | 27239483 |
Dept Digital Marketing B.V. | 24431627 |
Dept Holding B.V. | 63464101 |
Dept NL Holding B.V. | 92551033 |
deRoostermakers B.V. | 57927405 |
Desa Construction NL B.V. | 69222150 |
Desah B.V. | 01108003 |
DeSci Labs Netherlands B.V. | 84190361 |
Design Associates B.V. | 32085693 |
Design Bridge and Partners B.V. | 33267669 |
Design Erick van Egeraat B.V. | 66169240 |
DESIGN8 B.V. | 11063158 |
Desolenator B.V. | 58733795 |
deSter Holding B.V. | 33201067 |
Destinus Energy B.V. | 89630777 |
Destinus OPRA B.V. | 89632966 |
Desyde B.V. | 31043048 |
DET International Holding Limited | 87512904 |
Deta-Q B.V. | 86888706 |
deugro (Netherlands) B.V. | 64775275 |
Deus B.V. | 76658007 |
Deutsche Bank | 33304583 |
Deutsche Post International B.V. | 33232511 |
Deutsche Telekom Global Business Solutions Nederland B.V. | 76706532 | B.V. | 57560188 |
DevelsteinCollge-Develsingel | 40324154 |
Devhouse Spindle B.V. | 61958034 |
Devon India-NL B.V. | 39084661 |
DevOpsInternational B.V. | 64080986 |
DevRepublic B.V. | 08181059 |
Devtaar B.V. | 63746492 |
Dexerials Europe B.V. | 34077992 |
Dexter Energy Services B.V. | 65426479 |
Dexxon Data Media and Storage B.V. | 29031645 |
DFDS Distri Holding B.V. | 09140062 |
DFDS Logistics Winterswijk B.V. | 08035771 |
DFE Pharma B.V. | 17191677 |
DFFRNT LAB B.V. | 66678285 |
DFM N.V. | 31018376 |
DFS Netherlands | 24099513 |
DGB-Earth Sciences B.V. | 08111182 |
DGMR Bouw B.V. | 09142407 |
DGN Publishers B.V. | 30168362 |
DH Infrastructure Europe B.V. | 58406360 |
DH Netherlands B.V. | 54025990 |
DHI Investment B.V. | 32127861 |
DHL Express | 34052070 |
DHL Finance Services B.V. | 14064670 |
DHL Freight (Netherlands) B.V. | 30130193 |
DHL Global Forwarding (Netherlands) B.V. | 34064736 |
DHL Parcel (Netherlands) B.V. | 30076845 |
DHL Supply Chain (Netherlands) B.V. | 24168570 |
DHL Supply Chain Management B.V. | 24270249 |
DHR International Holland B.V. | 34359358 |
DI Blue B.V. | 51110288 |
Diaconie van de Protestantse Gemeente | 34341674 |
Diagenius B.V. | 83145109 |
Diageo Brands | 34138436 |
Diageo Nederland B.V. | 30048592 |
DialogueTrainer B.V. | 66655404 |
Diamond Chubu Europe B.V. | 76464024 |
Diamond Flower Information (NL) B.V. | 24307230 |
Diamond-fms B.V. | 17266193 |
DIANA FEA B.V. | 27252655 |
Diaset B.V. | 30184982 |
Dibanisa International B.V. | 83630961 |
Dicolor Optoelectronics B.V. | 69240388 |
Diebold Nixdorf Global Solutions B.V. | 58379401 |
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs | 50973029 |
Dierenkliniek Hoogveld B.V. | 78069629 |
Dieseko Group B.V. | 24443483 |
DIF Management B.V. | 34312941 | B.V. | 68119127 |
Digidentity B.V. | 27322631 |
DigiGamma B.V. | 71416269 |
DIGIO ICT B.V. | 17118274 |
Digireg Netherlands B.V. | 65739345 |
DigiSure B.V. | 82200378 |
Digital & Media Solutions B.V. | 09130205 |
Digital Decisions B.V. | 68518072 |
Digital Matter B.V. | 80798721 |
Digital Power Technologies B.V. | 83373616 |
Digital Realty Netherlands B.V. | 66632463 |
Digital Revolution B.V. | 33267823 |
Digital Survival Company B.V. | 72043466 |
DigitalOcean EU B.V. | 60912006 |
Dimaros B.V. | 74959360 |
Dimebox B.V. | 61212563 |
Dimenco B.V. | 52677001 |
Dimenco Content Production B.V. | 54373107 |
Dimensio Verpakkingen B.V. | 33236408 |
Dimerce B.V. | 76153282 |
Dimerco Express Netherlands B.V. | 34104688 |
Dinel Construction B.V. | 24326419 |
Dinerate B.V. | 55058590 |
Ding Zing Polyurethane Europe B.V. | 34376586 |
DIQQ B.V. | 68646852 |
DiReC B.V. | 55206999 |
Direct Current B.V. | 34350049 |
Direct Impact B.V. | 67064043 |
Direct Maintenance B.V. | 14068636 |
Direct Source International B.V. | 53652037 |
Direct2Pet Europe B.V. | 34309053 |
Directness B.V. | 34260642 |
DISA Nederland B.V. | 52542890 | Apotheke B.V. | 77622103 |
Discogs B.V. | 63544962 |
Discord Netherlands B.V. | 82229864 |
Discovery Communications Benelux B.V. | 33295591 |
Distimo Holding B.V. | 30266181 |
Distro Energy B.V. | 84978740 |
Ditio B.V. | 52367002 |
DIV B.V. | 61357413 |
Divardy Bakery Services B.V. | 30210429 |
Diversey Europe Operations B.V. | 53934504 |
Divitel B.V. | 08075305 |
Dixstone Netherlands N.V. | 33277773 |
Dizain-Sync B.V. | 08126607 |
Djeeni B.V. | 73663646 |
DJI Europe B.V. | 61920541 |
DK-Schweizer Europe B.V. | 18080425 |
DK-Schweizer Nederland B.V. | 18068763 |
DKTP - informatietechnologie - B.V. | 33299034 |
DLA Piper Nederland N.V. | 34207878 |
DLF B.V. | 16018887 |
DLM Finance B.V. | 56689276 |
DMC Invest B.V. | 71625356 |
DMEGC Renewable Energy B.V. | 84113081 |
Dmissi Electro B.V. | 34202817 |
DMM Services B.V. | 80349927 |
DMS Insight Works | 71817301 |
DMT Modular Constructions B.V. | 76956415 |
dnata B.V. | 34025985 |
dNM Interim B.V. | 53838866 |
DNP Imagingcomm Europe B.V. | 34305107 |
DNV Business Assurance B.V. | 24273935 |
DNV Netherlands B.V. | 09006404 |
DNVO Consulting B.V. | 17172308 |
Docflow B.V. | 74293087 |
DOCS International B.V. | 30161853 |
Documentation Generation B.V. | 34133016 |
Doedijns B.V. | 34139835 |
Döhler Holland B.V. | 20033050 |
Dole Europe B.V. | 20139966 |
Dole Packaged Foods B.V. | 78513499 |
Dollar Shave Club B.V. | 69517525 |
Domino's Pizza Netherlands B.V. | 18048127 |
Domino's Pizza Overseas Franchising B.V. | 34270574 |
Dong-I.T. B.V. | 55184391 |
DOOR architecten | 62078844 |
Doral Hydrogen Europe B.V. | 90606019 |
Dorf Ketal B.V. | 20131276 |
Dornan Engineering Limited | 60572663 |
Dosign Engineering B.V. | 24157016 |
Dosign International B.V. | 63718219 |
DOT Robot B.V. | 70144583 |
DoubleDividend Management B.V. | 30199843 |
Doublepress Products B.V. | 05038676 |
Dow Benelux B.V. | 24104547 |
Dow Europe Holding B.V. | 21018156 |
Downstream Amsterdam B.V. | 56480296 |
Dozon B.V. | 09058380 |
DP World Inland B.V. | 24171394 |
DP World Logistics Europe B.V. | 75781735 |
DP World Logistics Netherlands B.V. | 08020381 |
DP6 architectuurstudio B.V. | 50592947 |
DPA Engineering | 51255006 |
DPA Legal B.V. | 32118148 |
dpdk | 27243574 |
DPG Media B.V. | 34172906 |
DPG Media Digital B.V. | 17111121 |
DPI Animation House B.V. | 27171527 |
DPM Services B.V. | 86219383 |
DPO Consultancy B.V. | 69197059 |
DPP B.V. | 51994305 |
DPR Construction B.V. | 70522995 |
DPS Engineering (Netherlands) B.V. | 28078815 |
DQ&A Group B.V. | 52850404 |
DQ&A Nederland B.V. | 27293855 |
Dr Martens Airwair Netherlands B.V. | 60235616 |
Dr. Lange Nederland B.V. | 11021301 |
Dr. Oetker Nederland B.V. | 30125535 |
Dr. Reddy's Research and Development B.V. | 28075073 |
Draka Comteq Fibre B.V. | 17129697 |
Drake & Farrell B.V. | 53478509 |
Dream Broker B.V. | 68154941 |
Dream Chip Technologies B.V. | 74318535 |
Dredge Yard B.V. | 53338103 |
Dredging and Contracting Rotterdam B.V. | 34062952 |
Drees & Sommer Netherlands B.V. | 34107839 |
Drie Sterren Infra B.V. | 70041342 |
Drieam B.V. | 74263544 |
Driessen Catering Equipment B.V. | 37041368 |
Driessen Overheid B.V. | 17106428 |
DRIFT | 60395575 |
Drillster B.V. | 34245954 |
Driscoll's of Europe B.V. | 20124631 |
Driving the Vortex B.V. | 27366561 |
DRN B.V. | 50791125 |
DROM | 68637586 |
Drukkerij C.V. | 89239040 | B.V. | 08119373 |
DRW Europe Derivatives B.V. | 72007443 |
DS landschapsarchitecten | 34303902 |
DS People B.V. | 63134462 |
DS Smith Packaging Nederland Locatie Eerbeek | 08046917 |
DSG diensten B.V. | 30232830 |
DSM NL Services B.V. | 14028072 |
DSPA B.V. | 62109413 |
DSV Air & Sea Nederland B.V. | 34065452 |
DSV Lead Logistics B.V. | 75533308 |
DSV Road B.V. | 12015337 |
DSV Road Holding N.V. | 12018468 |
DSV Solutions Nederland B.V. | 20147137 |
DTEK ENERGY B.V. | 34334895 |
DTEK GRIDS B.V. | 73362417 |
DTEK GROUP B.V. | 59950293 |
DTEK OIL&GAS B.V. | 34284942 |
DTN Europe B.V. | 09058993 |
DTN International B.V. | 91705975 |
DTN Netherlands B.V. | 11026920 |
dtnext B.V. | 78015413 |
DTS B.V. | 66726824 |
DTS Expat B.V. | 61019208 |
DTT Gaming B.V. | 77768043 |
DTT Multimedia B.V. | 65717058 |
DTX B.V. | 54936578 |
Dual Inventive Holding B.V. | 18086917 |
DUCARES B.V. | 30230493 |
DuckDuckGoose B.V. | 80296297 |
Ducor Petrochemicals B.V. | 24275879 |
Dufry Business Services B.V. | 70831084 |
Dufry Financial Services B.V | 60704993 |
Duiker Combustion Engineers B.V. | 27220515 |
Duin Consult HRM VOF | 56990723 |
Dumela B.V. | 70581630 |
Dümmen Orange The Netherlands B.V. | 24170071 |
Dun & Bradstreet B.V. | 24047019 |
Dunlop International Europe Limited | 23060941 |
Dunlop Protective Footwear B.V. | 38018377 |
DUPI Underwriting Agencies Amsterdam B.V. | 30136556 |
Dura Vermeer Infra Landelijke Projecten B.V. | 34084789 |
Dura Vermeer Infra Regionale Projecten B.V. | 34196257 |
Duracell Netherlands B.V. | 63089726 |
Durapower Technology Group B.V. | 73778036 |
Dürüm Company NL B.V. | 34363924 |
Dustin Netherlands B.V. | 09078252 |
Dutch Accounting House | 17163160 |
Dutch Analytics B.V. | 66849381 |
Dutch Coding Company B.V. | 69760500 |
Dutch Diagnostics B.V. | 08058321 |
Dutch Drone Gods B.V. | 89513029 |
Dutch Medical Food B.V. | 78496950 |
Dutch Payroll Experts B.V. | 59095369 |
Dutch Qargo B.V. | 71111212 |
Dutch Real Estate Company Amsterdam B.V. | 86638343 |
Dutch Recruitment Service B.V. | 76705099 |
Dutch Related Services B.V. | 73996025 |
Dutch Sino Business Promotions | 65707516 |
DutCH2 B.V. | 37123814 | B.V. | 73154520 |
Dutchina Agro Tech Incubation Center B.V. | 55328938 |
Dutchview information technology B.V. | 53977599 |
Dutoit Europe B.V. | 30135909 |
Duvak Automatisering B.V. | 28058665 |
Duyfken Trading Knowledge B.V. | 34182969 |
DVJ Insights B.V. | 76249638 |
DWA B.V. | 29029243 |
Dwarfs B.V. | 66782805 |
Dwellworks Netherlands II B.V. | 34157468 |
DX Technology Services and Investment B.V. | 85006785 |
DXC Technology | 33239071 |
DXC Technology | 66332745 |
DycoTrade | 57568308 |
Dyflex Polymers | 23065185 |
Dyflexis B.V. | 59584327 |
Dyme B.V. | 71904387 |
Dymo Engineering Berlicum B.V. | 17273542 |
DynaCommerce Holding B.V. | 66421470 |
Dynamic Chiropractic B.V. | 53973895 |
Dynamic Credit Management B.V. | 62413481 |
Dynamic Credit Partners Europe B.V. | 34249587 |
Dynamic Oasis B.V. | 69331138 |
Dynamic People B.V. | 34259692 |
Dynamic Uitzendbureau B.V. | 73005797 |
Dynamic Visual Technologies B.V. | 87551977 |
Dynata Europe B.V. | 24326088 |
Dynatrace B.V. | 33227492 |
DynaTron B.V. | 62303538 |
Dyness Europe B.V. | 81521944 | | 66390990 |
Dyson B.V. | 34111070 |
Dyson Technology B.V. | 80177565 |
DZM Data Solution B.V. | 27280351 |
E D & F Man Holdings B.V. | 24188202 |
E Green Europe B.V. | 84761415 |
E Ink Netherlands B.V. | 84837306 |
E Ink Technology B.V. | 84837632 |
E Zilly B.V. | 30153157 |
E.M. Rogers (Transport) B.V. | 34118900 |
E.M.C. B.V. | 61226394 |
E2M Technologies B.V. | 34264483 |
E2open GmbH | 76108996 |
e3 Nederland B.V. | 67440207 |
EAGE Holding B.V. | 30122370 |
Eagle Eye Networks B.V. | 14082937 |
Eagle Holding Europe B.V. | 14044687 |
Eagle Seven Europe B.V. | 82365474 |
Eagle Simrax B.V. | 14023536 |
Eagle Vision Systems B.V. | 32062776 |
EarthToday.Com B.V. | 72614439 |
Ease2pay B.V. | 69106460 |
Easee B.V. | 65846753 |
EASP Air B.V. | 59966432 |
Eastar The Netherlands B.V. | 61193852 |
Eastern Enterprise B.V. | 27152051 |
Easthouse Electronics Technology B.V. | 64595609 |
Eastman Chemical B.V. | 27150948 |
Eastman Chemical EMEA B.V. | 33139782 |
Eastport Maritime Europe B.V. | 24380550 |
East-West International B.V. | 37086898 |
East-West Trade | 65711114 |
Easy Controls B.V. | 51517477 |
easy2rent B.V. | 52876160 |
EasyAds B.V. | 30210912 |
Easygenerator B.V. | 67709826 |
Easygreen Energy Solutions B.V. | 76708543 |
Easyjet Airline Company Holland | 33283357 |
EasyStaff Payroll Select Flex B.V. | 18087512 |
EasyStaff Payroll Select ZZP B.V. | 18087515 |
EASYVIT Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 74897071 |
easyworx flex B.V. | 76626784 |
Eat Well Europe B.V. | 66417368 |
Eaton Industries (Netherlands) B.V. | 08113175 |
EATRIS ERIC | 59239247 |
eBay International Management B.V. | 71993312 |
Ebicus B.V. | 14065721 |
Ebitwise B.V. | 81485999 |
EBN B.V. | 14026250 |
eBuddy B.V. | 34211186 |
Ebury Partners Belgium SA/NV | 74280511 |
Ebusco B.V. | 55202454 |
Ecare Innovatie B.V. | 59598247 |
ECCO EMEA B.V. | 16076783 |
ECCO Global Business Development B.V. | 61388351 |
ECCO Leather B.V. | 18059647 |
ECCO Tannery (Holland) | 18122635 |
ECCT | 17078777 |
ECEM European Chemical Marketing B.V. | 33163887 |
Echemi Europe B.V. | 76108635 |
Echo Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 32120554 |
ECI Software Solutions B.V. | 08017472 |
EclecticIQ B.V. | 61333999 |
eClerx B.V. | 77976207 |
Eclipse BCS B.V. | 63501090 |
Eclipse Holdings B.V. | 88067416 |
ECMP B.V. | 09155304 |
ECMS Express (NL) B.V. | 63907577 |
Eco Consult | 09094994 |
Eco IL Group B.V. | 54607612 |
EcoChain Technologies B.V. | 53518314 |
Ecogreen Fine Chemicals B.V. | 27273865 |
Ecom Clear B.V. | 86981420 |
Ecomatters B.V. | 54739640 |
Ecommerce Operations B.V. | 66717809 |
Eco-movement B.V. | 27294677 |
ECONNETIC B.V. | 57185514 |
Econvert Water & Energy B.V. | 54029929 |
Ecorus Projects B.V. | 61010804 |
ECORYS Nederland B.V. | 24316726 |
ECR Nederland B.V. | 17014719 |
ECsens B.V. | 76564045 |
ECT Delta Terminal B.V. | 24328090 |
EDAG Netherlands B.V. | 14076302 |
EDC Retail B.V. | 04086094 |
EdCast B.V. | 69075018 |
Edelman Europe Holdings B.V. | 34266874 |
Edenspiekermann B.V. | 34384935 |
EDGE NEXT Management B.V. | 76716988 |
Edge Technologies Contract B.V. | 71183272 |
EdgeConneX Europe B.V. | 63051370 |
edilon)(sedra B.V. | 34033500 |
Edmond de Rothschild REIM (Benelux) B.V. | 34311097 |
Education Trademark B.V. | 34288828 |
Edufax B.V. | 17074218 |
EDUNAKHO B.V. | 77866282 |
Edwards Lifesciences B.V. | 30163350 |
Eekels Technology B.V. | 02309166 |
Eenvoud Media | 59646500 |
Eerlijke WOZ B.V. | 67784968 |
Eesysoft Software International B.V. | 34375588 |
EET.NU B.V. | 50563319 |
EF Corporate Education B.V. | 34161319 |
Ef International Language Schools B.V. | 33267461 |
Efeze B.V. | 83405496 |
EFFECT Photonics B.V. | 51514281 |
Effectory B.V. | 72541644 |
Effectory Holding B.V. | 33232007 |
E-Flight Academy B.V. | 81677022 |
eFlowers B.V. | 71172262 |
EFMClinic B.V. | 72187476 |
EFT Services Holding B.V. | 34107367 |
EG Retail (Netherlands) B.V. | 24031986 |
Egardia B.V. | 51114003 |
Egencia Netherlands B.V. | 83604243 |
Egeniq B.V. | 53062086 |
Egeria Group Services B.V. | 78512867 |
Eggerding & Co. | 33123790 |
Egon Zehnder International B.V. | 33232562 |
Egypt Solar B.V. | 64352897 |
EH Hotel Management B.V. | 34203365 |
EHPC Holdings B.V. | 34194009 |
Eichholtz B.V. | 28060994 |
Eigen B.V. | 55569447 |
Eijkelkamp Soil & Water B.V. | 09043479 |
Eiken Chemical Europe Office | 52845745 |
Eimskip Nederland B.V. | 24139487 |
Eindhoven | 17272738 |
Einride Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 85545295 |
Eisenkolb B.V. | 17047866 |
EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub West B.V. | 77048199 |
EJR-Quartz B.V. | 28081544 |
Ekata Global - Netherlands B.V. | 74096397 |
ekaterra Export B.V. | 81716648 |
ekaterra Global Operations B.V. | 81871341 |
ekaterra Group Finance B.V. | 81615353 |
ekaterra Group IP Holdings B.V. | 81871228 |
EKK Sales Europe B.V. | 14047184 |
EKO Instruments Europe B.V. | 27315416 |
Ekofine Holding & Finance N.V. | 34211941 |
Ekro B.V. | 08033633 |
Ekster B.V. | 65094573 |
El Niño B.V. | 08140115 |
Elacin International B.V. | 18130264 |
Elanco Nederland B.V. | 71762345 |
elasticsearch B.V. | 54656230 |
Elastique B.V. | 59329319 |
Elation professional B.V. | 50048775 |
Elbi Trading Company B.V. | 24257919 |
ElBrons B.V. | 60048417 |
Elcee B.V. | 23041333 |
Elchais B.V. | 08010878 |
Elco B.V. | 14023100 |
Eldohm B.V. | 08078358 |
eldoLAB Holding B.V. | 17218153 |
Eldorado Gold C.V. | 78607965 |
Eldorado Gold Coöperatief U.A. | 53699351 |
eLEAF B.V. | 09116766 |
Electech Holding B.V. | 24288161 |
Electrip Global B.V. | 78656230 |
Electromagnetic Compatibility MCC B.V. | 52798771 |
Electron Performance B.V. | 88464040 |
Electron Technologies B.V. | 29034307 |
Electronic Arts Nederland B.V. | 24276634 |
Electronic Commerce Solutions (ECS) International B.V. | 36053333 |
Electronics for Imaging B.V. | 30144359 |
Electude Development B.V. | 14097018 |
Elekta B.V. | 17097384 |
Element Materials Technology Rotterdam B.V. | 24170257 |
Elementis Minerals B.V. | 34281419 |
Elements Interactive B.V. | 32137279 |
Elements Legal N.V. | 63814773 |
Elemica International B.V. | 34153533 |
ELEO Technologies B.V. | 69705623 |
Eleq Steenwijk B.V. | 05029362 |
Elestor B.V. | 59735937 |
Elevate B.V. | 32040528 |
Elfsquad B.V. | 64311775 |
Eli Lilly Nederland B.V. | 30087090 |
Eli5 B.V. | 64152022 |
Elion Europe Technology Innovation Center B.V. | 70242585 |
Elips Life AG | 51782987 |
Elisa Maas B.V. | 77521404 |
Elision B.V. | 56543689 |
Elite Engineers B.V. | 64139980 |
ELITechGroup Benelux B.V. | 09175642 |
Elixir Engineers B.V. | 64246310 |
ELLBRU Professionals B.V. | 66955572 |
Ellens & Lentze Notariaat en Mediation B.V. | 27114293 |
Ellips B.V. | 17064762 |
Ellipsis Earth Intelligence B.V. | 75011964 |
E-LLIS B.V. | 53134486 |
Ellis Enterprises B.V. | 23028372 |
Ellogon AI B.V. | 74931024 |
ELM Europe B.V. | 63329816 |
Elma B.V. | 31022907 |
Elmar Reizen B.V. | 30213095 |
Elopak B.V. | 21010023 |
Elsevier B.V. | 33158992 |
eLstar Dynamics B.V. | 74821253 |
Elten Logistic Systems B.V. | 30273014 |
Eltra Engineering B.V. | 18049719 |
Elycio Talen B.V. | 58174338 |
E-magy B.V. | 74270338 |
Emakina B.V. | 34244282 |
EMAR Crewing B.V. | 67316573 |
Embers Support B.V. | 75582546 |
Embraer Netherlands B.V. | 52638243 |
Emendis B.V. | 51400251 |
E-Mergo | 27199736 |
Emergo Europe Consulting B.V. | 27345543 |
Emergya Wind Technologies B.V. | 34199007 |
Emerson Automation Solutions Final Control Netherlands B.V. | 20025316 |
Emerson College European Center | 55308775 |
Emerson Process Management | 27145686 |
Emerson Process Management Flow B.V. | 30196818 |
Emery B.V. | 75634627 |
Emesa Holdings B.V. | 52332586 |
EMG | 20067188 |
EMG Group B.V. | 28100791 |
EMG Nederland B.V. | 32063228 |
EMI Twente B.V. | 77488784 |
EMIS B.V. | 62458949 |
Emixa B.V. | 87135302 |
Emixa Integration Solutions B.V. | 65629981 |
Emka Infra B.V. | 76326683 |
Emmett Green B.V. | 72881437 |
Emmett Green Engineering B.V. | 77003055 |
Emons Group B.V. | 54427126 |
Emoss Mobile Systems B.V. | 60750006 |
Employor I B.V. | 34308967 |
Employor II B.V. | 70880565 |
Employor III B.V. | 80275303 |
Empower Sports (Netherlands) B.V. | 64009130 |
EMPWR Netherlands B.V. | 23080831 |
Emrex B.V. | 62859110 |
EMS | 34226533 |
Emsere B.V. | 28066287 |
emTransit B.V. | 72795921 |
eMudhra B.V. | 75632306 |
Enable U | 34228397 |
Enablon Netherlands B.V. | 34297520 |
EnAppSys B.V. | 67992358 |
Enauta Netherlands B.V. | 57118493 |
Endeavour B.V. | 73015822 |
Endologix International Holdings B.V. | 53359232 |
Eneco Diamond Hydrogen B.V. | 90411285 |
Eneco Zakelijk | 24296168 |
ENEL Investment Holding B.V. | 34149162 |
ENEOS Netherlands B.V. | 33206328 |
ENERCON Services Netherlands B.V. | 05072417 |
EnergieCare NW B.V. | 71628479 |
Energy & Infra Engineering B.V. | 69909865 |
Energy Essentials Group B.V. | 58192077 |
Energy Global Advies B.V. | 24306970 |
Energy Maintenance International B.V. | 37059950 |
Energy Solutions B.V. | 27320033 |
Energyworx B.V. | 55971202 |
EnergyZero B.V. | 61215651 |
Enerjisa Commodities B.V. | 89493621 |
Enerpac B.V. | 30075396 |
Enersea B.V. | 63092522 |
EnerSys B.V. | 24187923 |
Enevate B.V. | 63214458 |
Enexis Personeel B.V. | 66934389 |
Enfinitec B.V. | 81692846 |
Engage Process B.V. | 30240102 |
Engagement Factory B.V. | 58890661 |
Engenius Networks Europe B.V. | 52093808 |
ENGIE Energie Nederland N.V. | 05043978 |
Engineering4solar B.V. | 75275317 |
Engineero B.V. | 59762373 |
EnginX | 80595464 |
Eni Energy Netherlands B.V. | 27113806 |
Eni International B.V. | 33264934 |
Enigmatry B.V. | 27265056 |
ENI-JR286 International Coöperatief U.A. | 34363652 |
Enka Power Systems B.V. | 34260389 |
Enough B.V. | 80420311 |
Enovation B.V. | 24157738 |
Enpaco Europe B.V. | 09079872 |
Enphase Energy NL B.V. | 66057167 |
ENPICOM B.V. | 69524084 |
Enquero B.V. | 70843627 |
Enquirya B.V. | 63253984 |
Enraf B.V. | 27230372 |
ENRC N.V. | 34260677 |
Enreach B.V. | 39091093 |
Enschede | 08215195 |
Entelect Netherlands | 30208805 |
ENTER B.V. | 17186016 |
Entersekt Europe Coöperatief U.A. | 64285774 |
Entis B.V. | 70112975 |
Entocare C.V. | 09095313 |
Entourage B.V. | 60481943 |
Envalior B.V. | 14029941 |
enviolo B.V. | 90466519 |
enviolo International Inc. | 34373525 |
Envipco Holding N.V. | 33304225 |
Environmental Monitoring Systems (EMS) B.V. | 20103569 |
Environmental Resources Management Nederland B.V. | 30133036 |
Envision Technologies B.V. | 69833214 |
Envocon B.V. | 76950344 |
Enza Zaden Beheer B.V. | 36034974 |
Enza Zaden Export B.V. | 37116105 |
Enza Zaden Research & Development B.V. | 37116112 |
Enza Zaden Seed Operations B.V. | 37116114 |
Enzyre B.V. | 66018048 |
EnzyTag B.V. | 73327247 |
EOM Data Solutions B.V. | 32070030 |
Eonics Consultancy B.V. | 57075425 |
Eosta B.V. | 30135547 |
EP NL B.V. | 70521530 |
EP NL Rijnmond Operations B.V. | 24326849 |
EPAM Systems Netherlands B.V. | 58048375 |
EPC Marine Contracting B.V. | 54843855 |
EPEX SPOT SE | 67569226 |
EPI Operations B.V. | 91988845 |
Epic Den Bosch B.V. | 17194003 |
Epicenter | 31048040 |
Epiphany RBC B.V. | 67467156 |
Epoch Holland B.V. | 53389042 |
Eppendorf Nederland B.V. | 10032958 |
Epredia Netherlands B.V. | 74484141 |
EPS Europe B.V. | 84076852 |
Épsilon Inversiones B.V. | 64097722 |
Epson Europe B.V. | 33215466 |
Eqeep Services B.V. | 17265826 |
Eqilence International B.V. | 59305266 |
EQT Partners Netherlands B.V. | 77321227 |
Equalture B.V. | 69620172 |
EQUANS | 30059821 |
Equans Staffing Solutions B.V. | 59091983 |
equensWorldline N.V. | 78527767 |
equensWorldline SE | 30220519 |
Equileap B.V. | 81633009 |
Equilex B.V. | 37092788 |
Equine Integration B.V. | 82484260 |
Equinix (EMEA) B.V. | 57577889 |
Equinix (Netherlands) B.V. | 24429748 |
Equinix (Netherlands) Enterprises B.V. | 59911107 |
Equinor Holding Netherlands B.V. | 24393030 |
Equippo AG | 66121965 |
Equitable Maritime Consulting | 73243485 |
Er Shipping Holding B.V. | 64256618 |
ERA Nederland N.V. | 30120934 |
Eraneos Analytics Netherlands B.V. | 02070702 |
Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship | 24469423 |
Erasmus Centre for Urban, Port and Transport Economics B.V. | 24369966 |
Erasmus Enterprise B.V. | 78474728 |
Erasmus Medisch Centrum | 24485070 |
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | 24495550 |
Eraze Computer Software B.V. | 27164810 |
Erdotex B.V. | 30149642 |
ERESM European Residential Management B.V. | 69073422 |
Erez Corporate Service B.V. | 58684948 |
ERG Employment Services Executives B.V. | 69360251 |
ERG Employment Services Global B.V. | 69280878 |
ERICO Europe B.V. | 18029351 |
Ericsson Network Services B.V. | 18082272 |
Ericsson Telecommunicatie B.V. | 18003683 |
Eriell Oilfield Services B.V. | 08165646 |
Eriks B.V. | 37050277 |
ERIKS Digital B.V. | 65316673 |
ERIKS N.V. | 37013289 |
Ernst & Young Accountants LLP | 24432944 |
Ernst & Young Actuarissen B.V. | 24334354 |
Ernst & Young Belastingadviseurs LLP | 24432939 |
Ernst & Young Nederland LLP | 24432942 |
Erowa Benelux B.V. | 74432281 |
ERPlastics B.V. | 65429230 |
ERS Equipment Rental & Services B.V. | 33287747 |
ERSG B.V. | 65959124 |
Erstream | 70793182 |
ESD-SIC B.V. | 02320474 |
Eskra Bouw B.V. | 27319941 |
ESL Benelux B.V. | 60104406 |
Esomar B.V. | 33299075 |
Esperante Development B.V. | 08069968 |
ESRI Global, Inc. | 24429405 |
Esro Petfood B.V. | 90621999 |
Essange Reagents | 67177565 |
Esse B.V. | 34348686 |
EssenceMediacom Netherlands B.V. | 33289651 |
Essense Service Design B.V. | 62195158 |
Essent Energy Group B.V. | 09152897 |
Essent N.V. | 17115973 |
Essity Netherlands B.V. | 30135846 |
Essity Operations Hoogezand B.V. | 02317047 |
Esso Nederland B.V. | 27004771 |
EST Netherlands B.V. | 94779244 |
EST2021FW B.V. | 85671681 |
EST-Floattech B.V. | 01162843 |
ESTG B.V. | 50459597 |
Estreme B.V. | 62561774 |
E-Tailize B.V. | 83219412 |
ETEC Service & Engineering B.V. | 60098872 |
Etergo | 62037285 |
Eternal Sun | 53579283 |
ETG Commodities B.V. | 76084930 |
Ethnic Chic Projects B.V. | 65769473 |
EthosEnergy B.V. | 08127848 |
Etihad Airways PJSC | 57411298 |
Etileno XXI Services B.V. | 55130720 |
Etiya B.V. | 68414382 |
ETM Corporate Services B.V. | 34206371 |
ETPA B.V. | 63555913 |
E-Trailer B.V. | 64529096 |
ETRMServices Netherlands | 58053484 |
Etteplan Engineering Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 17156408 |
Etteplan Netherlands B.V. | 18050847 |
EU Funding B.V. | 77417232 |
Euflex B.V. | 17109183 |
Euflex Employment Services B.V. | 63816695 |
EULabs B.V. | 76192237 |
EULER HERMES Europe | 53853091 |
Eurail B.V. | 30206952 |
Eurail Group Gie | 30172825 |
Euramax Coated Products B.V. | 13013614 |
Eurasia Business Partners B.V. | 71834621 |
Eurasian Resources Group B.V. | 57923272 |
Eurekite B.V. | 63379864 |
Eurise K B.V. | 73419206 |
Euro Asia Fruit Dutch B.V. | 80701876 |
Euro Planit B.V. | 08116257 |
Euro Pool System International | 27168083 |
Euro Retail B.V. | 72762276 |
Euro Senko | 24469532 |
Euro Tank Terminal B.V. | 24363713 |
Euro West B.V. | 27214171 |
Euroboor B.V. | 27125112 |
Euro-Caps Holding B.V. | 55943985 |
Eurocept B.V. | 32096543 |
Euroclear S.A. | 34216825 |
EuroCollege Management School B.V. | 37061676 |
Eurocommercial Properties N.V. | 33230134 |
Euroconsult Mott MacDonald B.V. | 09038921 |
EuroCount Consultancy | 59586478 |
EuroDev B.V. | 06078400 |
EuroDev Shared Service Center B.V. | 64892573 |
Eurodrug Laboratories B.V. | 27103741 |
Eurofiber Cloud Infra B.V. | 66521378 |
Eurofiber Nederland | 34134377 |
Eurofins Analytico B.V. | 09088623 |
Eurofins Central Laboratory B.V. | 20049450 |
Eurofins EAG Materials Science Netherlands B.V. | 72390123 |
Eurofins NBLSC Food Testing Netherlands B.V. | 87689200 |
Eurofins Nederlands Moleculair Diagnostisch Laboratorium B.V. | 55505686 |
Eurofins NSC Netherlands B.V. | 52417905 |
Eurofins Omegam B.V. | 34215654 |
Eurofins Professional Scientific Services Netherlands B.V. | 61386960 |
Eurofins PROXY Laboratories B.V. | 28088811 |
Euro-Kytex Engineering B.V. | 64714098 |
Eurolida Coöperatief U.A. | 71170960 |
EuroLoop Calibrations B.V. | 68215738 |
EuroMice Holland B.V. | 27317775 |
Euronavig Holdings B.V. | 62501321 |
Euronet Communications B.V. | 33301540 |
Euronet Infra Techniek B.V. | 53527925 |
Euronext Amsterdam N.V. | 34138585 |
Euronics International B.V. | 32111490 |
Europaconnection B.V. | 60940506 |
Europastry Central Europe B.V. | 24457709 |
Europe Medicare B.V. | 61955191 |
Europe Trade Company B.V. | 74955489 |
European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership | 60471700 |
European Appliances Netherlands B.V. | 20042061 |
European Association for International Education | 40536784 |
European Association for Investors in Non Listed Real Estate Vehicles (INREV) | 34178762 |
European Center for Not-for-Profit Law Stichting | 73239518 |
European Cultural Foundation | 41199699 |
European Customs Clearance (ECC) B.V. | 54139287 |
European Dental Group Holding B.V. | 70650284 |
European Distribution Centre Roosendaal (E.D.C.R.) B.V. | 20037794 |
European Drilling Projects B.V. | 37111047 |
European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) | 40537096 |
European Market Partner B.V. | 13036298 |
European Medical Contract Manufacturing (E.M.C.M.) B.V. | 10039596 |
European Multi Talent Group Healthcare B.V. | 55652832 |
European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) Coöperatief U.A. | 55732631 |
European Portwell Technology B.V. | 34268540 |
EuroSort B.V. | 51152754 |
EuroTown B.V. | 60690739 |
Eurotrol B.V. | 09067367 |
Eurus Energy Europe B.V. | 24274700 |
Eusu Logistics B.V. | 24433888 |
EV Biotech B.V. | 72231564 |
Eva Airways Corporation (Netherlands Branch) | 34092638 |
Evalan B.V. | 32111035 |
Evalueserve Netherlands B.V. | 63051087 |
EVAM B.V. | 73281123 |
EVBox B.V. | 32165082 |
EVBox Intelligence B.V. | 74809296 |
Event Rent Roadshowprodukties | 30103910 |
Eventix B.V. | 64925536 |
EVEON Containers B.V. | 78642825 |
Everaert Advocaten | 34340584 |
Evergreen Shipping Agency (Europe) GMBH | 70594538 |
Everlight Europe BV | 24271620 |
Everon B.V. | 74602187 |
Everris International B.V. | 14027868 |
Eversheds Sutherland (Netherlands) B.V. | 70126313 |
EversPartners B.V. | 66153034 |
Eversports NL B.V. | 62081896 |
Every Angle Software Solutions B.V. | 24327140 |
everynet B.V. | 63446529 | B.V. | 62439715 |
Eves B.V. | 68732465 |
EVG Start B.V. | 30272493 |
Eviden International Global Functions B.V. | 69802637 |
Eviden Netherlands B.V. | 30132762 |
Evides N.V. | 24170650 |
Evidos B.V. | 56686331 |
Eviosys Aerosols & Promotional Packaging Netherland B.V. | 36014044 |
Evmann Investments Holding B.V. | 58227350 |
Evoke B.V. | 12054807 |
Evolution Netherlands B.V. | 66682452 |
Evonsys Europe B.V. | 69374597 |
Evos Amsterdam West B.V. | 24406191 |
Evos B.V. | 76587819 |
Evos Management B.V. | 83354263 |
Evreka Europe B.V. | 85647993 |
EVS Netherlands B.V. | 18029531 |
Ewac B.V. | 37072585 |
EWART AMSTERDAM B.V. | 63206900 |
Exact Cloud Development Benelux B.V. | 61877107 |
Exact Group B.V. | 27225828 |
Excelya Netherlands B.V. | 51255820 |
EXCENTR B.V. | 62508199 |
Except B.V. | 68447043 |
Excerpta Medica B.V. | 50825461 |
Executive Mobility Group B.V. | 34232584 |
Executive Shipping Services (Netherlands) B.V. | 55755747 |
EXEDY Clutch Europe Ltd. | 74476300 |
Exela Technologies B.V. | 72638974 |
Exelerating B.V. | 65727746 |
exen global b.v. | 65039033 |
Exes Group B.V. | 57841969 |
Exide Technologies B.V. | 24176741 |
EXIN Holding B.V. | 30181332 |
Exivity B.V. | 69674191 |
Expat Housing Network B.V. | 67812996 |
Expat-Links@ B.V | 11063119 |
Expatrix B.V. | 58864652 | B.V. | 34204970 |
Expeditors International B.V. | 34087992 |
Expereo International B.V. | 34226397 |
Experian Nederland B.V. | 30103666 |
EXPERIENCE DATA B.V. | 62776592 |
Experis Professionals B.V. | 32106595 |
Experis Staff B.V. | 34106574 |
Experlogix B.V. | 51930633 |
Expertisebureau HDG B.V. | 24142863 |
Expivi Holding B.V. | 68892462 |
Expleo Netherlands B.V. | 11043303 |
Explicit Selection B.V. | 68205074 |
Exploitatie Pillows MK61 B.V. | 72869712 |
Extended Secure Technologies B.V. | 34385216 |
Exter B.V. | 34223562 |
Exterus Payrolling B.V. | 65158598 |
Extreme Networks B.V. | 30106897 |
Extron Europe | 31040577 |
ExxFire | 53952464 |
ExxonMobil Chemical Holland | 24231768 |
EY Accountants B.V. | 92704093 |
EY Adviseurs B.V. | 92700950 |
EY Advisory Netherlands LLP | 73624926 |
EY Belastingadviseurs B.V. | 92702090 |
EY Nederland B.V. | 92702597 |
EYC B.V. | 55101321 |
EyeOn B.V. | 17116144 |
EyeOn Zorg B.V. | 17196213 |
eyrise B.V. | 17236601 |
EZ Factory B.V. | 69297878 |
EZ Phone B.V. | 39084284 |
EZVIZ Europe B.V. | 78758564 |
F&S B.V. | 89471067 |
F&V Photographic Industry B.V. | 52744701 |
F.G. Progress B.V. | 70135177 |
F.G. Stijl B.V. | 33270221 |
F5 Networks Benelux B.V. | 32117649 |
FAAM Architects B.V. | 70573980 |
Fabory Nederland | 18020925 |
FABRICations B.V. | 86825283 |
Fabrique Communicatie en Design | 27183335 |
Facade Hotel Amsterdam B.V. | 66659558 |
Facebook Netherlands B.V. | 51401282 |
Facial Harmony B.V. | 67068731 |
Facta Elektrotechniek B.V. | 33250294 |
Factor 75 B.V. | 88275043 |
FactorIT B.V. | 62026097 |
Factors Chain International | 40537377 |
FactoryLab B.V. | 66582385 |
Factris | 68666446 |
FactSet Benelux B.V. | 20132144 |
Faculty of Skills | 53801016 |
Fagron B.V. | 30064580 |
Fagron Holding EMEA B.V. | 56737335 |
Fair Consulting Netherlands B.V. | 88764354 |
Fairbanks B.V. | 32102827 |
FairChainTech B.V. | 76217396 |
Faire Wholesale B.V. | 82541086 |
Fairfield Chemical Carriers B.V. | 62013971 |
FairPhone B.V. | 55901964 |
Fairtrade Original B.V. | 72720476 |
Fairtree Capital Europe | 71802312 |
Fairways Logistics B.V. | 61478466 |
Famed B.V. | 31043929 |
Fancom B.V. | 12015669 |
Fangage B.V. | 66554721 |
Fansen Exploitatie B.V. | 63635097 |
Fantazm B.V. | 65021010 |
FareHarbor B.V. | 71480404 |
Farm Dairy | 24327163 |
Farm Frites International B.V. | 24180852 |
Farm21 B.V. | 73028711 |
Farmless B.V. | 87138514 |
Fashion Cloud | 57056447 |
Fashion for Good B.V. | 66960746 |
Fashion Group Solutions B.V. | 69689547 |
Fast & Fluid Management B.V. | 28071961 |
FAST (Financial Administration Service and Technology) | 28086092 |
Fast Four B.V. | 56037104 |
Fast Imaging B.V. | 71867473 |
Fasten B.V. | 37085814 |
Fastenal Europe B.V. | 20112509 |
FasterIntel B.V. | 62258605 |
FastFocus B.V. | 59285575 |
FastMicro B.V. | 76203247 |
Fastned B.V. | 54606179 |
FastSpring B.V. | 70091099 |
FBD International B.V. | 34341882 |
FC C.V. | 75623277 |
FCA Netherlands B.V. | 33164133 |
FCC Construccion S.A. | 76504972 |
FCPM III Services B.V. | 56419899 |
Feddes/Olthof Landschapsarchitecten B.V. | 30220057 |
Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia B.V. | 27243258 |
Federatie COC Nederland | 40530156 |
Federation Internationale Pharmaceutique/ International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) | 40410354 |
Federation of European Microbiological Societies | 59230738 |
FedEx Express International B.V. | 65939859 |
FedEx Express Netherlands B.V. | 69176523 |
FedEx Supply Chain Services | 20078945 |
FeedbackFruits B.V. | 63664682 |
Feel Free Games B.V. | 84011734 |
FEI Electron Optics B.V. | 17078574 |
FEI Europe B.V. | 17097158 |
Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners B.V. | 75199106 |
Felyx Sharing B.V. | 68094434 |
Fenergo Sentinels B.V. | 82155305 |
Fenestrae B.V. | 27155784 |
Fenix Consulting Delft B.V. | 27240004 |
Fenix Outdoor Logistics B.V. | 64755177 |
Fenzi AGT Netherlands B.V. | 64454827 |
FEPshop B.V. | 73370975 |
Ferm International B.V. | 73372099 |
Ferrovial Airports International SE | 73422525 |
Ferrovial SE | 73422134 |
Fertilife Benelux B.V. | 76536912 |
FESCO North West Europe B.V. | 24419889 |
Fesla Charge B.V. | 76210073 |
FEV Netherlands B.V. | 69337659 |
Feyecon Development & Implementation B.V. | 33242864 |
Feyenoord Rotterdam N.V. | 24363218 |
FF Quant Advisory B.V. | 70817979 |
FFM Online B.V. | 61296805 |
Ffund B.V. | 66948665 |
FG ROBOSYS B.V. | 63511037 |
FGE International B.V. | 61334790 |
FI Analytics B.V. | 09221887 |
Fiat Republic Netherlands B.V. | 84625791 |
Fiba Capital Investments B.V. | 34239251 |
Fiber-Line International B.V. | 01105731 |
Fiberplane B.V. | 78748038 |
Fibrant B.V. | 14028937 |
Fiction Valley B.V. | 34250730 |
Fidelity National Information Services (Netherlands) B.V. | 33282642 |
Field Factors B.V. | 66731313 |
FieldCore Service Solutions International Netherlands | 53132866 |
FIFPro Holding B.V. | 24369707 |
Figma Netherlands B.V. | 81458851 |
Figo B.V. | 52934969 |
Filasflex Uitzendbureau B.V. | 59701137 |
filerskeepers B.V. | 70576343 |
Fimble B.V. | 88878244 |
Finalist IT Group B.V. | 24243482 |
Finalyse Netherlands B.V. | 30253968 |
Financial Access Capital Management B.V. | 34357920 |
Financial Access Consulting Services B.V. | 34260940 |
Financiële Diensten Amsterdam B.V. | 33187036 |
FinanSentra B.V. | 67289010 |
Finch Capital Partners, B.V. | 67035752 |
Finchtree B.V. | 24174331 |
FincoEnergies B.V. | 62265199 |
Fincog B.V. | 74850520 |
Finday B.V. | 62205498 |
Findest B.V. | 68240023 |
FindHotel B.V. | 66043077 |
FinDock B.V. | 60932317 |
FinMechanics Netherlands B.V. | 74815393 |
FINOM Payments B.V. | 78680751 |
Finqle B.V. | 62738097 |
Finst B.V. | 85668117 |
FinStack Holding B.V. | 83869794 |
Finthropology B.V. | 90483766 |
Finwerd B.V. | 81450834 |
Firat Bakkerij B.V. | 08143683 |
FireID Middle Earth B.V. | 75679019 |
Firemane B.V. | 87900157 |
Firestone Industrial Products Europe B.V. | 09178597 |
Firm24 B.V. | 58579532 |
First Employment B.V. | 58086846 |
First Light Digital B.V. | 76137228 |
First Line Software B.V. | 58362126 |
FIRST PRIVACY B.V. | 76063267 |
FiSer Consulting B.V. | 62741837 |
Fisher BioServices Netherlands B.V. | 82365733 |
Fisher Emergo B.V. | 33166189 |
Fishfacts B.V. | 70740631 |
Fit For Free Beheer B.V. | 27288391 |
Fit For Me B.V. | 24375270 |
FIT Group B.V. | 20119722 |
FIT People B.V. | 57634262 |
Fitch Finance B.V. | 62795228 |
Fited B.V. | 68822618 |
Fit-Fight Dojo | 66914132 |
Five Degrees Solutions B.V. | 30265026 |
Five Rings Capital B.V. | 90117905 |
FixedToday 52 B.V. | 56898746 |
FixedToday B.V. | 11047341 |
Fixico B.V. | 58322752 |
Fizyr | 60552735 |
Flagship Advisory Partners B.V. | 78449499 |
Flagship Amsterdam B.V. | 74390767 |
Flame Spray Technologies B.V. | 09166683 |
Flamingo´s Plaza B.V. | 01166716 |
Flash Shipping B.V. | 87089084 |
flatex DEGIRO Bank Dutch Branch | 82510245 |
Flavourtech B.V. | 86423134 |
FleetCor Technologieën B.V. | 09094215 |
Fleetin B.V. | 89574710 |
FleuraMetz B.V. | 34073465 |
Flevo Berry Breeding B.V. | 63735210 |
Flexbrain Detachering Publieke Sector B.V. | 59640332 |
Flexellon B.V. | 08226745 |
Flexhub B.V. | 18072838 |
Flexible Human Services | 53272447 |
Flexible Optical B.V. | 27193416 |
Flexible Packaging Combination B.V. | 33260875 |
FlexiiDrive B.V. | 69954283 |
Flexn B.V. | 84296828 |
Flexous B.V. | 56220987 |
Flexous Mechanisms B.V. | 67343295 |
Flexport Customs B.V. | 80033970 |
Flexport Group B.V. | 64391043 |
Flexport International B.V. | 80033946 |
FlexService Solutions B.V. | 28090507 |
Flextronics Logistics B.V. | 12038111 |
Flexxy B.V. | 73969559 |
Flight Centre Travel Group (Netherlands) B.V. | 34320444 |
Flinndal B.V. | 34195553 |
Flirt Design & Communication | 66285550 |
Flitsmeister B.V. | 55408567 |
FlixBus B.V. | 64024989 |
Flo Consulting B.V. | 77149491 |
Flo Health NL B.V. | 81264682 |
Floating Market B.V. | 52265528 |
FloodTags B.V. | 90635450 |
Flora Food Global Principal B.V. | 63649292 |
Flora Food Netherlands B.V. | 63645882 |
Flora Food R&D B.V. | 63650118 |
Florencius B.V. | 30220826 |
Florentin B.V. | 58171673 |
Floricultura B.V. | 34061322 |
Floryn B.V. | 65970276 |
Flow Traders B.V. | 33223268 |
FlowBeams B.V. | 84094923 |
Flowid Products B.V. | 56555881 |
Flowserve B.V. | 20052878 |
Floyd Davis Finance B.V. | 24306935 |
Fluence Energy B.V. | 85674451 |
Fluiconnecto Holdings | 24428177 |
Fluidigm Europe B.V. | 27264567 |
Fluido Oy | 80799140 |
Fluke Europe B.V. | 17077812 |
Fluor B.V. | 34023348 |
Fluor Consultants B.V. | 20070184 |
Flutterwave Netherlands B.V. | 88023192 |
Flux Groep B.V. | 51516616 |
Flux Landscape Architecture B.V. | 75223295 |
Flying Fish Water Mobility B.V. | 76707563 |
Flynth Audit B.V. | 09063021 |
FLYR Netherlands B.V. | 83708316 |
Flytxt B.V. | 34082857 |
FM Group Human Resources B.V. | 80057640 |
FM Insurance Company Ltd.The Netherlands Branch | 34313287 |
FM Insurance Europe S.A. | 68307438 |
FM Plastics B.V. | 01064735 |
FMC Separation Systems B.V. | 09090976 |
FMI HTS Eindhoven B.V. | 77363604 |
FM's Dienstverlening B.V. | 70753229 |
fnCyber Security Consulting Services B.V. | 90184106 |
FNsteel B.V. | 23093135 |
Focus B.V. | 75107058 |
Focus Engineering B.V. | 56972954 |
Focus Enterprise Solutions B.V. | 85577448 |
Focus IT People B.V. | 67663931 |
Focus Orange Technology B.V. | 61307068 |
FocusCura B.V. | 30206773 |
FOCUS-ON V.O.F. | 74863223 |
Foekens Papier | 34097050 |
FOH Europe B.V. | 87508605 |
Fokker Elmo B.V. | 84469331 |
Fokker Elmo Holding B.V. | 52127699 |
Fokker Services B.V. | 20083483 |
Foldam Staalbouw B.V. | 24342031 |
Folding Boxboard Eerbeek B.V. | 08038270 |
Follow this | 62049933 | B.V. | 30193631 |
Fontem Ventures B.V. | 56714955 |
Fonterra (Europe) Coöperatie U.A. | 50122541 |
Fonterra Europe Manufacturing B.V. | 57438048 |
Fontys Hogescholen | 41097718 |
Foodcase International B.V. | 55047599 |
Foodmate B.V. | 24402765 |
FoodQloud B.V. | 76517993 |
FoodVentures B.V. | 51414392 |
Foot Locker Europe B.V. | 23067735 |
Forbest Image B.V. | 60254378 |
Forbo Flooring B.V. | 35000233 |
Forbon Technology Netherlands B.V. | 63585685 |
Forcare Holding B.V. | 30213084 |
Force Field Productions B.V. | 34247648 |
ForceWeb B.V. | 64335763 |
Forcyd Managed Review B.V. | 75018551 |
Ford Nederland B.V. | 33042480 |
Forehand Electronic Extensions B.V. | 24182857 |
Forescout Technologies B.V. | 08214012 |
Foreside B.V. | 77761316 |
ForestEffect Management B.V. | 66867142 |
Forever Direct E.U. B.V. | 24434826 |
Forexx Group B.V. | 66077478 |
Fork and Grate Payroll Services B.V. | 66853826 |
Form International B.V. | 05050630 |
Forma Property Advisory Services B.V. | 66050111 |
Formax, Inc. | 34069454 |
Formitable B.V. | 67619665 |
Formorrow B.V. | 31047845 |
Fornova B.V. | 65286073 |
forpeople B.V. | 72627794 |
Forrester Research B.V. | 33298093 |
Forseti | 27247356 |
Fortaegis Technologies B.V. | 91340500 |
Fortanix B.V. | 75812517 |
Fortinet B.V. | 32156993 |
Fortissimo Holding B.V. | 22040924 |
Fortna Europe B.V. | 69615101 |
Fortna Service B.V. | 30184960 |
Fortrea Netherlands B.V. | 88689824 |
Fortrum B.V. | 69541000 |
Fortum Holding B.V. | 24248582 |
Forus Operations B.V. | 82536775 |
Forvis Mazars N.V. | 24389296 |
Forward AM Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 62066420 |
foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam B.V. | 56891008 |
Forza IT Group B.V. | 32126735 |
Forza Refurbished B.V. | 63330164 |
Foseco Nederland B.V. | 09087414 |
Fossil Europe B.V. | 33247795 |
Founda Health B.V. | 76708829 |
FoundersBuddy B.V. | 71796371 |
FOUNT B.V. | 61547166 |
Fountainhead International B.V. | 66741246 |
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts B.V. | 59214198 |
Four Seasons Quality B.V. | 34206129 |
Four Winds K9 B.V. | 68501927 |
Fource Holding B.V. | 24378552 |
FourCo IT Services Benelux B.V. | 72589795 |
Fourict B.V. | 27333447 |
FourKites B.V. | 75960729 |
Fourthline | 58905413 |
FourVision HR Plus Sales B.V. | 50356313 |
FOX Global Logistics B.V. | 34274781 |
Foxess Netherlands B.V. | 78484626 |
Fox-IT | 27301624 |
FPE Advisory B.V. | 58355103 |
FPS Investments B.V. | 85711101 |
FPT Software Netherlands B.V. | 86070401 |
FPX Solutions B.V. | 75460335 |
FRABA B.V. | 14106278 |
Fractal Analytics Netherland B.V. | 69252696 |
Frade B.V. | 34210452 |
Framer B.V. | 59920637 |
Frames Energy Systems B.V. | 28062277 |
Framo Nederland B.V. | 24221503 |
Frank Energie B.V. | 77767799 |
Frank Recruitment Group Netherlands B.V. | 72316772 |
Frankort & Koning B.V. | 12022596 |
Frank's International Coöperatief U.A. | 58244115 |
Franx B.V. | 67283101 |
Fratello Watches B.V. | 72188162 |
Fraud Dynamics B.V. | 58426833 |
Fraudio B.V. | 75495538 |
Fredhopper B.V. | 34119121 |
Free Engineering B.V. | 20090202 |
FREE NOW Netherlands B.V. | 88464334 |
Freeday B.V. | 80204589 |
Freetime Company B.V. | 08154831 |
Freezitt | 12059706 |
Freightlive B.V. | 53328175 |
Frencken Engineering B.V. | 17095980 |
Frencken Mechatronics B.V. | 17085349 |
Fresenius Medical Care Nederland B.V. | 16054002 |
Fresh Dynamics B.V. | 30247256 |
Fresh Forward Breeding | 09153813 |
Fresh Tandartsen Holding B.V. | 61786373 |
Fresh Trading Manufacturing B.V. | 73776947 |
Fresh Trading Supply B.V. | 73114944 |
Fresh Unieke Mondzorg B.V. | 67343775 |
FreshBooks Netherlands B.V. | 76252965 |
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer | 34368197 |
Freshstream Netherlands B.V. | 83775285 |
Freshworks Technologies B.V. | 73582166 |
Freudenberg Performance Materials B.V. | 09008666 |
Friendly Business Centre B.V. | 24288466 |
Friends of The Earth International, International Secretariat | 40535338 |
Friesian Farm B.V. | 64361594 |
FrieslandCampina Nederland B.V. | 01070163 |
Friss fraudebestrijding B.V. | 30217641 |
Frisse Blikken ondernemen met talent B.V. | 52694712 |
Frits van Dongen Architecten en Planners B.V. | 72634154 |
FRMWRK B.V. | 24304186 |
Froconsur B.V. | 01076844 |
Frontclear Management B.V. | 60351489 |
Frontier Finance Solutions B.V. | 63401959 |
FrontValue B.V. | 85985228 |
Fruitone Europe | 56993137 |
FS NL Hilton Rotterdam OpCo 19 B.V. | 70615691 |
F-Secure B.V. | 85817481 |
FST Technology B.V. | 81557280 |
FTI Consulting (Netherlands) B.V. | 67534090 |
ftrprf B.V. | 71873112 |
Fugro Innovation & Technology B.V. | 34048179 |
Fugro Marine Services B.V. | 28049309 |
Fugro N.V. | 27120091 |
Fugro Netherlands Marine B.V. | 27114149 |
Fugro NL Land B.V. | 27114147 |
Fugro NL Services B.V. | 09070547 |
Fugro Survey B.V. | 34070322 |
Fuji Europe Africa B.V. | 72062010 |
Fuji Logistics Europe B.V. | 34089689 |
Fuji Seal B.V. | 50450093 |
Fuji Seal Europe B.V. | 17033461 |
Fuji Seal International the Netherlands Branch | 60919418 |
Fuji Trading (Marine) B.V. | 24123464 |
Fuji Transport Systems (Rotterdam) B.V. | 68879377 |
FUJIFILM Europe B.V. | 18084920 |
FUJIFILM Healthcare Nederland B.V. | 29047105 |
FUJIFILM Manufacturing Europe B.V. | 18025280 |
FUJIFILM SonoSite B.V. | 34235932 |
Fujipoly Europe B.V. | 91968224 |
FUJITRANS (EUROPE) B.V. | 34142517 |
Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. | 33281312 |
Fujitsu Technology Solutions B.V. | 30089204 |
FUL Foods B.V. | 77357558 |
Fulfilment Solutions B.V. | 53521307 |
Full Circle Group Holding B.V. | 82678499 |
Full Circle Wind Services Netherlands B.V. | 81551673 |
Full4C | 86677799 |
Fulpra Motors B.V. | 77250877 |
Function Control Research B.V. | 02044307 |
Functional Nutrition (EU) B.V. | 82413053 |
Funda Real Estate B.V. | 34242436 |
Fung Payments B.V. | 85548413 |
FunXtion International B.V. | 57141762 |
Furore Informatica B.V. | 35026537 |
Furukawa Rock Drill Europe B.V. | 30149889 |
FURUNO EUROPE B.V. | 24392767 |
Fusion Engineering Technologies B.V. | 70188289 |
Fusion Trade Netherlands B.V. | 34270912 |
Fusite B.V. | 06027114 |
Future Cleaning Technologies B.V. | 17170863 |
Future Port B.V. | 70851468 |
Future Sailors B.V. | 89035089 |
futurefactor Ltd. | 34392490 |
FutureWater | 09129725 |
Futurewhiz B.V. | 32144948 |
Fuze Europe B.V. | 57702950 |
Fyffes | 24079630 |
Fyndr B.V. | 77878779 |
FysioHolland B.V. | 30165675 |
Fysiotherapie De Rietlanden B.V. | 01135925 |
Fysiotherapie Osdorp | 53965019 |
Fysiotherapie Weerdsingel West | 30275087 |
Fysiowereld | 62806149 |
G. Vermes B.V. | 39060888 |
G.B. Electronics Limited | 71677224 |
G.C. de Jong Construction B.V. | 22031684 |
G.J. van Olst B.V. | 20074975 |
G3 Worldwide Mail | 27190356 |
G4S Holdings 103 (NL) B.V. | 24319077 |
GA International Inc. | 58125248 |
Gadeta B.V. | 64786560 |
GAIN.PRO B.V. | 71476717 |
Gaiyo B.V. | 57152020 |
Galapagos B.V | 28083700 |
Galaxy Specialties Europe B.V. | 93499256 |
Galaxy Surfactants Limited | 55146090 |
Galderma Benelux B.V. | 34277838 |
Gamegos B.V. | 73286974 |
GameHouse Europe B.V. | 17146077 |
GameHouse Original Stories B.V. | 76700445 |
Gamepoint B.V. | 27169445 |
Gamgee Netherlands B.V. | 71219390 |
Gamz B.V. | 86092278 |
Gapstars B.V. | 64817989 |
GarantiBank International N.V. | 33225009 |
Gardner Denver Nederland B.V. | 30088601 |
Garrett Leight Europe B.V. | 63724332 |
Gartner Nederland B.V. | 33237099 |
Garuda Indonesia | 34357386 |
Gaserop B.V. | 61383457 |
Gassan Diamonds B.V. | 33082505 |
Gaston Schul Facilities B.V. | 14107779 |
Gate Gourmet Amsterdam B.V. | 34036439 |
GATT Technologies B.V. | 52767329 |
Gauge 81 B.V. | 74373846 |
Gavdi B.V. | 67035159 |
Gavita International B.V. | 65832760 |
Gaynor Minden B.V. | 57237077 |
Gazprom EP International Investments B.V. | 34331840 |
Gazprom EP International Services B.V. | 34285177 |
Gazprom Holding Coöperatie U.A. | 58200010 |
Gazprom International Projects B.V. | 34285181 |
Gazprom Sakhalin Holdings B.V. | 34271434 |
GBE Converge B.V. | 28079665 |
GBM Works B.V. | 67657621 |
GCC Europe B.V. | 24345456 |
GCE-Group B.V. | 76040348 |
GCO Global | 23061347 |
GCP Europe Management S.à r.l., Dutch branch | 76778827 |
GD-iTS Forwarding B.V. | 11054730 |
GDS Services B.V. | 53776402 |
GE Aviation Netherlands B.V. | 33266425 |
GE Capital Finance B.V. | 20063496 |
GE Healthcare | 17064140 |
GEA Food Solutions B.V. | 34206247 |
GEA Food Solutions Bakel B.V. | 17044170 |
GEA Food Solutions Weert B.V. | 13008971 |
GEA Niro PT B.V. | 16023225 |
GEA Refrigeration Netherlands N.V. | 16020595 |
GÉANT Vereniging | 40535155 |
Gearbox Innovations B.V. | 66873932 |
Gearbox Publishing Amsterdam B.V. | 75256827 |
Gears of Leo Netherlands B.V. | 09153589 |
Gebhard B.V. | 71543813 |
Gebiedsmanagers B.V. | 56905815 |
Gebr. van 't Hek B.V. | 37109050 |
Gebr. Van Vliet B.V. | 27235542 |
Gebroeders Bakker Zaadteelt en Zaadhandel B.V. | 37008098 |
Gecko Robotics B.V. | 84661496 |
Geckotech B.V. | 53256662 |
Gecon Parcel B.V. | 74494201 |
Gedi Cube B.V. | 91275237 |
GeekSoft Consulting B.V. | 58655581 |
Geerts Metaalwaren B.V. | 69450064 |
GEFCO Forwarding Services B.V. | 24395150 |
GEG Europe B.V. | 55185282 |
Gek van Software B.V. | 73239585 |
Gelber Coöperatief U.A. | 71324925 |
GELITA Nederland B.V. | 34119841 |
Gemalto Holding B.V. | 27255026 |
Gembird Europe B.V. | 32131668 |
Gemco Cast Metal Technology B.V. | 17141349 |
Gemeenlandshuis Delft | 50677969 |
Gemeenschappelijke regeling DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond | 50000438 |
GEN B.V. | 24317941 |
Gen25 B.V. | 32086120 |
Genencor International B.V. | 27238074 |
GeneoDx Holding B.V. | 76311961 |
Genera B.V. | 83138498 |
General Aircraft Technical Engineering Europe B.V. | 17089756 |
General Logistics Systems B.V. | 34125684 |
Generation Energy B.V. | 65916158 |
Genesys Cloud Services B.V. | 24293219 |
Genetwister Technologies B.V. | 11043533 |
Genexis B.V. | 12049085 |
Geniox Services B.V. | 65600339 |
Genius Voice B.V. | 86541781 |
GenKey Solutions B.V. | 17233846 |
Genmab B.V. | 30169902 |
Genome Diagnostics B.V. | 30202468 |
GenomeScan B.V. | 61315532 |
Genpact NL B.V. | 35010541 |
Genpact Onsite Services | 24454081 |
Genscape | 34186788 |
Genscript Biotech (Netherlands) B.V. | 70249180 |
Genzai B.V. | 69934592 |
Geo Marine Survey Systems B.V. | 24465394 |
GEO2 Engineering B.V. | 52849058 |
GeoCat B.V. | 08162601 |
GEODIS FF Netherlands B.V. | 24193709 |
GeoJunxion B.V. | 24284810 |
Geolog North Sea B.V. | 60896221 |
Geonius Geotechniek B.V. | 14048726 |
GeoPhy B.V. | 59182679 |
GeoQuest Systems B.V. | 27176644 |
GeoSoftware C.V. | 83859675 |
GEP Netherlands B.V. | 73997633 |
Gepardo B.V. | 86936107 |
GeriMedica | 34270859 |
Geris B.V. | 14101428 |
Gerlach & Co. Internationale Expediteurs B.V. | 12030332 |
Gerwil Crewing B.V. | 32143103 |
Getaround B.V. | 72687398 |
Get-E International B.V. | 63711443 |
Getir B.V. | 75897903 |
Getir Netherlands B.V. | 82163057 |
GetMoss NL B.V. | 83969551 |
Getronics Global Services B.V. | 53904877 |
Geurst & Schulze Architekten B.V. | 27159074 |
Geva Sol B.V. | 28103930 |
Gezondheidscentrum Plato | 37123115 |
Gezondheidscentrum Vijfhoek B.V. | 77730089 |
GfK Netherlands B.V. | 64327744 |
GGN Mastering Credits B.V. | 17240971 |
GGzE | 17141715 |
GGZ-Reflection Haaglanden B.V. | 58919031 |
Gi Group Perm B.V. | 75868415 |
Giada Technology B.V. | 75489678 |
Giant Europe B.V. | 39042936 |
Giant Europe Manufacturing B.V. | 39062535 |
Giant Leap Technologies B.V. | 34219450 |
Gibeon Net Solutions B.V. | 27177995 |
Gibson Europe B.V. | 34180426 |
GIDARA Energy Technology Solutions B.V. | 27372897 |
Giebels Meat Products B.V. | 17148802 |
Giesecke+Devrient Currency Technology Netherlands B.V. | 30160202 |
Gieterij Doesburg B.V. | 09089764 |
GIGA Storage B.V. | 71586334 |
Giga-Byte Technology B.V. | 17136359 |
Gigaphoton Europe B.V. | 52816737 |
GigaTech Products B.V. | 65634403 |
GIIR BN | 60473819 |
Giken Europe B.V. | 39050843 |
Gilde Healthcare Partners B.V. | 30215833 |
Gilead Sciences Netherlands B.V. | 34249498 |
Gili Amsterdam B.V. | 57407436 |
Gili Utrecht B.V. | 57560870 |
Gimly B.V. | 82933464 |
Ginkgo Bioworks Netherlands B.V. | 63747871 |
GitHub B.V. | 61237523 |
GitLab B.V. | 60034831 |
Givaudan Nederland B.V. | 32043950 |
GK Design Europe B.V. | 33190417 |
GKN Fokker Aerospace B.V. | 23088399 |
Glassworks Amsterdam Ltd | 61618411 |
GlaxoSmithKline B.V. | 27141630 |
Glencore International Import B.V. | 24436992 |
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 50131893 |
Glent B.V. | 71185801 |
GLI Europe B.V. | 28117769 |
Glimp B.V. | 84246588 |
GLNP Life Sciences B.V. | 34313486 |
Global Aesthetics Holdings B.V. | 90397932 |
Global Consulting and Support Services B.V. | 30220595 |
Global Cooling B.V. | 08061989 |
Global Data Collection Company B.V. | 24282858 |
Global Energy Services B.V. | 28075847 |
Global Experience Specialists (GES) Limited | 58489746 |
Global Factories Total Engineering and Manufacturing B.V. | 27301594 |
Global Fruit Point Services B.V. | 24385603 |
Global International B.V. | 34092319 |
Global IT & Services B.V. | 17239055 |
Global Location Strategies B.V. | 92065031 |
Global Middleware Consultancy B.V. | 39073725 |
Global Off-Grid Lighting Association | 62066064 |
Global Offshore Services B.V. | 51338270 |
Global PEO Services Netherlands B.V. | 73084018 |
Global Risk Group EMEA Pinkerton | 27254894 |
Global Sports Media B.V. | 24308684 |
Global Switch Amsterdam Property B.V. | 27184529 |
Global Telecom Holding S.A.E. | 62866184 |
Global Textware B.V. | 02048134 |
Global TIP Finance B.V. | 58178260 |
Global TIP Holdings Two B.V. | 58146369 |
Global Tunnelling Experts B.V. | 24419447 |
Global Unichip Corp. Europe B.V. | 34301971 |
Global University Systems B.V. | 55367453 |
Global VAT Compliance | 27377928 |
Global-C Nederland B.V. | 37123711 |
GlobalOrange B.V. | 34271366 |
Globe Tech B.V. | 20089611 |
Glory Global Solutions (Netherlands) B.V. | 34307397 |
Glosec NL B.V. | 62649183 |
Glow Chiropractic | 67524656 |
Glycostem Therapeutics B.V. | 30226371 |
GMG Europe B.V. | 85492884 |
GMP+ International B.V. | 27364542 |
GMS Management Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 73844780 |
GN Hearing Benelux B.V. | 09033081 |
G-Nius | 17143400 |
Go Daddy Netherlands B.V. | 34330982 |
Go Gracht Service C.V. | 34202679 |
GO Sharing B.V. | 76717321 |
GoBoony B.V. | 62857452 |
GoCancel B.V. | 83708847 |
Gocase Int Coöperatief U.A. | 65322525 |
GoCloudNow | 76977897 |
Godavari Biorefineries B.V. | 34325188 |
Godrej Consumer Holdings (Netherlands) B.V. | 34388379 |
Goedegebuur Vlees Rotterdam B.V. | 24163213 |
GoGlobal Netherlands B.V. | 81248954 |
Golden Agri-Resources Europe B.V. | 59575964 |
Golden Circle Group B.V. | 64387518 |
Golden Egg Check B.V. | 63542560 |
Golden Laser Europe B.V. | 86551701 |
Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE, Amsterdam Branch | 72785500 |
Goldman Sachs Personeel B.V. | 84669411 |
GoldRepublic B.V. | 50172247 |
Goliath B.V. | 08052676 |
Gomocha B.V. | 61927201 |
Good Will Instrument Euro B.V. | 60878401 |
GoodHabitz B.V. | 17217883 |
Goodix Technology (Netherlands) B.V. | 76153029 |
Goodmesh B.V. | 72830220 |
Goodpack Europe B.V. | 30217273 |
GoodUp | 34295254 |
Goodwell Investments B.V. | 32102790 |
Google Netherlands B.V. | 34198589 |
Gooiland Elektro B.V. | 32033463 |
GoPro B.V. | 70263949 |
Gordian Logistic Experts B.V. | 11063540 |
GoReefers South Africa B.V. | 24344939 |
Gorka HBP B.V. | 72016930 |
Gorman-Rupp Europe B.V. | 01054500 |
Gormley Chiropractie | 27271827 |
Gortemaker Algra Feenstra architects B.V. | 29033487 |
GoSpooky B.V. | 66046343 |
GOT Technologies B.V. | 58183973 |
GOTO EUROPE B.V. | 76958167 |
Goudappel B.V. | 38017479 |
Gouden Reserves B.V. | 66961246 |
GOVA Ingredients | 68561369 |
Govers Accountants/Adviseurs | 17277183 |
GP Elite - Nederland B.V. | 65687558 |
GPB Global Resources B.V. | 53240162 |
GPI Services B.V. | 30158765 |
Gracenote Netherlands B.V. | 34192413 |
Gracious | 56151292 |
GRADOCHEM B.V. | 33262028 |
Gradyent B.V. | 75342332 |
Grafana Labs Netherlands B.V. | 86435027 |
Grafton B.V. | 27130302 |
Grain Data Consultants B.V. | 73229326 |
GrandVision Retail Holding B.V. | 34237823 |
GrandVision Supply Chain B.V. | 54122511 |
Graniet Import Benelux B.V. | 14627636 |
Grant Fortress B.V. | 73807206 |
Grant Thornton Accountants en Adviseurs B.V. | 28105565 |
Grant Thornton Expatriate Services B.V. | 28096260 |
Grant Thornton Specialist Advisory Services B.V. | 22031267 |
Grants Office B.V. | 80045162 |
Grapevine Nederland B.V. | 55180361 |
GraphPolaris Holdings B.V. | 93300131 |
Graphtec Europe B.V. | 82114137 |
Gras Horeca B.V. | 52891364 |
Graydon Holding N.V. | 33189409 |
Grazie Grazie B.V. | 62510509 |
Great Wall Motor Netherlands Sales B.V. | 86940244 |
Green Box Computing B.V. | 58465197 |
Green Create B.V. | 75818566 |
Green Create Wijster B.V. | 66514851 |
Green Giraffe Capital Partners B.V. | 34354124 |
Green Hills Software B.V. | 32068508 |
Green Mushroom Farm B.V. | 27318279 |
Green Valley Estate B.V. | 51612674 |
Greenberg Traurig, LLP | 34370799 |
GreenChem Holding B.V. | 20109589 |
Greenchoice | 24302685 |
Greencovery B.V. | 71549374 |
Greenfields B.V. | 05073258 |
GreenFlux Assets B.V. | 55511171 |
Greenhost | 62576593 |
Greenhouse Group B.V. | 17264970 |
Greening Components B.V. | 59720301 |
Greenleaf Europe B.V. | 14093051 |
GREENROAD B.V. | 37092698 |
Greensoil International B.V. | 67232868 |
Greensolver Nederland B.V. | 55587364 |
Greetz B.V. | 34312893 |
Greif Nederland B.V. | 56043872 |
Grendel Games B.V. | 58904301 |
GRESB B.V. | 55416071 |
Grey Advice B.V. | 65712552 |
Grey Orange HR B.V. | 68268874 |
Greystar Netherlands Coöperatief U.A. | 62151266 |
GRI-Alleset Limited B.V. | 34315778 |
Griesemann Engineering NL B.V. | 82732167 |
GRIP B.V. | 72929081 |
Gro Design B.V. | 17116778 |
Groeneveld - Recruitment B.V. | 85295833 |
GroenLeven B.V. | 54505801 |
Groepsakk Kasteel De Berckt | 12016141 |
Grohe Nederland B.V. | 27134721 |
Grolsche Bierbrouwerij Nederland B.V. | 06060381 |
Grondboorbedrijf Haitjema B.V. | 05040374 |
Groot Ship Design B.V. | 04079099 |
Groothandel M.H. Bal | 27245374 |
Group 2000 Nederland B.V. | 06061483 |
Group Moovs B.V. | 28066374 |
GROUP9 B.V. | 52504875 |
GroupA B.V. | 24371308 |
Group-IB Europe B.V. | 78559863 |
GroupM B.V. | 34108169 |
Groupon Goods Netherlands B.V. | 60734752 |
Groupon Netherlands B.V. | 14130545 |
Growatt New Energy B.V. | 73162027 |
Growing Minds B.V. | 51924722 |
Growteq B.V. | 73695971 |
Growth Tribe B.V. | 63203405 |
GrowX B.V. | 65827333 |
Grrr B.V. | 58299424 |
Grundfos Nederland B.V. | 32025510 |
Grünenthal B.V. | 30140802 |
Grus B.V. | 68628439 |
Grutto B.V. | 58587950 |
Gs Holding B.V. | 62135937 |
GS Netherlands Onsite ManCo B.V. | 56435983 |
GSES Management B.V. | 75586568 |
GSH Klusbedrijf | 62743279 |
GSK Vaccines B.V. | 70232091 |
GSR - Vereniging voor Gereformeerd Voortgezet Onderwijs in de Randstad | 76402282 |
G-Star Raw C.V. | 51877058 |
GTS Investments B.V. | 53438949 |
GTT Netherlands B.V. | 34124296 |
Gucci Netherlands B.V. | 33302171 |
Guerrilla B.V. | 34189949 |
Guidehouse Netherlands B.V. | 30161191 |
Guidion Nederland B.V. | 34235335 |
Guido de Groot Design B.V. | 33290101 |
Gulf Agency Company (Holdings) B.V. | 24191700 |
Gulf Turbo Solutions B.V. | 92327664 |
Güller Güller Architecture Urbanism | 24466419 |
Gunnebo Doetinchem B.V. | 09076282 |
Gunter Willemsz Verhoeff Handel B.V. | 63302241 |
Gunvor Energy Rotterdam B.V. | 24137800 |
Gushen Holland B.V. | 59338717 |
GustoMSC B.V. | 53601343 |
GUT AMSTERDAM B.V. | 88077179 |
Gutami Solar Development B.V. | 75414082 |
Güven Supermarkt B.V. | 70265208 |
Guy Carpenter, Netherlands Branch | 61835293 |
GVT Intermodal Freightmanagement B.V. | 57635420 |
Gymnastiek- en Turnvereniging De Hazenkamp | 09105821 |
GymPass B.V. | 63430975 |
Gyron Crew B.V. | 18070710 |
H & H Select B.V. | 24437257 |
H & M Hennes & Mauritz Netherlands B.V. | 33208311 |
H&M Hennes & Mauritz Services B.V. | 73243299 |
H. J. Baker Sulphur International Coöperatief U.A. | 74967983 |
H.I. Systems | 24260340 |
H.I.P. Trade B.V. | 55245781 |
H.I.S. Travel Nederland B.V. | 34299265 |
H.J. Heinz European Holding B.V. | 30227407 |
H.J. Heinz Nederland B.V. | 33247394 |
H.J. Heinz Supply Chain Europe B.V. | 51929449 |
H.P. Valves Oldenzaal B.V. | 06056750 |
H.W.I. Techniek B.V. | 27338224 |
H+N+S B.V. | 30094987 |
H2Compute Software B.V. | 62321102 |
H2L Robotics B.V. | 75761149 |
H4A Industrie Service B.V. | 22064486 |
Haagsche Rugby Club (HRC) | 27083963 |
Haagstad Multi Service B.V. | 27181560 |
Haas-Mondomix B.V. | 32090739 |
Haba Trading B.V. | 52866289 |
Habets Industrial Components & Surface Technology B.V. | 14037850 |
Hack Rentmeesters B.V. | 72010355 |
HackerOne B.V. | 58601325 |
Hacousto Holland B.V. | 27194770 |
Hadrian Security B.V. | 83587691 |
Haerlem Capital B.V. | 68202873 |
Haffmans B.V. | 12030119 |
Hai Robotics Europe B.V. | 83898921 |
Haicheng Mobile Company (Netherlands) B.V. | 77657519 |
Haiku Tech Europe B.V. | 14067752 |
Hail & Cotton International B.V. | 30138211 |
Hairtec Kliniek B.V. | 86158406 |
Haitima Valve B.V. | 14086803 |
Haiwode Trading B.V. | 64439704 |
Hajari Multitasking B.V. | 05058450 |
HAL Allergy B.V. | 34049105 |
HAL Allergy Holding B.V. | 34064719 |
Halal Correct Auditing Services B.V. (HCAS). | 73381470 |
Halal Voeding en Voedsel Keuringsdienst (Halal Feed and Food Inspection Authority) B.V. | 57007403 |
Halavet B.V. | 77710444 |
Haleon Netherlands B.V. | 33147823 |
HALIX B.V. | 56645228 |
Hall B.V. | 21010722 |
Halliburton B.V. | 04049592 |
Halls Holding B.V. | 24385168 |
Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH, Netherlands Office | 86361627 |
Hamatra Holland B.V. | 82387729 |
Hamburg Sud Nederland | 24262349 |
Hamilton Benelux B.V. | 84085096 |
Hamilton Sundstrand Customer Support Center Maastricht B.V. | 14033238 |
Hamiplant B.V. | 27239696 |
Hammer B.V. | 64645134 |
Hanab Energy Solutions B.V. | 62280716 |
Hanaro | 17142585 |
HAND Enterprise Solutions Europe B.V. | 74493035 |
Handelmaatschappij A. Smit en Zoon B.V. | 32037558 |
Handelsbanken | 34175709 |
Handelsonderneming Esseph | 33238944 |
Handelsonderneming Neeskens B.V. | 34064864 |
Handelsonderneming Steboma B.V. | 34062048 |
Handelsonderneming Van der Blij B.V. | 16083035 |
Handerlin B.V. | 24293962 |
Handmade B.V. | 57043388 |
Hands-on B.V. | 55711766 |
Hanegraaf Advies B.V. | 50457950 |
Hanergy Thin Film Power EME B.V. | 57430195 |
Hangcha Netherlands B.V. | 81174675 |
Hankook Tire Netherlands B.V. | 24265887 |
Hankyu Hanshin Express (Netherlands) B.V. | 34071957 |
Hanlun B.V. | 63510170 |
Hannover Milieu- en Veiligheidstechniek B.V. | 09070074 |
HannSpree Europe Holdings B.V. | 24401481 |
Hanny Horecaexploitatie B.V. | 33188037 |
Hans Anders Nederland B.V. | 23061599 |
Hanshow Netherlands B.V. | 75315122 |
Hansol Europe B.V. | 61590762 |
Hanting Cuisine B.V. | 59100796 |
Hanwa Europe B.V. | 34303753 |
Hanwha Ocean Global Project Center B.V. | 94875502 |
Hanzehogeschool Groningen | 41012703 |
Hape Electric B.V. | 39032486 |
Happeo B.V. | 87199181 |
Happiest Minds Technologies Pvt. Ltd. | 58867910 |
Happitech B.V. | 62365835 |
Hardt B.V. | 66815266 |
Hari's Treasure B.V. | 34318216 |
Harlem Next B.V. | 70543070 |
Harley-Davidson Retail B.V. | 74709224 |
Harman Consumer Nederland B.V. | 23081051 |
Harmony IT | 73590665 |
Harmony Relocation B.V. | 64969428 |
Harmony Service Center B.V. | 24326348 |
Harriman Steel B.V. | 61831484 |
Hart B.V. | 08015179 |
Harver Ops B.V. | 75027879 |
Harvey Nash B.V. | 33296258 |
HAS Hogeschool | 41084408 |
Hasbro Emerging Markets B.V. | 34286328 |
HashiCorp Netherlands B.V. | 71863931 |
HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V. | 56515154 |
Hästens Beds International B.V. | 60069104 |
Hatch B.V. | 52650758 |
Hatching International B.V. | 64146707 |
Hatenboer Neptunus Holding B.V. | 24278990 |
Hatmill B.V. | 91380421 |
Hato B.V. | 12015373 |
Hatten Shoji Europe B.V. | 75388391 |
Havas Lemz B.V. | 34106135 |
HAVECON Kassenbouw B.V. | 50145134 |
Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. | 24354561 |
Haver Service Benelux B.V. | 63504278 |
Haverman Koteris & Partners | 53237927 |
Hawar Information Technology B.V. | 01080176 |
Hawksford Management Services B.V. | 55148271 |
Hayee B.V. | 58810811 |
HaynesPro B.V. | 31047540 |
Hays Services B.V. | 64139298 |
Hazera Seeds B.V. | 24144712 |
HB RTS Holding B.V. | 50077406 |
HBG Betonstaal B.V. | 78050138 |
HBM Machines B.V. | 24352948 |
HBN Au Pair Services B.V. | 74460269 |
HCL Technologies B.V. | 58805206 |
HD Advisory & Services B.V. | 61757969 |
HD Hyundai Marine Solution Europe B.V. | 64006492 |
HD Hyundai Marine Solution Tech Co., Ltd. | 86731777 |
HDM Pipelines B.V. | 52533026 |
HE Space Operations B.V. | 28059038 |
HE Tubing Netherlands B.V. | 58110046 |
Head Ned B.V. | 64152189 |
HEAD Uitzendbureau B.V. | 24428815 |
Headlands Technologies Europe B.V. | 72524804 |
Health Kliniek | 66822467 |
Health Net TPO | 41211943 |
HealthCity West B.V. | 64924181 | N.V. | 81157959 |
Heart for Health ICT B.V. | 34290107 |
Hearthside Staff | 23081617 |
Heatmaster | 24249007 |
HeatMatrix Group B.V. | 17235788 |
HeatTeQ Refractories Services B.V. | 34328553 |
HeatTransformers B.V. | 72999489 |
Heembouw Architecten B.V. | 28070011 |
Heerema Engineering Solutions B.V. | 74177826 |
Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE | 58180362 |
Heesen Yachts Builders B.V. | 16043928 |
Heidelberg Benelux B.V. | 33108838 |
Heidenhain Numeric B.V. | 17077562 |
Heidrick & Struggles B.V. | 33277877 |
Heijmans Infra B.V. | 17104126 |
Heijmans Utiliteit B.V. | 17143602 |
Heijmans Woningbouw B.V. | 28093405 |
Heineken Group B.V. | 34258660 |
Heineken International B.V. | 33103545 |
Heineken Nederland B.V. | 33127977 |
Heineken Nederlands Beheer B.V. | 33103437 |
Heineken Netherlands Supply B.V. | 74457659 |
Heinen & Hopman Engineering B.V. | 31020981 |
Helia BioMonitoring B.V. | 73489379 |
Heliox Automotive B.V. | 60956224 |
Heliox B.V. | 17244144 |
Heliox Power Driven B.V. | 59152826 |
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics B.V. | 24085584 |
Hello Energy B.V. | 64546292 |
Hello Straw B.V. | 63127377 |
HelloCode B.V. | 64906019 |
HelloFresh Benelux B.V. | 54601312 |
Helloprint B.V. | 64710815 |
Helly-Hansen Distributie B.V. | 14048191 |
Helmond | 17272669 |
Heloise Hooton B.V. | 60610549 |
HEMA B.V. | 34215639 |
Hemp Flax Agro B.V. | 02332418 |
Hempel (The Netherlands) B.V. | 24221658 |
Hencon B.V. | 09083033 |
Hendent B.V. | 58547568 |
Hendriks Holland B.V. | 69117772 |
Hendrikx ITC B.V. | 18080938 |
Hendrix Genetics B.V. | 13029510 |
Hendrix Genetics Research, Technology & Services B.V. | 51618923 |
Henkel Global Supply Chain B.V. | 60683945 |
Henkel Nederland B.V. | 30074969 |
Henkel Strategic Business Solutions B.V. | 69758719 |
Henkelman B.V. | 16073215 |
Henry Schein Dental B.V. | 39053828 |
HERE Europe B.V. | 17168515 |
HERE Global B.V. | 17070436 |
HERE International B.V. | 63832690 |
Herman Kuijper B.V. | 33205941 |
Hermes Benelux Nordics | 34243328 |
Héroult Marine Modules B.V. | 23086358 |
Heroyam B.V. | 85832650 |
Hertz Automobielen Nederland B.V. | 34049337 |
HES International B.V. | 71112200 |
Het Ceintuur Theater B.V. | 60447176 |
Het Droompaleis B.V. | 65968379 |
Heuschen & Schrouff Foods Group B.V. | 14043299 |
Heusschen*Copier Stad + Landschap | 14089954 |
Heussen | 34222303 |
Hewlett-Packard Nederland B.V. | 33158429 |
HewSaw International B.V. | 75944081 |
Hexing Europe B.V. | 87096730 |
Hexion VAD B.V. | 65974875 |
Hey Honey B.V. | 70656657 |
HHOYA B.V. | 18132271 |
Hiab Benelux B.V. | 65633881 |
Hibino Europe B.V. | 76463818 |
High Eye B.V. | 11048626 |
High Quality Interim Personeel B.V. | 34288783 |
High Quality Music Publishing Company B.V. | 32088174 |
High Tech Source B.V. | 83066055 |
High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. | 31014544 |
HighRadius B.V. | 75050943 |
Hightech ICT B.V. | 71191690 |
HIHCL Amsterdam B.V. | 34384203 |
HIHCL HP Amsterdam Airport B.V. | 51762676 |
Hikvision Europe B.V. | 34359062 |
HIL International Lawyers & Advisers B.V. | 34150071 |
Hilfort B.V. | 57396531 |
Hill International N.V. | 50919679 |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies B.V. | 33172526 |
Hillebrand Gori IT B.V. | 34146973 |
Hillel Hospitality GP B.V. | 66434335 |
Hill's Pet Nutrition B.V. | 20076749 |
Hill's Pet Nutrition Manufacturing B.V. | 20081317 |
Hilti Nederland B.V. | 27216423 |
Hilton Foods Holland | 34124836 |
Hilton International Nederland B.V. | 33107232 |
Hines Netherlands B.V. | 69611513 |
Hinicio N.V. | 85739715 |
HIP B.V. | 63616971 |
Hiranyavarnaam Alkalis B.V. | 74811045 |
HIRO-MicroDataCenters B.V. | 69049165 |
Hirose Electric Europe B.V. | 34196753 |
Hitachi Astemo Netherlands B.V. | 53118561 |
Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) N.V. | 20030174 |
Hitachi Consulting Belgium BVBA | 33295838 |
Hitachi Energy The Netherlands B.V. | 74422634 |
Hitachi Rail GTS Support B.V. | 69635676 |
Hitachi Vantara Nederland B.V. | 11027590 |
Hitachi-LG Data Storage Amsterdam Office | 34239131 |
Hitec Holding B.V. | 55481892 |
Hitec Power Protection B.V. | 06078910 |
Hi-Tech Electronic Components B.V. | 30065034 |
Hi-tech Spring Europe B.V. | 85048860 |
HITMA Groep B.V. | 33028761 |
Hitron Technologies Europe Holding B.V. | 53063597 |
HK Local Heroes B.V. | 62144243 |
HKB Ketelbouw B.V. | 76257525 |
hkp/// IT B.V. | 24401586 |
hkp/// RemuNet B.V. | 34255970 |
HKS Scrap Metals B.V. | 23070691 |
HL Terminal Holding B.V. | 88932966 |
HLB Blömer accountants en adviseurs B.V. | 30128316 |
HMC Hydrographic and Marine Consultants | 69275327 |
HMC Westeinde | 61262935 |
HMD Mobile International Oy | 68761457 |
HMH Holding B.V. | 82719322 |
HMM (Netherlands) shipping B.V. | 24266952 |
HMS Industrial Networks B.V. | 11060009 |
HMSHost International B.V. | 34092548 |
HNM Solutions B.V. | 78060079 |
Hobart Nederland B.V. | 30119388 |
Hobré Instruments B.V. | 36008213 |
HOCHTIEF Infrastructure GmbH Nederland | 63492296 |
Hodes Weill NL B.V. | 85769002 |
Hoerbiger Benelux B.V. | 14025151 |
Hofman Dujardin Architecten B.V. | 59749199 |
Hofstetter B.V. | 53447344 |
Hogan Lovells International LLP | 34360441 |
Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag | 41156013 |
Hogeschool Inholland | 37099586 |
Hogeschool van Amsterdam | 34215054 |
Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein | 01087061 |
Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht | 41178974 |
Hogeschool Windesheim | 53815033 |
Hogeschool Zuyd | 14060995 |
Hogewoning B.V. | 28054095 |
Hoist Finance AB | 68342616 |
Hokuetsu Industries Europe B.V. | 33227221 |
Hokuyo Automatic Co., Ltd. Amsterdam Branch | 67335160 |
Holland Bulb Market B.V. | 37000830 |
Holland Colours Europe B.V. | 08034922 |
Holland Diamond Fish B.V. | 65158563 |
Holland FinTech Partners B.V. | 61809640 |
Holland Heater De Lier B.V. | 27225490 |
Holland Malt B.V. | 30122973 |
Holland Novochem B.V. | 30105164 |
Holland Particle Therapy Centre B.V. | 58653473 |
Holland Partners Holding B.V. | 67872808 |
Holland Payroll B.V. | 51120062 |
Holland Rhine Group | 52629457 |
Holland-Controls B.V. | 08140007 |
Hollandia Infra B.V. | 59402156 |
Hollands Licht B.V. | 33293113 |
Hollandsche Greenkeeping Maatschappij B.V. | 52078027 |
Hollister B.V. | 27109733 |
Holmes NZ Limited Partnership | 65413377 |
Holtara B.V. | 73773638 |
Holthaus Advies B.V. | 86948504 |
HolyTex B.V. | 70553645 |
Home Plate B.V. | 62326449 |
Homediq Europe B.V. | 77050444 |
Homerun B.V. | 66911524 |
Homewizard B.V. | 53733983 |
Hommema Bliksembeveiliging B.V. | 30071311 |
Honeypot | 71506748 |
Honeywell B.V. | 33044803 |
Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited, Netherlands Branch | 75783797 |
Honor Technologies (Netherlands) B.V. | 80907520 |
Hoofdman-Roodzant B.V. | 24237716 |
Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier | 37161516 |
Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland | 51137747 |
Hoogwegt International B.V. | 09033303 |
Hopmans FlexStay B.V. | 61873268 |
Hopper Engineering and Consultancy B.V. | 75453088 |
Hopper Netherlands B.V. | 84054778 |
Hoppinger | 24300171 |
HORAIZON technology B.V. | 62892789 |
Horecagroep Breda Holding B.V. | 64158942 |
Horlings Accountants & Belastingadviseurs B.V. | 37080345 |
Horrex Horren | 24199054 |
HORSES2FLY B.V. | 60596392 |
Hortimare B.V. | 52431355 |
Hortitec Beheer B.V. | 71691723 |
Horus Real Estate Fund I B.V. | 34218242 |
Horwin Netherlands B.V. | 90979192 |
Hoshino Europe B.V. | 33017446 |
Hoshizaki Europe B.V. | 33238845 |
Hoshizaki Europe Holdings B.V. | 34197614 |
Hositrad Holland B.V. | 32084750 |
HoSt Biogas B.V. | 08088993 |
HostCircle B.V. | 71902023 |
HOSTKEY B.V. | 52751554 |
Hostnet B.V. | 34130993 |
Hotel Booker B.V. | 34180570 |
Hotel Co 51 B.V. | 77693655 |
Hotel Co 51 Netherlands B.V. | 81604831 |
Hotel Downtown B.V. | 52772950 |
Hotel Maatschappij Schiphol B.V. | 34066662 |
Hotel Nobel B.V. | 75212447 |
Hotel Okura Amsterdam | 33121947 |
Hotel Seasons B.V. | 34228447 |
Hotel Villa Ruimzicht B.V. | 09134659 |
Hotel Winston | 34147941 |
Hotelchamp B.V. | 63134292 |
Hotelschool The Hague | 41150185 |
Hotmart B.V. | 60335777 |
Hotmart Technology Holding B.V. | 60332433 |
Hotraco Agri B.V. | 12027894 |
Hottinger Bruel & Kjaer Benelux B.V. | 08183075 |
Hotzone Solutions Group International B.V. | 74479709 |
Houcon Cargo Systems B.V. | 23081496 |
House of Bratz B.V. | 75244853 |
HousingAnywhere B.V. | 58882693 |
Houthoff Coöperatief U.A. | 34216182 |
Howden Netherlands B.V. | 06057845 |
Howden Thomassen Compressors B.V. | 09107206 |
Howspace B.V. | 86903462 |
Hoya Corporation Netherlands Branch | 34259185 |
Hoya Holdings N.V. | 33210664 |
Hoymiles Power Electronics B.V. | 87610124 |
Hoyu Cosmetics (Nederland) B.V. | 53713443 |
HP Nederland B.V. | 62544721 |
HPE Growth B.V. | 34296377 |
HQ Pack B.V. | 17050109 |
HQ Precision Cleaning B.V. | 54925975 |
hqVirtual B.V. | 54113539 |
HR Europe B.V. | 53660404 |
HR Expat Services | 68081634 |
HR Savvy B.V. | 58213988 |
HR Via Care B.V. | 24057494 |
HRC International B.V. | 14078909 |
HRM Loket B.V. | 08208011 |
HSB Identification B.V. | 30123865 |
HSBC Continental Europe | 72680857 |
HSM Offshore Energy B.V. | 17218471 |
HSO Innovation B.V. | 09090038 |
HSO International B.V. | 30233017 |
HSO Nederland B.V. | 28082490 |
HSOS Industrial Services B.V. | 24476282 |
H-Stream B.V. | 14084401 | | 58935010 |
HTL-DHT B.V. | 17022476 |
HTM Personenvervoer N.V. | 27014495 |
HTNS Benelux B.V. | 50615955 |
HTS Besafe AS | 30247251 |
Huafon Chemicals Europe B.V. | 77509412 |
Huawei Technologies (Netherlands) B.V. | 34219858 |
Huawei Technologies Coöperatief U.A. | 34270027 |
HUB Organoids B.V. | 90780833 |
Huboo Technologies B.V. | 82468575 |
HubSpot Netherlands B.V. | 86156349 |
Hudl B.V. | 64473120 |
Hudson River Biotechnology B.V. | 63335611 |
Hugen Maintenance for Aircraft B.V. | 09075621 |
Hugo Boss Benelux B.V. | 33303421 |
Hugo Boss Benelux Retail B.V. | 34216197 |
Hugo Boss International B.V. | 33276372 |
Huhtamaki Finance B.V. | 33148484 |
Huhtamaki Molded Fiber Technology B.V. | 01053692 |
Huhtamaki Nederland B.V. | 01051894 |
Huisartsenpraktijk Feijenoord B.V. | 54749751 |
Huisman Fabrication Personnel B.V. | 84355212 |
Huisman Personnel Services B.V. | 55783368 |
Hukseflux Thermal Sensors B.V. | 27234324 |
Hulo B.V. | 84513020 |
Human Empowerment Detachering B.V. | 09209205 |
Human Resource Project Partners B.V. | 24365438 |
Humankind Group B.V. | 80071732 |
HumanR B.V. | 28028350 |
Humanwave B.V. | 53746864 |
Hunkemöller B.V. | 70913358 |
Hunkemöller International B.V. | 64665054 |
Hunland Impex B.V. | 09157071 |
Hunt & Hackett B.V. | 78688841 |
Hunter Douglas Europe B.V. | 24083218 |
Huntsman Holland B.V. | 24070891 |
Husqvarna Nederland B.V. | 33285749 |
Huygens Engineers B.V. | 58930736 |
HVR software B.V. | 34137774 |
HVS Solutions B.V. | 82895856 |
HWS Solutions B.V. | 81106343 |
Hy2Care B.V. | 62035274 |
HyCC B.V. | 81092768 |
Hydraloop Systems B.V. | 71713190 |
Hydro Extrusion Drunen B.V. | 17205924 |
HydroThane STP B.V. | 17228914 |
HyET Electrolysis B.V. | 83894160 |
HyET Hydrogen B.V. | 09206356 |
HyET Lithium B.V. | 86706748 |
HyET Solar Netherlands B.V. | 73266965 |
Hyfen B.V. | 77260732 |
HyGro Technology B.V. | 74457780 |
Hyland Netherlands B.V. | 33227028 |
Hyosung Heavy Industries R&D Center Netherlands | 90318161 |
Hyperion Technologies B.V. | 58607013 |
Hypersoniq B.V. | 80892949 |
Hypertherm Europe B.V. | 23093035 |
Hypoport B.V. | 34177144 |
hyposhaker B.V. | 62716743 |
Hyster | 10011311 |
Hyundai Motor Netherlands B.V. | 61506230 |
Hyundai Welding Europe | 24408175 |
Hyva Holding B.V. | 34277369 |
Hyva International B.V. | 28056017 |
HZ / HZ University of Applied Sciences | 41114014 |
HZPC Holding B.V. | 01084958 |
I & C Services B.V. | 24359029 |
I AM POP B.V. | 65566181 |
I Hate Statistics B.V. | 66873843 |
I.A.A. Architecten B.V. | 08089312 |
I.D.B. Holland B.V. | 18043034 |
i+ Solutions | 34236288 |
i2d consulting B.V. | 72632402 |
i2i B.V. | 34373720 | B.V. | 14074337 |
i4talent professional B.V. | 72093919 |
i8c B.V. | 74255592 |
IA Shared Services B.V. | 84999004 |
IACT B.V. | 08084559 |
IAI industrial systems B.V. | 17070534 |
IamExpat Media B.V. | 83307826 |
IamFluidics B.V. | 68481721 |
iAutomation B.V. | 51390590 |
IB Consultancy B.V. | 82161658 |
IB Vreeswijk B.V. | 08198460 |
iBanx HSE B.V. | 34347514 |
IBC Europe B.V. | 34221832 |
IBC Group B.V. | 14096105 |
IBC Personeelsdiensten B.V. | 55274382 |
Ibeo Automotive Eindhoven B.V. | 69227292 |
IBIDEN Europe B.V. | 33234926 |
Ibis Technologies B.V. | 30119428 |
IBK B.V. | 30225455 |
IBM International B.V. | 65704355 |
IBM International Group B.V. | 34125313 |
IBM Nederland B.V. | 33054214 |
IBM Services Center Benelux B.V. | 57950296 |
IBS Consultants B.V. | 20131601 |
IBS Fund Management B.V. | 57806497 |
IBS Precision Engineering B.V. | 17078774 |
IBS Software Europe Limited | 61205850 |
ICAP Energy AS | 34169781 |
ICBC Amsterdam Branch | 50939874 |
ICE Clear Netherlands B.V. | 51976196 |
Ice Cold Storage Holding B.V. | 55524362 |
ICE Endex Markets B.V. | 09100980 |
Icecat N.V. | 30259744 |
Icecat Syndy B.V. | 50794779 |
ICEE International B.V. | 69306958 |
IceMobile Agency B.V. | 34359257 |
Icepay B.V. | 27348492 |
iChoosr B.V. | 30266372 |
iCiber B.V. | 67733816 |
ICL Europe Coöperatief U.A. | 51376490 |
iClusion B.V. | 63939207 |
Iconica Development B.V. | 85042641 |
Icron Technologies Europe B.V. | 34233223 |
ICT Healthcare Technology Solutions B.V. | 30075197 |
ICT Netherlands | 24254385 |
ICTCybernetics | 78013542 |
Icts International N.V. | 33279300 |
ID Logistics Tilburg B.V. | 62319574 |
IDA Mediafoundry B.V. | 73370894 |
Ideal Pharma B.V. | 72401877 |
Ideaworks Netherlands B.V. | 74399217 |
Idea-X B.V. | 64314553 |
IDEMIA Services B.V. | 14053988 |
IDEMIA The Netherlands B.V. | 34088563 |
IDEXX Animana B.V. | 61749354 |
IDEXX B.V. | 58490701 |
IDFocus B.V. | 55456413 |
IDH Investment Management B.V. | 74983393 |
IDIS Co., Ltd. | 74650475 |
IDS Europe B.V. | 24399711 |
IDTrust B.V. | 73764272 |
IDTV Film & Video Productions B.V. | 33173279 |
IEO Transformatoren B.V. | 20010279 |
Ifla, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions | 40407191 |
iFlavours B.V. | 34116601 |
IFM Investors (Netherlands) B.V. | 74153021 |
IFS Benelux B.V. | 17102305 |
IFS Ultimo B.V. | 08062228 |
IG & H Consulting & Interim | 30167195 |
IGL B.V. | 13020947 |
IGM Coop, B.V. | 55768105 |
IGNE Holding B.V. | 72283939 |
IGT Europe Gaming B.V. | 34077637 |
IHATA Holding B.V. | 34338623 |
IHC Merwede Employment B.V. | 23000475 |
IHI Hauzer Techno Coating B.V. | 12021235 |
Iiyama Benelux B.V. | 34076559 |
IJs-Garant | 67516637 |
IJsselstate Tandartsen | 56974221 |
IJsvogel Retail B.V. | 09083699 |
Ikasido Global Group B.V. | 58239030 |
IKEA B.V. | 33166333 |
IKEA Nederland B.V. | 33178198 |
IKEUCHI EUROPE B.V. | 34307608 |
Iki Marine B.V. | 67075487 |
IKNL | 30284694 |
Ikosaeder B.V. | 73346756 |
IKRA Bakkerij B.V. | 64582868 |
ILIAS A&D B.V. | 34162643 |
IlionX Group B.V. | 24335617 |
illumina Netherlands B.V. | 17188953 |
Ilumno Licensing Coöperatief U.A. | 70113963 |
Ilumy Innovation B.V. | 54601738 |
ILX Management | 60634464 |
im | innovating B.V. | 18021428 |
IM Efficiency Technologies B.V. | 62117556 |
Imagr B.V. | 82622582 |
Imbull B.V. | 34339618 |
IMBV B.V. | 24123116 |
IMC B.V. | 33212299 |
IMC Pacific Pty Ltd | 69246416 |
IMC Trading B.V. | 33223419 |
IMCD Benelux | 24262278 |
IMCD Group B.V. | 32080392 |
IMCD N.V. | 51470497 |
IMD B.V. | 08109078 |
IMd Raadgevende Ingenieurs | 24187403 |
IMDS R&D B.V. | 01131948 |
Imfiy B.V. | 67058094 |
IMG Engineering | 56652453 |
IMG Projects B.V. | 74343874 |
IMIJ Holding B.V. | 61980730 |
iMin Technology B.V. | 82891559 |
Imkey B.V. | 60887737 |
IMOSS Bureau voor Stedebouw B.V. | 32092471 |
Imou Network Technology Netherlands B.V. | 81258054 |
IMPA B.V. | 17155071 |
ImpactBuying B.V. | 09085337 |
Impala Studios B.V. | 34381964 |
Impala Terminals Rotterdam B.V. | 75869217 |
Impatients N.V. | 55272169 |
Impetus N.V. | 22039849 |
Impraise B.V. | 62405454 |
Imprima (Nederland) B.V. | 35024273 |
Improvement Centre B.V. | 27277600 |
Improvement-IT B.V. | 32127136 |
Impulssum B.V. | 69495653 |
Imres B.V. | 08023514 |
IMS Space Consultancy GmbH | 68619774 |
In Ovo Holding B.V. | 59206365 |
In Summa Innovation B.V. | 18074640 |
In Synergy B.V. | 83971246 |
In2Care Trading B.V. | 59036613 |
inaho Europe B.V. | 81071515 |
Inalfa Development & Support Services B.V. | 14101967 |
InAxtion B.V. | 24295300 |
InBev Nederland N.V. | 20080399 |
inBiome B.V. | 73930849 |
Inbo B.V. | 31026236 |
Inbody Europe B.V. | 67478921 |
INCA International B.V. | 50580108 |
Incentro Nederland B.V. | 27262898 |
Incision Group B.V. | 62060821 |
Inco-Drilling B.V. | 68673280 |
Incontrol Management Consultants B.V. | 30110526 |
Incotec Europe B.V. | 36018756 |
Incyte Biosciences Benelux B.V. | 58328920 |
Inde Wild B.V. | 81169760 |
Indeed Netherlands B.V. | 58179348 |
Independent Energy B.V. | 53113160 |
Independent IP B.V. | 34243122 |
Independent Recruiters Flex B.V. | 81872070 |
Independer | 34117387 |
Index Hospitality Systems B.V. | 16059423 |
INDG Digitale Communicatie B.V. | 02065160 |
India Palace Restaurant B.V. | 74145614 |
Indian Restaurant ""Koh-I-Noor"" | 33166283 |
Indie B.V. | 33285532 |
Indofil Industries (Netherlands) B.V. | 60309598 |
Indorama Holdings B.V. | 55703917 |
Indorama Netherlands B.V. | 51904853 |
Indorama Ventures Europe B.V. | 58697802 |
Indufil B.V. | 09082960 |
Industrial Ceramic Linings B.V. | 24364595 |
INDUSTRIO B.V. | 75753820 |
InEight NL B.V. | 82013470 |
Infa Techniek B.V. | 18125767 |
Infento B.V. | 50337904 |
Infi Utrecht B.V. | 59331283 |
Infiled Europe B.V. | 58773851 |
Infineon Technologies Holding B.V. | 27178800 |
Infineon Technologies Nijmegen B.V. | 84491167 |
Infinitas Learing Holding B.V. | 34273733 |
Infinitas Technology B.V. | 76181103 |
Infinite Acres Holding B.V. | 64757404 |
Infinite Process Solutions B.V. | 59647094 |
Infinite Simulation Systems B.V. | 31050053 |
Infinity Global Europe B.V. | 56693818 |
Infinity Recycling B.V. | 73308846 |
Infinium Consulting B.V. | 37149913 |
Info Support B.V. | 30135370 | Holding B.V. | 33263663 |
Infoblox Netherlands B.V. | 57864578 |
InfoBridge Software B.V. | 17272242 |
INFOdation B.V. | 34355772 |
Infomedics B.V. | 04048143 |
Infoplaza Network B.V. | 09123864 |
Infoplus Technologies (Netherlands) B.V. | 58512152 |
Infor (Barneveld) B.V. | 01077394 |
Infor (Netherlands) B.V. | 71181822 |
InforIT B.V. | 17158488 |
Informa Markets B.V. | 30076951 |
Informatica Software Nederland B.V. | 64688127 |
Information Development Europe B.V. | 93073259 |
Infostrada Statistics B.V. | 30130355 |
Infosys BPM Limited | 55214290 |
Infosys Limited | 34158909 |
Infotopics AfT B.V. | 83106723 |
Infra Composites B.V. | 51788845 |
Infront Financial Technology B.V. | 33289369 |
Infy Consulting B.V. | 27296191 |
ING Bank N.V. | 33031431 |
ING Bank Personeel B.V. | 27193847 |
ING Groep N.V. | 33231073 |
Ingenieursbureau BT Geoconsult B.V. | 23087854 |
Ingenieursbureau Geodelta B.V. | 27232426 |
Ingenieursbureau Kok & van den Heuvel B.V. | 76325784 |
Ingenieursbureau List B.V. | 68782209 |
Ingenieursbureau-XYZ B.V. | 09165634 |
Ingenieurs-op-Zuid B.V. | 68597711 |
Ingka Centres Holding B.V. | 62030914 |
Ingka Digital Netherlands B.V. | 77380363 |
Ingka Investments B.V. | 59663006 |
Ingka Services B.V. | 33173751 |
Ingram Micro | 30085572 |
Ingram Micro CFS Technology B.V. | 57725497 |
Ingram Micro Europe B.V. | 61223387 |
Ingram Micro Global Services B.V. | 60904542 |
Ingress-health Nederland B.V. | 62682628 |
Inguran Europe Coöperatief U.A. | 08216203 |
Ingy B.V. | 71565108 |
Inhale/Exhale Group B.V. | 60671939 |
Initiative Media B.V. | 33194983 |
Initio Cell B.V. | 87140225 |
Initium IT B.V. | 74001884 |
Ink Retouch EU B.V. | 87603128 |
Ink Strategy B.V. | 68479514 |
INKEF Capital B.V. | 50127837 |
Inkloud Europe B.V. | 61131121 |
Inkoopcombinatie Nederland B.V. | 57215812 |
Inkubis B.V. | 20134640 |
inlumi B.V. | 30163413 |
Inmark Europe B.V. | 61540501 |
Inmarsat Solutions B.V. | 27187964 |
Innate Motion Nederland B.V. | 30256340 |
Innatera Nanosystems B.V. | 72612169 |
INND Batteries B.V. | 57093369 |
INNET B.V. | 27321013 |
INNIO Jenbacher International B.V. | 90210352 |
INNIO Jenbacher Netherlands B.V. | 90209982 |
INNOBIO Europe B.V. | 83564926 |
InnoBTech Solutions B.V. | 52953815 |
Innocent B.V. | 61950335 |
Innocom (I.T.) B.V. | 27220755 |
InnoCore Pharmaceuticals | 02082924 |
Innodisk Europe B.V. | 62263846 |
InnoFaith Beauty Sciences B.V. | 17093863 |
InnoFlex Technologies B.V. | 81277911 |
Innomet Specials B.V. | 37105279 |
Inno-Metaal B.V. | 17085560 |
Innoptus Netherlands B.V. | 30194812 |
Innoseis Holding B.V. | 78464927 |
InnoSyn B.V. | 68553943 |
InnoTractor B.V. | 78475139 |
Innov8ion B.V. | 72742771 |
Innova Market Insights B.V. | 09128938 |
Innovatec Utrecht Holland | 23087444 |
INNOVATEST Europe | 73173525 |
Innovation Gateway Nederland B.V. | 51731274 |
Innovation Industries Operations B.V. | 73643688 |
Innovation Research Labs | 39088592 |
Innovative Mechatronic Systems B.V. | 66174848 |
Innovative Solutions in Media (ISM) | 24275452 |
Innovattic B.V. | 59869658 |
INNSO Specialists B.V. | 64168387 |
InnSpire Agility B.V. | 67528996 |
Inogen Europe B.V. | 51806894 |
Inolent Consulting and Software B.V. | 89534174 |
inONE B.V. | 68663684 |
InovaMedia B.V. | 12050865 |
Inpaqt Technology Solutions B.V. | 27356793 |
Inpark B.V. | 30090683 |
Inparts Metaalbewerking | 10038216 |
InSided B.V. | 50310054 |
Insider Benelux B.V. | 76293459 |
insideRESOURCING B.V. | 81369646 |
Insify Holding B.V. | 77835867 |
Insightometrics B.V. | 72925949 |
insightsoftware Netherlands B.V. | 30230944 |
InsingerGilissen, a Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. branch | 80510132 |
InSites Consulting B.V. | 24488573 |
Insmed Netherlands B.V. | 63209020 |
INSPX | 70517266 |
Installatiebedrijf Gebr. Janssen B.V. | 16070037 |
Instamat Warmtetechniek B.V. | 08059442 |
Instant Development B.V. | 62663844 |
Instant NanoBiosensors B.V. | 89644921 |
InsTech Netherlands B.V. | 69008434 |
Institute for DiagNostic Accuracy Consulting B.V. | 73331260 |
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies B.V. | 41125933 |
Instruqt B.V. | 71834346 |
Insulet Netherlands B.V. | 70798273 |
INT B.V. | 69059772 |
Int Solutions B.V. | 64989941 |
Intal B.V. | 37123126 |
INTECSEA B.V. | 27177463 |
Integra Klimaatplafonds B.V. | 34338211 |
Integrated Mechanization Solutions B.V. | 06091119 |
Integris Composites B.V. | 67216927 |
Intel 471 Europe B.V. | 68633602 |
Intel Benelux B.V. | 24134020 |
Intel Finance B.V. | 57978972 |
Intel International B.V. | 34098535 |
Intellian B.V. | 51836653 |
Intelligent Lectern Systems B.V. | 04084065 |
Intelligent Vision Engineers B.V. | 87803348 |
Intelligenz IT B.V. | 77025806 |
Intenda Europe B.V. | 78163331 |
Intentic IT B.V. | 67429939 |
Inter Chiro B.V. | 66855799 |
Inter IKEA Systems B.V. | 27232886 |
InterBurgo Europe B.V. | 24258653 |
Intercept B.V. | 58096973 |
Interchange Detacheren B.V. | 74556681 |
Interdos Pharma B.V. | 24273897 |
Interface European Manufacturing B.V. | 50970364 |
Interflon B.V. | 20084409 |
Interfood B.V. | 17052481 |
Interfood Global B.V. | 17079506 |
Interforce Networks B.V. | 28084412 |
Intergas Verwarming B.V. | 04068371 |
Intergraph Benelux B.V. | 34052453 |
Intergroep Verzekeringen B.V. | 18048171 |
Interior Overstock B.V. | 75745712 |
Interior Service Group Netherlands B.V. | 34327616 |
InterMetro Industries B.V. | 20124347 |
Intermission Film Europe B.V. | 71393129 |
Intermodal Telematics B.V. | 59281553 |
International Advisers | 33218546 |
International Air Transport Association (Netherlands) B.V. | 34085083 |
International Airfreight Associates B.V. | 37113769 |
International Association of Internet Hotlines - INHOPE | 34124277 |
International Audio Holding B.V. | 09073789 |
International Auto OEM Supplier Dutchco Parent B.V. | 69044899 |
International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) | 50776355 |
International Brands Group B.V. | 70093539 |
International Confederation of Midwives | 27286042 |
International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). | 40409074 |
International Development of Technology B.V. | 20119511 |
International Direct Sourcing B.V. | 62992112 |
International Flavors & Fragrances I.F.F. (Nederland) B.V. | 32001848 |
International Food Connectors B.V. | 69421781 |
International Hotel Supply Company | 28076276 |
International Internet Investment Coöperatief U.A. | 64396657 |
International Law Firm Taheri B.V. | 68019025 |
International Professional Resources (Europe) B.V. | 52476766 |
International School of Amsterdam | 41199478 |
International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) | 40397271 |
International Solid Waste Association | 74279807 |
International Step by Step Association | 34113137 |
International Travel Support Centre B.V. | 23080118 |
International Wellness Resorts B.V. | 52086755 |
Internationale Montessori Vereniging ""Association Montessori Internationale"" A.M.I. | 40531711 |
Internationale School Eerde | 41025574 |
Internationale School Eerde B.V. | 08113245 |
Internova Professional Lighting B.V. | 20079768 |
Intero Integrity Services | 30128245 |
InterQuest Europe B.V. | 34144637 |
Intersafe Netherlands B.V. | 23019792 |
Interscience B.V. | 20057409 |
Intersnack Procurement B.V. | 27160311 |
INTERSPORT International Services B.V. | 67403107 |
Interstars B.V. | 61035246 |
Interteach B.V. | 52455440 |
Intertek Nederland B.V. | 24069423 |
Intertoys B.V. | 74152513 |
Intertruck Benelux B.V. | 24130134 |
Intertrust (Netherlands) Employment B.V. | 27106729 |
Intertrust Group B.V. | 56528582 |
Intervet International B.V. | 16028015 |
Interworks B.V. | 77260678 |
InterWorks Netherlands B.V. | 75425912 |
InterXion Headquarters B.V. | 34128125 |
InterXion Nederland B.V. | 34116837 |
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A - Amsterdam Branch | 85028223 |
Inteva Products Netherlands | 50343602 |
Intigris B.V. | 50050168 |
INTK B.V. | 64734285 |
Intodata Nederland B.V. | 71751793 |
Intomechanics B.V. | 70121494 |
IntoPeople B.V. | 18084688 |
Intra Pricing Solutions B.V. | 32149105 |
Intralox LLC | 33224538 |
Intramco Europe B.V. | 39056121 |
Intrava B.V. | 68839936 |
Intravacc B.V. | 73887757 |
INTRINSIC ID B.V. | 17233801 |
Intrixo B.V. | 27185827 |
Intrum Nederland B.V. | 05025428 |
InTWO | 54146240 |
INV Nylon Chemicals Netherlands B.V. | 78114764 |
Invacare B.V. | 18041272 |
Invent Analytics B.V. | 82448825 |
Inventronics Europe B.V. | 65464079 |
Inverid B.V. | 59467274 |
Invers B.V. | 27136700 |
Invest International B.V. | 83517626 |
Invest International Capital B.V. | 83526471 |
Invest International Development B.V. | 83526773 |
Invest International Public Programmes B.V. | 83526617 |
Investion Management B.V. | 68443684 |
Invest-NL N.V. | 76635457 |
InVisionApp NL | 69464731 |
Involvation Interactive B.V. | 30252101 |
Invue Security Products B.V. | 32069087 |
iO on-site B.V. | 56564899 |
iO The Netherlands B.V. | 17125433 |
ioDevOps B.V. | 87235757 |
Ion Beam Applications S.A. | 65619471 |
Ionbond Netherlands B.V. | 12026073 |
Ioniqa Technologies B.V. | 17259219 |
iostudio architecten B.V. | 70975698 |
IoT.nxt EMENA B.V. | 93278209 |
IOT.NXT Europe B.V. | 70449791 |
IP Handlers B.V. | 56568282 |
IP Parking B.V. | 17180180 |
IPAC eu Coöperatie U.A. | 63093847 |
Ipcos B.V. | 11042994 |
Ipcos DOF B.V. | 72015306 |
IPearl | 61214337 |
IPI Partners Netherlands, B.V. | 82565589 |
IPknowledge B.V. | 24359806 |
IPP-PRS Holding B.V. | 14625500 |
iPractice Zorg B.V. | 71629610 |
i-PRO EMEA B.V. | 82894280 |
iProspect Nederland B.V. | 34281510 |
IPS Group B.V. | 24318308 |
IPS Group Holding B.V. | 70367965 |
iPS powerful people | 34097674 |
IPsoft EU Holding B.V. | 34259806 |
Ipsos B.V. | 33187718 |
IPSS Engineering B.V. | 09204626 |
i-psy PsyQ Brijder B.V. | 27321698 |
IPT B.V. | 18090416 |
iptiQ Life S.A. | 60611952 |
IPTP LTD | 34275840 |
iPublications B.V. | 32115766 |
IQ EQ Netherlands | 33263803 |
IQ Staffing B.V. | 80827349 |
IQI B.V. | 08060750 |
IQIP B.V. | 23038500 |
Iquality Business Solutions B.V. | 10042190 |
IQVIA RDS Netherlands B.V. | 24246838 |
IQVIA Solutions B.V. | 39062857 |
Ir. Olav's Globetrotters B.V. | 69438234 |
Irdeto B.V. | 34073774 |
IReckon B.V. | 50026607 |
Iris Ohyama Europe B.V. | 33305122 |
IRM Europe B.V. | 55519520 |
IRM Systems B.V. | 53363019 |
Iron Mountain (Nederland) Services B.V. | 57037086 |
Iron Service Global NLD B.V. | 78458102 |
IRS International B.V. | 82466750 |
Isbank AG / Amsterdam Branch | 33299065 |
I-SEC International Security B.V. | 34222467 |
iSIGHT Partners Europe Holdings B.V. | 51905418 |
ISIS - Innovative Solutions in Space B.V. | 27293068 |
Isispace II B.V. | 53231279 |
Isko International B.V. | 55080243 |
ISKO VITAL InternationaI | 66147174 |
Isle Utilities B.V. | 62928082 |
Isobionics B.V. | 14098887 |
iSolve Technologies Europe B.V. | 75385953 |
Isteq B.V. | 58490973 |
ISVWorld B.V. | 30282408 |
IT Labs B.V. | 81176384 |
IT Partner B.V. | 24330358 |
IT Solutions Worldwide B.V. | 72768916 |
IT Visors ECM B.V. | 50443712 |
IT&Care B.V. | 17099969 |
Italiaans Restaurant La Madonnina | 34138806 |
ITAM solutions B.V. | 17215145 | B.V. | 66237165 |
ITC Infotech India Limited | 34354341 |
i-team Professional | 58299416 |
ITEC B.V. | 81433271 |
Itility B.V. | 17192936 |
IToday B.V. | 66775809 |
ItoM Enschede B.V. | 68525613 |
Itonomy B.V. | 65821882 |
IT-People B.V. | 60276142 |
ITpreneurs Nederland B.V. | 24363307 |
ITQ Consultancy B.V. | 28107312 |
ITrainee B.V. | 17211706 |
Itransition B.V. | 32133628 |
Itrec B.V. | 24138099 |
Itron Nederland B.V. | 23044232 |
ITS Netherlands B.V. | 50122339 |
It's Value Consultancy B.V. | 58042016 |
ITSync B.V. | 51918471 |
ITSync Services B.V. | 67073670 |
ITV Studios Global Entertainment B.V. | 32137884 |
ITX Merken B.V. | 64755843 |
ITX Merken B.V. | 64755843 |
ITX Nederland B.V. | 20081830 |
Iunxi B.V. | 39090726 |
Ivanti Software B.V. | 32090058 |
Iv-Bouw B.V. | 06053895 |
Iv-Consult B.V. | 23031122 |
Ivent Mobile B.V. | 60818492 |
Iv-Groep B.V. | 24352072 |
Ivido B.V. | 67925332 |
Iv-Industrie B.V. | 24310796 |
Iv-Infra B.V. | 23089813 |
Ivium Technologies B.V. | 17154568 |
Iv-Offshore & Energy B.V. | 28045242 |
Iv-Water B.V. | 23075607 |
iwell B.V. | 65957954 |
iWok & Go Tilburg B.V. | 51615592 |
IX Renewables B.V. | 56684703 |
IXAR Europe B.V. | 69328692 |
iXperts | 67750427 |
IZICO Katwijk B.V. | 57291608 |
J&J Inspections B.V. | 24380947 |
J. Bekkers Co. B.V. | 24131452 |
J. de Jonge Shared Service B.V. | 67261159 |
J. de Ridder B.V. | 31028649 |
J. Kobussen Holding B.V. | 58501134 |
J. Lensveld & Zonen B.V. | 24203293 |
J. Wiertsema Notariaat B.V. | 34376291 |
J.A. Benschop Electriciteitswerken B.V. | 30073853 |
J.A.M. de Rijk B.V. | 20031758 |
J.J. Foods International B.V. | 67350437 |
J.P. Morgan SE Amsterdam Branch | 72610220 |
Jaarbeurs B.V. | 30149551 |
JAB Holdings B.V. | 34233247 |
JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS Export NL B.V. | 30166348 |
Jadima Fijnmetaalbewerking B.V. | 09097758 |
Jagro Dent v.o.f. | 76049388 |
Jaguar, the fresh company B.V. | 20051038 |
Jam3 EMEA B.V. | 75519372 |
Jama Software | 68289596 |
Jambo B.V. | 83546170 |
James Hardie Europe B.V. | 34181531 |
JAMF Software Atlantic, B.V. | 56706987 |
Jamuna | 01090193 |
Jan Stap | 27172854 |
Jan Zandbergen World-Wide Quality in Meat | 30111659 |
Jane Street Netherlands B.V. | 69767491 |
Janome Europe B.V. | 34116184 |
Jansen AG | 84663081 |
Jansen Wijhe Loonbedrijf en Grondwerken B.V. | 05076134 |
Janshen-Hahnraths Groothandel B.V. | 14043431 |
Janssen Air & Ocean B.V. | 67106455 |
Janssen Biologics B.V. | 28041872 |
Janssen De Jong Groep B.V. | 17094991 |
Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V. | 28074607 |
Janssen-Cilag B.V. | 18025443 |
Japan Radio Co., Ltd. | 24272650 |
Japanese School of Amsterdam, stichting | 41199103 |
Japanese School of Rotterdam, stichting | 41133881 |
japieCARS Netherlands B.V. | 71131264 |
Jardin Netherlands B.V. | 18039430 |
JAS Forwarding (Netherlands) B.V. | 33301639 |
Jason Gourmet Europe B.V. | 67300480 |
Jasperse Praktijkencentrum B.V. | 22035975 |
Java Boat Corporation B.V. | 34257713 |
JAVRA Software B.V. | 34139083 |
JBT Food & Dairy Systems B.V. | 58394729 |
JCDecaux Nederland B.V. | 33045753 |
JCEX International Netherlands B.V. | 73601306 |
JCR Europe B.V. | 87579952 |
JD Sports Fashion B.V. | 57824193 |
JDA Software Netherlands B.V. | 17123108 |
JDE Peet's N.V. | 73160377 |
Jean Heybroek B.V. | 30094746 |
Jedlix B.V. | 64589897 |
Jellice Pioneer Europe B.V. | 08214490 |
Jellyfish Netherlands B.V. | 77397703 |
Jenbacher B.V. | 23084771 |
Jenbacher International B.V. | 71416927 |
Jenrick Payroll Services B.V. | 55627870 |
Jenscare Scientific (Netherlands) B.V. | 85844306 |
JERA Power International B.V. | 66064503 |
Jeras Projectmanagement B.V. | 22060211 |
Jeta Molecular B.V. | 65969235 |
JetBrains Expo B.V. | 74098896 |
JetBrains N.V. | 56460279 |
JETRO Amsterdam | |
Jeugdtandzorg West B.V. | 51012839 |
Jeveka B.V. | 33160461 |
Jexia Company B.V. | 61968951 |
JF Blossom Nieuwegein B.V. | 65673301 |
JF Cleaning Service | 64683540 |
JFC Holland B.V. | 66516072 |
JFE Steel International Europe B.V. | 54141893 |
JHI Holding B.V. | 58182888 |
Ji Yuan Tang | 27298463 |
JIACO Instruments B.V. | 61949477 |
Jiahe Shengde Investment Holdings B.V. | 58860738 |
Jiahua Netherlands B.V. | 77721225 |
Jigler B.V. | 58309837 |
JinDan Europe B.V. | 59105143 |
Jinshan Europe B.V. | 87590670 |
Jislon (Europe) B.V. | 51702010 |
JLA Loading Technology B.V. | 58922075 |
JLG EMEA B.V. | 34158044 |
JOA Ontwerp/Advies B.V. | 27263148 |
Joanknecht Assurance B.V. | 17058227 |
Jobpertunity B.V. | 61705632 |
John Deere Fabriek Horst B.V. | 12020529 |
John Fluevog Shoes Europe B.V. | 70006652 |
John Galt Europe B.V. | 62311573 |
John Sisk & Son B.V. | 81584512 |
John West Holland B.V. | 30213230 |
Johnson & Johnson Consumer B.V. | 18027271 |
Johnson & Johnson Medical BV | 31016334 |
Johnson Controls Systems & Service B.V. | 20104886 |
Johnson Health Tech. Netherlands B.V. | 27284558 |
Joinson & Spice B.V. | 51449781 |
Jois B.V. | 83374779 |
Jomec Business and Legal Consulting B.V. | 24463696 |
Jomec International Business Support B.V. | 27262060 |
Jona International Transport B.V. | 59457171 |
Jonctions Périphériques systèmes informatiques (JPS Informatique) | 85647918 |
Jones Engineering Group B.V. | 62093762 |
Jones Lang LaSalle B.V. | 34288231 |
Joore N.V. | 17285622 |
Jord Oil & Gas Systems B.V. | 56585012 |
Joulz Infradiensten B.V. | 62280708 |
Joulz Meetbedrijf B.V. | 30167971 |
Joyous B.V. | 88309118 |
Joz B.V. | 36041158 |
JPB IT Solutions B.V. | 62559753 |
JT International Holding B.V. | 32073749 |
Jtag Technologies B.V. | 17079262 |
JTB Netherlands | 33249941 |
JTC Institutional Services Netherlands B.V. | 34292344 |
JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V. | 23035139 |
JTV Rotterdam B.V. | 54105854 |
Julius Clinical Research B.V. | 30244124 |
Juma International B.V. | 58573909 |
Jumbo Supermarkt | 16044409 |
Jump Trading Europe B.V. | 70927359 |
Jungle Gym B.V. | 33260625 |
Jungle Minds B.V. | 34342083 |
Juniper Networks International B.V. | 55416810 |
Just Ride Logistics B.V. | 74867067 |
JustGo Technologies B.V. | 77227727 |
Justpremium B.V. | 54711746 |
Justrite Safety Group EMEA B.V. | 24311532 |
JUUL Labs Netherlands B.V. | 74850156 |
Juurlink en Geluk BNSP Rotterdam B.V. | 55103200 |
JvanH Media B.V. | 53182855 |
JVCKENWOOD Europe B.V. | 33245412 |
JVM Europe B.V. | 32137355 |
JVST Urbanism Architecture Research B.V. | 72634642 |
JW Player Netherlands B.V. | 68826478 |
JWT (Netherlands) Holding B.V. | 33024303 |
JX Nippon Finance Netherlands B.V. | 52597318 |
JY Management Holding B.V. | 08182978 |
K_Dekker bouw & infra b.v. | 37070494 |
K2View B.V. | 75168812 |
K2WORK B.V. | 87199750 |
K3 Business Solutions B.V. | 27244554 |
K3 Software Solutions B.V. | 50227580 |
Kaak Food Processing Systems B.V. | 09041034 |
KAAN Architecten B.V. | 63677733 |
Kaasmakerij De Jong B.V. | 18049181 |
Kaasmakerij Özgazi B.V. | 20080522 |
Kadans Holding B.V. | 68170580 |
Kadaster | 08215619 |
Kaeser Compressoren B.V. | 08182931 |
Kahn Scheepvaart B.V. | 24075884 |
Kahraman B.V. | 64660109 |
Kai Tak Company B.V. | 16057235 |
Kaico B.V. | 60869038 |
Kaijet Technology International B.V. | 66986117 |
Kaiko B.V. | 84155221 |
Kairos B.V. | 74934384 |
Kaizo Operations B.V. | 71088415 |
Kakao Games Europe B.V. | 62780476 |
Kalkhuis Aandrijftechniek B.V. | 36013285 |
Kalmar Netherlands B.V. | 04069206 |
Kalpana Systems B.V. | 82228477 |
Kaltun North Europe B.V. | 53871421 |
Kalypso Europe B.V. | 34286320 |
Kamer van Koophandel | 59581883 |
Kamet Trading B.V. | 32109762 |
Kanefusa Europe B.V. | 17106559 |
Kanetsu Europe B.V. | 61986593 |
KANholland B.V. | 72001402 |
Kantar Media Netherlands B.V. | 87941031 |
Kantar Netherlands B.V. | 33134494 |
Kanters Special Products B.V. | 17076311 |
Kao Business Services B.V. | 69257434 |
Kaon Interactive Europe B.V. | 76645932 |
Kapsch TrafficCom B.V. | 51239663 |
Kardan N.V. | 34189974 |
Karl Lagerfeld Europe B.V. | 55253563 |
Karl Lagerfeld Group B.V. | 55008887 |
Karl Lagerfeld International B.V. | 53647785 |
Karpower International B.V. | 34369187 |
Karres en Brands | 32065027 |
Karsten International B.V. | 52915026 |
Kasirga Beheer B.V. | 34259735 |
Kassen-Verwarmingsindustrie Gakon B.V. | 27217532 |
Katanox B.V. | 75629763 |
Kato Europe B.V. | 72439025 |
Kaustik Europe B.V. | 24422094 |
Kavel 10 B.V. | 58894969 |
KAW Holding B.V. | 02047470 |
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Europe) B.V. | 33148397 |
Kawasaki Motors Europe N.V. | 34140607 |
Kawneer Nederland B.V. | 18111931 |
Kaya International Holding B.V. | 68233698 |
Kayak WFS B.V. | 55826563 |
Kazakhmys Holding Group B.V. | 60683880 |
Kazemi Tandartspraktijken B.V. | 27307660 |
KazMunaiGaz Finance Sub B.V. | 34249875 |
KCAP B.V. | 24178521 |
KCI the engineers B.V. | 24167697 |
KCP B.V. | 59712996 |
KDDI Europe Limited Amsterdam Branch | 58126279 |
Keansa Solutions B.V. | 72153628 |
KEB Hana Bank | 33157495 |
Keba Europe B.V. | 65293762 |
Keen design B.V. | 65211820 |
Keenondots B.V. | 08103285 |
Keesing Media Group B.V. | 34194861 |
Keesing Reference Systems B.V. | 33230429 |
Keijzer Drijer Priester & van der Stoel | 24256809 |
Keiron Printing Technologies B.V. | 80101062 |
Kellogg Brown & Root Services B.V. | 28094533 |
Kelly Managed Services (Nederland) B.V. | 27268082 |
KEMA B.V. | 73117455 |
KEMBIT Operations B.V. | 54390362 |
Kemira Rotterdam B.V. | 24188834 |
Kemppi Benelux B.V. | 20075273 |
Kendrion N.V. | 30113646 |
Kenes Education B.V. | 52475557 |
Kenners B.V. | 64792447 |
kentivo | 56442661 |
Kenya Airways | 56020864 |
Kenz-Figee Group B.V. | 54136288 |
KERN Engineers B.V. | 81776896 |
Kernel B.V. | 09079999 |
Kerridge Commercial Systems (KNV) B.V. | 17193022 |
Kerry (NL) B.V. | 33284663 |
Kerry Logistics (Netherlands) B.V. | 04078209 |
Kersten Beheer en Onderhoud B.V. | 09099095 |
Ketel One Worldwide B.V. | 34294626 |
Keter Benelux B.V. | 18077759 |
Ketjen Netherlands B.V. | 32073705 |
Keukencentrum Mandemakers B.V. | 18046959 |
Keva Europe B.V. | 74520385 |
Kewpie Trading Europe B.V. | 33216470 |
Kewpie-Egg World Trading Europe B.V. | 61459941 |
Key Quantum International B.V. | 75032198 |
Key Technology B.V. | 11026956 |
KeyGames Network B.V. | 14077784 |
Keylane B.V. | 30210139 |
Keylane Life and Pension B.V. | 87940469 |
KeyOn B.V. | 17217235 |
Keysight Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 58724265 |
Keysight Technologies Netherlands Riscure B.V. | 27287509 |
Keystone Europe B.V. | 50154397 |
Keywords Studios Netherlands B.V. | 73975338 |
KFC Holdings B.V. | 33237420 |
KG Mobility Europe Parts Center B.V. | 20128617 |
KG Steel Europe Branch | 91290740 |
KGS Diamond Holding B.V. | 08021376 |
KH Chemicals B.V. | 63421194 |
KH Engineering B.V. | 24352575 |
KHAN Automotive B.V. | 67256503 |
Khanna & Reidinga B.V. | 53752155 |
Khizar Tandoori B.V. | 67798357 |
Khondrion B.V. | 61317225 |
Kia Nederland B.V. | 34333868 |
Kiadis Pharma Netherlands B.V. | 02100795 |
Kibun Europe B.V. | 70983593 |
KIC InnoEnergy S.E. | 51418886 |
KidKraft Netherlands B.V. | 24450211 |
Kids2 Europe B.V. | 60337311 |
Kieskeurig B.V. | 68555741 |
KiesProduct B.V. | 59260831 |
Kikkoman Foods Europe B.V. | 02333360 |
Kiltoprak Financiers N.V. | 52561259 |
Kiltoprak Trust Company N.V. | 67549608 |
Kimberly-Clark B.V. | 09093177 |
kimkim B.V. | 74171569 |
Kimman Process Solutions B.V. | 24265707 |
Kimono Lounge B.V. | 32138988 |
Kimtec International B.V. | 24303185 |
Kinaxis Europe B.V. | 54540623 |
Kinderdagverblijf Sam & Kids B.V. | 61991554 |
Kinderopvang Knotwilg B.V. | 77470826 |
Kinesso B.V. | 33273758 |
KINETI B.V. | 69124809 |
Kinetron | 18026551 |
Kingdom Culture Communication | 76279111 |
Kingspan B.V. | 11014334 |
Kingspan Insulation B.V. | 11053542 |
Kingspan Light + Air Production NL B.V. | 16059145 |
Kinkelder B.V. | 09030704 |
Kinly Benelux | 20093227 |
Kintetsu World Express (Benelux) B.V. | 34072948 |
Kintetsu World Express (EA) B.V. | 34241688 |
KINTO Europe B.V. | 65760085 |
Kiremko B.V. | 30087348 |
Kirloskar Pompen B.V. | 34301519 |
Kisters Nederland B.V. | 58545042 |
Kistos NL2 B.V. | 63654954 |
Kisuma Chemicals B.V. | 02061424 |
Kisuma Euro B.V. | 02061423 |
Kiswire Neptune Hyrope B.V. | 65397924 |
Kitchen on a Mission B.V. | 34090081 |
Kite Pharma EU B.V. | 61068225 |
Kiwa Assurance B.V. | 23059445 |
Kiwa Dare B.V. | 30138675 |
Kiwa KOAC B.V. | 08116066 |
Kiwa N.V. | 27039108 |
Kiwa Nederland B.V. | 08090048 |
Kiwa NL Holding B.V. | 08105943 |
Kiwa Services B.V. | 23040253 |
Kiwatt B.V. | 78046831 | NL B.V. | 85622214 |
Klarna B.V. | 50315250 |
Klarrio B.V. | 69097194 |
KlaverOmega B.V. | 28103468 |
Klein Nederland Trading B.V. | 72036028 |
Klever Mobility NL B.V. | 64742172 |
Kleyn Group B.V. | 11032895 |
Kleynen Consultants B.V. | 72989793 |
KLG Europe Venlo B.V. | 12017610 |
Klikkie B.V. | 68840853 |
Klimhal Amsterdam B.V. | 34229447 |
Kling Biotherapeutics B.V. | 81812256 |
Klippa App B.V. | 74785834 |
KLK Kolb Specialties B.V. | 06005765 |
Klook Travel Technology B.V. | 71097937 |
Kloosterboer Delta Terminal B.V. | 22040876 |
Klue Labs Netherlands | 77995562 |
Klup B.V. | 65923685 |
Kluwer Law International | 27152618 |
KM Trading B.V. | 34252638 |
KMG International N.V. | 24297754 |
KMNL Lodestar Shipping B.V. | 34315904 |
KMS B.V. | 34112710 |
KMWE Precision B.V. | 17054389 |
Knab N.V. | 30100799 |
Knauf B.V. | 30051670 |
KNAV Netherlands B.V. | 73269921 |
KNAW | 54667089 |
KNCV Koninklijke Nederlandse Centrale Vereniging tot Bestrijding der Tuberculose | 40408837 |
Kneppelhout & Korthals N.V. | 24415637 |
KNMI (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut) | 30276595 |
KnoDTec solutions B.V. | 87339048 |
Knoell NL B.V. | 30238674 |
KnowBe4 NL, B.V. | 70341648 |
Knowledge Expert B.V. | 85051233 |
Knowledge Values B.V. | 18071587 |
KNOX IP B.V. | 30061502 |
KNVB | 40478591 |
Koalitix Technology B.V. | 84987715 |
Koan Group B.V. | 75354632 |
Kobelco Construction Machinery Europe B.V. | 58071792 |
Kobelco Welding of Europe B.V. | 14050072 |
KOC Vleeswaren | 27094573 |
Kodify B.V. | 70138028 |
Koeleman accountants & belastingadviseurs B.V. | 28099585 |
Koenig Solutions B.V. | 80597084 |
Koike Europe B.V. | 35023642 |
KoinWorx B.V. | 69885397 |
Kok Experience Harderwijk B.V. | 39079721 |
Koks Group B.V. | 37129526 |
KOMIPO Europe B.V. | 75645297 |
KOMM Professionals B.V. | 84654635 |
Komori International (Europe) B.V. | 30086624 |
Kompros C.V. | 89520858 |
Kone B.V. | 27075288 |
Konecranes B.V. | 36048659 |
Konecranes Software B.V. | 27197330 |
Kongsberg Maritime Netherlands B.V. | 02053188 |
Koni B.V. | 23012798 |
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe | 30228605 |
Konica Minolta Sensing Europe B.V. | 30211392 |
Koning & Hartman B.V. | 34222312 |
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest | 41199917 |
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen | 33185213 |
Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize N.V. | 35000363 |
Koninklijke Bam Groep N.V. | 30058019 |
Koninklijke Boon Edam International B.V. | 37094070 |
Koninklijke Brill B.V. | 28000012 |
Koninklijke Bunge B.V. | 24020546 |
Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V. | 01045536 |
Koninklijke DSM N.V. | 14022069 |
Koninklijke Euroma B.V. | 08027912 |
Koninklijke Fabriek Inventum B.V. | 30001132 |
Koninklijke FrieslandCampina N.V. | 11057544 |
Koninklijke Gazelle N.V. | 09165859 |
Koninklijke HaskoningDHV Groep B.V. | 55525474 |
Koninklijke Jumbo B.V. | 33004934 |
Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. | 33014286 |
Koninklijke Mosa B.V. | 14600086 |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Atletiek Unie | 40342383 |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Cricket Bond | 40409790 |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Gymnastiek Unie | 08081494 |
Koninklijke Nedschroef Holding B.V. | 17015537 |
Koninklijke Philips N.V. | 17001910 |
Koninklijke Sanders B.V. | 28000165 |
Koninklijke Talens B.V. | 08006261 |
Koninklijke Van Twist B.V. | 23022060 |
Koninklijke Verkade N.V. | 35000477 |
Koninklijke Vezet B.V. | 37028754 |
Koninklijke VIV Buisman B.V. | 01047742 |
Koninklijke Vopak N.V. | 24295332 |
Konnektus B.V. | 30288396 |
Konnektus Support B.V. | 65748204 |
Koopman International B.V. | 33217959 |
Koopmans Meel B.V. | 01057569 |
Kopano B.V. | 65860012 |
Koplus B.V. | 52746801 |
Koppert B.V. | 27216926 |
KopShop B.V. | 66873452 |
Körber Supply Chain NL B.V. | 61904783 |
KORE Wireless Nederland B.V. | 52861791 |
Korea Trade Center, Amsterdam | |
Korean Air | 33137655 |
Korean Register B.V. i.o. | 63305682 |
Korn Ferry (NL) B.V. | 33282348 |
Korn Ferry Advisory (NL) B.V. | 30096468 |
korth tielens architecten B.V. | 34319200 |
Kossmanndejong | 34302840 |
Kovax Europe B.V. | 06079188 |
KOWEPO Europe B.V. | 82131481 |
Koyanagi Worldwide B.V. | 73525731 |
Koyanagi Worldwide Ltd | 34126203 |
Kozuki Holding B.V. | 33293596 |
KPI OceanConnect B.V. | 62106201 |
KPIC Netherlands B.V. | 34191480 |
KPIT Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 54907144 |
KPMG Staffing & Facility Services B.V. | 34153861 |
KPN | 27124701 |
KPS Netherlands Management B.V. | 72606428 |
Kraaijeveld Coppus Koelewijn Accountants & Advisors B.V. | 80960146 |
Kraaijeveld Coppus Legal B.V. | 34298595 |
Kraaijvanger B.V. | 24121125 |
Kraft Europe B.V. | 87172852 |
Kraft Heinz Amsterdam B.V. | 73114154 |
KRAFTON EUROPE B.V. | 70134227 |
Krakatau B.V. | 68953410 |
Kramer EMEA B.V. | 85456993 |
Kramp Groep B.V. | 09219396 |
Kranendonk Industrial Services B.V. | 11055437 |
Kras Recycling B.V. | 36034879 |
Kraton Chemical B.V. | 32045469 |
Kraton Polymers Nederland B.V. | 24294675 |
Krauthammer International Netherlands B.V. | 28086930 |
Kreatech Biotechnology B.V. | 34156374 |
KRG Asian-Food B.V. | 24305424 |
KrishTech B.V. | 74306634 |
Kriya Materials B.V. | 14091624 |
KRK Wonen B.V. | 72997303 |
KROHNE Altometer | 23039351 |
Krohne Nederland B.V. | 23086943 |
KROHNE New Technologies | 24395284 |
Krohne Oil & Gas B.V. | 24328944 |
Kroll B.V. | 34233980 |
Kronos Systems B.V. | 30139187 |
Kroog Logistics B.V. | 74642596 |
Kropman Installatietechniek B.V. | 09204509 |
Krosakiharima Europe B.V. | 34352309 |
Kruitbosch Zwolle B.V. | 05014212 |
Kryha B.V. | 70126038 |
KrypC Technologies Europe B.V. | 69531285 |
KS Industries B.V. | 23086991 |
KSZ Transport B.V. | 61523925 |
KTM Sportmotorcycle Nederland B.V. | 09123190 |
KubeLab B.V. | 83442839 |
Kubik B.V. | 34131989 |
Kubo Greenhouse Projects | 27273563 |
KUBO Smart Growing B.V. | 62075837 |
Kubota Holdings Europe B.V. | 69240450 |
Kubus B.V. | 17076900 |
Kuehne + Nagel Logistics B.V. | 16024021 |
Kuehne + Nagel N.V. | 24116891 |
Kühne + Heitz Holland B.V. | 24284003 |
Kuhn-Geldrop B.V. | 17003863 |
Kuijpers Beveiligingssystemen B.V. | 17156496 |
Kuijpers PHF Services B.V. | 72161701 |
KuiperCompagnons Ruimtelijke Ordening, Stedenbouw, Architectuur, Landschap | 24118236 |
Kuipers Food Processing Machinery B.V. | 30112230 |
Kula Staffing & Consulting B.V. | 32107752 |
Kulicke & Soffa Liteq B.V. | 54084717 |
Kulicke & Soffa Netherlands B.V. | 17078573 |
KumbaK Personnel B.V. | 30182134 |
Kumho P&B Chemicals, Inc | 73137693 |
Kunstgebit Zorg B.V. | 82426775 |
Kunstgebit Zorgcentrum B.V. | 58235701 |
Kupan B.V. | 09035138 |
Kupol Ventures Limited | 62318365 |
Kureha Europe | 32065765 |
Kuriyama Europe Coöperatief U.A. | 63332531 |
KUSAUTO EUROPE B.V. | 66364043 |
Kuwait Petroleum (Nederland) B.V. | 24025263 |
Kuwait Petroleum Europe B.V. | 24148084 |
KV Enterprises B.V. | 24351012 |
KV-Delicatessen | 23051922 |
KVE Composites B.V. | 27239456 |
KVE Composites Repair B.V. | 27185151 |
Kverneland Group Europe | 34104313 |
Kverneland Group Mechatronics B.V. | 34167591 |
Kverneland Group Nieuw-Vennep B.V. | 34035332 |
Kwiik B.V. | 30119730 |
Kwik-Fit | 08017845 |
KWR Water B.V. | 27279653 |
KWS VEGETABLES B.V. | 74812785 |
KyALIBER B.V. | 17214960 |
Kynamic Europe B.V. | 86257161 |
Kyndryl Nederland B.V. | 81589689 |
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V. | 34070221 |
Kyokuyo Europe B.V. | 34254987 |
Kyos Energy Consulting B.V. | 34309913 |
KZA B.V. | 32117799 |
L - founders of loyalty Group B.V. | 76145735 |
L&T Technology Services Limited | 58425632 |
L1nda B.V. | 57861765 |
L3Harris Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 91003601 |
L61ROASTERY B.V. | 71937331 |
Lab Associates | 20141063 |
Lab Digital B.V. | 63133644 |
Labb B.V. | 75193639 |
LabConnect Europe B.V. | 86494287 |
Labcorp International Holdings B.V. | 30209211 |
Label A B.V. | 24436380 |
Label Products B.V. | 65041976 |
Laboratorium Medisan B.V. | 01055965 |
Laboratorium Ofichem B.V. | 02329540 |
Laboratory Services International Rotterdam B.V. | 24245672 |
Labyrinth onderzoek & advies | 30188330 |
Lacto Europe B.V. | 64666956 |
Lagom Automation B.V. | 73759805 |
Lainsburgh B.V. | 63302373 |
Lainsburgh Europe B.V. | 57312672 |
Lallemand Netherlands B.V. | 30245452 |
Lam Research International B.V. | 09151553 |
Lamb Weston B.V. | 22026293 |
Lamb-Weston/Meijer V.O.F. | 22036226 |
Lamers High Tech Systems B.V. | 10018598 |
Lamex Foods Europe B.V. | 09067837 |
LAMI EUROPE B.V. | 72783222 |
Lance Informatie Technologie B.V. | 13041704 |
LanceSoft Dutch B.V. | 77362322 |
Land Life Company B.V. | 59182385 |
Landal GreenParks B.V. | 27052417 |
Landcent Europe B.V. | 72698950 |
Language Partners Nederland B.V. | 30227357 |
Lanner Europe B.V. | 83261699 |
Lanser's Trio Industriële Diensten B.V. | 34071515 | Coöperatie U.A. | 52240495 |
LaNubia Consulting B.V. | 69787697 |
Laos Landschapsarchitecten B.V. | 71302735 |
Lapidus Management & Beheer B.V. | 33236868 |
L'Arbre Chiropratique B.V. | 73251755 |
LARK infolab B.V. | 64974596 |
Lasalle Fund Management B.V. | 34120670 |
Laser Tribology B.V. | 65997859 |
Laseur Group B.V. | 74892282 |
Lassus Tandartsen B.V. | 61752614 |
LatentView Analytics B.V. | 68532741 |
Laterite B.V. | 69759103 |
Latitude Amsterdam B.V. | 86990837 |
Laudes B.V. | 84821280 |
Laurentius Stichting voor Katholiek Primair Onderwijs | 41160449 |
LAVA Therapeutics N.V. | 65335740 |
Lawrence Equipment Europe B.V. | 50418491 |
LC Packaging International B.V. | 29014906 |
LCC North Central Europe B.V. | 16078359 |
LCL (The Netherlands) B.V. | 51541297 |
Ldesign Media | 86167979 |
LDH Europe B.V. | 69251703 |
LDL Beheer B.V. | 74545574 |
Le Blanc Media B.V. | 61821802 |
Le Cordon Bleu International B.V. | 33180420 |
Lead Machine B.V. | 34266634 |
Leader Biomedical Europe B.V. | 61710245 |
LeaderTelecom B.V. | 55173071 |
LeadingCourses B.V. | 34219855 |
LeadingMile Consulting B.V. | 70158797 | Benelux B.V. | 59384360 |
LeanIX B.V. | 77441257 |
Leanplum B.V. | 69385912 |
Leap Netherlands B.V. | 76528456 |
Leap29 Nederland B.V. | 58212817 |
Leapmotor International B.V. | 93378033 |
Learned B.V. | 72166371 |
Learning Hub Friesland B.V. | 70754101 |
LeasePlan Digital B.V. | 69780625 |
LeasePlan Global B.V. | 39043990 |
LeaseWeb Global B.V. | 60593652 |
LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V. | 30141839 |
LeaseWeb Network B.V. | 30188570 |
Lebara B.V. | 34161616 |
Lebrun B.V. | 36041777 |
Leco Europe B.V. | 14031620 |
Ledstores Europe B.V. | 67513247 |
Lee Hecht Harrison Nederland B.V. | 30156802 |
Leeruniek B.V. | 63773791 |
Legadex B.V. | 34303161 |
Legamaster International B.V. | 08044740 |
Leger des Heils Welzijns- en Gezondheidszorg | 41208154 |
LegionellaDossier Tech B.V. | 80989187 |
Legrand AV Netherlands B.V. | 34221210 |
Leiden Cryogenics B.V. | 28056762 |
Leidos, Inc. | 52693139 |
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) | 27366422 |
Leisure Expert Group B.V. | 65005244 |
Leisure International Nederland B.V. | 33129766 |
Lejeune Association Management B.V. | 27141841 |
LEKKER international B.V. | 60449055 |
Lely Industries N.V. | 24220073 |
Lely International N.V. | 24441877 |
Lely Services B.V. | 59364335 |
Lely Technologies | 27184864 |
Lelypharma B.V. | 39082752 |
Lelystad Platform B.V. | 67915833 |
Lemba B.V. | 77681940 |
Lemonade Agency B.V. | 75134454 |
Lemonade B.V. | 73233293 |
Lemonade Tech B.V. | 88070271 |
Lendex B.V. | 60251727 |
Lenntech B.V. | 27289106 |
Lenovo International Coöperatief U.A. | 61479047 |
LENS B.V. | 66393922 |
Lens R&D B.V. | 86875833 |
Lensor B.V. | 82716889 |
Leo Drive B.V. | 92984304 |
Leonteq Securities AG | 64280055 |
LeoSat B.V. | 68818734 |
Les Coyotes de Paris B.V. | 82279543 |
LessonUp B.V. | 64760006 |
Lestrade Financial Services B.V. | 59668237 |
Letink Design B.V. | 68630514 |
Lets Blinq B.V. | 53125444 | Holding B.V. | 82733473 |
Leverage Holding B.V. | 65425111 |
Leviat B.V. | 06069052 |
Levitech B.V. | 32156484 |
Levy Associates Limited | 55311970 |
Lewis Communications B.V. | 14066694 |
Lexcom B.V. | 17146473 |
LexisNexis Business Information Solutions B.V. | 09002289 |
Leyden Laboratories B.V. | 78220521 |
Leydenjar Technologies B.V. | 65766539 |
Leylines B.V. | 34250234 |
LeyWood Warenhuizen B.V. | 34143572 |
LFI24 B.V. | 81857268 |
LG CNS Europe B.V. | 39081700 |
LG Electronics Benelux Sales B.V. | 39091823 |
LG Electronics European Shared Service Center B.V. | 39091840 |
LG Sonic B.V. | 51728699 |
LGMG Europe B.V. | 71776850 |
L-Groep Totaalonderhoud B.V. | 74566210 |
LHIC Netherlands II B.V. | 52452409 |
Libertatis Ergo Holding B.V. | 28071688 |
Liberty Bishop (Netherlands) Ltd | 75105551 |
Liberty Global B.V. | 34168993 |
Liberty Global Corporate B.V. | 80203779 |
Liberty Global Technology Services B.V. | 80203582 |
Libra Energy B.V. | 37140128 |
Liebherr-Nederland B.V. | 31030145 |
Life Fitness (Atlantic) B.V. | 24254910 |
Life Fitness Shared Services Center | 24292381 |
Life Science Methods B.V. | 53301978 |
Life Technologies Europe B.V. | 29040249 |
Lifecell Ventures Coöperatief U.A. | 34298299 |
Lifely B.V. | 66180074 |
LifeQ B.V. | 69311544 |
Lifetri Groep B.V. | 70148821 |
Lifetri Uitvaartverzekeringen N.V. | 69933332 |
L-IFT B.V. | 62421174 |
LIFT International B.V. | 69524432 |
Liftinstituut Holding B.V. | 34157357 |
Lighthaus B.V. | 73797235 |
Lighthouse Financial Technologies Coöperatief U.A. | 85471364 |
Lighthouse Instruments B.V. | 52017400 |
Lighthouse IP B.V. | 34259168 |
Lighthouse Netherlands B.V. | 66478138 |
Lightsource Renewable Energy Netherlands Development B.V. | 69841527 |
Lightspeed Netherlands B.V. | 17229470 |
Lightyear Layer | 78271363 |
Ligo B.V. | 63699060 |
Lijfkracht B.V. | 59430729 |
Like Minds Consulting B.V. | 66102170 |
Lily Maas | 01090497 |
Limagrain Nederland B.V. | 22000154 |
Liman Restaurant | 74449915 |
Limbourg & Partners Maastricht N.V. | 14065962 |
Lime Network B.V. | 72024100 |
LIMFLOR B.V. | 60215089 |
Linco Food Systems B.V. | 09054346 |
Lincsafe B.V. | 57220662 |
Linde Gas Benelux B.V. | 24269483 |
Linden IT B.V. | 56679920 |
Lindex B.V. | 24198586 |
Lindsay International Holdings B.V. | 34262200 |
Lindt & Sprüngli (Netherlands) B.V. | 73086614 |
Lineage Dutch Bidco B.V. | 67540619 |
Lineage Dutch Coöperatief U.A. | 68781113 |
Lineage NL 3 TRS B.V. | 86656465 |
Link Inspection (Europe) B.V. | 63737264 |
LinkedIn Netherlands B.V. | 34370729 |
LINKIT B.V. | 30146769 |
Linklaters LLP | 34367130 |
LINKS Analytics B.V. | 27341807 |
Linkthings B.V. | 66519535 |
Lintec Europe | 33266688 |
Linx IT Solutions | 34169234 |
Linxens (the Netherlands) B.V. | 10041575 |
LioniX International B.V. | 65714547 |
LionRock Maritime B.V. | 93730926 |
LionsBot Europe B.V. | 88223566 |
Lionsville B.V. | 86243799 |
LionVolt B.V. | 77750470 |
LipoCoat B.V. | 66706858 |
Lipton Teas and Infusions B.V. | 81254075 |
Lipton Teas and Infusions Netherlands B.V. | 81871058 |
LIQAL B.V. | 60310057 |
Liquid Enterprises B.V. | 24407492 |
Liroy B.V. | 27186427 |
Lismar Engineering B.V. | 33278604 |
LITASCO Benelux B.V. | 24328460 |
Litecad B.V. | 04070505 |
Lite-On Technology (Europe) B.V. | 33300776 |
Lithium Werks B.V. | 70264554 |
Littelfuse B.V. | 30012536 |
Littelfuse Netherlands B.V. | 72434341 |
Liugong Machinery Europe B.V. | 34371519 |
LiveDrop B.V. | 83120564 |
Livekindly Benelux B.V. | 57934428 |
Livekindly Production NL B.V. | 84801727 |
LivePerson Netherlands B.V. | 57588805 |
LiveRamp Netherlands B.V. | 68312210 |
LiveWall Group B.V. | 66276721 |
Livework Netherlands B.V. | 65582845 |
Living-IT B.V. | 24361910 |
Livoltek Europe B.V. | 87513153 |
Lizard Apps B.V. | 58228039 |
Lloyds Bank GmbH | 72211342 |
Lloyd's Register EMEA | 24350455 |
LM Wind Power R&D (Holland) B.V. | 33256041 |
LMtec Benelux B.V. | 86440543 |
LNRS Data Services B.V. | 33293475 |
Locada B.V. | 59310685 |
Locamation B.V. | 06057207 |
LOCASOFT B.V. | 69375798 |
Lockheed Martin Global Inc. | 34379390 |
Locsense B.V. | 77655508 |
Locus People Engineering B.V. | 62293540 |
LODEWIJK BALJON landschapsarchitecten B.V. | 34154157 |
Lodewijks Meat B.V. | 51906538 |
LOGEX B.V. | 51459353 |
Logic8 B.V. | 30172648 |
Login VSI B.V. | 55725147 |
Logiqs B.V. | 61203785 |
Logisch industriële automatisering B.V. | 51480492 |
LOGISTEED Europe B.V. | 11027294 |
Logistic Business Partners (Rotterdam) B.V. | 29039799 |
Logistic Systems Engineers B.V. | 36035168 |
Logistyx Technologies Europe B.V. | 56537964 |
Logitech Benelux B.V. | 30118412 |
Logitech Europe S.A. | 10144574 |
Logoplaste Elst B.V. | 24414589 |
Logsign B.V. | 82271526 |
Lois Advies B.V. | 75262843 |
Lola Landscape Architects | 78581958 |
Lomez International B.V. | 34109317 |
Londen & Van Holland Registeraccountants en Belastingadviseurs | 34376867 | B.V. | 34358504 |
LONGi (Netherlands) Trading B.V. | 78628431 |
Longship B.V. | 01146382 |
Lonza Netherlands B.V. | 14083599 |
Lookout International B.V. | 63333511 |
Loonpoint B.V. | 66578000 |
Loop Robots B.V. | 80487939 |
Loos van Vliet B.V. | 54081688 |
Loovas Interim Solutions B.V. | 73108111 |
Loparex B.V. | 08094474 |
L'Oreal Nederland B.V. | 32025040 |
Louis Dreyfus Company Juices Holding B.V. | 69003815 |
Lovapharm Consulting B.V. | 57989060 |
Lovechock B.V. | 58032622 |
Lovevery Europe B.V. | 78165008 |
Lovink Enertech B.V. | 09100466 |
Lowell Financial Limited | 73389579 |
Lowland Nederland B.V. | 34214161 |
Loxodon B.V. | 56428731 |
Loyal Cargo Services B.V. | 71842764 |
Loyens & Loeff N.V. | 24370566 |
Loyyo B.V. | 78623707 |
LR B.V. | 77518101 |
LRQA Nederland B.V. | 24247948 |
LS ELECTRIC Europe B.V. | 34359767 |
LSI - Netherlands B.V. | 61284912 |
LT Foods Europe B.V. | 66787726 |
LTD NL B.V. | 69556318 |
LTIMindtree Limited | 34215231 |
LTP Import Export | 71397930 |
Lubbers, Boer & Douma B.V. | 57535744 |
Luchthaven Hotel Beleggingsmaatschappij BV | 33293945 |
Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland | 34367959 |
Lucid Europe B.V. | 82509654 |
Lucid Netherlands B.V. | 82512590 |
Lucidchart B.V. | 72481617 |
Lucido B.V. | 84361433 |
Lucky Kat B.V. | 63892030 |
Lucy Software B.V. | 30194420 |
Lukkien B.V. | 09064424 |
LUKOIL Finance B.V. | 24272301 |
LUKOIL International Services B.V. | 34193265 |
Lumen Technologies NL B.V. | 33299249 |
LUMICKS B.V. | 60187263 |
LUMICKS CA B.V. | 82308160 |
Lumiforte EMEA B.V. | 18029088 |
Lumileds Holding B.V. | 61778737 |
Lumileds Netherlands B.V. | 17129272 |
Lummus Technology Heat Transfer B.V. | 27110728 |
LUMO LABS B.V. | 71718192 |
Lumos Diagnostics (NL) B.V. | 76332373 |
Lumosa Lighting B.V. | 86871986 |
Luna Chemicals B.V. | 69443394 | B.V. | 24268199 |
Lunatech Labs | 24426307 |
Lunenburg Vlees B.V. | 30124287 |
Lurfs Engineering B.V. | 70021074 |
Luscii healthtech B.V. | 53119843 |
Lusoco B.V. | 69907374 |
Lutech Project Solutions B.V. | 67250726 |
Lutech Projects B.V. | 67250750 |
Lutech Resources B.V. | 27339069 |
Lux Research B.V. | 50367382 |
Luxexcel Group B.V. | 20160719 |
Lux-mate Europe B.V. | 69619174 |
Luxoft Netherlands B.V. | 65429222 |
Luxottica The Netherlands B.V. | 33281895 |
Luxs B.V. | 63975254 |
LV Trading B.V. | 56266480 |
LX Pantos Netherlands B.V. | 39085937 |
LX3 B.V. | 91146836 |
Lycens B.V. | 08177178 |
Lyfo B.V. | 70635269 |
Lynthera B.V. | 81759215 |
Lynx B.V. | 34253246 |
Lyondell Chemie Nederland B.V. | 24314683 |
LyondellBasell Industries Holdings B.V. | 24344658 |
Lytho B.V. | 28052701 |
Lyv B.V. | 64601862 |
M & I Broadcast Services B.V. | 32051488 |
M Moser Associates B.V. | 73319074 |
M Restart | 24332667 |
M Restart Secondment & Solutions B.V. | 65683722 |
M&C Saatchi B.V. | 78160995 |
M&M e-commerce B.V. | 58473297 |
M. Velings Holding B.V. | 18077510 |
M.I. Maritime B.V. | 56554168 |
M+P, raadgevende ingenieurs B.V. | 34060542 |
M11 B.V. | 83709509 |
M7 Real Estate Netherlands B.V. | 58945253 |
Maana Electric Netherlands B.V. | 72479949 |
Maandag Interim Professionals B.V. | 37098483 |
Maarschall Group B.V. | 08182316 |
Maas en Kleiberg Subsidieadvies B.V. | 64573648 |
Maas International Holding B.V. | 17140971 |
Maas Marine & Industrial Equipment B.V. | 24293650 |
Maass Special Alloys Nederland B.V. | 62767526 |
Maastricht Aachen Airport B.V. | 66013283 |
Maastricht Aviation Aircraft Services B.V. | 14056157 |
Maastro clinic | 41070330 |
Maatschap Dental Point | 20160356 |
Maatschap Egbers en Verbeek | 30276219 |
Maatschap Groepspraktijk Tandartsen Gem. Rucphen | 20153869 |
Maatschap Lentink de Jonge | 08192798 |
Maatschap Mondzorg Tridenzo | 76664368 |
Maatschap MSB Gouda | 62072927 |
Maatschap Van den Oever, Zaaijer & partners Architecten | 34370991 |
Maatschap van der Wielen | 09216041 |
Macaw Data Intelligence B.V. | 70271070 |
Macaw Nederland B.V. | 34104629 |
Macaw Rich Internet Solutions B.V. | 34371429 |
MacCreanor Lavington Architects B.V. | 24288982 |
Mace Consultancy (Netherlands) Limited | 69605211 |
Mace Macro Europe Limited | 57964858 |
Mace Management Services B.V. | 58358242 |
Macee B.V. | 58546758 |
Macee Solutions B.V. | 68965044 |
Mach 2 Pharmafreight B.V. | 73746851 |
Machine Fabriek Elburg B.V. | 08060939 |
Machine2Learn B.V. | 69485844 |
Machinefabriek Gebrs. Frencken B.V. | 17047541 |
Machinefabriek Heerbaart B.V. | 06084094 |
Machinefabriek Kreber B.V. | 24226178 |
Mackay-Rotterdam B.V. | 20136508 |
Macrogen Europe B.V. | 69716099 |
Macroscoop B.V. | 27139432 |
Macs B.V. | 14058272 |
Madaster Shared Services B.V. | 78153301 |
Madern Automation B.V. | 62216546 |
Madison People International B.V. | 27247337 |
Maersk Line Netherlands B.V. | 24139123 |
Maersk Logistics & Services International B.V. | 56203810 |
Maersk Logistics and Services Netherlands B.V. | 24154050 |
Maestr B.V. | 82530912 |
Maestra B.V. | 70240833 |
Maeve Aerospace B.V. | 78556112 |
Magazijn ""De Bijenkorf"" B.V. | 33116577 |
Magenta Technology Consultants B.V. | 27166245 |
Magic & Young | 28109586 |
Magic Bodyfashion B.V. | 34129298 |
Magister | 01111167 |
Magnet Forensics Europe B.V. | 71801472 | NL B.V. | 63642328 |
MAGNETO special anodes B.V. | 24270706 |
Magnit Global Netherlands BN B.V. | 30135361 |
Magno IT B.V. | 76650669 |
Magno IT Recruitment B.V. | 53805836 |
Magnus Energy B.V. | 84090065 |
Magnus Green | 32142525 |
Maharishi Ayurveda Europe B.V. | 67873251 |
Maiestas Professional Services B.V. | 70309450 |
MainBlades Inspections B.V. | 68523777 |
Mainetti B.V. | 17028657 |
Mainfreight B.V. | 24281333 |
Mainfreight Holding B.V. | 09089887 |
Mainfreight Logistic Services Netherlands B.V. | 09043843 |
Mainstay Medical B.V. | 69623996 |
Maistering B.V. | 71982493 |
MA-IT B.V. | 08222372 |
Majorel Holding Nederland B.V. | 73953881 |
MakDo B.V. | 66562856 |
Make-A-Wish Foundation International (Dutch Office) | 76833690 |
Makeblock Europe B.V. | 68916752 |
Makers of Sustainable Spaces | 69961050 |
MakeSense Derivatives B.V. | 51997665 |
Makis Holding B.V. | 34180691 |
Makita Nederland B.V. | 17038197 |
Makmende Media B.V. | 34243945 |
Mako Derivatives Amsterdam B.V. | 71935568 |
Malaysian Timber Council | 74994530 |
Malcolm Hollis B.V. | 66026547 |
Maltha Groep B.V. | 20078612 |
Malvern Panalytical B.V. | 06069492 |
Mama Cash, Stichting | 41202535 |
Mambu B.V. | 81685181 |
Mambu Tech B.V. | 70283737 |
Mammoet Europe B.V. | 33275222 |
Mammoet Europe Holding B.V. | 33129474 |
Mammoet Heavylift B.V. | 20039060 |
Mammoet Holding B.V. | 30105738 |
Mampaey Offshore Industries B.V. | 23060331 |
Management Precision | 27329900 |
Manhattan Associates Europe B.V. | 32079353 |
Manometric Holding B.V. | 68457731 |
Manpower B.V. | 33138744 |
Manpower Business Professionals B.V. | 33214370 |
Manpower Flexibility B.V. | 84274042 |
Manpower Flexwork B.V. | 84272333 |
Manpower Talentworkers B.V. | 84276754 |
ManpowerGroup Staff B.V. | 33142697 |
Manschap B.V. | 08156026 |
Mansource B.V. | 68813090 |
MantiSpectra B.V. | 80657451 |
Manus Machinae B.V. | 61920819 |
Manus Software Europe B.V. | 24370056 |
MapCreator B.V. | 17219346 |
Mapiq B.V. | 27366517 |
Maples Fiduciary Services (Netherlands) B.V. | 60468521 |
MaplesFS Service Company (Netherlands) B.V. | 88371816 |
Mapletree Management (Netherlands) B.V. | 71613722 |
Maprima Business Support B.V. | 81618476 |
Mapscape B.V. | 17210210 |
MAQQIE B.V. | 69831955 |
MAQQIE Payroll B.V. | 87407566 |
MAQQIE Vaster B.V. | 75147211 |
Maratan B.V. | 82191689 |
March Networks B.V. | 18083803 |
Mardissah B.V. | 78533465 |
Marel Customer Center B.V. | 88473015 |
Marel Further Processing B.V. | 16059374 |
Marel GDC B.V. | 81542739 |
Marel Holding B.V. | 34285879 |
Marel PMJ B.V. | 36051882 |
Marel Poultry B.V. | 16035099 |
Marel Red Meat B.V. | 08075869 |
MareVisie B.V. | 28108221 |
Marflex Europe B.V. | 24230201 |
Marflex Holding B.V. | 24225227 |
Marie-Stella-Maris Water B.V. | 54045835 |
Marimecs Office B.V. | 39095772 |
MARIN Academy B.V. | 09135106 |
Marin Crew B.V. | 02040466 |
Marine Care B.V. | 24281287 |
MarineSecure B.V. | 82948445 |
Marinetrans Benelux B.V. | 34319475 |
Maritime & Transport Business Solutions B.V. | 24377619 |
Maritime Construction Services B.V. | 63385031 |
MarketAxess NL B.V. | 69592888 |
MarketAxess Post-Trade B.V. | 69597774 |
Marketech Netherlands B.V. | 69097941 |
Marketing As A Service B.V. | 70663297 |
MarketRedesign Scientific B.V. | 17246606 |
Marketresponse Nederland B.V. | 31030821 |
Markit N.V. | 34124417 |
Marksmen Interactive B.V. | 74742752 |
Marktplaats B.V. | 28058712 |
Marlar International B.V. | 33182507 |
Marlink B.V. | 27163422 |
Marper Personnel B.V. | 24483893 |
Marque of Brands B.V. | 68349106 |
Marquis Legal B.V. | 73811858 |
Marquis Technologies B.V. | 71046364 |
Mars Nederland B.V. | 16021492 |
Marsh | 24120005 |
Marshall Aerospace Netherlands B.V. | 34253044 |
MarshBerry International Coöperatief U.A. | 76571300 |
Marubeni Foods Investment Asia Coöperatief U.A. | 34386500 |
Maruha Nichiro Corporation. Amsterdam representative office | 34246230 |
Marvell Netherlands B.V. | 34233879 |
Marvesa Oils & Fats B.V. | 24495280 |
marXact B.V. | 68076622 |
Maschem B.V. | 56666497 |
Mascot Online B.V. | 56913117 |
Masdar Solar & Wind Coöperatief U.A. | 34297721 |
Mason Garments B.V. | 58453016 |
Massarius B.V. | 56916116 |
Massive Music B.V. | 33296421 |
Massive Splash B.V. | 65883187 |
Mastek Systems B.V. | 71642862 |
Master Network Solutions B.V. | 34231952 |
Masters in Finance B.V. | 58039589 |
MasterShip Software B.V. | 17098598 |
Matchcare B.V. | 09096118 |
MatchWornShirt B.V. | 69115494 |
Materiaal Metingen Europe B.V. | 24157143 |
MATERIAL PLUS EU B.V. | 85740780 |
Materials innovation institute M2i | 41160438 |
Mather Economics Netherlands B.V. | 78122090 |
Matoke Tours B.V. | 55479634 |
MA-TRAC | 62186000 |
Matras Recycling EU Nederland B.V. | 56263732 |
Matrix Vastgoed B.V. | 66032466 |
Mat-Tech B.V. | 27231966 |
Mattel Europa B.V. | 33237928 |
Mattel Europe Holdings B.V. | 33297748 |
Mauri Technology B.V. | 12016056 |
MAUSER Holding Netherlands B.V. | 24329947 |
Maven Derivatives Amsterdam B.V. | 71291377 |
Maven Securities Holding Limited | 76468836 |
Maveric NXT B.V. | 87014807 |
Maverick Derivatives Coöperatief U.A. | 68805039 |
Maverix B.V. | 92858929 |
Mavim B.V. | 52751406 |
Mavitec B.V. | 37102725 |
Max Bögl Nederland B.V. | 28089096 |
Max Europe B.V. | 39093032 |
MAX HRM B.V. | 67734839 |
MAX HRM Group B.V. | 82227195 |
MAXARO B.V. | 20147769 |
Maxbuff Coöperatie U.A. | 69946523 |
Maxd`Oro B.V. | 32117532 |
Maxedy B.V. | 57949069 |
Maxem Energy Solutions B.V. | 53936981 |
Maxi Miliaan B.V. | 17060920 |
Maxima Technologies NL B.V. | 70217955 |
Maxlead Services B.V. | 28107578 |
Maxwell and Spark B.V. | 84660678 |
Maxwell Continental Tank Serv Engineering B.V. | 73266612 |
Maxwell Labs B.V. | 68307977 |
Maxxis Europe B.V. | 71722785 |
Maxxis Tech Center Europe B.V. | 17174729 |
Mayflower Netherlands B.V. | 52279685 |
Maykers B.V. | 70537070 |
Maykin Media | 64214648 |
Mayumana Healthcare B.V. | 53748921 |
Mayur Restaurant | 33134870 |
Mazarine Operator Services B.V. | 59256125 |
MAZE B.V. | 83109455 |
Mazura Contracting Solutions (MCS) B.V. | 50125443 |
Mazura Payrolling Solutions B.V. | 55911560 |
MBA Michael Bailey Associates Project Services B.V. | 86235818 |
MBA Michael Bailey Associates Recruitment B.V. | 86235559 |
MBI B.V. | 16040552 |
MBK Investment Management Netherlands B.V. | 80609805 |
MBP Netherlands B.V. | 22053787 |
MCA Nederland B.V. | 57086532 |
McAfee Netherlands B.V. | 67352405 |
McCain Foods Holland B.V. | 22000299 |
MCD IT B.V. | 80202551 |
McDonald's Nederland B.V. | 33143768 |
MCE Technical Center B.V. | 14132219 |
McFati B.V. | 27266604 |
MCFT Nederland B.V. | 82692718 |
MCH Advies & Automatisering B.V. | 30083777 |
MCi (Mirror Controls International) Netherlands B.V. | 30048300 |
MCI Amsterdam B.V. | 33303630 |
McKinsey & Company Netherlands | 33114342 |
MCLS Europe B.V. | 63411091 |
MCR Global NL B.V. | 67211739 |
MCX Administration Services B.V. | 08086235 |
MDgo B.V. | 69398100 |
MDN Europe B.V. | 66637503 |
Mead Johnson B.V. | 54823196 |
Meaf Machines B.V. | 22025279 |
Mean Well Europe B.V. | 34246510 |
Measurabl, Inc. | 76350126 |
Measuremen B.V. | 54844460 |
Meatable B.V. | 71904255 |
Mecal Applied Mechanics | 06091001 |
MECAL Semiconductor Product Development B.V. | 51804646 |
MECAL Wind Turbine Design B.V. | 51809168 |
Mecanoo Architecten B.V. | 27231269 |
Mechapros B.V. | 55109020 |
Mechdes Engineering B.V. | 08061475 |
Mechel Service Global B.V. | 34330052 |
Meco Equipment Engineers B.V. | 18043809 |
Medal | 68975902 |
Medallia B.V. | 73691755 |
Medcaptain Europe B.V. | 65306252 |
Medela Benelux B.V. | 17086901 |
MedEnvoy Global B.V. | 80429149 |
Medgen B.V. | 81469012 |
Medi Group B.V. | 56240481 |
Media Buying Systems B.V. | 34186621 |
Media Distillery International B.V. | 60426616 |
Media Markt - Saturn Holding Nederland B.V. | 30096621 |
Media2B B.V. | 61744557 |
MediaBlue | 53271238 |
Mediabrands Netherlands B.V. | 33175011 |
Mediahuis Nederland B.V. | 34283848 |
Mediahuis Nederland Digital Marketplaces B.V. | 33150568 |
MediaMonks B.V. | 32084006 |
Mediant, locatie Helmerzijde | 06089356 |
Medical Measurement Systems B.V. | 06070224 |
Medical Research Data Management B.V. | 55207448 |
MediCapture Europe B.V. | 58039864 |
Medicsana B.V. | 74621238 |
Medify B.V. | 58734325 |
MediLibra B.V. | 54607183 |
MediPower International B.V. | 01106843 |
Mediq Groep | 56038062 |
Medir International B.V. | 24391546 |
Medis Medical Imaging Systems B.V. | 28075744 |
Medisch Centrum Rotterdam Kralingen B.V. | 24407629 |
Medische Haartransplantatie Klinieken B.V. | 74565745 |
Mediservice B.V. | 56457324 |
Mediterra Capital B.V. | 73015253 |
Mediterranean Shipping Company (Nederland) B.V. | 24237526 |
Meditime B.V. | 72398841 |
Medline International B.V. | 59171960 |
Medpace Netherlands B.V. | 24385193 |
Meds and Care Pharmacies | 27178517 |
Medtronic B.V. | 14023267 |
Medtronic Bakken Research Center B.V. | 14625522 |
MeduProf-S B.V. | 09195920 |
Medweb B.V. | 34217136 |
Meelunie B.V. | 33037079 |
Meens Bierbrouwerij B.V. | 14034012 |
Meerwijk Allister Groep B.V. | 32105517 |
Meetingselect B.V. | 34262991 |
Mega Energie B.V. | 77949803 |
Mega International Commercial Bank CO., Limited | 33223354 |
MegaGen Implant Europe B.V. | 83075518 |
Megagroup Trade Holding B.V. | 17174948 |
Megaport (Netherlands) B.V. | 64677273 |
MEGlobal B.V. | 22054980 |
MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Co. Ltd. | 63834774 |
Mei Z&F B.V. | 51915154 |
Meijburg & Co B.V. | 33133832 |
Meijer CnF Amsterdam B.V. | 59702478 |
Meiji Food Europe B.V. | 78589290 |
Meiji Shipping B.V. | 34319123 |
Meilink Eindhoven B.V. | 17136987 |
MeiraGTx Netherlands B.V. | 34215606 |
Mejor B.V. | 70346798 |
Melspring International B.V. | 09131564 |
Meltwater The Netherlands B.V. | 32140689 |
Memorix | 50767666 |
MEMSIC B.V. | 83017968 |
Menaco B.V. | 34156243 |
Menar Investments | 59187638 |
Mendix Technology B.V. | 24380476 |
MendriX B.V. | 30189917 |
Menicon Holdings B.V. | 34248933 |
Menlo Coaching B.V. | 67038476 |
Mentor B.V. | 64647323 |
Mentor Medical Systems B.V. | 28062039 |
Mentorjam B.V. | 78105587 |
Menzies Aviation (Freighter Handling) B.V. | 54261635 |
Merapar Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 65577159 |
Mercantum Medical Care B.V. | 32069836 |
Mercateo Nederland B.V. | 54496810 |
Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center Maastricht N.V. | 33014909 |
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Nederland B.V. | 30079040 |
Mercedes-Benz Nederland B.V. | 30040445 |
Mercell Nederland B.V. | 30148169 |
Mercer (Nederland) B.V. | 33272848 |
Merck B.V. | 27155873 |
Merck Chemicals B.V. | 34089667 |
Merck Life Science N.V. | 23080466 |
Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. | 34028461 |
Merck Sharp & Dohme International Services B.V. | 34086169 |
Merck Ventures B.V. | 61910929 |
Mercury Engineering B.V. | 34311486 |
Mercury Trade Credit Nederland B.V. | 62733869 |
Meridia Land B.V. | 62431331 |
Meridian Capital NL B.V. | 53569660 |
Meridian IT B.V. | 01093603 |
Merino Consulting Services B.V. | 58077812 |
Merit Medical Nederland B.V. | 17095988 |
Merkator B.V. | 30250256 |
Merkle Nederland CRM | 24171390 |
Merlin Security Services B.V. | 30259118 |
Merus N.V. | 30189136 |
Merwede Valves B.V. | 24368342 |
Mesh B.V. | 77669886 |
Mesoline B.V. | 72152729 |
Messagebird B.V. | 51874474 |
MessageBird Chat App B.V. | 66079071 |
MessageBird Voice B.V. | 30182587 |
Mesta B.V. | 54314437 |
Mesut Supermarkt | 72902655 |
Met Shipping (The Hague) B.V. | 53155769 |
Metaaltechniek Handelsonderneming B.V. | 31039479 |
Metabolic B.V. | 70539952 |
MetaChef B.V. | 76311392 |
Metaco Europe B.V. | 67880584 |
MetaFactory B.V. | 63064707 |
Metaflex Doors Europe B.V. | 09052999 |
Metalcon B.V. | 58382666 |
Metalot Future Energy Lab B.V. | 78324572 |
MetaMeta Communications B.V. | 17167598 |
Metapol | 08081641 |
MetaSensing B.V. | 53828984 |
METAWATER Co., Ltd. | 60988568 |
Meteenzorg B.V. | 72111151 |
methetnet B.V. | 66591880 |
Metinvest B.V. | 24321697 |
Metrica Sports B.V. | 60835869 |
Metrics Matter B.V. | 85636770 |
MetrixLab B.V. | 24293853 |
MetrixLab Nederland B.V. | 59608838 |
Metro Cash & Carry International Holding B.V. | 33212405 |
Metro Cash & Carry Nederland B.V. | 33166133 |
Metrohm Autolab B.V. | 30128927 |
Metrological Media Innovations B.V. | 24429521 |
Mettler-Toledo B.V. | 11014800 |
Mettom at Work B.V. | 55587402 |
Mettom Heroes B.V. | 76536041 |
Metyis B.V. | 57216258 |
Mews Systems B.V. | 66426995 |
Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V. | 35015165 |
MGC Specialty Chemicals Netherlands B.V. | 81482701 |
MGE-RB (Roermond) Management Co B.V. | 34130585 |
MH Hydraulics B.V. | 24232116 |
MH Poly Consultants & Engineers B.V. | 24429486 |
MHC Mobility B.V. | 02037615 |
MHI International Investment B.V. | 34268419 |
MI Company B.V. | 65761855 |
MI Group B.V. | 51942933 |
MIB Management Services B.V. | 30251748 |
Michael Kors (Europe) B.V. | 34301064 |
Micreos Food Safety B.V. | 51815613 |
Micro Focus Nederland B.V. | 66938813 |
Micro Precision Calibration B.V. | 68358318 |
MicroAlign B.V. | 80387128 |
Microbe&Lab B.V. | 70546932 |
Microflown AVISA B.V. | 51520109 |
Microflown Maritime B.V. | 56345054 |
Microflown Technologies B.V. | 28077207 |
Microimage Europe B.V. | 88630358 |
Micromeritics B.V. | 55795544 |
Micronit B.V. | 81259859 |
Micronit Holding B.V. | 08084537 |
MicroPort Scientific Coöperatief U.A. | 58654631 |
Microsoft B.V. | 34061536 |
Microsoft Datacenter Netherlands B.V. | 34143486 |
Micro-Star Netherlands Holding | 17108749 |
MicroSure B.V. | 65436849 |
Microtek Medical B.V. | 08124924 |
Middle Point B.V. | 51745399 |
Midea Electrics Netherlands B.V. | 34385360 |
midocean | 09071860 |
Midtronics B.V. | 30156863 |
Miele X B.V. | 76649288 |
Mieloo & Alexander B.V. | 27194182 |
Mien Nam B.V. | 78631564 |
MIH Fintech Holdings B.V. | 78070902 |
MIH PayU B.V. | 52117839 |
Mijksenaar B.V. | 33237870 |
Mijn InternetOplossing B.V. | 52643573 |
Mijndomein B.V. | 27181493 |
Mikasa Europe B.V. | 82375453 |
Milabs B.V. | 30207515 |
Milano Infra B.V. | 27378436 |
Milberg Amsterdam B.V. | 83137238 |
Milcare | 30113778 |
Milence Netherlands B.V. | 88184544 |
Milence Research & Development B.V. | 88168905 |
Milence Service Holding B.V. | 88168913 |
MILES international payrolling B.V. | 54153670 |
Mileway B.V. | 71555730 |
Milk Design B.V. | 34207265 |
MillMobile B.V. | 34383832 |
Miltenyi Biotec B.V. | 34129685 |
Mimaki Europe B.V. | 24357886 |
Mimecast Netherlands B.V. | 30214369 |
Mimetas B.V. | 53898737 |
Mind Lane Consulting B.V. | 81254261 |
Mind Your Step Recruitment B.V. | 88765903 |
MindAffect B.V. | 59347198 |
Mindbus B.V. | 27247757 |
Mindcurv B.V. | 64549917 |
Mindray Animal Medical Technology Netherlands B.V. | 85749044 |
Mindray Medical Netherlands B.V. | 34280223 |
MindShare B.V. | 34176517 |
Mindwize B.V. | 34166529 |
Minerva Meettechniek B.V. | 52794016 |
Minivalve International B.V. | 08084350 |
MinPlus B.V. | 08072750 |
Minton, Treharne & Davies Holland B.V. | 64163547 |
Mintres B.V. | 17219845 |
MIR Architecten | 34311985 |
MIRA Home B.V. | 77289366 |
Mirantis Poland Sp. z o.o. | 78018226 |
MIRhosting B.V. | 63945630 |
Mirzacles IT & Consultancy B.V. | 76015319 |
Mission Produce Europe B.V. | 56714424 |
MisterGreen Products B.V. | 34311690 |
Mistras Group B.V. | 27228724 |
Misuga Kaiun Holland B.V. | 24453028 |
Misys Netherlands Global B.V. | 33210232 |
Mitek Systems B.V. | 34242857 |
Mitel Netherlands B.V. | 34194082 |
Mitra Netherlands B.V. | 77507738 |
Mitrofresh B.V. | 51392437 |
Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Europe | 33304945 |
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. | 33279602 |
Mitsubishi Elevator Europe B.V. | 30022258 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries EMEA Ltd. | 34109577 |
Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe B.V. | 33274459 |
Mitsubishi Logistics Europe B.V. | 24251379 |
Mitsubishi Materials Europe B.V. | 33289752 |
Mitsubishi Motors Europe B.V. | 34081607 |
Mitsubishi Nederland B.V. | 24126464 |
Mitsubishi Turbocharger and Engine Europe B.V. | 39047752 |
Mitsui Bussan Gas & Power Solutions B.V. | 84300264 |
Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites Europe B.V. | 71819053 |
Mitsui Rail Capital Europe B.V. | 34214164 |
Mitutoyo Research Center Europe B.V. | 30182803 |
Miyagami B.V. | 83283927 |
Mizkan AMS B.V. | 81165005 |
Mizuho Bank Europe N.V. | 33138252 |
Mizuno Corporation Netherlands | 52445097 |
Mizuno Nederland B.V. | 83974601 |
MK Support Service B.V. | 33177546 |
MKB Ondernemers B.V. | 24379003 |
MKK Europe B.V. | 33264839 |
ML Compliance Services B.V. | 67136451 |
MLA+ Architecture B.V. | 66739780 |
MLA+ B.V. | 54416469 |
MLP Newco B.V. | 75591480 |
MM Flowers Europe B.V. | 58781803 |
MM Metal Recycling B.V. | 66349389 |
MMD-Monitors & Displays Nederland B.V. | 17237322 |
MM-Guide B.V. | 30126062 |
Mmid Full Service Design Team B.V. | 27249749 |
MMS Communications Netherlands B.V. | 34138132 |
Mn Services | 27191631 |
MNX Global Logistics B.V. | 55364241 |
Moba B.V. | 09042296 |
Mobeye | 17218489 |
MobielWerkt B.V. | 02093714 |
Mobile Development Center B.V. | 11029212 |
Mobile Operating B.V. | 17213276 |
Mobile Payments Solutions B.V. | 34155422 |
MobileTrack B.V. | 27298244 |
Mobiquity B.V. | 34270669 |
Mocean Forecast B.V. | 70698708 |
MOCEAN Offshore B.V. | 58143998 |
Moco Group B.V. | 80740154 |
MOCS B.V. | 56449763 |
MODEC Services Netherlands B.V. | 34236861 |
MODIFI B.V. | 73275905 |
Modulr Finance B.V. | 81852401 |
Modus Engineering B.v. | 69017034 |
ModusLink B.V. | 08055138 |
Mokveld Valves B.V. | 29010376 |
MOL Chemical Tankers Europe Limited Rotterdam Branch | 24332191 |
MOL Group International Services B.V. | 61591572 |
MOL Logistics (Netherlands) B.V. | 18022017 |
MOL Maritime (Europe) B.V. | 24158925 |
Molco Car Parts B.V. | 10028790 |
Moldex3D Europe B.V. | 65867912 |
Molex Interconnect GmbH | 17093991 |
Mollie B.V. | 30204462 |
Moltek Consultants Ltd. | 55665675 |
Momentive Performance Materials Silicones B.V. | 20089608 |
Momo Medical B.V. | 68346832 |
Mondcare Den Haag B.V. | 27350459 |
Mondelez Nederland Services B.V. | 34283945 |
Mondi Heerlen B.V. | 14039569 |
Mondi Maastricht N.V. | 14061186 |
Mondriaan | 14068232 |
Mondu Financial Services B.V. | 86653938 |
Mondzorg Dogterom B.V. | 24480928 |
Mondzorgcentrum Axel B.V. | 80075134 |
MoneyView Research B.V. | 33292632 |
MongoDB Netherlands B.V. | 66500842 |
Monocle Solutions B.V. | 80990290 |
Monolith International B.V. | 58730060 |
Monotch B.V. | 61837628 |
Monster Heads B.V. | 67157963 |
Mont Blanc Consulting B.V. | 33305817 |
Monta Services B.V. | 11045086 |
Montachem International B.V. | 65199537 |
Montis-Q Qonsulting B.V. | 71197621 |
Montroos Administratie & Advieskantoor B.V. | 93438273 |
Monument Group Netherlands B.V. | 86043749 |
Monument London B.V. | 34162704 |
Monumental Works B.V. | 83429891 |
MOOFpeople Payroll Solutions B.V. | 59004401 |
Moog B.V. | 28075621 |
Moongy B.V. | 59758104 |
Moonlight Bedding B.V. | 82176981 |
Moore DRV | 24492873 |
Moore MTH B.V. | 39095983 |
Moove Connected Mobility B.V. | 24439644 |
More Optimal B.V. | 68902107 |
More Recruitment B.V. | 57270155 |
Morgan Cargo (Netherlands) B.V. | 64099598 |
Morgan Clark & Co. B.V. | 50459767 |
Morimura Bros. (Europe) B.V. | 32044630 |
Morito (Europe) B.V. | 24153822 |
Morningstar Holland | 34139006 |
Moro Fashion B.V. | 78717167 |
Morpara B.V. | 68552432 |
Morphotonics B.V. | 60781246 |
Morrison Express Netherlands B.V. | 24346605 |
Mosa Meat | 66104742 |
Mosadex E-health B.V. | 56810504 |
Mosten Media B.V. | 71523839 |
Motek Medical B.V. | 34263969 |
Motel One Netherlands B.V. | 56252331 |
MotherDuck | 94098182 |
Motivaction International B.V. | 17090769 |
Motivz B.V. | 76867838 |
Motorola Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 17068204 |
MotoShare P2P B.V. | 63919524 |
Motus People B.V. | 85778656 |
Mount Consulting B.V. | 76468186 |
Movado Group Nederland B.V. | 34242495 |
Move Mobility B.V. | 56161719 |
Move to Impact B.V. | 81952716 |
Move4U Web Applications B.V. | 59834552 |
Movella Technologies B.V. | 50142224 |
MoveWell | 66881013 |
Movexx International B.V. | 11056889 |
Movianto Nederland B.V. | 55836151 |
Movic B.V. | 30243164 |
Movus Warehousing B.V. | 86281895 |
MP Liften B.V. | 37089951 |
MP Motorsport B.V. | 20123519 |
MPC Energy Solutions N.V. | 78205123 |
MPC Industries B.V. | 01068545 |
MPC Nederland B.V. | 57618720 |
MPC Shipping & Logistics B.V. | 34263497 |
MPG Digital Solutions B.V. | 54705347 |
Mphasis Europe B.V. | 34106059 |
Mploy Associates International B.V. | 81324405 |
MPloyee B.V. | 12065735 |
M-Ployee HR Solutions B.V. | 63027909 |
MPR Accountants & Consultants B.V. | 73956791 |
Mprise Agriware B.V. | 24396187 |
Mprise B.V. | 30227907 |
MPX Administratie & Advies B.V. | 61613207 |
MQD B.V. | 59162104 |
MR Marine Group B.V. | 27295746 |
MR MARVIS B.V. | 63301520 |
mr. B.J. Maes Praktijk B.V. | 74011669 |
MRC Global (Netherlands) B.V. | 39054351 |
MRC Holland B.V. | 34204804 |
MS Amlin Insurance SE | 64815323 |
MS Amlin Marine N.V. | 24448058 |
MS Europe B.V. | 27154955 |
MSC handelsonderneming B.V. | 51705958 |
MSC.Software Benelux B.V. | 29035430 |
MSD Biotech B.V. | 75977885 |
MSD FI | 64803864 |
MSD Human Health Holding B.V. | 17131899 |
msg global solutions Benelux B.V. | 17193768 |
msg life Benelux B.V. | 34262764 |
MSIG Insurance Europe AG Bijkantoor Nederland | 59382287 |
MSL Cabling Limited | 91730864 |
MSS DEFENCE | 60132477 |
MST Groep B.V. | 81265212 |
MSX International | 30210212 |
mt unirepair B.V. | 14636006 |
MTD Holding B.V. | 17187610 |
MTEX Holland B.V. | 24190259 |
mtrl | 67316905 |
MTU Maintenance Lease Services B.V. | 59043733 |
MUD Jeans International B.V. | 55383904 |
Muehlhan B.V. | 24218090 |
Muehlhan Wind Service B.V. | 85026816 |
MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. | 33132501 |
MUFG Securities (Europe) N.V. | 71213376 |
Mujin Netherlands B.V. | 91662451 |
Mulberry International B.V. | 33144784 |
Mulcol International B.V. | 65334094 |
Mulklé Metaal B.V. | 74472690 |
Mulligan International B.V. | 34148354 |
Multi Corporation B.V. | 34237857 |
Multi Pilot Simulations B.V. | 30225758 |
Multi Seeds B.V. | 57371822 |
Multi Service Private Label B.V. | 54189780 |
Multi Tank Card B.V. | 34069864 | Maritime & Offshore Project sourcing Netherlands | 17173402 |
MultiChoice Group Holdings B.V. | 72799498 |
MultiFlexx B.V. | 02059256 |
Multilayer B.V. | 77188985 |
Multimedia Education B.V. | 33291946 |
MultiSafepay B.V. | 34156361 |
Multitex Bedding B.V. | 62066749 |
Munksgaard Chiropraktie Zaandijk B.V. | 34208153 |
Munro B.V. | 34254316 |
Munters Netherlands B.V. | 50307177 |
MUR Shipping B.V. | 34189953 |
Murmellius B.V. | 66581257 |
Musasino Marine And Offshore B.V. | 65374290 |
Mush. Comb. B.V. | 12062286 |
Musoni Services B.V. | 57480141 |
Musqueteer | 28117630 |
Mustad Netherlands B.V. | 01111895 |
Mutares Benelux B.V. | 84405244 |
MVRDV B.V. | 52830357 |
MVSA B.V. | 33174003 |
MW Investment B.V. | 88362027 |
MWH Energy B.V. | 83193642 |
M-Wise B.V. | 28086064 |
MX3D B.V. | 61981923 |
MY.GAMES B.V. | 56701527 |
Mybit B.V. | 58287906 |
myBrand B.V. | 34199445 |
MyCumulus B.V. | 88287165 |
Mylan Healthcare B.V. | 61553069 |
MYLAPS B.V. | 34053090 |
MYLAPS Experience Lab B.V. | 58217053 |
Mylette B.V. | 28088679 |
Myne Circular Metals B.V. | 08104915 |
Mynta Law B.V. | 61369667 |
Myon Forwarding & Customs B.V. | 24319661 | B.V. | 58951326 |
MySolution B.V. | 30202683 |
Mystar Computer B.V. | 17103906 |
Mystiek Productions | 52263266 |
N G Foods B.V. | 82395322 |
N.V. ADO Den Haag | 27180758 |
N.V. Afvalzorg Holding | 34081570 |
N.V. Elektriciteits Produktiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland EPZ | 17059425 |
N.V. Eneco | 24246970 |
N.V. Juva | 27225354 |
N.V. Limburgs Instituut voor Ontwikkeling en Financiering ( Liof ) | 14604604 |
N.V. Nederlandsch Octrooibureau | 27263335 |
N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie | 02029700 |
N.V. Nutricia | 27090548 |
N.V. Organon | 16032089 |
N.V. PWN Waterleidingbedrijf Noord-Holland | 34072007 |
N.V. Subaru Benelux | 34045923 |
Naaykens' Luchttechnische Apparatenbouw B.V. | 18022242 |
N-able Acquisition Company B.V. | 57964572 |
Nabtesco Marine Europe B.V. | 24256085 |
Naess Ship Management B.V. | 34226151 |
Naïf Care B.V. | 57166692 |
Naktuinbouw | 41150707 |
Nalco Europe B.V. | 28057490 | B.V. | 66449898 |
Nankang Tire Netherlands B.V. | 27363824 |
NanoCell Therapeutics B.V. | 80176801 |
Nanomi B.V. | 34270847 |
NanoString Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 82814651 |
Narrative Labs B.V. | 70028176 |
NASA Holding B.V. | 61062618 |
Nash Exchange B.V. | 81156421 |
Nationaal Energie Traineeship B.V. | 76068749 |
National Instruments Netherlands B.V. | 30116813 |
Nationale Postcode Loterij N.V. | 41183598 |
Natural Life B.V. | 72991828 |
Nature Bio Foods B.V. | 70007284 |
Naturel West Corp EU B.V. | 34389173 |
NatWest Markets N.V. | 33002587 |
NautaDutilh N.V. | 24338323 |
Navaio B.V. | 69516219 |
Navan Netherlands B.V. | 71801375 |
Navan Netherlands Labs B.V. | 73188794 |
Navbea B.V. | 85677477 |
Navico Group EMEA B.V. | 33230020 |
Navico Logistics Europe B.V. | 24404345 |
Navigram Technologies B.V. | 30160981 |
NavInfo (Europe) B.V. | 17262361 |
Navis Netherlands B.V. | 82100055 |
Navitas Netherlands B.V. | 72176571 |
Navquim B.V. | 24366424 |
NAXCON B.V. | 90530306 |
NB Europe B.V. | 34181833 |
Ncardia Services B.V. | 77260163 |
NCOI Opleidingen B.V. | 32062944 |
NCR Dutch Holdings B.V. | 34150777 |
NCR Nederland B.V. | 33019902 |
ND Group B.V. | 61543691 |
Nearfield Instruments B.V. | 65040007 |
Nebest B.V. | 23046375 |
Nebig International B.V. | 37089153 |
Nebras Power Investment Management B.V. | 30125512 |
Nebras Power Netherlands B.V. | 67282687 |
NEC Nederland B.V. | 32114531 |
Nectaerra B.V. | 68046405 |
Nector Holdings B.V. | 80425232 |
Nedair Freight B.V. | 51834979 |
Nedap N.V. | 08013836 |
Nedcon B.V. | 09043438 |
Nederland Sales & Service B.V. | 51607417 |
Nederlands Centrum voor Informatie Management | 27136540 |
Nederlands Dans Theater | 41150184 |
Nederlands Forensisch Instituut | 50384511 |
Nederlands Instituut Publieke Veiligheid (NIPV / IFV) | 56802633 |
Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V. | 04008869 |
Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. | 27078545 |
Nederlandse Loterij Organisatie B.V. | 65691288 |
Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek TNO | 27376655 |
Nederlandse provincie van de Congregatie van de Missionarissen van het Heilige Hart | 63527669 |
Nederlandse Rugby Bond | 40516782 |
Nederlandse Stichting voor Leprabestrijding | 41199723 |
Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit | 50688049 |
Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V. | 27049562 |
Nedflex B.V. | 17186480 |
NedLes B.V. | 71291040 |
Nedsa | 27193802 |
Nedscaper B.V. | 75951282 |
Nedspice EMEA B.V. | 24107228 |
Nedstar B.V. | 70866414 |
NedTrain | 30134311 |
Nedzon Engineering B.V. | 24253107 |
Neele-Vat Services B.V. | 24348291 |
Neele-Vat Transport B.V. | 24262281 |
Neelikon Specialities Europe B.V. | 81268769 |
Neenah Coldenhove | 08003231 |
Neewee Netherlands B.V. | 70932271 |
NEG at Work B.V. | 65209133 |
Nekst IT B.V. | 58226729 |
Nelipak B.V. | 12021271 |
Nelissen & Van Alten Juristen B.V. | 87725819 |
Nelson Schoenen B.V. | 34022079 |
NEM Energy B.V. | 86238922 |
Nemo Healthcare B.V. | 17273687 |
Nemoto (Europe) B.V. | 90859499 |
Nemtek Europe B.V. | 86012908 |
Neo Joule B.V. | 75280663 |
Neo, Netherlands Geomatics & Earth Observation B.V. | 39061153 |
NeoBards Entertainment (Netherlands) B.V. | 91471583 |
Neocles B.V. | 61625949 |
Neogene Therapeutics B.V. | 72498331 |
Neogrid Netherlands B.V. | 34106678 |
Neople Labs B.V. | 88917274 |
NEP Media Solutions B.V. | 32113537 |
Neplus Financial Service | 66378311 |
Nepocon B.V. | 08124935 |
Neqsol Holding B.V. | 86005154 |
Nerds & Company B.V. | 53044630 |
NES Global B.V. | 50223844 |
NEST Scientific Europe B.V. | 86861182 |
Neste Components B.V. | 24280381 |
Neste Netherlands B.V. | 24432861 |
Nestlé Nederland B.V. | 33129581 |
Nestr B.V. | 67304818 |
Net Display Systems B.V. | 17085984 |
net2grid B.V. | 54122317 |
Net4s B.V. | 56094604 |
Netafim Netherlands B.V. | 24196434 |
NetApp B.V. | 34103846 |
NetApp Holding & Manufacturing B.V. | 34235214 |
NetAxis Nederland B.V. | 64963896 |
Netcapital B.V. | 63657287 |
Netcompany Netherlands B.V. | 27239458 |
Netconomy Netherlands B.V. | 88550257 |
NetEconomy | 27159450 |
Netfin B.V. | 72284803 |
Netflix International B.V. | 62266519 |
Netherlandix C.V. | 85609757 |
Netherlands center for the Clinical advancement of Stem cell & Gene Therapies B.V. | 76859134 |
Netherlands Food Partnership | 30204842 |
Netherlands Hexaware Technologies | 34233511 |
Netherlands Yeahcome Health Care B.V. | 27286010 |
Netlink B.V. | 30114672 |
NetMatch B.V. | 02062109 |
NetQloud B.V. | 67740073 |
Netra Agro B.V. | 20065860 |
Nettleton House B.V. | 77808584 |
Network Republic Europe B.V. | 34347670 |
Network4Cars Trading B.V. | 28094651 |
Neuberger Berman Asset Management Ireland Limited (Dutch branch) | 74108166 |
Neuf Amsterdam B.V. | 34342390 |
Neufit International B.V. | 56259530 |
Neurocast B.V. | 68265425 |
Neutelings Riedijk Architecten B.V. | 24182314 |
Nevenactiviteiten B.V. | 30217113 |
Nevesbu B.V. | 30079428 |
New Balance Europe B.V. | 74260863 |
New Balance Netherlands B.V. | 66528925 |
New Black B.V. | 64148793 |
New Day at Work B.V. | 55440215 |
New Digitals B.V. | 71974768 |
New Electric B.V. | 57661413 |
New Growth Plus B.V. | 51379473 |
New Skies Satellites B.V. | 30146277 |
NewAmsterdam Pharma Company N.V. | 86649051 |
NewArmstrong B.V. | 66153026 |
Neway Valve (Europe) B.V. | 54109922 |
Neways Advanced Applications B.V. | 32068209 |
Neways B.V. | 17056612 |
Neways Expanding Technologies B.V. | 17056659 |
Neways Leeuwarden B.V. | 01062900 |
Neways Technologies B.V. | 17105693 |
NewCold Coöperatief U.A. | 55703623 |
NewCold Development B.V. | 85003557 |
NEWCRAFT GROUP B.V. | 34266452 |
NewForesight Consultancy B.V. | 32160245 |
NewGlobe Education Services B.V. | 88284735 |
Newion Partners B.V. | 52346501 |
Newland Europe B.V. | 17109876 |
Newmonday B.V. | 24402811 |
Newport Europe B.V. | 24107803 |
Newrest Inflight Netherlands B.V. | 34201378 |
NEWSCON Inc. | 90312600 |
NewStore B.V. | 58653384 |
Newtone Adviseurs & Accountants B.V. | 83796819 |
Newtone Audit | 27366909 |
Newtone Audit N.V. | 17187876 |
Newtone Belastingadviseurs B.V. | 83796797 |
Newzoo B.V. | 64850269 |
Nexfil Europe B.V. | 60647574 |
Nexio Projects NL B.V. | 73779474 |
Nexperia B.V. | 66264111 |
NEXT architects B.V. | 57425434 |
Next Drive B.V. | 57151644 |
Next Generation Sensors B.V. | 70007497 |
Next Geosolutions B.V. | 50128701 |
Next Ocean B.V. | 66450667 |
NextGreen B.V. | 68860706 |
Nextlogic B.V. | 71840656 | B.V. | 39096412 |
Nextpayroll B.V. | 52176878 |
Nextportchina B.V. | 60022132 |
Nextview | 14118757 |
Nexus Nova B.V. | 75291045 |
Ney & Partners Nederland B.V. | 75690276 |
NGD HOLDINGS B.V. | 65943112 |
NGT International B.V. | 56366825 |
NH the Netherlands B.V. | 32037280 |
NHL Stenden Hogeschool | 41002686 |
NHL Stenden Hospitality Group B.V. | 01102285 |
NIBC Bank N.V. | 27032036 |
NICE Netherlands B.V. | 34140161 |
NiceDay Healthcare Nederland B.V. | 77868056 |
Nicemakers B.V. | 71935215 |
Nichicon Europe B.V. | 24339112 |
Nichirei Holding Holland B.V. | 24174746 |
NICo-Lab B.V. | 64531775 |
Nicotech International B.V. | 18056080 |
NIDEC EUROPE B.V. | 08172600 |
Nidec Europe Sales B.V. | 77872088 |
Niden contracting Sp z o.o. | 56258542 |
Nielen Schuman B.V. | 34178341 |
Nielsen Media Research B.V. | 33190041 |
Nielsen Precima B.V. | 60144165 |
Nieman Raadgevende Ingenieurs B.V. | 30086383 |
Nieto Holding B.V. | 75728389 |
Nieto Trading B.V. | 50349244 |
Nieuwbouw Online B.V. | 66257247 |
NIF Investment Manager B.V. | 90637224 |
Nihon Food B.V. | 52525732 |
Niigata Power Systems (Europe) B.V. | 24126986 |
NIIT Limited UK - Netherlands Branch | 62249355 |
Nijhoff Architecten B.V. | 56707347 |
Nijhuis Water Technology B.V. | 09091123 |
Nijwald B.V. | 08162755 |
Nike Retail | 32060874 |
Nikon Europe B.V. | 34139593 |
Nilogy B.V. | 87072408 | B.V. | 78234786 |
NIO Netherlands B.V. | 84538066 |
NIO Nextev Europe Holding B.V. | 81099517 |
NIPED Prevention B.V. | 57918597 |
NIPO Software B.V. | 34240502 |
Nippon Carbide Industries (Netherlands) B.V. | 14047976 |
Nippon Cargo Airlines | 34064570 |
Nippon Express (Nederland) B.V. | 34047815 |
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Netherlands) B.V. | 24402149 |
Nippon Koei Energy Europe B.V. | 73485934 |
Nippon Television Network Europe B.V. | 33235625 |
Nippon Thompson Europe B.V. | 24127132 |
Nipro Medical Europe N.V. | 34104849 |
NIRAS Nederland B.V. | 17133723 |
Niref B.V. | 24334301 |
Nirint Shipping B.V. | 24103210 |
Nissan Motor Parts Center B.V. | 33294300 |
Nisshin Seifun Group Europe Office | 34312368 |
Nissin Dental Products Europe B.V. | 72758325 |
Nissui Europe B.V. | 33207608 |
Nitta Corporation of Holland B.V. | 37056174 |
Nium Europe B.V. | 88844889 |
Nixu | 30233279 |
Nixxes Software B.V. | 30158292 |
NIZO food research B.V. | 09139048 |
Nkkk Europe | 34069070 |
NKT HVC B.V. | 67212743 |
NL Architects B.V. | 34146497 |
NL Urban Solutions B.V. | 59484675 |
NLC Ventures Netherlands | 57340943 |
nLighten HQ B.V. | 84107588 |
NLIST Engineering B.V. | 85451290 |
NLMK International B.V. | 34261788 |
NM Beauty Industries B.V. | 63969769 |
Nmbrs B.V. | 34150521 |
NMC Special Products B.V. | 23083612 |
NMi Certin B.V. | 27233418 |
NMQ Holding B.V. | 61704814 |
NMT Holding B.V. | 36048711 |
NMT International Shipping B.V. | 34220951 |
NMZ Trading B.V. | 74675400 |
NN Insurance Eurasia N.V. | 52403424 |
NN Personeel B.V. | 27193814 |
NNcourage B.V. | 55224741 |
NNR Global Logistics Netherlands B.V. | 50395173 |
No Brothers Nederland B.V. | 09184607 |
Nobel Biocare Distribution Center B.V. | 30220841 |
Nobel Recruitment B.V. | 75447940 |
Nobian Chemicals B.V. | 31038214 |
Nobian Industrial Chemicals B.V. | 32074604 |
NOBL Q EUROPE B.V. | 63343673 |
Noble Environmental Benelux B.V. | 62123807 |
Noble Netherlands B.V. | 24379934 |
Nobleo Bouw & Infra B.V. | 53089847 |
Nobleo Control B.V. | 59120053 |
Nobleo Electronics B.V. | 93473508 |
Nobleo Embedded B.V. | 59120193 |
Nobleo Manufacturing B.V. | 55804284 |
Nobleo Technology B.V. | 51466937 |
Noblesse Proteïns B.V. | 01133204 |
Nobru B.V. | 08205315 |
NOC*NSF | 09059703 |
NofaGroup Holding B.V. | 24432166 |
Nokia Solutions and Networks B.V. | 34259706 |
Noldus Information Technology B.V. | 09094422 |
Nomads Agency B.V. | 66451264 |
Nomenta Industries International B.V. | 68943865 |
Nomi Co-Packing | 20067971 |
Nomilk2day Engineering B.V. | 72743468 |
Nomios Netherlands B.V. | 28098276 |
NOMOBO Talent B.V. | 66657261 |
Nomura Europe Finance N.V. | 33221661 |
Nomura Financial Products Europe GmbH | 73668281 |
Nonius Hospitality Technology (Europe) B.V. | 32147458 |
Noordboer International Ondernemen B.V. | 52790304 |
Noordster Medical Services B.V. | 83545824 |
Noordzee International B.V. | 39074598 |
Noorman Hendriks Partners B.V. | 02042874 |
NoPalm Ingredients B.V. | 90711815 |
Nordcloud B.V. | 65075455 |
Norden Shipping and Engineering B.V. | 89498216 |
Nordex Netherlands B.V. | 81210671 |
Nordic Group B.V. | 34084966 |
Nordic Hydropower Aktiebolag | 62907239 |
Nordiqes B.V. | 84274131 |
Nordson B.V. | 14059594 |
nordvpn S.A. | 80418260 |
Norgine B.V. | 30127007 |
Norgine Healthcare B.V. | 80654193 |
Noria B.V. | 78123321 |
Norinchukin Bank Europe N.V. | 72676094 |
Norit Nederland B.V. | 31020246 |
NORNORM B.V. | 78348110 |
Norsk Hydro Holland B.V. | 21015516 |
Nortek Oceanografische Instrumenten en Diensten B.V. | 27250791 |
North Sea Tankers B.V. | 24437985 |
Northern Linen B.V. | 09102545 |
Northern Trust Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited Netherlands Branch | 74608991 |
NorthernLight Design B.V. | 34311220 |
NorthgateArinso Nederland B.V. | 24270610 |
Northland Power International Holdings B.V. | 65485149 |
Northpool B.V. | 56443838 |
Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B.V. | 24233711 |
Northstone Executive Consulting B.V. | 73946605 |
Northumbria University Amsterdam B.V. | 70764441 |
Northwave Nederland B.V. | 30212330 |
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP | 34371628 |
NOSAWA AMSTERDAM B.V. | 63583437 |
NOSTICS B.V. | 77824180 |
Notaris Leskens B.V. | 70325960 |
NotuBiz Nederland B.V. | 30095231 |
Nouryon Coöperatief U.A. | 71189424 |
Nouryon Functional Chemicals B.V. | 32073867 |
Nouryon Specialty Chemicals B.V. | 81195664 |
Nouvall Engineering Services B.V. | 20138057 |
Nouvall Engineering Services Nederland B.V. | 67173551 |
Novada Holding B.V. | 60155302 |
Novades B.V. | 65607996 |
Novagraaf Nederland B.V. | 33005457 |
Novamedia B.V. | 33293056 |
Novamedik Bioresearch B.V. | 72379642 |
Novar Nederland B.V. | 62896245 |
Novartis | 09016995 |
Novastar Technology Europe B.V. | 68823649 |
Nova-X Europe B.V. | 77281659 |
Novidon B.V. | 09140767 |
NovioQ B.V. | 69616957 |
NovioTax B.V. | 65951654 |
Novo Nordisk B.V. | 28056421 |
NovoLearning B.V. | 58729569 |
Novoprof B.V. | 24280301 |
NovoServe B.V. | 59844299 |
Novutech B.V. | 88970647 |
NoXa B.V. | 34268366 |
NOZA Technologies B.V. | 68762038 |
NPICHEM B.V. | 68360339 |
NPK Europe (Holland) B.V. | 24405416 |
NPP Power Europe B.V. | 70033803 |
NPS Diesel B.V. | 09175819 |
NPSP B.V. | 60147997 |
NRG Imports B.V. | 63282801 |
NS Groep N.V. | 30124358 |
NS Reizigers B.V. | 30124362 |
NS Transport B.V. | 78329469 |
NS8 B.V. | 71527222 |
N-Sea Services B.V. | 52686191 |
NSI N.V. | 36040044 |
NTC Wismettac Europe B.V. | 57838291 |
NT-MDT B.V. | 71826394 |
NTS CombiMetaal B.V. | 17066770 |
NTS D&E B.V. | 61833215 |
NTS Group B.V. | 17082576 |
NTS Mechatronics B.V. | 17084450 |
NTS Proto Systems B.V. | 14113582 |
NTT DATA Business Solutions B.V. | 17077715 |
NTT DATA Services International Holdings B.V. | 65942353 |
NTT DATA Spain, S.L. | 67767311 |
NTT Netherlands B.V. | 08051702 |
NTZ Nederland B.V. | 24232909 |
NUB3S B.V. | 82796335 |
Nuclear Research and consultancy Group | 37082135 |
Nucletron Operations B.V. | 30129540 |
Nudus B.V. | 89240871 |
Nuevoscope Technologies B.V. | 87690705 |
Nulab Netherlands B.V. | 69903425 |
Numafa Cleaning and Automation B.V. | 53842405 |
Numidia B.V. | 54253977 |
Nunhems Netherlands B.V. | 13014340 |
Nunner Logistics B.V. | 17064969 |
Nutanix Netherlands B.V. | 58480404 |
Nutreco Africa B.V. | 61481173 |
Nutreco International B.V. | 16074327 |
Nutreco Nederland B.V. | 16058721 |
Nutri-Akt | 11022528 |
Nutricia Cuijk B.V. | 16013641 |
Nutricia Export B.V. | 05054856 |
Nutricia International B.V. | 27112523 |
Nutricia Medical Devices B.V. | 27093366 |
NutriControl B.V. | 17120532 |
Nuts Groep | 54036682 |
NuVasive Netherlands B.V. | 58395725 |
Nuvei (Netherlands) B.V. | 68866771 |
Nuwa Pen B.V. | 86809466 |
nVent Holding NL B.V. | 06079419 |
nVent Thermal Netherlands B.V. | 33121367 |
NVF Production B.V. | 39085028 |
NVIDIA Dutch B.V. | 57653232 |
NWC B.V. | 66624630 |
NWO Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek | 27367015 |
NXFiltration | 64959910 |
NXP B.V. | 17070622 |
NXP Semiconductors N.V. | 34253298 |
NXP Semiconductors Netherlands B.V. | 17070621 |
NXT Capital B.V. | 75312026 |
NXT LVL Accountants B.V. | 69192154 |
Nyenrode New Business School B.V. | 27281985 |
Nyk Holding (Europe) B.V. | 33224444 |
Nyrstar Budel B.V. | 17256263 |
Nyrstar Netherlands (Holdings) B.V. | 17087444 |
O III Architecten B.V. | 14041630 |
O My Bag B.V. | 69094527 |
o9 Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 74239015 |
Oaky B.V. | 59032936 |
Oasen N.V. | 29010639 |
Oatly Netherlands B.V. | 73642746 |
Oatly Netherlands Operations & Supply B.V. | 73642754 |
OBA Uitzendbureau B.V. | 24335225 |
Oberst B.V. | 14126660 |
Obertop Consultancy B.V. | 68079672 |
OBI4wan B.V. | 53021029 |
Objective Partners B.V. | 61551147 |
Oblivion Cloud Control B.V. | 61878294 |
Obvious People B.V. | 58164359 |
OC&C Strategy Consultants B.V. | 84069236 |
OCE Nederland B.V. | 68288026 |
Ocean Network Express (Netherlands) B.V. | 68921810 |
Oceaneering Mobile Robotics B.V. | 30226459 |
Oceans of Energy B.V. | 65993586 |
Oceanwide Expeditions Holding B.V. | 50590316 |
Oceanwide Personnel Services B.V. | 68552866 |
OCI Methanol Marketing B.V. | 76146367 |
OCI N.V. | 56821166 |
OCI Nitrogen B.V. | 34388021 |
OCI Personnel B.V. | 57740151 |
Ockto B.V. | 66060923 |
OCLC B.V. | 28115418 |
OCP Fund Management B.V. | 72859121 |
OCP Residential B.V. | 69408645 |
OCRE Offshore Services B.V. | 57982163 |
OCS Consulting B.V. | 17101996 |
Octagon Professionals International B.V. | 27360428 |
Octatube Engineering B.V. | 27222430 |
Odd.Bot | 72959916 |
Odd-e Netherlands B.V. | 68559755 |
Odido Netherlands B.V. | 33265679 |
Odin Warehousing & Logistics B.V. | 34210313 |
Odin-RVB Chemicals B.V. | 27175568 |
Odura advies en projecten B.V. | 69122970 |
Odyssey | 66693640 |
Odyssey Almere I B.V. | 72754060 |
Odyssey Europe B.V. | 76793516 |
Oehoe B.V. | 78402964 |
OFD Holding B.V. | 24264988 |
Off the Fence B.V. | 33258526 |
OfferZen B.V. | 75679027 |
Office App B.V. | 61947199 |
Office for Metropolitan Architecture (O.M.A.) Stedebouw B.V. | 24167946 |
office_winhov B.V. | 57383030 |
Offshore Independents Personnel B.V. | 52516210 |
Oficina | 77396901 |
Ogilvy | Social.Lab | 33020671 |
OGL Quality Services B.V. | 68064853 |
OGS Europe B.V. | 59024887 |
OGS Netherlands B.V. | 33302833 |
OHPEN Services B.V. | 54158311 |
OHPEN Technology B.V. | 54158133 |
O-I Netherlands B.V. | 24202107 |
OIKOCREDIT, Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society U.A. | 31020744 |
Oilfield International Equipment and Supplies, Pte. Ltd. Dutch Branch | 64443000 |
Oilinvest (Netherlands) B.V. | 24256665 |
OIM Noordwijkerhout B.V. | 28106299 |
Okada Europe B.V. | 75559625 |
Okamura Corporation | 24363955 |
OKAYA EUROPE GmbH The Netherlands branch | 59094702 |
OKRA landschapsarchitecten B.V. | 30146760 |
Okra Technologies B.V. | 76038793 |
Okta Identity Netherlands B.V. | 77029720 |
Okta UK Limited | 73960772 |
OLAF HUSSEIN Wholesale B.V. | 71039686 |
Olam Brands B.V. | 24375829 |
OLAM Cocoa | 35002995 |
Olam Europe B.V. | 24278173 |
Olam Global Agri Brands B.V. | 83796401 |
Olam Global Agri Netherlands B.V. | 83123598 |
Olam Services | 35008749 |
Olba | 04037346 |
Oldenburg Bonsèl Nederland B.V. | 64915549 |
Oleading | 71504249 |
Olenex Edible Oils B.V. | 09136774 |
Olenex Holdings B.V. | 64445070 |
Olico B.V. | 80544940 |
Olink Proteomics B.V. | 66837839 |
Olive Traiteur | 88318214 |
Oliver B.V. | 17257650 |
Oliver James Professionals B.V. | 69912513 |
Oliver Marketing B.V. | 58771816 |
Oliver Wyman B.V. | 33273224 |
Oliver-Tolas Healthcare Packaging B.V. | 12045703 |
Olmix B.V. | 76951863 |
OLX B.V. | 34243234 |
OLX Global B.V. | 34301226 |
Olympia Nederland B.V. | 27332657 |
Olympia Tools International | 72344431 |
Olympic Hotel Amsterdam B.V. | 68681453 |
Olyx B.V. | 60161175 |
OM Partners Nederland B.V. | 62144286 |
Omega Architecten | 11050157 |
Omega Pharma Nederland B.V. | 24042701 |
OMERS Infrastructure European Holdings B.V. | 57391092 |
Omgevingsdienst Haaglanden | 56093926 |
Omgevingsdienst Zuidoost-Brabant | 57159815 |
Ommatidia Nederland B.V. | 86511092 |
Omni Bridgeway B.V. | 27148949 |
Omnimap B.V. | 01130545 |
Omniplan Development B.V. | 59490012 |
Omnitek B.V. | 50007858 |
Omoda Servicekantoor B.V. | 20141524 |
Omori Europe B.V. | 63699508 |
OMRON Electronic Components Europe B.V. | 34161316 |
Omron Europe B.V. | 34068729 |
Omron Healthcare Europe B.V. | 34210306 |
OMVE Netherlands B.V. | 30116818 |
Omvlee Neve B.V. | 68998074 |
Omya Netherlands B.V. | 20084275 |
ON2IT B.V. | 11062209 |
ONC.Europe B.V. | 68719604 |
Onderlinge Verzekerings-Maatschappij ""Noord Nederlandsche P&I Club"" U.A. | 02011217 |
Onderlinge Waarborgmaatschappij DSW Zorgverzekeraar U.A. | 24168208 |
Onderwijs Innovatie Groep B.V. | 27149998 |
Onderwijsstichting Esprit / Amsterdam Internationaal Community School (AICS) | 41213992 |
One Acre Stichting | 60856998 |
One Chiropractic Studio B.V. | 74268457 |
One Diversified Netherlands B.V. | 71745483 |
One People Services B.V. | 51112094 |
One Trading Exchange B.V. | 88528766 |
One2few B.V. | 32129953 |
One-Consultants B.V. | 08177855 |
Onedayone Fruit Europe B.V. | 69017786 |
ONE-Dyas B.V. | 33211110 |
OneEightyOne B.V. | 54813352 |
OneFit Unlimited B.V. | 64538044 |
Onego Shipping & Chartering B.V. | 24370008 |
O'Neill Europe B.V. | 28036121 |
Onelinq B.V. | 63548046 |
Onera B.V. | 68563388 |
Onesecondbefore | 71183949 |
Onetrail B.V. | 23045776 |
oneUp B.V. | 58249672 |
OneWelcome B.V. | 52035476 |
ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. | 24259746 |
Onguard B.V. | 51086751 |
Onior Group B.V. | 57725292 |
Online Payment Platform | 50124498 |
Online Recruit Group B.V. | 32145061 |
Onlogic B.V. | 51190486 |
Onnes Technologies B.V. | 73146064 |
Ono Connect B.V. | 73889725 |
Onramper Technologies B.V. | 76602877 |
OntoPharma | 65973216 |
Ontwerpwerk B.V. | 27139775 |
Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Het Idee B.V. | 34280684 |
Onur Airbrokers B.V. | 34124660 |
ONWARD Medical N.V. | 64598748 |
Onward Technologies B.V. | 82990824 |
ONYX Healthcare Europe B.V. | 55306373 |
OOCL Logistics (Europe) Ltd | 24260347 |
Oogwereld B.V. | 17192171 |
Oolders, Heijning & Voogelaar B.V. | 33248757 |
Oomen Architecten B.V. | 20046556 |
Oostendorp Apparatenbouw B.V. | 11013389 |
Oostmann Groep B.V. | 64301303 |
Ooze V.O.F. | 24458171 |
Open Social N.V. | 60888970 |
Open Source Investor Services B.V. | 52279723 |
Open Text Coöperatief U.A. | 34314352 |
Open Universiteit Nederland | 14128608 |
Open Vantage B.V. | 77774558 |
Open Web IT B.V. | 64636046 |
OpenDeur B.V. | 78400759 |
OpenUp Technologies B.V. | 76848337 |
Operator Groep Delft B.V. | 27227223 |
OpGroen Verzekeringen B.V. | 91898080 |
OPHTECS Europe B.V. | 09046451 |
OPNT B.V. | 68202857 |
Opple Lighting B.V. | 59334010 |
OppoSuits B.V. | 63661314 |
Opsens B.V. | 85522562 |
OPT/NET B.V. | 70932301 |
Optelec Nederland B.V. | 24319004 |
OPTEX SECURITY B.V. | 80418317 |
OPTEX Technologies | 27141718 |
Opticon Sensors Europe B.V. | 34064005 |
Optics11 B.V. | 52469417 |
Optics11 Life B.V. | 90256832 |
Optimax Access Ltd | 78345766 |
Optimizely B.V. | 34301195 |
Optimum Prime B.V. | 67134777 |
Optiver Holding B.V. | 33186961 |
Optiver Services B.V. | 61090891 |
Optiwa B.V. | 12020218 |
Opure B.V. | 02085153 |
OQ Trading (Europe) B.V. | 56971680 |
ORA Traders B.V. | 37079580 |
Oracle Financial Services Software B.V. | 34134447 |
Oracle Global Services Netherlands B.V. | 74669974 |
Oracle Nederland | 30096087 |
Oral Care Center B.V. | 18131245 |
Oramon B.V. | 56624042 |
Orange Architects B.V. | 58103368 |
Orange Business Netherlands B.V. | 33282975 |
Orange Cyberdefense Netherlands B.V. | 24432272 |
Orange Investment Managers Netherlands B.V. | 66684188 |
Orange Quantum Systems Operational B.V. | 78254299 |
Orange Quarter B.V. | 71213791 |
ORANGE Technologies B.V. | 73278025 |
OrangeNXT B.V. | 65884183 |
OrangeTrail B.V. | 52789616 |
Orangina Schweppes Holding B.V. | 34238452 |
Oranje Transport B.V. | 76536904 |
Oranjedak B.V. | 17113671 |
Orbisk B.V. | 74306219 |
Orbital Eye B.V | 55618898 |
Orbys B.V. | 08106153 |
Orchest Software B.V. | 77757610 |
Orderchamp B.V. | 72677872 |
Ordina Subscription Management & Utilities B.V. | 34159722 |
Ore Energy B.V. | 87899728 |
Oreon Holding B.V. | 32142809 |
Orffa Additives B.V. | 18129478 |
Orga B.V. | 24230253 |
Organic Assistance | 09071239 |
Organik Kimya Netherlands B.V. | 34194723 |
Organon Pharma B.V. | 75977958 |
ORGX B.V. | 83062378 |
Orient Express Container (Netherlands) B.V. | 24433902 |
Orient Overseas Container Line Limited | 50485601 |
Orientaals Restaurant Tzong Don | 16003464 |
Oriental City Amsterdam B.V. | 74125958 |
Origin Fruit Direct B.V. | 24067257 |
Origio Benelux B.V. | 34246551 |
Orion Engineering B.V. | 17069713 |
Orion Project Services B.V. | 58923624 |
OrionGrip B.V. | 82488169 |
OrionPartners B.V. | 72698306 |
ORIX Corporation Europe N.V. | 24272679 |
Orlaco Products B.V. | 09087596 |
Ormco B.V. | 31041706 |
ORMIT B.V. | 30095919 |
Oro Agri International B.V. | 52113892 |
Orodent Stiens B.V. | 64321223 |
Orona The Netherlands B.V. | 28078799 |
Orquesta B.V. | 88882179 |
Orsted Wind Power Netherlands B.V. | 63586088 |
ORTEC B.V. | 24421147 |
ORTEC Finance B.V. | 24421148 |
ORTEC Optimization Technology B.V. | 24421134 |
ORTEC Technology B.V. | 84441879 |
Ortery Technologies B.V. | 86863193 |
Ortho Stadskanaal B.V. | 52154009 |
Orthocenter B.V. | 37137628 |
Orthocenter N.V. | 36014140 |
Orthodocs B.V. | 67087248 |
Orthodontiepraktijk Nieuwegein | 65193261 |
Oryx Stainless B.V. | 27296425 |
Osaka University | 02100035 |
Osbit B.V. | 88340767 |
Osome NL B.V. | 87536641 |
Osprey Energy Marine B.V. | 84352825 |
Össur Europe B.V. | 16086245 |
Ostate B.V. | 77619048 |
Ostrica B.V. | 33297966 |
OTC FLOW B.V. | 72525037 |
OTC Organics B.V. | 39084611 |
OTFLOW B.V. | 67048188 |
Otis B.V. | 33076048 |
Otrium B.V. | 63996901 |
OTT HydroMet B.V. | 27239004 |
Ottevanger Milling Engineers B.V. | 56662513 |
OTTO Facilitair B.V. | 12053825 |
OTTO Work Force IV B.V. | 58273980 |
ottobike Europe B.V. | 81561091 |
Outtask B.V. | 65506286 |
Outtrader B.V. | 89477650 |
Ovation | 62985051 |
Overdie Metals B.V. | 37110466 | Holding B.V. | 34331885 |
Overvast B.V. | 33189602 |
Ovid Technologies B.V. | 33193212 |
OviDrive B.V. | 82404305 |
Ovotrack B.V. | 30189996 |
Owlin B.V. | 55427669 |
Ownership Capital B.V. | 56076932 |
OWOW Projects B.V. | 62932969 |
OWT Oil-Water Treatment Services B.V. | 18043084 |
Oxbow Energy Solutions B.V. | 24058209 |
Oxfam Novib | 27108436 |
Oxford Global Resources (Nederland) B.V. | 34113579 |
Oxford Global Resources Solutions B.V. | 50237640 |
OXODIAS B.V. | 58504729 |
Oxycom Fresh Air B.V. | 08127255 |
OYAK Capital Investments B.V. | 74990209 |
OYC EU B.V. | 30232700 |
OYO Hotels Netherlands B.V. | 73090255 |
OYO Vacation Homes Holding B.V. | 09103820 |
Öz & Er Food B.V. | 63458357 |
OZ Export B.V. | 34063429 |
OZ Import B.V. | 34063431 |
Özbaktat Supermarkt B.V. | 70402019 |
P & O Ferrymasters | 24310558 |
P&M Netherlands B.V. | 77775864 |
P. van der Wegen Gears B.V. | 18018835 |
P.M.E.J. Hendrix B.V. | 12058109 |
P.M.T. CARGO SMARTPOINT B.V. | 34286365 |
P.S.O. Beheer B.V. | 24271991 |
P1 Corporate Hospitality | 70645884 |
P2 Proces- en Projectmanagers B.V. | 17154120 |
PA Imaging R&D B.V. | 51469944 |
PA Team Software Consulting Ltd. | 75107600 |
Paazl B.V. | 59227257 |
Pacific Focus Europe B.V. | 69205833 |
Pacific Market International | 51896729 |
Packaly B.V. | 72919353 |
Pacmed B.V. | 64013553 |
Pact Engineering Environmental Solution B.V. | 75410141 |
Padifood Service B.V. | 16057564 |
Paebbl B.V. | 88967468 |
Page Interim B.V. | 34178233 |
Pala Betonstaal B.V. | 64356329 |
Paladin Studios B.V. | 53093984 |
Palantir Technologies NL | 50267108 |
Pall Medistad B.V. | 36010003 |
Palladium Europe B.V. | 30114696 |
Palladyne International Asset Management B.V. | 32116875 |
Pallas health research and consultancy B.V. | 24294937 |
Pally Biscuits B.V. | 30188895 |
Palmax Benelux B.V. | 64687309 |
PalmSens B.V. | 55590705 |
Palo Alto Networks (Netherlands) B.V. | 54620074 |
PAL-V Operations B.V. | 66876699 |
Panacea B.V. | 82932786 |
Panasia Europe B.V. | 65688228 |
Panasonic Europe B.V. | 71327452 |
Panasonic Global Treasury Center B.V. | 34247389 |
Panasonic Holding (Netherlands) B.V. | 33188358 |
Panda Flex B.V. | 76710726 |
Panda International B.V. | 55940056 |
Pandora Intelligence B.V. | 62668447 |
Pan-Invest B.V. | 27216361 |
Panorama Laboratories B.V. | 74605852 |
Panteia B.V. | 27199369 |
PanTerra GeoConsultants B.V. | 28047512 |
PanTerra Geoscience B.V. | 28110831 |
PanTerra Laboratory Services B.V. | 28110843 |
Papilio Services Netheriands B.V | 30209156 |
Paqell B.V. | 53009258 |
Paques Global B.V. | 70679282 |
Paques Technology B.V. | 01035327 |
Paradigm Group B.V. | 30077474 |
Paradigm Technology Services B.V. | 14635067 |
Paragon Offshore (Nederland) B.V. | 24159026 |
Paragon Pet Products Europe B.V. | 02081154 |
Parakar Consulting B.V. | 18064819 |
Parakar Group B.V. | 62082183 |
Parakar Netherlands B.V. | 62083686 |
Paralimni B.V. | 34149460 |
Paramelt B.V. | 37072051 |
Parametric Technology Nederland B.V. | 16070133 |
Paramount Pictures International Limited (Amsterdam Office) | 65003098 |
ParaPy B.V. | 65859812 |
Paratus People Netherlands B.V. | 68571240 |
ParcelParcel Netherlands B.V. | 58555935 |
Parfumado B.V. | 68443048 |
Park Hotel B.V. | 34236213 |
PARK NOW Group B.V. | 34124818 |
PARK NOW Software B.V. | 34158425 |
Park Plaza Hotels Europe B.V. | 34178306 |
ParkBee B.V. | 58811001 |
Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Netherlands (Pneumatic) B.V. | 24329597 |
Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Netherlands B.V. | 52214117 |
Parking Network B.V. | 55427596 |
Parkos B.V. | 02095013 |
Parnassia Haaglanden B.V. | 27321702 |
parsionate Benelux B.V. | 70682879 |
ParTech IT B.V. | 54061024 |
Parthos B.V. | 12039110 |
Partners in Relocation B.V. | 27176752 |
Partners Network B.V. | 24438773 |
Partou B.V. | 30225440 |
Parts On Demand B.V. | 61579416 |
Pas Reform B.V. | 09056136 |
Pasqal Netherlands B.V. | 70115141 |
Passionate People B.V. | 69095876 |
PassiveLogic Netherlands B.V. | 90155998 |
PastBook B.V. | 55299814 |
Patagonia Consultants B.V. | 24437336 |
Patagonia Europe Coöperatief U.A. | 55132456 |
Patech Europe B.V. | 77019180 |
Path to Health Gorinchem B.V. | 66696097 |
Patheon B.V. | 59564903 |
Patheon Biologics BV. | 02056113 |
Patheon Softgels | 18039732 |
PathoFinder B.V. | 53262913 |
PathoFinder Holding B.V. | 09123684 |
Patriot International B.V. | 24361524 |
PATRIZIA Netherlands B.V. | 60801336 |
Pattern Amsterdam Coöperatief U.A. | 81161603 |
Paula's Choice Europe B.V. | 34231781 |
Paxar B.V. | 33292245 |
Pay for People Contracting B.V. | 24405404 |
Pay to Payroll B.V. | 66137829 |
Payabl. NL B.V. | 87563789 |
Payatu B.V. | 66404711 |
Payaut B.V. | 75292289 |
Payconiq Services B.V. | 66655552 |
PayingIT International B.V. | 67392113 |
PaymentGenes Consulting B.V. | 80413609 |
PaymentGenes Recruitment B.V. | 65599756 |
Payments & Cards Network B.V. | 67852815 |
PayPal Limited | 34318455 |
PayPlaza B.V. | 34191772 |
PayPro B.V. | 50398784 |
Payse B.V. | 64325415 |
Payse Flex B.V. | 32099775 |
Payvision B.V. | 37078111 |
PAZ Open Fire Cooking | 68321155 |
PBF Group B.V. | 08086292 |
PC Data B.V. | 14061938 |
PCCW Global B.V. | 34308261 |
PCI-IT B.V. | 08183016 |
PCS Wireless NL Coöperatief U.A. | 57921180 |
PD personeel Alkmaar | 37098058 |
PDM Industrial Excellence Manufacturing Solutions B.V. | 14108632 |
PD-value B.V. | 60978082 |
Peak Accountancy Services B.V. | 51196948 |
Peak Payroll Services B.V. | 51196689 |
Peaks B.V. | 68262620 |
Pearl Abyss Europe B.V. | 69433127 |
Pearl Music Europe | 34170535 |
Pebble | 76968634 |
Pectcof B.V. | 54989906 |
Peek Traffic B.V. | 80565441 |
PeelPioneers B.V. | 68244673 |
PEF Technologies B.V. | 70698899 |
Pegamento B.V. | 32106184 |
Pegasus Netherlands B.V. | 70951853 |
Pegasystems B.V. | 34301840 |
Peinemann Mobilift Groep B.V. | 24175469 |
Peloton E.U.B.V. | 34182884 |
Pelt & Hooykaas B.V. | 24035786 |
Penfield Digital B.V. | 72803916 |
Penn Color International B.V. | 16066788 |
Penske Logistics Support Services B.V. | 18112825 |
Pentair Water Process Technology B.V. | 06059584 |
Pentanova Conveyor Systems Nederland B.V. | 34161558 |
PenTips B.V. | 86809105 |
PEO B.V. | 34107894 |
People 2.0 Backoffice Services Netherlands B.V. | 59294353 |
People 2.0 Payrolling Netherlands B.V. | 76405591 |
People InTouch B.V. | 34211513 |
Pepe Jeans Europe B.V. | 33272219 |
PepsiCo Nederland B.V. | 30098485 |
Pera People Science B.V. | 68983298 |
Peralex B.V. | 89701666 |
Perceptyx B.V. | 71636420 |
Perciv B.V. | 87714019 |
perClass B.V. | 69285543 |
Peregrion B.V. | 87036541 |
Perfact Match B.V. | 14085666 |
Perfect World Europe B.V. | 24484242 |
PerfectCall B.V. | 33287824 |
PerfectFlex B.V. | 72485450 |
Perfetti Van Melle Services B.V. | 24251596 |
Perflexi B.V. | 60234806 |
Performance Rotors B.V. | 81650949 |
Periplus Resources B.V. | 37114422 |
Pernod Ricard Nederland B.V. | 18047333 |
Perpetual Next B.V. | 75197766 |
Perseuss B.V. | 34356955 |
Persistent Systems Limited | 24417793 |
Personeel Specialisten I B.V. | 09155986 |
Personio SE & Co. KG | 87101416 |
Personly B.V. | 83516220 |
Persorent Infra B.V. | 57316279 |
PESCHECK B.V. | 70886393 |
Petersburg Consultants B.V. | 11042477 |
'Petite Amélie' Nederland B.V. | 64773043 |
PetroChina International (Netherlands) Company B.V. | 75285290 |
Petrodec B.V. | 73693235 |
Petrogas E&P Netherlands B.V. | 27114238 |
Petrogas International E&P Coöperatief U.A. | 61266620 |
PETRONAS Carigali International E&P B.V. | 57396078 |
Petrotechnical Data Systems B.V. | 27146868 |
Peute Papierrecycling B.V. | 23075589 |
Peute Recycling B.V. | 24284703 |
PF Concept International Coöperatief U.A. | 66581303 |
PFC Administraties Zwanenburg | 34196414 |
Pfizer B.V. | 34087728 |
Pfizer Export B.V. | 66254302 |
PFSCM NL | 88429288 |
PG Services B.V. | 66972396 |
PG Zorgholding B.V. | 27321677 |
PGGM N.V. | 30228472 |
PGI Nonwovens B.V. | 16020978 |
Phaidon International (Netherlands) B.V. | 87148285 |
Pharmaceutical Design B.V. | 34376581 |
Pharmaceutical Research Associates Group B.V. | 04031409 |
Pharmachemie B.V. | 34016881 |
Pharmathen Global B.V. | 67055400 |
Pharmeon B.V. | 34127514 |
PharMerit Coöperatief U.A. | 67251919 |
Pharmi B.V. | 77981316 |
Pharming Group N.V. | 28048592 |
Pharming Technologies B.V. | 28078995 |
Pharvaris Holdings B.V. | 75910047 |
Pharvaris Netherlands B.V. | 75914441 |
Phase to Phase B.V. | 09117001 |
PHC Europe B.V. | 20060778 |
PHD Industry B.V. | 65961951 |
Phenom People Netherlands B.V. | 74541714 |
Phenospex B.V. | 54212677 |
Phil Ok Consulting B.V. | 59896442 |
Philanthropy Support B.V. | 84609265 |
Philip Morris Investments B.V. | 33137330 |
Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. | 17066875 |
Philips Electronics Nederland B.V. | 17008551 |
Philips International B.V. | 17047664 |
Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V. | 17060498 |
Philips Nederland B.V. | 17039420 |
Philips Oral Healthcare B.V. | 83042091 |
Phitech Bioinformatics B.V. | 93859120 |
PhiX B.V. | 68355793 |
Phoenix ME (Netherlands) Ltd | 91066204 |
Photanol B.V. | 34293866 |
Photonfirst Production & Packaging B.V. | 59887605 |
PhotonFirst Technologies B.V. | 34258514 |
PHOTONIS Netherlands B.V. | 01152556 |
Photopia ICT B.V. | 71682252 |
Photosynthetic B.V. | 71575529 |
Phycom B.V. | 09193250 |
PHYSEE Group B.V. | 61486183 |
PI Benelux B.V. | 17071697 |
Piano Software B.V. | 75524171 |
Piano's Maene Nederland B.V. | 37059323 |
Picarro B.V. | 51441799 |
Picasse Internet & Mobile B.V. | 34240044 |
Picnic International B.V. | 61510084 |
Picnic Technologies B.V. | 68883471 |
PIDC Advanced Materials B.V. | 63847736 |
Pie Medical Imaging | 14626752 |
Piece of Magic B.V. | 69096147 |
Pielkenrood Management B.V. | 69672326 |
Piet Boon Studio B.V. | 35017841 |
Pieters Projectbureau B.V. | 34063154 |
Piggy Netherlands B.V. | 58334904 |
PINCH B.V. | 52457559 |
Pindrop B.V. | 32113552 |
Pinkerton Holding | 27105449 |
PinkRoccade Local Government B.V. | 27322975 |
PinnacleART Netherlands B.V. | 71572422 |
Pinsent Masons Netherlands LLP | 82365016 |
Pinterest Netherlands B.V. | 77659457 |
Pipe Survey International C.V. | 24342369 |
Piton Capital Investments Coöperatief B.A. | 56607636 |
Pixelzebra B.V. | 55570836 |
Pixery B.V. | 91410576 |
Plaid, B.V. | 74716603 |
Plalloy MTD B.V. | 14041908 |
PlanB Europe B.V. | 60100095 |
Planet Payment Netherlands B.V. | 33216013 |
Planet X FX B.V. | 54565359 |
PLANETROMEO B.V. | 34254182 |
Planlogic B.V. | 11033102 |
PLANN ingenieurs B.V. | 67378536 |
Planning & Service Ingenieurs | 60977280 |
Planon BV | 10145547 |
Planpulse B.V. | 74493736 |
Plant Solutions Zuid-Oost B.V. | 17237981 |
Plant-E B.V. | 09206037 |
Planys B.V. | 75035456 |
Plastic Recycling Amsterdam B.V. | 72304359 |
Plat4mation B.V. | 58858334 |
Plate Websites B.V. | 61848271 |
Platform 161 Holding | 34313166 |
Platinion B.V. | 66185599 |
Platinum Marine Services B.V. | 85546356 |
Plauti B.V. | 60006048 |
Plaxis B.V. | 24239980 |
Plaxonic Europe B.V. | 84545062 |
Playable Platform B.V. | 75919524 |
Playseats B.V. | 09150630 |
Playtika Netherlands B.V. | 90507525 |
PlayToTV Projects B.V. | 57027080 |
Plaza Food B.V. | 09143377 |
Please DNA B.V. | 60996358 |
Please Flex B.V. | 17155844 |
Please Nederland B.V. | 17182348 |
Pliant B.V. | 20147999 |
Plixxent B.V. | 02318097 |
Plukon Blokker B.V. | 36014431 |
Plukon Dedemsvaart B.V. | 24128627 |
Plukon Processing Ommel B.V. | 17069164 |
Plumerai B.V. | 75337770 |
Plumery B.V. | 88518620 |
Plus-IT Groep B.V. | 02090504 |
PlusOne B.V. | 70196427 |
Pluspetrol Resources Corporation B.V. | 34149259 |
Pluxbox B.V. | 82300372 |
Pluxcustoms | 34299275 |
PLYGRND.CITY | 52068374 |
PMI-TECH (EUROPE) B.V. | 68173016 |
PNL Fintech B.V. | 74178784 |
PNS Networks Netherlands | 92189326 |
Pocket Sales B.V. | 56932170 |
Podictive B.V. | 51776901 |
PodiuMax B.V. | 63460092 |
Podotherapie Van der Kaa B.V. | 66230004 |
Poki B.V. | 34263673 |
Polaroid Film B.V. | 08182413 |
Polaroid International B.V. | 59065982 |
Polaroid Therapeutics B.V. | 84223308 |
Polarsteps | 61821578 |
Police Dogs Centre Holland B.V. | 17129883 |
Polimeks Real Estate Management B.V. | 71588523 |
Polpharma Biologics Group B.V. | 76391825 |
Polpharma Biologics Utrecht B.V. | 58858466 |
Polpharma Group B.V. | 33250246 |
Polproduct Netherlands B.V. | 20162510 |
Polybouw Aluminium II B.V. | 08092102 |
Polymer | 02065148 |
Polymetcore Holding B.V. | 88534073 |
PolyOne S.à r.l., Netherlands branch | 72287497 |
Polyscope Polymers B.V. | 14089640 |
Pon Bicycle Holding B.V. | 30174093 |
Pon Equipment B.V. | 33200496 |
Pon Holdings B.V. | 08017970 |
Pon IT B.V. | 24227191 |
Pondera Consult B.V. | 08156154 |
Ponthus B.V. | 59094591 |
Pontis Engineering B.V. | 53992873 |
Poort80 B.V. | 34097962 |
POPAY NL B.V. | 20140533 |
PopSockets Europe | 66735963 |
PoriZma Consultancy B.V. | 90011058 |
Port of Amsterdam | 57398879 |
Portavita B.V. | 34165029 |
Portbase B.V. | 24338021 |
Portera B.V. | 60752262 |
Porticus Amsterdam C.V. | 51372665 |
Portwise B.V. | 88047962 |
PortXchange Products B.V. | 72868007 |
Posad B.V. | 60387556 |
PosadMaxwan | 73526967 |
PostNL Holding B.V. | 27168507 |
Postoffice Amsterdam | 33170795 |
Poultry Research & Innovation Center B.V. | 68801246 |
Powall Holding B.V. | 62101951 |
POWARE Automation B.V. | 32111608 |
POWARE Industrial Automation B.V. | 57142467 |
Power Research Electronics B.V. | 20047761 |
Power2X Services B.V. | 80490522 |
PowerCubes B.V. | 84079371 |
Powerdobs B.V. | 74738097 |
Powerhouse Company Consultancy & Engineering B.V. | 61798479 |
Powerhouse Company International B.V. | 24482394 |
Power-Packer Europa B.V. | 06060890 |
PowerView Technology B.V. | 17169057 |
Powin Netherlands B.V. | 74191217 |
POYNTING B.V. | 93908393 |
PPD (Netherlands) B.V. | 24346310 |
PPF Telecom Group B.V. | 59009187 |
PPG Coatings Europe B.V. | 34182489 |
PPG Coatings Nederland B.V. | 33130510 |
PPG Europe B.V. | 11070818 |
PQ Silicas B.V. | 33214819 |
PQR B.V. | 30106075 |
PQShield B.V. | 81767455 | B.V. | 34362319 |
Pragma Netherlands B.V. | 67261701 |
Pragmatist B.V. | 61701645 |
Praktijk Chiropractie Ede | 09199673 |
Praktijk Chiropractie Hilversum B.V. | 32052257 |
Praktijk Chiropractie Stegeman | 73927902 |
Pratt & Whitney Military Netherlands B.V. | 72901128 |
Pratt & Whitney Netherlands B.V. | 67436676 |
Praxis Automation Technology B.V. | 28045940 |
Praxis Works EU B.V. | 86308092 |
PRé | 32099599 |
Pré Pain B.V. | 06075288 |
Premium Foods B.V. | 68958986 |
Premium Inc. B.V. | 09155930 |
Prepr B.V. | 54506034 |
PressPage B.V. | 30246191 |
Pressure Control Solutions B.V. | 73807435 |
Prestige Japan, inc. | 69350604 |
Prestop B.V. | 17077956 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. | 34180285 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory N.V. | 34180287 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers B.V. | 34180289 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Belastingadviseurs N.V. | 34180284 |
Pridis B.V. | 62147641 |
Prime Dental Alliance B.V. | 72138025 |
Prime Oil & Gas B.V. | 34224579 |
Prime Technology Investment Management B.V. | 34280744 |
Prime Vision B.V. | 08068458 |
Primo Marine | 24296958 |
Princes Foods B.V. | 32045886 | B.V. | 69059500 |
Printiki B.V. | 55036414 |
PRIO Contina B.V. | 34289325 |
PRIOGEN Energy B.V. | 34358534 |
Prionics Lelystad B.V. | 39074495 |
Prior Technical Consultants B.V. | 69261245 |
Prisma-IT B.V. | 24336953 |
Priva B.V. | 27218816 |
Privacy Company B.V. | 63080052 |
PrivacyAgent B.V. | 58796576 |
Private Client Resources B.V. | 65776682 |
PRO Flexservices | 17221694 |
Pro Liquid B.V. | 64689425 |
Pro6com B.V. | 24468967 |
Proactis B.V. | 34175496 |
ProActive Software Nederland B.V. | 34268115 |
Probability B.V. | 60904577 |
Procentec B.V. | 27165526 |
Process Design Center B.V. | 20091733 |
Process Laboratories Netherlands (PROLAB NL) B.V. | 09200757 |
Processia Solutions B.V. | 17194795 |
Processionals Detachering B.V. | 61894125 |
ProcessMinded B.V. | 57453462 |
Procestechniek B.V. | 73334537 |
Procornea Nederland B.V. | 08040305 |
Procter & Gamble Nederland B.V. | 24179403 |
ProctorExam B.V. | 60386932 |
Procurement Tactics B.V. | 88404544 |
ProdaftCyber B.V. | 83813330 |
Prodalim Holland B.V. | 73558990 |
Prodapt Consulting B.V. | 27299725 |
Prodapt Solutions Private Limited | 57680922 |
Prodim International B.V. | 17149471 |
Prodrive Technologies B.V. | 17105739 |
Prodrive Technologies Innovation Services B.V. | 17105740 |
Prodrive Technologies N.E. B.V. | 87012650 |
Prodrive Technologies Services B.V. | 17141529 |
Produce Services of America, Incorporated | 22053805 |
Producthero B.V. | 77773748 |
ProductImpulse B.V. | 60414464 |
Production Resource Group B.V. | 30174417 |
ProductIP B.V. | 09188071 |
Productpine B.V. | 74515942 |
Prodware Nederland B.V. | 17115658 |
Pro-face Europe B.V. | 33275434 |
Profielnorm B.V. | 52789578 |
Profinergy B.V. | 54807018 |
Profit Point B.V. | 87149915 |
Profitap HQ B.V. | 62775197 |
Profity B.V. | 08114303 |
Profoto B.V. | 54398800 |
Profundo B.V. | 55290833 |
Progress Projectmanagement and Engineering B.V. | 34115110 |
Progressare B.V. | 34227376 |
Project Services Netherlands B.V. | 67511562 |
Project Support by UBecom B.V. | 37139906 |
Project44 B.V. | 81471068 |
Projectkwadraat B.V. | 51593920 |
Prokino Kinderopvang | 34162208 |
Proleit B.V. | 08118295 |
Prolira B.V. | 62355155 |
Prologis Management B.V. | 34177191 |
PROLYTE B.V. | 76200493 |
Promaton B.V. | 68639902 |
Promedico Groep B.V. | 30208051 |
Promise Technology Europe B.V. | 16073469 |
Promo Bears | 56843232 |
PromOcean The Netherlands B.V. | 33230865 |
Promodomo B.V. | 71992375 |
Pronova Laboratories B.V. | 17126800 |
Proof of Condition Solutions B.V. | 68650779 |
Proofpoint Netherlands B.V. | 73735949 |
Properfect Restyling VOF | 70884048 |
Propharma Group The Netherlands B.V. | 28108787 |
Prophylaxis Participations B.V. | 52614778 |
Proponent Netherlands B.V. | 65975812 |
ProQR Therapeutics I B.V. | 63634511 |
ProQR Therapeutics N.V. | 54600790 |
Prosan International B.V. | 09064218 |
ProSim Training Solutions B.V. | 86848046 |
Prosus N.V. | 34099856 |
Prosus Services B.V. | 34122136 |
Protechnicon B.V. | 17185942 |
PROTECT Services B.V. | 29029628 |
Proteon Communication Builders B.V. | 27238455 |
ProteoNic B.V. | 27264246 |
Protestantse Theologische Universiteit (PThU) | 08205747 |
Prothya Biosolutions Netherlands B.V. | 62999338 |
Protinhi B.V. | 58544321 |
Protium Green Solutions B.V. | 92079172 | | 62034049 |
Protiviti B.V. | 34230558 |
Protix B.V. | 34354937 |
Protobrand Netherlands | 78175313 |
Proton Ventures B.V. | 24321630 |
Proton Ventures Engineering B.V. | 59080639 |
Prove Engineering B.V. | 63478854 |
Provenance Exploration Consultancy B.V. | 66499801 |
Prowareness WeOn Groep B.V. | 50563440 |
Prowise R&D B.V. | 52894061 |
Proxima B.V. | 89830601 |
Proxima Beta Europe B.V. | 78651980 |
Prust Holding B.V. | 17057679 |
Prysmian Netherlands B.V. | 58087850 |
PSP Projecten B.V. | 81354762 |
PSV N.V. | 17104199 |
Psybizz B.V. | 62713787 |
PSY-ray International B.V. | 59085010 |
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk | 84983434 |
PT Theragnostic B.V. | 59942568 |
PTTGC International (Netherlands) B.V. | 54137381 |
PTTRNS Intelligence B.V. | 65791703 |
PTW Benelux B.V. | 24395334 | B.V. | 39096214 |
Pulitzer Amsterdam | 33122074 |
PulseCath B.V. | 34301198 |
Puma Energy International B.V. | 33228534 |
Punch Powertrain PSA e-transmissions Nederland B.V. | 17133684 |
Purac Biochem B.V. | 23036930 |
Puragen B.V. | 71183787 |
Pure Fishing Netherlands B.V. | 20109958 |
Pure Services Lifting Solutions B.V. | 66929482 |
Pure Storage Netherlands B.V. | 57378169 |
PureAir Filtration B.V. | 77505891 |
PureBlue Water B.V. | 24435858 |
PureTerra Management Coöperatief U.A. | 76379329 |
Purosil B.V. | 74317911 |
Purple Cow Concepts B.V. | 55546412 |
PUUR Klimaat Comfort B.V. | 67333389 |
PUUR Mondzorg Emmen. | 71310304 |
PVA Europe | 63114909 |
PVH B.V. | 27278835 |
PVH Brands Europe B.V. | 34244870 |
PVH Europe B.V. | 57563535 |
PVH International B.V. | 34385004 |
PWNT Holding B.V. | 62905910 |
PWR Pack International B.V. | 18088914 |
PWT Bierens B.V. | 18052467 |
PXL Chemicals B.V. | 69302510 |
PYCOM LTD | 64872998 |
Pylades | 33187418 |
Pyrus B.V. | 72979445 |
PYTES B.V. | 77038568 |
Pyton Communication Services B.V. | 24279396 |
PZEM Energy Company B.V. | 30166277 |
PZEM N.V. | 22031457 |
Q Park B.V. | 27159273 |
Q*BIRD B.V. | 85254541 |
Qafka B.V. | 90397754 |
Qatar Airways Group (Q.C.S.C.) | 51485427 |
Q-Aviation B.V. | 65782224 |
QBayLogic B.V. | 66440483 |
Qbex Logistics B.V. | 20123348 |
Qbil Software B.V. | 09148957 |
Qblox B.V. | 72525053 |
Q-Concepts Accountancy B.V. | 17277491 |
Q-Concepts Advies B.V. | 54808537 |
QDI systems B.V. | 74252747 |
Qelp | 32080389 |
QFR Solutions B.V. | 67554172 |
Q-Free Netherlands B.V. | 04058479 |
QIAGEN Distribution B.V. | 64026795 |
Qiagen N.V. | 12036979 |
Qiangsheng Industrial Trading Netherlands B.V. | 56028318 |
Qindle B.V. | 68543344 |
Qlayers B.V. | 69486549 |
Qlick B.V. | 74086782 |
QlikTech Netherlands B.V. | 34239051 |
Qlip B.V. | 32125027 |
QLIQ B.V. | 37082891 |
Qlouder | 54015596 |
Qmicro B.V. | 57828881 |
Qmulus B.V. | 27293196 |
Qogita EU B.V. | 74714643 |
QolorTech B.V. | 08034538 |
Qorium B.V. | 59471298 |
Qorvo Utrecht B.V. | 32105642 |
QphoX B.V. | 81967446 |
QPlox Engineering Netherlands B.V. | 76060055 |
QPS Netherlands B.V. | 02083147 |
QSA Aeronautical Engineering Services B.V. | 77211138 |
Qserve consultancy B.V. | 37117707 |
Qseven | 34155461 |
Q-Shipping B.V. | 24271243 |
QSIL Nederland B.V. | 66388767 |
QSNL B.V. | 77899067 |
QStone Capital B.V. | 65523857 |
Qtents B.V. | 84070773 |
QTwee Nederland B.V. | 60959053 |
Quadrovision B.V. | 24300967 |
QuadzTech B.V. | 82517622 |
Quaker Chemical B.V. | 33109151 |
Qualcomm Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 56169841 |
Qualinx B.V. | 91057876 |
Qualinx Holding B.V. | 62571591 |
Qualitair Aviation Holland B.V. | 33291882 |
Quality by Design B.V. | 59018429 |
Quality Inspection Services B.V. | 20142829 |
Quality Positioning Services (Q.P.S.) B.V. | 31035323 |
Quality Produce International (Q.P.I.) B.V. | 27172813 |
Qualtrics Netherlands B.V. | 83137777 |
Qualys Netherlands B.V. | 67815294 |
QuandaGo International B.V. | 08110179 |
Quanta Services Netherlands B.V. | 24492801 |
Quantbox NL B.V. | 86028480 |
Quantib B.V. | 52945103 |
Quantile B.V. | 81654308 |
Quantillion Technologies B.V. | 72328320 |
Quantiphi Netherlands B.V. | 82820465 |
Quantori B.V. | 87708523 |
Quantoz Technology B.V. | 63217821 |
QuantWare B.V. | 80964346 |
Quanyun Technology (Netherlands) B.V. | 60430486 |
Quanza B.V. | 34160592 |
Quasset B.V. | 53670361 |
Quatronic B.V. | 71077715 |
Quatt B.V. | 82048037 |
Queensite B.V. | 84168390 |
Quest Integrity NLD B.V. | 34164199 |
Quest Photonic Devices B.V. | 37144040 |
queueup B.V. | 34247004 |
Quin B.V. | 62575090 |
Quintop Management Consultants | 29047288 |
Quinyx Netherlands B.V. | 73374814 |
Quion Groep B.V. | 24158410 |
QUIREM Medical B.V. | 58084193 |
Quistor Enterprises B.V. | 20117223 |
QuiX Quantum B.V. | 73790788 |
QuiX Quantum Holding B.V. | 92482317 |
Quizworks B.V. | 57415676 |
Quosphere B.V. | 76183386 |
Qurin Diagnostics | 67072941 |
Quyntess B.V. | 23082475 |
QYP B.V. | 31032306 |
R&E Installaties | 75970406 |
R&R Mechatronics International B.V. | 60323167 |
R&R WFM Holding B.V. | 11030750 |
R.R. Business Holding B.V. | 62146955 |
R.R. Maritime Engineering B.V. | 50083120 |
R.W.M. van Rooijen Holding B.V. | 32044379 |
R\West B.V. | 86866788 |
Rackspace Benelux B.V. | 34276327 |
RAD Information Technology Services B.V. | 73287504 |
Radac B.V. | 28072235 |
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen | 41055629 |
Rademacher De Vries Architecten | 65911415 |
Rademaker B.V. | 11015214 |
Radial Software Group B.V. | 30287758 |
Radium Foam B.V. | 14628841 |
Radix Trading Europe B.V. | 67984576 |
Radtec B.V. | 78024803 |
Radware | 24405840 |
Raedthuys Groep B.V. | 08155569 |
Raft B.V. | 62813374 |
Rahi Systems Europe B.V. | 63087057 |
Railtech B.V. | 34140994 |
Railtechniek Van Herwijnen B.V. | 11042949 |
raïnaraï | 34207115 |
Rainforest Alliance B.V. | 56612508 |
Raise3D B.V. | 69507090 |
Raith B.V. | 33286867 |
Raith Laser Systems B.V. | 17166941 |
RAJ Consult B.V. | 57379068 |
RAM Infotechnology B.V. | 52270599 |
Rambus ROTW Holding B.V. | 69587256 |
RAMLAB B.V. | 65307518 |
Rand Technology EMEA B.V. | 87246686 |
Random Studio B.V. | 52826066 |
Randstad Digital Nederland B.V. | 92483402 |
Randstad Groep Nederland B.V. | 62117858 |
Randstad Kelderbouw B.V. | 82118043 |
Randstad N.V. | 33216172 |
Randstad Payroll Solutions B.V. | 34263937 |
Randstad Sourceright B.V. | 33270740 |
Randstad Uitzendbureau B.V. | 56707479 |
RanMarine Technology B.V. | 65812441 |
Ranpak B.V. | 14044192 |
Rapid Circle B.V. | 34299472 |
Rapid Logistics B.V. | 34072196 |
Rapid Photonics B.V. | 84745614 |
Rapidemic B.V. | 82453403 |
RAS Techniek B.V. | 83321918 |
Ratio Electric B.V. | 31050275 |
RAU B.V. | 33283070 |
Ravebo B.V. | 24220080 |
Ravecruitment B.V. | 34371737 |
Raven Europe, B.V. | 37107014 |
RAYANET | 78613760 |
Ray-Links B.V. | 82699755 |
Razorleaf B.V. | 84850582 |
RB Hygiene Home Netherlands B.V. | 72867655 |
RB2 B.V. | 37141751 |
RBB Economics | 27271323 |
RBC Projects B.V. | 14103282 |
RBES B.V. | 80112501 |
RC Dock Engineering B.V. | 78063590 |
RDW | 27374436 |
RE Finance B.V. | 73784532 |
Re Rotterdam Engineering B.V. | 24391533 |
Re/Gent B.V. | 17080757 |
React B.V. | 71648011 |
Reactiv B.V. | 68803451 |
Readaar B.V. | 66239974 |
ReadSpeaker B.V. | 30235244 |
ReadyTech Netherlands B.V. | 56948387 |
Reaktor B.V. | 68654626 |
Real Face Value B.V. | 77968220 |
Realterm Europe Management Coöperatief U.A. | 74114611 |
RealtimeBoard | 71057153 |
Realworks B.V. | 34199722 |
Realworld Systems B.V. | 80495249 |
Reanda Netherlands | 64930246 |
Rebel Payments, Mobility & Insights NL B.V. | 64761967 |
RebelGroup International B.V. | 24494847 |
RebLL Network B.V. | 70543046 |
Reboocon Bionics B.V. | 66526361 | | 51039591 |
Rechtbank Amsterdam | 82951462 |
Rechtbank Gelderland, Locatie Arnhem | 82940827 |
Reckitt Benckiser (ENA) B.V. | 34328831 |
Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare B.V. | 32054192 |
Recoll B.V. | 20089070 |
Recornect B.V. | 58301321 |
Recoy B.V. | 68876661 |
Recreate Solutions B.V. | 74752103 |
Recruit a Student Personeelsdiensten B.V. | 20092214 |
Recruit Global Staffing B.V. | 39066013 |
Recruit Robin | 68461925 |
Recruitee B.V. | 63881829 |
RED B.V. | 67317847 |
Red Bear Tech B.V. | 84309687 |
Red Bee Media B.V. | 69880379 |
Red Box Energy Services B.V. | 56202180 |
Red Bull Nederland | 31044812 |
Red Hat B.V. | 32110594 |
Red Kubes B.V. | 78209978 |
Red Point Alloys B.V. | 27126259 |
RED Tax Specialists B.V. | 51554089 |
RedCarpet Nederland B.V. | 34329305 |
Reddit Netherlands B.V. | 83433880 |
Redefine Europe B.V. | 71844732 |
Redevco B.V. | 54268214 |
Redevco Nederland B.V. | 33020487 |
Redivivus B.V. | 27341691 |
REDMATH B.V. | 55465374 |
Redox Water Technology B.V. | 08038650 |
Redstack B.V. | 01106094 |
RED-TO-GREEN B.V. | 76956105 |
Reducept B.V. | 74239678 |
Redwood Software Nederland B.V. | 30141687 |
REEDEREI NORD B.V. | 59019352 |
Reef Projectmanagement B.V. | 17092021 |
REEL GmbH | 34169301 |
Refinitiv Netherlands B.V. | 34126374 |
ReFleet B.V. | 63821354 |
Reflow B.V. | 65588436 |
Reframing Studio B.V. | 33296586 |
Refresco Europe B.V. | 28098370 |
Refresco Holding B.V. | 24395414 |
Refreshworks B.V. | 77947134 |
REG Overseas Holdings B.V. | 61918040 |
Regal Digital B.V. | 69960445 |
Regnology Netherlands B.V. | 73006610 |
Regus Amsterdam B.V. | 33244831 |
ReHash Technologies B.V. | 64653935 |
Reinier de Graaf Groep | 41159777 |
Reith Laser B.V. | 10029257 |
RelationalAI B.V. | 71181423 |
Relay42 Development B.V. | 80416691 |
Relay42 Netherlands B.V. | 51634155 |
Release Management B.V. | 69258236 |
Relevant Online B.V. | 65890981 |
Reliance IT Services B.V. | 32137246 |
Relive B.V. | 67325718 |
Relo Transeuro Netherlands | 61187313 |
RelyOn Nutec Digital B.V. | 65511514 |
Remark International B.V. | 34122876 |
Remat Chemie B.V. | 17044194 |
Remefox B.V. | 69593787 |
Remeha B.V. | 08099058 |
Remote B.V. | 76389197 |
Remote payroll B.V. | 87347652 |
Remotehands 247 B.V. | 71376666 |
Rena Electronica B.V. | 20093814 |
Renaissance Construction B.V. | 62112309 |
reNature Investments B.V. | 75028891 |
Rendon Beheer B.V. | 23030091 |
Renesas Design Netherlands B.V. | 17177191 |
Renewaball B.V. | 82788812 |
Renewable Energy Fuels B.V. | 69097844 |
Renewable Technologies B.V. | 34336602 |
Renewi Nederland B.V. | 17089397 |
Renewi Support B.V. | 24390763 |
Renewtech B.V. | 75699877 |
Renolit Nederland B.V. | 36013690 |
Renoman | 85028940 |
Rentcars B.V. | 73217603 |
Rentman B.V. | 60733144 |
Renual Software B.V. | 62041614 |
Repa Conveyor Equipment B.V. | 37095157 |
Repair Care International B.V. | 18045289 |
Repay HRM Services Tilburg | 55530230 |
Repay Payroll N.V. | 75500175 |
Reprehendo B.V. | 64570886 |
Repsol Sinopec Brasil B.V. | 27380332 |
Republic M! B.V. | 27340246 |
RepubliQ B.V. | 52582078 |
Res2 B.V. | 34116904 |
Resato Hydrogen Technology B.V. | 83608826 |
Rescop B.V. | 17180604 |
Research Square B.V. | 72828749 |
Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) | 40539632 |
Resleeve B.V. | 81628722 |
Resn Europe Limited | 53972643 |
Resolve Salvage & Fire (Netherlands) B.V. | 68215495 |
Resources Global Professionals (Europe) B.V. | 30166240 |
Resources Management & Finance B.V. | 30128212 |
Respace B.V. | 81753403 |
Respiro B.V. | 75528835 |
Response B.V. | 16043753 |
Restaurant Asia Wijchen B.V. | 10019149 |
Restaurant De Salentein B.V. | 08058573 |
Restaurant King of India | 09130523 |
Restaurant Recht | 63823365 |
Result Financiële Dienstverlening B.V. | 34275994 |
Resumedia B.V. | 66341817 |
Retail Unity B.V. | 65776518 |
Retailors Netherlands B.V. | 77040651 |
Re-Teck Reverse Supply Chain Management B.V. | 61894702 |
Returnista B.V. | 69019460 |
Reunion Ventures B.V. | 34156440 |
Revantage Europe Netherlands B.V. | 66531772 |
ReviMedia B.V. | 54070686 |
Revinate B.V. | 57292094 |
Revvity Nederland B.V. | 20078200 |
Rewire EU B.V. | 72553936 |
Reynen Court B.V. | 72069988 |
RF Solutions B.V. | 17259969 |
RFPnetworks B.V. | 61415278 |
RGA International Reinsurance Company Dac | 30267682 |
RGS Development B.V. | 37092629 |
RH Marine Netherlands B.V. | 24193093 |
Rhenus Air & Ocean B.V. | 34062275 |
Rhenus Contract Logistics Holding B.V. | 27164596 |
Rhenus ICT Services B.V. | 34146461 |
RHI Magnesita Trading B.V. | 71377050 |
Rhion Versicherung AG | 75875837 |
Rhosonics Analytical B.V. | 31045560 |
RiboPro B.V. | 77778235 |
Ricardo Nederland B.V. | 30156895 |
Richtek Europe B.V. | 17212136 |
Richting B.V. | 59392223 |
Ricoh Europe (Netherlands) B.V. | 34268980 |
Ricoh Europe SCM B.V. | 34267759 |
Ricoh International B.V. | 33243098 |
Rida Trade Netherlands B.V. | 24495168 |
Ridder Growing Solutions B.V. | 27217164 |
Rider Levett Bucknall (Europe) B.V. | 78652960 |
Ridetech International B.V. | 64591069 |
Ridley Scott Creative B.V. | 73643009 |
Rietveld Truck Rendement Service B.V. | 23072775 |
RIF Europe B.V. | 73584460 |
Rijk Zwaan The Netherlands B.V. | 64429334 |
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland | 27378529 |
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) | 30276683 |
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | 01179037 |
Rijkswaterstaat | 27364178 |
Rijnboutt B.V. | 34215743 |
Rijnmond Maintenance Services B.V. | 24452246 |
RINA Netherlands B.V. | 24436823 |
Rinagro B.V. | 01093224 |
Ring of Security B.V. | 68725965 |
Rinsma Invest B.V. | 63239515 |
Rion Co., Ltd. Europe Representative Office | 34145933 |
RiSa IT B.V. | 30213859 |
Risk IT Services B.V. | 74789120 |
Risk Topics B.V. | 70138117 |
RiskQuest B.V. | 34313326 |
RiskSphere B.V. | 89101219 |
Ritchie Bros. B.V. | 27165397 |
Ritchie Bros. Shared Services B.V. | 20124865 |
Rituals Cosmetics E-commerce B.V. | 59751061 |
Rituals Cosmetics Enterprise B.V. | 34136394 |
Ritz Beheer B.V. | 14057525 |
River BioMedics B.V. | 71357637 |
Riverbed Technology B.V. | 34241343 |
Riverflex Trading NL B.V. | 71751483 |
Riverty Services Netherlands B.V. | 62155393 |
Rivian Netherlands B.V. | 80956661 |
Rivoir Capital B.V. | 70830118 |
Riwal Holding Group B.V. | 23062680 |
Rizing B.V. | 30212957 |
Rizzani de Eccher S.P.A. | 76335534 |
RLG Europe B.V. | 33134283 |
RLG International Limited | 74010158 |
RM Holdings B.V. | 62108913 |
RMMBR B.V. | 60227168 |
RMS Marine Service B.V. | 71378766 |
RNHB B.V. | 66858925 |
Road B.V. | 70011346 |
Roadmap B.V. | 54267412 |
Roamler B.V. | 52686310 |
Robeco Nederland B.V. | 24143763 |
Robert Bosch B.V. | 33190908 |
Robert Bosch Finance Nederland B.V. | 09126769 |
Robert Half International B.V. | 34266343 |
Robert Morsink Bouwplan B.V. | 74486675 |
Robert Walters B.V. | 34143155 |
Robin Radar Systems B.V. | 27371517 |
Robopharma B.V. | 69646090 |
Robot Kittens B.V. | 77657071 |
Robust Engineering Design B.V. | 56072279 |
Robust Steel Structures B.V. | 90400461 |
Roca Plant B.V. | 59061898 |
Rocateq Europe B.V. | 24300221 |
Roche Diabetes Care Nederland B.V. | 59964014 |
Roche Diagnostics Nederland B.V. | 39035097 |
Roche Nederland B.V. | 30041907 |
Roche Pharmholding B.V. | 30134669 |
Rock Payroll B.V. | 66059178 |
Rocket Launcher B.V. | 65190645 |
Rocket Software B.V. | 23064120 |
Rockfeather Data Vizualization B.V. | 77531019 |
Rockstart Entrepreneurs B.V. | 59104929 |
Rockwell Automation B.V. | 24325789 |
Rockwool B.V. | 13014428 |
ROCSYS B.V. | 74482343 |
Rocycle | 63834669 |
Rodon International B.V. | 58918019 | B.V. | 82264996 |
Rogier Wieland Studio | 27364073 |
Rohill Engineering B.V. | 09084362 |
ROHR-IDRECO Dredge Systems B.V. | 55601642 |
Rojo Consultancy B.V. | 53572750 |
Roku International B.V. | 75604450 |
Roland B.V. | 33229312 |
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants B.V. | 34166316 |
Rolande B.V. | 18075879 |
Rolldock Shipping B.V. | 24396582 |
Rollecate B.V. | 05026900 |
Rollepaal Pipe Extrusion Technology B.V. | 05020784 |
Rolls-Royce Solutions Benelux | 23031666 |
Rollz International B.V. | 34389218 |
ROMEO B.V. | 70533512 |
ROMETAL B.V. | 24309192 |
Rompa Holding B.V. | 17136230 | B.V. | 63269430 |
Romynox B.V. | 27339113 |
rond consulting B.V. | 59836113 |
RONIN Amsterdam B.V. | 70346003 |
Röntgen Technische Dienst B.V. | 24051923 |
Roodhart Emission Control B.V. | 24306324 |
Rooftop Energy B.V. | 63751372 |
Roompot Service B.V. | 22031538 |
RoomRaccoon B.V. | 67848540 |
Roosh Platforms B.V. | 86903039 |
Rootline B.V. | 83218025 |
Ropiton Holding B.V. | 39101410 |
Rosefield Watches B.V. | 62124234 |
Roseman Labs B.V. | 77572734 |
Rosemind Consulting B.V. | 66613752 |
Rosen Europe B.V. | 08089342 |
Roser Consys B.V. | 23074963 |
Rosewood Hotels and Resorts Netherlands B.V. | 66112095 |
Rosier Nederland B.V. | 21009167 |
Rossen Seeds B.V. | 36039605 |
RosterBuster B.V. | 64921247 |
Rotar Participaties B.V. | 05051521 |
Rotaserve B.V. | 65007964 |
Rotate Group B.V. | 86066021 |
Rothwell International B.V. | 33280572 |
Rotor B.V. | 08030665 |
Rotork Gears Holding B.V. | 08129917 |
'Rotterdam Community Solutions B.V.' (Rotterdam C.S. B.V.) | 24297557 |
Rotterdam Multiservices (RD Multiservices) B.V. | 51786621 |
Rotterdam School of Management | 41129558 |
Rotterdam Trading Office B.V. | 51030020 |
Rousselot B.V. | 01050139 |
RoutiGo B.V. | 68526075 |
Roveg Fruit B.V. | 30166109 |
RoviSys Nederland | 63117819 |
Royal Air Maroc | 33132445 |
Royal Coster Diamonds B.V. | 33180723 |
Royal Diamonds Amsterdam B.V. | 34266796 |
Royal Huisman Shipyard B.V. | 05036419 |
Royal Ingredients Group B.V. | 68643551 |
Royal Lactalis Leerdammer B.V. | 23073850 |
Royal Reesink B.V. | 08005560 |
Royal Roos B.V. | 55924425 |
Royal Schiphol Group N.V. | 34029174 |
Royal SMIT Transformers B.V. | 10042215 |
Royal Swinkels N.V. | 64910792 |
Royal Terberg Group B.V. | 30045546 |
Royal Textile B.V. | 34332325 |
Royal Uitzendbureau B.V. | 51841738 |
Royal Van Lent Shipyard | 28000558 |
RPG Asset Management B.V. | 51007851 |
RPM Europe B.V. | 75119056 |
RPS advies- en ingenieursbureau B.V. | 24161143 |
RPWalter Consulting B.V. | 71814752 |
RR Holland B.V. | 20094250 |
RRo Industrial Design B.V. | 24182851 |
RSG Audit, Risk & Compliance B.V. | 59916710 |
RSM Netherlands Accountants N.V. | 34255759 |
RSM Netherlands Belastingadviseurs N.V. | 34255756 |
RSM Netherlands Business Consulting Services B.V. | 64221628 |
RSM Netherlands Financial Advisory Services B.V. | 65164113 |
RSM Netherlands Holding N.V. | 34255762 |
RSM Netherlands IT Audit B.V. | 59343818 |
RSPO Secretariat | 69445508 |
RT Chem B.V. | 73346527 |
RTL Nederland B.V. | 32105893 |
Rubens Kwekerijen B.V. | 37163408 |
RUBIX B.V. | 30137556 |
Rubrik The Netherlands B.V. | 70358966 |
Rudolf Steiner College | 40407208 |
Rugcentrum Baarn B.V. | 60967439 |
Rugkliniek Heerlen B.V. | 14080886 |
RugZorgKliniek Emmeloord B.V. | 53377125 |
Ruimtemanagers B.V. | 68561172 |
Rulewave B.V. | 24144703 |
Ruma Products B.V. | 53919351 |
Ruma Rubber B.V. | 04033678 |
RUNI Industries B.V. | 58747427 |
Rural Spark B.V. | 57292795 |
Russell Investments Ireland Limited | 67296386 |
Russell Reynolds Associates B.V. | 33296630 |
Ruwer Uitzendbureau voor Vormgeving B.V. | 33300601 |
RW interim executive solutions B.V. | 69096376 |
RWE Generation NL Personeel B.V. | 16060897 |
RWE Renewables Benelux B.V. | 34319498 |
Ryberg B.V. | 63738066 |
Ryder Cycling B.V. | 67037186 |
RYMAX B.V. | 60652608 |
S&P DJI Netherlands B.V. | 70705445 |
S. Khonkaen Foods (Netherlands) B.V. | 58990577 |
S.C. Johnson Europe B.V. | 30097965 |
S.C. Johnson Europlant B.V. | 30037575 |
S.R.S. Specialist Retail Systems B.V. | 33223035 |
S.T.R.S. B.V. | 75218267 |
S.W.I.F.T.(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication SCRL) | 28029574 |
S2IX B.V. | 92892493 |
Saab Nederland B.V. | 81122373 |
Saab Technologies B.V. | 08060878 |
SAB ELECTRO B.V. | 76956202 |
SAB&T Tec B.V. | 83031766 |
SaBa IFA B.V. | 84749776 |
Sabaas B.V. | 62804901 |
SABIC Capital B.V. | 14105349 |
SABIC Europe B.V. | 14073237 |
SABIC Global Technologies B.V. | 14095340 |
SABIC Innovative Plastics B.V. | 20079272 |
SABIC Limburg B.V. | 14072225 |
Sabre Marketing Nederland B.V. | 33268357 |
SACA Europe B.V. | 73142883 |
Sacaja Greens International B.V. | 56285698 |
SafeSize B.V. | 61772968 |
SafetyCulture B.V. | 85785342 |
Safi Sana Holding B.V. | 30285039 |
Sage + Archer B.V. | 69611033 |
Sage Parts Europe B.V. | 34306366 |
Sagesse Jeugdhulp | 71169377 |
Saia Agrobotics B.V. | 75339269 |
SAIC MOTOR Europe B.V. | 75259877 |
Saietta Europe B.V. | 08041258 |
Sail Investments B.V. | 68338562 |
Saint-Gobain Autover International B.V. | 20063584 |
Saipem Contracting Netherlands B.V. | 50511254 |
Sairopa B.V. | 82089221 |
Sakata Holland B.V. | 34070696 |
Sakura Finetek Europe B.V. | 28065449 |
SalesChamp B.V. | 61706108 | B.V. | 91822408 |
SalesScreen Europe B.V. | 69064849 |
Salland Engineering (Europe) B.V. | 05062593 |
Salonized B.V. | 75045877 |
Salonized Holding B.V. | 64876233 |
Salta Group B.V. | 30074837 |
Salto CloudWorks B.V. | 53438426 |
Salure ICT B.V. | 60515538 |
Salut Holding B.V. | 74998544 |
Salvedo Health Clinic B.V. | 58901477 |
Salvia BioElectronics B.V. | 68225806 |
Salvius Legal B.V. | 51665174 |
Sam Media B.V. | 27308939 |
SaM Solutions GmbH & Co. KG | 61995266 |
Samarco Iron Ore Europe B.V. | 34140125 |
Samasource International B.V. | 73846015 |
Samba Holdco B.V. | 80212700 |
Samco Aircraft Maintenance B.V. | 14040129 |
SaMe Chemicals B.V. | 23031961 |
Samenwerkende Tandartsen B.V. | 17231581 |
SAMI Composites B.V. | 90788362 |
Samotics B.V. | 64305635 |
Samskip Services B.V. | 73672475 |
Samson Regeltechniek B.V. | 27084741 |
Samsung Bioepis NL B.V. | 71719652 |
Samsung Electronics Air Conditioner Europe B.V. | 67060269 |
Samsung Electronics Benelux B.V. | 27157139 |
Samsung Electronics Europe Logistics B.V. | 27252366 |
Samsung SDS Global SCL Netherlands Coöperatief U.A. | 53842316 |
Samvardhana Motherson Automotive Systems Group B.V. | 53709713 |
Samyang Foods Europe B.V. | 94575959 |
SAN ISN B.V. | 68497032 |
Sana Commerce EMEA B.V. | 67709834 |
Sanctuary Kliniek B.V. | 84826282 |
Sanctuary Kliniek Holding B.V. | 59443871 |
Sanders US Tax Services B.V. | 66499461 |
Sandhills East Limited - Netherlands Branch | 70661960 |
Sandoz B.V. | 32029918 |
Sandvik Benelux B.V. | 24214689 |
Sandvik Mining and Construction B.V. | 53449320 |
Sanjia Netherlands B.V. | 08161006 |
Sankyu (Europe) B.V. | 24256651 |
Sanofi B.V. | 32050737 |
Sanoma Learning B.V. | 34215694 |
Sanos Rugzorg | 60126817 |
Sanquin Diagnostiek B.V. | 67177476 |
Sanquin Innovatie B.V. | 70159882 |
Santa Fe Relocation Services B.V. | 33288150 |
Santander Consumer Finance S.A., Branche Nederland | 84418966 |
Santen SA, the Netherlands branch | 69983208 |
Santon Group B.V. | 18076438 |
Santova Logistics B.V. | 24457789 |
Santrade Ltd. | 24225792 |
Sany Benelux B.V. | 89533658 |
SAP Nederland B.V. | 16053535 |
Sapienza Consulting B.V. | 28106636 |
Sappi Netherlands B.V. | 14631721 |
Sapporo Europe B.V. | 74186892 |
Sarens Nederland B.V. | 23054819 |
Sarten Packaging Netherlands B.V. | 66585066 |
Sartorius Netherlands B.V. | 30048807 |
Sas Institute B.V. | 32043244 |
Sasja Careers B.V. | 70282994 |
Sasma B.V. | 27252642 |
Sasol Holding (Netherlands) B.V. | 33261936 |
Satelligence B.V. | 65413105 |
Satelligence B.V. | 81534787 |
Satellogic Netherlands B.V. | 84194413 |
Satmex International B.V. | 52230996 |
Sato Europe GmbH Benelux | 64173682 |
Satriun B.V. | 53235665 |
Satter Phalaenopsis B.V. | 11068007 |
Satyam Computer Services LTD | 17162457 |
Sauter Building Control Nederland B.V. | 34226001 |
Saval B.V. | 20062192 |
Savision B.V. | 30219223 |
Saxion Hogescholen | 38024938 |
Saxo Bank A/S | 34357130 |
Saybolt Nederland B.V. | 24228922 |
SBIN B.V. | 64009831 |
SBit Automatiseringsdiensten B.V. | 24297473 |
SBM Offshore Amsterdam B.V. | 62829327 |
SBM Schiedam B.V. | 24173568 |
SBM Schiedam Projects B.V. | 24233923 |
SBS Corp B.V. | 82709793 |
SC Staffing B.V. | 31045618 |
Scailable B.V. | 77315073 |
Scale Logic Europe | 34143597 |
Scale Up Nation B.V. | 67697038 |
Scaler B.V. | 86048171 |
Scan Modul B.V. | 30076824 |
Scandinavian Tobacco Group Eersel B.V. | 17009046 |
Scania IT Nederland B.V. | 05062402 |
Scania Logistics Netherlands B.V. | 56552793 |
Scania Production Meppel B.V. | 05046846 |
Scania Production Zwolle B.V. | 05020370 |
Scanmar B.V. | 30111449 |
ScanTrust B.V. | 72697881 |
Scarabee Systems & Technology B.V. | 24166429 |
Scatec Poland B.V. | 86163906 |
Scatec Solar Netherlands B.V. | 63976404 |
Scenic Biotech B.V. | 68003811 |
Scenius Software Engineering B.V. | 70528500 |
ScenTronix B.V. | 72048662 |
Scenwise B.V. | 67399258 |
Schaaf- en Boorwerk Rotterdam B.V. | 24099959 |
Schaeffler Nederland B.V. | 09036105 |
Schaffelaarbos B.V. | 09035332 |
Scheepswerf Slob B.V. | 23034745 |
Scheer Nederland B.V. | 55679285 |
Scheidt & Bachmann Nederland B.V. | 18090524 |
Scheldebouw B.V. | 22035330 |
Schelstraete Delacourt Associates B.V. | 24253488 |
Schenker Global Management & Services GmbH | 71585559 |
Schenker Logistics Nederland B.V. | 24015922 |
Scherpthe B.V. | 63412462 |
Schiedam | 50991663 |
Schilt Engineering B.V. | 30123220 |
Schindler Liften B.V. | 27002562 |
Schiphol Area Development Company N.V. | 34063671 |
Schiphol Nederland B.V. | 34166584 |
Schlumberger B.V. | 27093931 |
Schlumberger Finance B.V. | 27243825 |
Schlumberger Limited Dutch Branch | 27141012 |
Schlumberger Offshore Services Limited | 27182014 |
Schlumberger Oil and Gas Technologies B.V. | 34073441 |
Schlumberger Petroleum Services C.V. | 27145133 |
Schneider Electric Logistic Centre B.V. | 34126413 |
Schneider Electric Systems Netherlands N.V. | 31014519 |
Schneider Electric The Netherlands B.V. | 34034429 |
Schoeller Allibert Services B.V. | 57193118 |
Scholt Energy Trading B.V. | 50103962 |
Schothorst Feed Research B.V. | 39084732 |
Schouten Europe B.V. | 18059439 |
Schouw Informatisering B.V. | 20088172 |
Schrijven AI B.V. | 88405109 |
Schrijvershof B.V. | 23064074 |
Schuberg Philis B.V. | 34116400 |
Schüco Nederland B.V. | 33156339 |
Schuiteman Audit & Assurance B.V. | 08081961 |
Schuiteman Corporate Finance B.V. | 69363951 |
Schunk Xycarb Technology B.V. | 17046001 |
Schutter Rotterdam B.V. | 24134746 |
Schweppes International Limited | 34112755 |
Sci-Buy Netherlands B.V. | 74367099 |
Science and Technology B.V. | 27289872 |
Sciosense B.V. | 63386283 |
SciSports Datascouting B.V. | 58187863 |
Scitodate B.V. | 68865880 |
SCM Management B.V. | 63656329 |
SCMworx Business Solutions B.V. | 84314087 |
Scodix B.V. | 68790465 |
SCOPEinsight B.V. | 32160247 |
Scotch Whisky International B.V. | 51096072 |
Screen INFOmatch B.V. | 17167169 |
Screen6 B.V. | 57226504 |
Screenpoint Medical B.V. | 60633832 |
Scribbr B.V. | 67863019 |
Scribd Netherlands B.V. | 73946958 |
SCS Europe B.V. | 65889266 |
SCS Training & Consultancy B.V. | 34203187 |
SCW Systems B.V. | 58763368 |
SD Worx HCM B.V. | 24396261 |
SD Worx Payrolling B.V. | 14069215 |
SDC Engineering B.V. | 58198393 |
SD-Insights B.V. | 64128601 |
SDL Netherlands B.V. | 34167559 |
SDR Beheer B.V. | 24338708 |
Sdu B.V. | 27193898 |
SE Blades Technology B.V. | 08097855 |
Sea Level B.V. | 34115797 |
Sea Sonic Europe B.V. | 17226278 |
Seaborough Research B.V. | 62110217 |
Seafood Connection B.V. | 39090057 |
Seafood TIP B.V. | 69451249 |
Seagate Technology (Netherlands) B.V. | 34145184 |
Sealed Air B.V. | 09114711 |
SeaQurrent Holding B.V. | 59416319 |
Seara Meats B.V. | 33274884 |
Seatec UK Limited | 54701988 |
Seatrade Holding B.V. | 02046436 |
Seaway 7 Engineering B.V. | 27141777 |
SEB PROFESSIONAL Nederland B.V. | 33235204 |
SecFi Technologies B.V. | 68996179 |
Seco Tools B.V. | 12016218 |
Second Company International B.V. | 72824522 |
Sectra ImaXperts B.V. | 39069257 |
Secumail B.V. | 69887594 |
Secura B.V. | 17126968 |
Securelogin B.V. | 60076712 |
SecureOne International B.V. | 17284956 |
Securify B.V. | 58043624 |
Securify Inline B.V. | 76849236 |
Securitas B.V. | 33224882 |
Securitas Direct B.V. | 17158925 |
Security Tools International B.V. | 70211477 |
Sedef Impex Groenten & Fruit B.V. | 24308923 |
See the Good B.V. | 83455841 |
See Tickets B.V. | 01140404 |
SEEBURGER Benelux | 34237068 |
SeeCubic B.V. | 52962911 |
Seed Processing Holland B.V. | 36009535 |
Seed2Lead B.V. | 53991389 |
SEEF B.V. | 74064940 |
Seenons B.V. | 76467244 |
Segway Discovery Europe B.V. | 77884760 |
Segway-Ninebot EMEA | 65533305 |
Seine (Holland) B.V. | 51537435 |
SEKISUI ALVEO B.V. | 13015670 |
Sekisui Europe B.V. | 34067480 |
Sekisui S-Lec | 13037554 |
Selcom B.V. | 05082463 |
Select Engineering B.V. | 56224516 |
Selecta Infrastructuur B.V. | 24362627 |
Selectum B.V. | 27257999 |
SELEGGT NL B.V. | 73393657 |
Self-screen B.V. | 34292236 |
Selmers Industrial B.V. | 34093616 |
Selo Holding B.V. | 06083480 |
Semansys Technologies B.V. | 27260962 |
Semiconductor Ideas To The Market (Itom) B.V. | 20089913 |
Semmie Group B.V. | 30226925 |
Semmtech B.V. | 27313170 |
Sempre Technology B.V. | 70947481 |
Semrush B.V. | 85307858 |
Senbis Polymer Innovations B.V. | 82396930 |
Send AI B.V. | 78530989 |
SendCloud B.V. | 66572959 |
SendCloud Global B.V. | 60316721 |
Sendmarc Europe B.V. | 87209322 |
Sendsteps B.V. | 34307436 |
Senergetics B.V. | 87859041 |
SENICA International Holding B.V. | 72997966 |
Senkron Energy Digital Services B.V. | 89494180 |
sennder Benelux B.V. | 72928069 |
Sennheiser Nederland B.V. | 39058009 |
SENOR Tech B.V. | 34304912 |
Sensara B.V. | 60863463 |
Sensata Technologies Holland B.V. | 34243027 |
Sense Health B.V. | 59317132 |
SenseGlove B.V. | 63119986 |
Sensia Netherlands B.V. | 74224921 |
Sensitech EMEA B.V. | 28067704 |
Sensity B.V. | 73175501 |
Sensixs Design B.V. | 56543875 |
Sensor Netherlands B.V. | 59743581 |
Sensor West B.V. | 67529763 |
Sensorfact B.V. | 72284404 |
Sensorfy B.V. | 62584715 |
Sensoterra International B.V. | 81100981 |
Sensys Gatso International B.V. | 34064750 |
Sensys Gatso Netherlands B.V. | 34065996 |
Sensys Gatso Software B.V. | 34077170 |
Senta The Netherlands B.V. | 17146073 |
Sentia MPC B.V. | 52121097 |
Sentillia B.V. | 69402132 |
Sentillia Tech B.V. | 90356691 |
SentinelOne B.V. | 78312949 |
Sentry Software Netherlands B.V. | 87173301 |
SentryX B.V. | 70207410 |
Seoil Holding Coöperatief U.A. | 67452329 |
Seqirus Netherlands B.V. | 63704005 |
Sequal Projects B.V. | 67100740 |
SeQuenX B.V. | 66600510 |
Seres Biotech B.V. | 90858484 |
SERES EUROPE B.V. | 89632680 |
Serket B.V. | 69822549 |
Serromah Shipping B.V. | 24195751 |
Serverius B.V. | 34367179 |
ServiceHouse B.V. | 62009761 |
ServiceNow Nederland B.V. | 53045998 |
ServiceShift B.V. | 72535180 |
Servizurich S.A. , Netherlands Branch | 86378880 |
Servorg Uitzendbureau B.V. | 27144722 |
SET Management B.V. | 53866142 |
Sete Netherlands II B.V. | 61414891 |
Settels Savenije van Amelsvoort B.V. | 18036943 |
Settly B.V. | 73688355 |
Seuss Consulting B.V. | 60793961 |
Seven Homes Ambassador | 27171525 |
Sevenhills Logistics B.V. | 77272749 |
Seven-Up Nederland B.V. | 32018829 |
Severfield Europe B.V. | 68600666 |
SFDC Netherlands B.V. | 30211409 |
SFG B.V. | 60209526 |
SFI Markets B.V. | 56475160 |
SFL Canusa International B.V. | 66965640 |
SG Equipment Finance Benelux B.V. | 33231337 |
SGI-Aviation Services B.V. | 34270649 |
SGS Nederland B.V. | 24226722 |
SGS Packaging Netherlands B.V. | 32117469 |
SH International B.V. | 73064580 |
Shackle B.V. | 83289623 |
Shada B.V. | 08100006 |
Shaerp Solutions B.V. | 72875186 |
ShaleProfile B.V. | 69690480 |
Shamrock Ventures III B.V. | 65530667 |
Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical (Europe) B.V. | 52090353 |
Shanghai Freemen Europe B.V. | 61640212 |
ShanX Medtech B.V. | 74534084 |
Shaoke Logistics B.V. | 87579979 |
Share Impact Accountants B.V. | 66398932 |
Shared Services Europe B.V. | 60744510 |
Shareforce B.V. | 75158221 | B.V. | 34183120 |
ShareValue B.V. | 53517334 |
Sharewire B.V. | 27262758 |
Sharp Jusda Logistics (Netherlands) B.V. | 74581686 |
ShawCor International Coöperatie U.A. | 58209727 |
Shekoy Chemicals Europe B.V. | 28117965 |
Shell Asset Management Company B.V. | 27075766 |
Shell Chemicals Europe B.V. | 24332907 |
Shell Downstream Services International B.V. | 27265874 |
Shell EV Charging Solutions B.V. | 32158064 |
Shell Global Solutions International B.V. | 27155370 |
SHELL Information Technology International B.V. | 27146204 |
SHELL International B.V. | 27155369 |
SHELL International Exploration and Production B.V. | 27002688 |
Shell Lubricants Supply Company B.V. | 27269007 |
Shell Nederland B.V. | 24098177 |
SHELL Nederland Chemie B.V. | 24082750 |
SHELL Nederland Raffinaderij B.V. | 24094988 |
SHELL Petroleum N.V. | 27002687 |
Shen Shi B.V. | 09151321 |
Shervin B.V. | 59771526 |
Shields Environmental B.V. | 53527550 |
Shiftbase B.V. | 59514701 |
Shifter Verloning Nederland B.V. | 34357469 |
Shifter Zakelijke dienstverlening B.V. | 59617667 |
Shimano Europe B.V. | 08076068 |
SHINE Europe B.V. | 83919481 |
Shin-Etsu International Europe B.V. | 33218894 |
Shin-Etsu Polymer Europe B.V. | 12028985 |
Shin-Etsu PVC | 34123402 |
Shin-Etsu Silicones Europe B.V. | 39049276 |
Shinko Machineries Europe B.V. | 33163750 |
Shinn Fu Europe B.V | 20070856 |
SHINWATEC LIMITED EUROPE Representative Office | 86720600 |
Shionogi B.V. | 73229180 |
Shipitsmarter.Com B.V. | 34131907 |
Shipsy B.V. | 91552346 |
Shira-Yuki | 53580966 |
Shirley Parsons B.V. | 76628663 |
Shiva Soft Solutions B.V. | 66084628 |
SHL Nederland B.V. | 30073998 |
Shop-Apotheke Service B.V. | 63955938 |
Shopify Commerce Netherlands B.V. | 82284059 |
Shopping Minds Nederland B.V. | 57701687 |
ShoreTension B.V. | 50596721 |
Short Stay Group Operations B.V. | 34300122 |
Shosho B.V. | 68993218 |
Shouguang Vegetable Industry Holding Group Netherlands B.V. | 55658431 |
Showa International (Netherlands) B.V. | 34151373 |
SHPP B.V. | 74096435 |
SHPP Sales B.V. | 74074458 |
Shuguang Europe B.V. | 17219625 |
SHV Energy N.V. | 30098428 |
SHV Holdings N.V. | 30065974 |
Shypple B.V. | 66593972 |
Sia Partners | 34362284 |
Sibelco Nederland N.V. | 23053616 |
Sidhu Food B.V. | 33306070 |
Siebel Jewelry B.V. | 60134577 |
Siemens Electronic Design Automation B.V. | 34063001 |
Siemens Energy B.V. | 53745175 |
Siemens Energy Finance B.V. | 77784073 |
Siemens Energy Holding B.V. | 75347679 |
Siemens Finance B.V. | 27196108 |
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy | 67034276 |
Siemens Healthineers Holding I B.V. | 08050305 |
Siemens Healthineers Holding III B.V. | 69414335 |
Siemens Healthineers Nederland I B.V. | 92289657 |
Siemens Industry Software Netherlands B.V. | 71436391 |
Siemens International Holding B.V. | 27044420 |
Siemens Mobility B.V. | 71002693 |
Siemens Nederland N.V. | 27015771 |
Sier Disposables B.V. | 09210159 |
Siere Handel B.V. | 39099457 |
Sierra Instruments B.V. | 33237377 |
Sif Netherlands B.V. | 13027369 |
Siflower Communication Holland B.V. | 83060669 |
Sig Combibloc B.V. | 06058479 |
Sigmax Government Products B.V. | 08176866 |
Signify Holding B.V. | 17054234 |
Signify N.V. | 65220692 |
Signify Netherlands B.V. | 17061150 |
Signkick R&D | 66445671 |
Signpost Six B.V. | 66139414 |
SignRequest B.V. | 61138088 |
Siilo Holding B.V. | 63858975 |
Silgan Dispensing Systems Netherlands B.V. | 18050688 |
Silhouette Europe B.V. | 89847180 |
Silhouette Europe Representative office | 68920350 |
Silicon Integrated B.V. | 74814982 |
Silicon Power Computer and Communications Netherlands B.V. | 39090688 |
Silicon Refractory Anchoring Systems B.V. | 27192515 |
Silk Way Airlines GmbH | 66626579 |
Silver Ocean B.V. | 34201965 |
Silverflow B.V. | 75705680 |
SIM International B.V. | 58371869 |
Simacan B.V. | 57084173 |
SimCorp Benelux SA/NV | 24401945 |
Sime Darby Oils Zwijndrecht Refinery B.V. | 24328835 |
Simex Transport and Forwarding B.V. | 35026479 |
Simmons & Simmons LLP | 51088282 |
Simon-Kucher & Partners B.V. | 34365127 |
Simpl.Energy B.V. | 89660986 |
Simply Green B.V. | 66885965 |
Simptel B.V. | 75987252 |
SimStudio International Consultants B.V. | 76076326 |
Simtech Cloud Consulting B.V. | 62586432 |
SIMtoCARE B.V. | 70934126 |
Simwave B.V. | 66427576 |
Simytech Uitzend- en Detacheringsbureau Hengelo B.V. | 08127318 |
Sineria Holland B.V. | 61343862 |
Singapore Airlines Ltd | 33134631 |
Single Cell Discoveries B.V. | 71626336 |
Single Quantum B.V. | 54424089 |
Sinner B.V. | 32060153 |
Sinnovision Management B.V. | 58921923 |
Sinoboom B.V. | 77223837 |
Sinomedik B.V. | 52753220 |
Sino-Ned Business Consultancy B.V. | 34317317 |
Sinotrans Air Transportation GmbH Netherlands Branch | 75559838 |
Sintecs B.V. | 08185577 |
Sioux Expats B.V. | 73761966 |
Sioux Technologies Assembly B.V. | 76235831 |
Siqura B.V. | 34209061 |
Sir Albert Hotel B.V. | 34259391 |
Sircle Collection B.V. | 34369785 |
SIRE ManCo B.V. | 80193188 |
SIRE Staffing Solutions B.V. | 73348228 |
Sirius Medical Systems B.V. | 68134673 |
Siron B.V. | 08147849 |
SIRVA B.V. | 27018231 |
SIS Global Netherlands B.V. | 82215332 |
Sisar B.V. | 61824305 |
SITA B.V. | 34123443 |
Sitech Services B.V. | 14105702 |
Sitech Services B.V. | 90348524 |
Sitecom Europe B.V. | 24313551 |
Sitecore Nederland B.V. | 30245580 |
SiTime Netherlands B.V. | 68414889 |
Siveele B.V.i.o. | 20169798 |
Six Dogs B.V. | 81479220 |
Sizzer B.V. | 34214442 |
Sjaak van der Vijver B.V. | 27345463 |
Sjaak van Schie B.V. | 27260928 |
Sjartec Technische Groothandel B.V. | 28019528 |
SJJ Solutions B.V. | 71377352 |
SK Enmove Europe B.V. | 34354653 |
SKAAL B.V. | 68059043 |
Skalar Analytical B.V. | 20042879 |
Skeye B.V. | 57161283 |
SKF B.V. | 30047921 |
Skill Nation B.V. | 64493318 |
Skilllab B.V. | 70768668 |
SkillShift B.V. | 88540588 |
SKIM Analytical | 24135624 |
SkinVision B.V. | 55195520 |
Skopei Digital B.V. | 70587310 |
Skydreams B.V. | 24330161 |
SkyGeo Netherlands B.V. | 61630896 |
Skyhaus B.V. | 73729574 |
Skykick B.V. | 65800656 |
SkylineDx B.V. | 58599797 |
SkyNRG B.V. | 50242423 |
SkyShowtime Limited | 86308688 |
SkySpecs B.V. | 72077336 |
SkyTeam Airline Alliance Management Coöperatie U.A. | 34345101 |
Skytree B.V. | 61020796 |
Skyworkz B.V. | 71738185 |
Slalom Netherlands B.V. | 76125386 |
Sledge Hammer Engineering International B.V. | 24270960 |
Sleepdienst Adriaan Kooren B.V. | 24066028 |
Sleepy P Ranch B.V. | 66408520 |
Sleeve Technology B.V. | 17246503 |
Slim Development B.V. | 55004342 |
Slim met Energie B.V. | 55033490 |
Slimmer AI | 01145626 |
Slimmer AI Labs B.V. | 82155283 |
Slimmer AI Science B.V. | 82155275 |
Slimstock Holding B.V. | 38024648 |
SLJ Investment Partners B.V. | 62856642 |
SLK Software Netherlands B.V. | 34258286 |
Sluis Cigar Machinery B.V. | 05029396 |
SMAL GmbH | 73994367 |
SmallRig Europe B.V. | 90715365 |
Smallsteps B.V. | 60901934 |
Smarlet RPM B.V. | 27327203 |
Smart Asset Integrity Solutions B.V. | 24314380 |
Smart Compliance Solution B.V. | 82951632 |
Smart Grid B.V. | 74915835 |
Smart Medical and Trade B.V. | 72705558 |
SMART Photonics B.V. | 54843219 |
Smart Robotics B.V. | 75859602 | B.V. | 57083126 |
Smart2IT B.V. | 75030829 |
Smart4Aviation Technologies B.V. | 50372580 |
Smartech Nederland B.V. | 77044681 |
SmartFarming B.V. | 68229194 |
Smartfeedz | 17209844 |
Smartlab Holding B.V. | 24349518 |
Smartland | 66234271 |
SmartLockr | 61781614 | Solutions Oy Netherlands Branch | 86695118 |
Smartmatic International Holding B.V. | 04032259 |
SmartMed B.V. | 64797538 |
SmartNow B.V. | 63620162 |
SmartSD Holding B.V. | 24430055 |
Smartshore B.V. | 56609485 |
SmartTip B.V. | 08119525 |
SMB Capital B.V. | 24345275 |
SMBC Aero Engine Lease B.V. | 58968504 |
SMBC Bank EU AG | 74151851 |
SMC Nederland B.V. | 33165882 |
Smets Food Trading B.V. | 57754632 |
Smiler B.V. | 80689078 |
Smit Lamnalco Netherlands B.V. | 54802202 |
Smit Thermal Solutions B.V. | 62918621 |
Smith & Associates Europe B.V. | 34112048 |
Smith & Nephew Operations B.V. | 73958476 |
Smiths Detection Benelux B.V. | 69323593 |
Smits van Burgst Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau | 27092121 |
SMRC Automotive Holdings Netherlands B.V. | 60670274 |
SMS Cycling B.V. | 08119294 |
SMS Global Logistics B.V. | 69452954 |
SMST Designers & Constructors B.V. | 01059469 |
SMT Services B.V. | 65860667 |
SMT Shipping (Netherlands) B.V. | 50582550 |
SMT Zorg & Zorgadvies B.V. | 70366640 |
Smurfit Kappa Nederland B.V. | 14628280 |
Smurfit Kappa Paper Services B.V. | 32065886 |
Smurfit Kappa Parenco B.V. | 09042723 |
Smurfit Kappa Recycling B.V. | 16084803 |
SN Power Invest Netherlands B.V. | 60009586 |
Snap B.V. | 67777538 |
Snappet B.V. | 55161510 |
SNBC Europe B.V. | 17062599 |
SnelStart Software B.V. | 37054131 |
Snijders Intelligent Automation | 23051631 |
Snippet Technologies IT B.V. | 84247800 |
SNOT B.V. | 58899634 |
Snowflake Computing Netherlands B.V. | 73059277 |
SNR Schouten & Nelissen Recovery B.V. | 11014569 |
SNV Shell Nederland Verkoopmaatschappij B.V. | 24112907 |
SO Connect B.V. | 56838182 |
SOA People Nederland N.V. | 17104742 |
Sobolt B.V. | 67363571 |
Sociaal-Economische Raad - SER | 27363950 |
Social Audience B.V. | 62917161 |
Social Circle B.V. | 52911217 |
Social Finance NL B.V. | 71759735 |
Social Traffic B.V. | 34210533 |
Socios Sports B.V. | 34242182 |
Sockeye Creative Inc. | 64795373 |
SodaStream International B.V. | 20083292 |
Soderberg Transport | 77080793 |
Sodexo Altys B.V. | 24403427 |
Sofico Services | 20103780 |
Sofis B.V. | 28060405 |
Sofra Dairy Products B.V. | 62128051 |
Softlayer Dutch Holdings B.V. | 52461041 |
Softline Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 50774840 |
Software AG Nederland B.V. | 11032512 |
Software for Chemistry & Materials B.V. | 33301537 |
Software Foundry B.V. | 50383426 |
Software Improvement Group B.V. | 34133013 |
Software Quality Measurement and Improvement B.V. | 24258907 |
SoftwareONE Netherlands B.V. | 33226399 |
Sogeti Nederland B.V. | 30200252 |
Soho House Amsterdam B.V. | 63310406 |
S-OIL Corporation | 54165261 |
SoilBeat Holding B.V. | 90362969 |
Sojitz Aviation and Marine B.V. | 34159452 |
Sojitz Corporation of Europe B.V. | 83595384 |
Sojitz Global Investment B.V. | 55868673 |
SolaaS Lab B.V. | 85837091 |
Solar Chiropractic | 63792877 |
Solar Monkey B.V. | 64301400 |
SolarClarity B.V. | 32123093 |
Solarclarity Shared Services B.V. | 58829237 |
SolarComfort B.V | 11055205 |
SolarDuck B.V. | 80923879 |
Solarge International B.V. | 78002613 |
Solarix Concepts B.V. | 73282944 |
SolarOplossing B.V. | 75473127 |
SolarPlaza International B.V. | 52919129 |
SolarTurn B.V. | 53545702 |
Solarus Smart Energy Solutions B.V. | 77904419 |
Solenis Netherlands B.V. | 60529075 |
Solera Nederland B.V. | 30173899 |
Solico Engineering B.V. | 66511291 |
Solid Professionals Interim B.V. | 30242744 |
Solid Sands B.V. | 61176249 |
Solid Trading B.V. | 37152948 |
Solid Young Professionals B.V. | 72377437 |
SolidNature Projects B.V. | 55056091 |
Solina Netherlands B.V. | 24314442 |
Solis Naturals B.V. | 75863189 |
Solis Tractors & Agricultural Machinery B.V. | 73516228 |
Solit Network Solutions B.V. | 35028509 |
SolMateS B.V. | 08152703 |
Solnet Group B.V. | 68473370 |
Solora B.V. | 74894595 |
Solstice Pharmaceuticals B.V. | 78428491 |
Soltegro B.V. | 20164895 |
SoluForce B.V. | 84775203 |
Solulever B.V. | 72312491 |
Solutional Consulting B.V. | 85213675 |
Solutional Netherlands B.V. | 27287306 |
Solvès Employee B.V. | 76489973 |
Solvinity | 59597291 |
Solvy B.V. | 77235053 |
Somar Europe B.V. | 72631899 |
Somatics Incubator B.V. | 72189185 |
Somi Shokuhin Co., Ltd. | 76439941 |
Somnox B.V. | 67150179 |
Sonac Vuren B.V. | 59079266 |
Sonata Software Limited | 50031473 |
Sonder Technology B.V. | 76715949 |
Songbook B.V. | 82785767 |
Sonion Nederland B.V. | 14098797 |
Sonneborn Refined Products B.V. | 54991439 |
Sono Hospitality B.V. | 86411470 |
Sonos Europe B.V. | 32107881 |
SonoScape Medical Netherlands B.V. | 70727295 |
Sonova Nederland B.V. | 30153332 |
Sonova Retail Support Centre B.V. | 69114544 |
Sonum B.V. | 50740067 |
Sony Europe B.V. | 71682147 |
Sony Music Entertainment Netherlands B.V. | 32037174 |
Soolutions E-commerce B.V. | 60162589 |
Sooqr B.V. | 32077937 |
Soosan Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Europe Office | 24287006 |
Sopheon N.V. | 34083605 |
Sophia Com B.V. | 27172772 |
Sopra Banking Software Netherlands B.V. | 61567078 |
Sopra Steria Benelux | 62465554 |
Sopra Steria Nederland B.V. | 30086514 |
Sorama B.V. | 50232053 |
Sorba Projects B.V. | 08032950 |
SOS International Amsterdam | 33171493 |
Soterion Benelux B.V. | 77632206 |
Soulpicks B.V. | 70628475 |
Soundclaims B.V. | 68416636 |
SoundEnergy B.V. | 69445389 |
Source Engineering Services B.V. | 62469576 |
Source Flex Solutions B.V. | 53104501 |
Source Payroll Services B.V. | 30249784 | B.V. | 80938582 | International B.V. | 80936385 |
Sourcenext B.V. | 73821950 |
Soursop B.V. | 74917021 |
South Pole Netherlands B.V. | 69954844 |
South Stream Transport B.V. | 56465254 |
Sovereign Speed Netherlands B.V. | 64754073 |
Sowiso B.V. | 50647482 |
Soyventis Europe B.V. | 73975257 |
SPA WNP ingenieurs B.V. | 09092661 |
Spaak Circular Solutions B.V. | 68426690 |
Space Encounters B.V. | 66392683 |
space&matter B.V. | 66153344 |
Space4Good B.V. | 68961774 |
Spacewell Netherlands B.V. | 09146652 |
SPAR International B.V. | 33092182 |
Sparck Technologies Services B.V. | 85910740 |
Spares in Motion B.V. | 54956242 |
Spark Design & Innovation B.V. | 23073956 |
Spark Universe B.V. | 82936900 |
Sparkelon B.V. | 65393449 |
SparkNano B.V. | 69720908 |
Sparkoo Technologies B.V. | 84023082 |
SparkOptimus B.V. | 34254566 |
Sparque B.V. | 67538819 |
Spatial Eye B.V. | 11062368 |
SPDF Business Advisory Coöperatie U.A. | 55475892 |
Speakap 2 B.V. | 63585723 |
Speakap 5 B.V. | 72282673 |
Speakap 6 B.V. | 72282738 |
SPEAKAP B.V. | 51753847 |
Speakap Holding B.V. | 58332375 |
Speakeasy Netherlands B.V. | 61444480 |
Speaksee B.V. | 70051224 |
Spec Ops Technology B.V. | 54034124 |
Specialized Europe B.V. | 09089900 |
Specialty Electronic Materials Netherlands B.V. | 66460298 |
Specno B.V. | 83440445 |
Specsavers International B.V. | 02334162 |
Spectral Enterprise B.V. | 65812573 |
Spectral Industries B.V. | 60235772 |
Spectrometry Vision B.V. | 39092487 |
Spencer Stuart International B.V. | 30118706 |
SpendLab Recovery B.V. | 37127571 |
SPF Europe B.V. | 14043867 |
SPGPrints B.V. | 16032034 |
Sphera Solutions | 66233089 |
SphereMall B.V. | 65892208 |
Spherical Systems B.V. | 86813056 |
Spidron Weco B.V. | 68000545 |
SPIE Nederland B.V. | 14635629 |
Spiers New Technologies B.V. | 70728550 |
Spin Master International B.V. | 52118339 |
Spinn Holding B.V. | 61809845 |
Spinnin Records B.V. | 32075851 |
SPK Europe B.V. | 24274318 |
Splash Europe B.V. | 85547514 |
Splash Palace B.V. | 33273995 |
Splashtop B.V. | 77876342 |
Splendo Consulting B.V. | 17128970 |
Splunk Services Netherlands B.V. | 56965761 |
SPM Instrument B.V. | 18113234 |
Sport Medisch Centrum Amsterdam | 54792479 |
Sport Services B.V. | 18044416 |
SPOSEA B.V. | 65075471 |
Spotify Netherlands B.V. | 34388788 |
spotONvision B.V. | 57229791 |
Spotzer Digital B.V. | 34254009 |
Sprank B.V. | 24366430 |
Spring Today B.V. | 67807712 |
Springer Nature B.V. | 23051097 |
Springest B.V. | 30239037 |
SpriteCloud B.V. | 27351758 |
Spro N.V. | 23075813 |
SpronQ B.V. | 64040321 |
Sproule B.V. | 75636026 |
SPS Commerce Netherlands B.V. | 76027589 |
SPS InnoQon B.V. | 72793147 |
SPS-Europe B.V. | 52894223 |
SPT Offshore B.V. | 22041298 |
SPX Flow Technology Assen B.V. | 04029567 |
Sqills Products B.V. | 08172403 |
SQLI Nederland B.V. | 34128263 |
Squadra MDM Factory B.V. | 78551048 |
Squarespace Netherlands B.V. | 84406720 |
Squeezely B.V. | 66994292 |
SR CON NH B.V. | 59291850 |
SRA (Europe) B.V. | 33218505 |
Sram Europe Sales and Services B.V. | 38020300 |
S-RM B.V. | 85918768 |
St. Anny Food B.V. | 11031788 |
St. Jans Gasthuis | 41068375 |
Staal Technologies B.V. | 17245477 |
Staan Finance & Consultancy | 34267301 |
Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen | |
Stable & Rent | 18126586 |
Stackers B.V. | 80750281 |
StackState B.V. | 62985035 |
Stadium Grow Lighting | 34157947 |
Stadler Service Nederland B.V. | 08120417 |
STAEDEAN B.V. | 30202447 |
STAEL Process Recruitment B.V. | 69641374 |
Staffbase B.V. | 75849895 |
Staffing Force Nederland B.V. | 34276840 |
Staffyou Service & Software B.V. | 77118537 |
STAG Hotels Netherlands B.V. | 55130313 |
Stage Entertainment B.V. | 34110182 |
Stage Entertainment Nederland Producties B.V. | 34072678 |
Stage Global B.V. | 63551535 |
Stagetruck B.V. | 76073033 |
Stago B.V. | 36002890 |
Stahl Europe B.V. | 18107581 |
Stahl Holdings B.V. | 34249320 |
Stahl International B.V. | 18132671 |
Stakelogic B.V. | 58566473 |
Stamicarbon B.V. | 14009371 |
Stanley Engineered Fastening Benelux B.V. | 14627337 |
Stanley International B.V. | 75557126 |
Stantec B.V. | 27184323 |
Star Apple Interim B.V. | 61212792 |
Star Container Services B.V. | 24117944 |
Star fysiotherapie | 70673748 |
STAR Group Nederland B.V. | 22047014 |
STAR Resources B.V. | 56266693 |
Star South International B.V. | 67453074 |
Starbucks Coffee EMEA B.V. | 34160291 |
Starbucks Manufacturing EMEA B.V. | 34161132 |
Starck International B.V. | 83316132 |
Starion Nederland B.V. | 51393069 |
Stark Narrative | 34377454 |
Starnus Technology B.V. | 84281014 |
Starodub B.V. | 60766743 |
Starred B.V. | 55735452 |
Stars and Stories Nederland B.V. | 61733210 |
Starskin Group B.V. | 54705290 |
Starskin International B.V. | 54736552 |
Start People | 29031500 |
Startmail B.V. | 67176925 |
Startpagina Home & Thema's B.V. | 81782551 |
startselect B.V. | 52837610 |
Starware B.V. | 29037906 |
State Street Bank International GmbH Amsterdam Branch | 58459235 |
Stater N.V. | 32073618 |
Statera Recruitment B.V. | 27319870 |
Statkraft Markets B.V. | 33304386 |
Statkraft Renewables Benelux B.V. | 60257830 |
STB Software Development B.V. | 87643359 |
STBY B.V. | 33298534 |
STC - Group | 41131703 |
STC B.V. | 37053270 |
Stedin Groep Personeels B.V. | 24289165 |
Stedin Netbeheer B.V. | 24289101 |
Steeds Advies B.V. | 81278608 |
Steelcase Benelux B.V. | 61489328 |
Steenland Chocolate B.V. | 24354029 |
Stefanini Netherlands B.V. | 70063915 |
Stellantis N.V. | 60372958 |
Stellantis Nederland B.V. | 30068414 |
Stellar Belastingadviseurs B.V. | 70694389 |
Stellar Data Recovery B.V. | 30215746 |
STELTIX Nederland B.V. | 30175262 |
Stena Line B.V. | 24072680 |
Ster innovation and consultancy B.V. | 80871976 |
Sterc B.V. | 56757131 |
STERIS | 09052974 |
Sterrk Detachering B.V. | 70490503 |
Steward Redqueen B.V. | 27170153 |
Sthree Holdings B.V. | 24295090 |
SThree Interim Services B.V. | 58612122 |
Stibbe B.V. | 33170864 |
Stibo Systems B.V. | 56248733 |
stichd B.V. | 16068007 |
Stichting ""Institute for International Criminal Investigations Foundation"" | 27248986 |
Stichting 3X3 Unites | 66588588 |
Stichting ABA ROLI Netherlands | 88069842 |
Stichting Accare, Universitaire en Algemene Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie Noord-Nederland | 41020275 |
Stichting Access To Medicine Foundation | 34185938 |
Stichting Access To Nutrition Foundation | 58279199 |
Stichting Access To Seeds Foundation | 70292361 |
Stichting ActionAid | 41217595 |
Stichting Aeres Groep | 41246832 |
Stichting Aflatoun International | 34229026 |
Stichting Aidenvironment | 41208024 |
Stichting Aids Fonds - STOP AIDS NOW! - Soa Aids Nederland | 41207989 |
Stichting AIESEC International | 24280781 |
Stichting Akvo | 27327087 |
Stichting Akwaaba Zorg | 34230367 |
Stichting Albert Schweitzer Ziekenhuis | 23091362 |
Stichting Algemeen Christelijk Ziekenhuis Groningen | 41012091 |
Stichting American School of The Hague | 41153023 |
Stichting Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development | 34262058 |
Stichting Amsterdam UMC | 64156338 |
Stichting Aqua for All | 27248417 |
Stichting Arabische Wereld Zending | 41150377 |
Stichting Arctic Basecamp Foundation | 77753666 |
Stichting ASVZ | 24369841 |
Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten | 41207759 |
Stichting B Lab Europe | 58157700 |
Stichting Banktrack | 30198568 |
Stichting Basketbal Promotie Limburg | 14097589 |
Stichting Bellingcat | 72136030 |
Stichting BOOR | 24424572 |
Stichting BoP Innovation Center | 50744984 |
Stichting Briet Awraham | 41213392 |
Stichting Brunnera | 62972235 |
Stichting Business Development Friesland | 41005127 |
Stichting Butterfly Works | 34213609 |
Stichting Capitals Coalition | 76727149 |
Stichting CARE Nederland | 41158230 |
Stichting Carmelcollege | 41027871 |
Stichting Catharina-Ziekenhuis | 41087385 |
Stichting Catville Foundation | 76342271 |
Stichting Cenex Nederland | 71866078 |
Stichting Center for Civilians in Conflict | 83398163 |
Stichting CentERdata | 41098659 |
Stichting Chip Integration Technology Center | 73371378 |
Stichting CHOICE, for youth and sexuality | 32108345 |
Stichting CIEE Amsterdam | 34223068 |
stichting Circle Economy | 52051048 |
Stichting Climate-KIC International Foundation | 77373154 |
Stichting CMC | 41149831 |
Stichting Commonland | 59872314 |
Stichting Consent | 08141207 |
Stichting Cordaid | 41160054 |
Stichting Dabanga Foundation | 81831285 |
Stichting Dance4Life | 34197379 |
Stichting De Linde | 34177740 |
Stichting Deltares | 41146461 |
Stichting Dialogue Advisory Group | 34323722 |
Stichting Dorcas Aid International | 41236410 |
Stichting Dotspace | 65320778 |
Stichting dr. Denis Mukwege | 63545861 |
Stichting Dunamare Onderwijsgroep | 34277470 |
Stichting Dutch Marine Energy Centre | 37141947 |
Stichting Dutch Polymer Institute | 41094295 |
Stichting DutchStartHub | 62045695 |
Stichting Edunova | 63125889 |
Stichting Eduvier Onderwijsgroep | 41023804 |
Stichting EGI | 34380182 |
Stichting EHEDG | 24290365 |
Stichting Environmental Defense Fund Europe | 72607440 |
Stichting Enviu Nederland | 24357922 |
Stichting EP-Nuffic | 41150085 |
Stichting Equileap Investment Services Support | 67397972 |
Stichting European Climate Foundation | 27313877 |
Stichting European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases | 85030643 |
Stichting European Journalism Centre | 41078390 |
Stichting European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation | 14083431 |
Stichting European Urological Foundation | 41058571 |
Stichting Europeana | 27307531 |
Stichting Fair Wear Foundation | 34111374 |
Stichting Fairfood International | 34141098 |
Stichting Flevoziekenhuis | 41023790 |
Stichting Fotografie Museum Amsterdam | 34153678 |
Stichting Foundation for International Law for the Environment | 72770368 |
Stichting Framer Framed | 51823039 |
Stichting Free Press Unlimited | 52957535 |
Stichting Frontrunners | 64256057 |
Stichting Fulbright Commission the Netherlands | 68278195 |
Stichting GET Protocol Foundation | 69771138 |
Stichting GGZ Momentum | 50975382 |
Stichting Global Alliance for banking on values | 55537014 |
Stichting Global Network of People Living With HIV/Aids (Gnp+) | 41214768 |
Stichting Global Network of Young People Living with HIV (Y+ Global) | 77633555 |
Stichting Global Organizing Center | 34300213 |
Stichting Global Reporting Initiative | 34176957 |
Stichting Global Resilient Cities Network | 81637853 |
Stichting Green Award | 41134158 |
Stichting Green IT Consortium Regio Amsterdam | 50126679 |
Stichting Greenpeace Council | 41200415 |
Stichting Groningen Confucius Institute | 51428121 |
Stichting Haagsche Schoolvereeniging | 41150342 |
Stichting Hartwig Medical Foundation | 63052725 |
Stichting Health Action International | 41207580 |
Stichting Health-RI | 77193415 |
Stichting Het Nederlands Kanker Instituut-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis | 40530817 |
Stichting Het Nieuwe Instituut | 54584353 |
Stichting het Residentie Orkest | 41152170 |
Stichting Het Rijksmuseum | 41215141 |
Stichting Het Rijnlands Lyceum | 41150857 |
Stichting Het Utrechts Landschap | 41177576 |
Stichting Het Wereld Natuur Fonds Nederland | 41177588 |
Stichting Hivos (Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelings-Samenwerking) | 41198677 |
Stichting Hogeschool Leiden | 41167218 |
Stichting Hogeschool Rotterdam | 41129830 |
Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht | 30140523 |
Stichting Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen | 09091785 |
Stichting Hubrecht Organoid Technology | 58706542 |
Stichting I.E.A. Secretariaat Nederland | 41158871 |
Stichting IDH | 53521129 |
Stichting IHE Delft | 41146484 |
Stichting IKEA Foundation | 41202422 |
Stichting IMAS Foundation | 33305482 |
Stichting IMEC Nederland | 17179812 |
Stichting Impunity Watch | 30238214 |
Stichting INGKA Foundation | 41202414 |
Stichting Inlichtingenbureau | 27244197 |
Stichting Innovatiepact Fryslân | 66192641 |
Stichting Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion | 61443840 |
Stichting Interkerkelijke Organisatie voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, ICCO | 56484038 |
Stichting Internationaal & Lokaal Funderend Onderwijs | 17235549 |
Stichting Internationaal Belasting Documentatie Bureau | 41197411 |
Stichting International Accord Foundation | 59062673 |
Stichting International Center for Transitional Justice | 62560670 |
Stichting International Centre for Counter-Terrorism | 81081170 |
Stichting International Development Publications | 28107497 |
Stichting International Dispensary Association | 33170905 |
Stichting International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam | 41193868 |
Stichting International Film Festival Rotterdam | 41128382 |
Stichting International Groundwater Resources Assesment Centre | 52951235 |
Stichting International Institute for Environment and Development Europe | 81230710 |
Stichting International NGO Safety Organisation | 73728489 |
Stichting International Vocal Competition 's-Hertogenbosch (IVC) | 41080527 |
Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland | 41215724 |
Stichting IRC, International Water and Sanitation Centre | 41151952 |
Stichting Islamic University of Applied Sciences | 24280196 |
Stichting Islamitisch Centrum Nederland (SICN) | 41177140 |
Stichting ISSO | 41150633 |
Stichting IUCN Nederlands Comité (IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands Foundation) | 41180885 |
Stichting JAFI Nederland | 34264039 |
Stichting Jan IngenHousz Institute | 87455099 |
Stichting Japan Desk Ziekenhuis Amstelland | 53210255 |
Stichting Jeshive Amsterdam | 34176316 |
Stichting Foundation | 55719139 |
Stichting Jiangsu Investment & Trade Promotion | 53157907 |
Stichting Joint Implementation Network | 41013072 |
Stichting Katholiek Voortgezet Onderwijs Breda en omgeving / Skvob | 41102332 |
Stichting Kickstart AI | 84274026 |
Stichting Kidsrights | 34192528 |
Stichting Kind aan Huis | 09145825 |
Stichting Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds voor de Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding | 41197125 |
Stichting Koninklijke Visio, expertisecentrum voor slechtziende en blinde mensen | 08168183 |
Stichting Kunstinstituut Melly | 41131511 |
Stichting Kunstmuseum Den Haag | 27179947 |
Stichting Laurens | 41126751 |
Stichting Levazorg | 72306432 |
Stichting Liberation Route Europe | 52154203 |
Stichting Limburgs Voortgezet Onderwijs, Samenwerkingsbestuur voor bijzonder en openbaar onderwijs | 14077279 |
Stichting Lucas Onderwijs | 41158916 |
Stichting Maritiem Research Instituut Nederland | 09051790 |
Stichting MasterPeace | 34386933 |
Stichting Mayday Rescue Foundation | 64492915 |
Stichting Medewerkers Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest | 55480241 |
Stichting Mediamatic | 41010819 |
Stichting Medical Credit Fund | 34348645 |
Stichting Medisch Spectrum Twente | 41029722 |
Stichting Metabolic Institute | 73586730 |
Stichting MPS | 41169395 |
Stichting Museum Catharijneconvent | 41187306 |
Stichting Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen | 41169362 |
Stichting Nationale Opera & Ballet | 33263417 |
Stichting Naturalis Biodiversity Center | 41169515 |
Stichting Nederlands Helsinki Comité | 41182679 |
Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid | 41194855 |
Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen ""Clingendael"" | 41152832 |
Stichting Nederlands Woning Waarde Instituut NWWI | 30265403 |
Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Instituten | 41150068 |
Stichting Netherlands Advisory Board on impact investing | 81042582 |
Stichting Netherlands eScience Center | 55671721 |
Stichting Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy | 27189542 |
Stichting Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) | 27186453 |
Stichting New Energy Coalition | 69200556 |
Stichting Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam | 41125735 |
Stichting NRG PALLAS | 41151233 |
Stichting OAPEN | 53135296 |
Stichting OCA | 66738822 |
Stichting Offlimits | 41217108 |
Stichting OLVG, OLVG Oost | 41199082 |
Stichting Oncode Institute | 69303010 |
Stichting Onderwijsgroep Amstelland, stichting voor RK en PC basisonderwijs | 41208656 |
Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen | 41223308 |
Stichting Open Doors International | 41035009 |
Stichting Openbaar Voortgezet Onderwijs Tilburg | 18085696 |
Stichting Openbaar Voortgezet Onderwijs Utrecht en Omstreken | 30199604 |
Stichting OpenGeoHub | 71844570 |
Stichting Operatie Mobilisatie | 41126815 |
Stichting P.R.I.M.E. Finance Disputes Center | 52998614 |
Stichting Palga | 41197618 |
Stichting Pharmaccess International | 34151082 |
Stichting Plan International Nederland | 41198890 |
Stichting Plastic Soup Foundation | 52072894 |
Stichting PostAcademisch Onderwijs Techniek en Management | 27175987 |
Stichting Practica | 09119363 |
Stichting Prins Claus Fonds voor Cultuur en Ontwikkeling | 41159889 |
Stichting Protestants Christelijk Ziekenhuis Ikazia | 41126544 |
Stichting PUM | 41160229 |
Stichting Purmerendse ScholenGroep | 41236445 |
Stichting Quantum Delta NL | 80387217 |
Stichting Radboud universitair medisch centrum | 80262783 |
Stichting Radio Nederland Wereldomroep | 32022621 |
Stichting Radio Zamaneh | 34238149 |
Stichting Rainforest Alliance | 34159275 |
Stichting Rebel Support | 58948112 |
Stichting Redeemed Christian Church of God | 27177454 |
Stichting Refugees Forward | 69014477 |
Stichting Rijksmuseum Muiderslot | 41194666 |
Stichting RoboHouse | 68102976 |
Stichting ROC Mondriaan | 27182667 |
Stichting Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest | 41126499 |
Stichting Rural Energy Services | 34201011 |
Stichting Rutgers | 41193594 |
Stichting Saga Interproject Nederland | 34367085 |
Stichting Sanquin Bloedvoorziening | 41217565 |
Stichting Save the Children Nederland | 41201463 |
Stichting SBOH | 41183558 |
Stichting SBOH Maatschappij en Gezondheid | 72271175 |
Stichting Schoolvision | 34254662 |
Stichting SciPost | 65280083 |
Stichting SED Fund | 71639314 |
Stichting Simavi | 40594571 |
Stichting Singapore Economic Development Board | 74610996 |
Stichting Sint Antonius Ziekenhuis | 41177415 |
Stichting Sint Franciscus/Vlietland Groep | 56474113 |
Stichting Smart Freight Centre | 58396349 |
Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelingsorganisatie | 41152786 |
Stichting Solidaridad | 41150939 |
Stichting Solidaridad Network | 51756811 |
Stichting SOMA College | 41150103 |
Stichting SPARK | 41213450 |
Stichting SPRINT Robotics Collaborative | 62404768 |
Stichting STAN | 09145552 |
Stichting StartLife Holding | 51231298 |
Stichting Sustainable Scale Up Foundation | 69689466 |
Stichting Tandartsen Centrum Deventer | 41244289 |
Stichting Terre des Hommes Nederland | 41149287 |
Stichting Terschellings Oerol Festival | 41005122 |
Stichting The 5.14 Project | 34384255 |
Stichting The Class of 2020 | 55876420 |
Stichting The Global Center on Adaptation | 76050475 |
Stichting The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law | 27290536 |
Stichting The Ocean Cleanup | 57262632 |
Stichting Thomas More Hogeschool | 59638273 |
Stichting Transnational Institute | 41201806 |
Stichting Tropenbos International | 41155305 |
Stichting University College Roosevelt | 22051334 |
Stichting Verenigde Scholen J.A. Alberdingk Thijm Voortgezet Onderwijs | 41194730 |
Stichting Vervangingsfonds en BGZ Onderwijs | 41157213 |
Stichting Vluchteling | 41149486 |
Stichting voor Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs Zadkine | 41131797 |
Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF | 41177131 |
Stichting voor Voortgezet Onderwijs Kennemerland | 34105554 |
Stichting Voorbereiding Pallas-reactor | 59456302 |
Stichting Vredesbeweging Pax Nederland | 30214009 |
Stichting VSO Nederland | 41155934 |
Stichting VU | 53815211 |
Stichting VVV Texel Promotie | 37052439 |
Stichting Waag Society | 41214445 |
Stichting Wageningen Research | 09098104 |
Stichting War Child | 41215393 |
Stichting War Child Alliance | 91420784 |
Stichting WASTE | 41172933 |
Stichting Webster Leiden Campus | 41166638 |
Stichting Wellant (Wellantcollege MBO Houten) | 27177194 |
Stichting Wemos | 41201644 |
Stichting Wetlands International | 09099028 |
Stichting Wetsus | 01094160 |
Stichting WeZijnTransvaal | 41152042 |
Stichting White Helmets Foundation | 74391798 |
Stichting Wilde Ganzen/Ikon | 41192276 |
Stichting Wildlife Justice Commission | 62800248 |
Stichting Women Win | 34267612 |
Stichting Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice | 27264260 |
Stichting Women's Wallet | 34231558 |
Stichting World Benchmarking Alliance Foundation | 53744993 |
Stichting World Press Photo | 41199738 |
Stichting World Society for the Protection of Animals afdeling Nederland | 40531234 |
Stichting ZDHC Foundation | 62332252 |
Stijlgroep Landschap en Stedelijke Ruimte B.V. | 24246124 |
Stip Hilversum | 32105543 |
Stipt Employment Services B.V. | 58791647 |
Stirling Cryogenics B.V. | 73238783 |
Stiron B.V. | 66751861 |
Stitch Heads B.V. | 72382201 |
STMP Holding B.V. | 66922682 |
StockX Marketplace NL B.V. | 74832387 |
Stokke Nederland B.V. | 18036440 |
Stolt Tankers B.V. | 24142711 |
Stolt-Nielsen B.V. | 24109799 |
Stolt-Nielsen B.V. | 24109799 |
Stone Interim Professionals B.V. | 60545879 |
Stoov B.V. | 62149342 |
Stopaq B.V. | 02327624 |
Stora Enso Amsterdam B.V. | 33056923 |
Storimans Wijffels Architecten B.V. | 18035689 |
Stork Nederland B.V. | 50302345 |
Störk-Tronic NL B.V. | 62778358 |
Story of AMS B.V. | 68202482 |
Storytel Publishing Netherlands NL B.V. | 62057707 |
StoryTEQ B.V. | 61117528 |
Straightforward | 60821337 |
Straight-Line Leadership Group B.V. | 68253427 |
Stratasys Netherlands B.V. | 86839535 |
Strattner B.V. | 74658360 |
Stratus Energy B.V. | 58149929 |
Straumann B.V. | 30089837 |
Strauss Coffee B.V. | 24196661 |
Stravito AB | 72109033 | B.V. | 64009483 |
Streamax Europe B.V. | 77879147 |
Streamit B.V. | 17192664 |
Streamvector EU B.V. | 82514151 |
Streetlife B.V. | 28073827 |
Strik | 85390615 |
Strik advocaten en belastingadviseurs B.V. | 34112514 |
Stringer Chiropractie | 67625630 |
Stripe Netherlands B.V. | 66626641 |
Strödter Handling Systems NL | 64934977 |
Strohm B.V. | 27294005 |
Strukton Rail B.V. | 30139436 |
Strukton Rolling Stock B.V. | 30158397 |
Strukton Worksphere B.V. | 30134547 |
Stryker EMEA Supply Chain Services B.V. | 30269011 |
Stryker European Operations Limited | 72589833 |
Stryker Nederland B.V. | 17095884 |
StudeerSnel B.V. | 56829787 |
Studio 191 De Pijp B.V. | 69832021 |
Studio Drift B.V. | 76559084 |
Studio Nauta | 56284608 |
Studio SAAM | 74227939 |
Studio Winegum B.V. | 68311001 |
Studio XAG B.V. | 73825700 |
StudyPortals B.V. | 76939219 |
StudyPortals Holding B.V. | 18086860 |
Studytube B.V. | 51290901 |
STX Commodities | 34273978 |
STX Service Europe B.V. | 52852091 |
Styx B.V. | 77335139 |
SU Biomedicine B.V. | 30198339 |
Subscription Factory B.V. | 57189978 | B.V. | 86662236 |
Subway International B.V. | 33293820 |
SuccessDay B.V. | 76474356 |
Sucden Coffee Netherlands B.V. | 34213702 |
Sucorrico International Coöperatief U.A. | 63954370 |
Sudee Solutions B.V. | 80187986 |
Sue B.V. | 17101631 |
Suit Supply B.V. | 34118243 |
Sulphur Experts B.V. | 37116613 |
Sulzer Chemtech Nederland B.V. | 11014300 |
Sulzer Turbo Services Rotterdam B.V. | 24167957 |
Sulzer Turbo Services Venlo B.V. | 12015297 |
Sumitomo Heavy Industries (Europe) B.V. | 90852419 |
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Construction Cranes Co., Ltd. Europe Office | 74440551 |
Summa Limited B.V. | 89650530 |
Summit Europe C.V. | 39061920 |
Summit Global Management | 24346320 |
Summitto B.V. | 70181381 |
Summum Engineering | 68022530 |
Summum Engineering Cooperative U.A. | 92797784 |
SumUp Limited | 70199841 |
Sun Chemical Group Coöperatief U.A. | 32141752 |
Sun Noodle Europe B.V. | 80698638 |
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (Europe) B.V. | 34277465 |
Sun Test Systems B.V. | 32034471 |
Sunbeam B.V. | 53044444 |
Suncom Energy B.V. | 76293289 |
Sundai Europe B.V. | 77731077 |
Sungevity Netherlands B.V. | 52977110 |
Sungrow Benelux B.V. | 81243936 |
Sunmight Europe B.V. | 85695130 |
Sunoco Amsterdam Terminal B.V. | 64731820 |
Sun-Power Agro Uitzendbureau B.V. | 12052356 |
Sunprojects B.V. | 50402102 |
Sunrise Medical HCM B.V. | 17091027 |
Sunrock Development B.V. | 71093346 |
Sunrock Investments B.V. | 55571190 |
Sunshine Sea | 57600791 |
Suntech Power Development B.V. | 72026464 |
Sunweb Group Netherlands B.V. | 24188723 |
Supa B.V. | 68440707 |
SUPAIR Intermediairs | 27303697 |
Suparna Airlines Co., Ltd | 62028464 |
Super B Electronic Controllers B.V. | 84132450 |
Super B Engineering B.V. | 72008776 |
Super Micro Computer B.V. | 17102792 |
Super73 B.V. | 76631761 |
SuperHeroes Amsterdam B.V. | 34356615 |
Superimpose Architecture B.V. | 83023410 |
Superknowa B.V. | 34254179 |
Superlight Photonics B.V. | 88035697 |
SuperSaaS B.V. | 54329779 |
Superscript Services B.V. | 80491405 |
Superunion B.V. | 33178192 |
SuperYacht Company B.V. | 52966461 |
supplai B.V. | 78114667 |
Supply Chain Company B.V. | 70261075 |
SUPPLYZ B.V. | 87036290 |
SurePay B.V. | 77251733 |
SURF B.V. | 50277375 |
SurfiX B.V. | 52435687 |
Surfly B.V. | 55526446 |
SurveyMonkey Netherlands B.V. | 65508416 |
SUSE Software Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 72913983 |
Sushito Zuidas B.V. | 78324009 |
SusPhos B.V. | 74341367 |
Sustainable Apparel Coalition, Inc. | 59409045 |
Sustainable Buildings B.V. | 66375096 |
Sustainable Capital Group B.V. | 81140800 |
Sustainable Market Solutions Holding B.V. | 82168660 |
Sustainalytics B.V. | 30179673 |
Sustainer Homes B.V. | 63145014 |
Suster B.V. | 65073061 |
Sutinom B.V. | 60834765 |
Sutton Tools Europe B.V. | 34357280 |
Suzlon Energy Limited | 56227949 |
SUZOHAPP Netherlands B.V. | 23084035 |
Svea Solar Nederland B.V. | 70179816 |
Svitanok B.V. | 85846791 |
SVITZER Europe Holding B.V. | 27084014 |
Svizera Europe B.V. | 11058099 |
SVP-Architektuur en Stedebouw | 31027240 |
Swancor Netherlands B.V. | 92236677 |
Swap Netherlands B.V. | 89291506 |
SwapServices B.V. | 73865818 |
SWARCO Mobility Nederland B.V. | 31006154 |
Sweco Holdco B.V. | 30029428 |
Sweco Nederland B.V. | 30129769 |
Swenap B.V. | 78189896 |
Swift Marine B.V. | 62208748 |
SwipeGuide B.V. | 62584774 |
Swishfund Nederland B.V. | 66108349 |
Swiss Re International SE | 34287913 |
Swiss Sense B.V. | 17165620 |
Swisslog B.V. | 11029158 |
Swissport Cargo Services The Netherlands B.V. | 34218298 |
Swydo B.V. | 39094122 |
Sybrin B.V. | 87162741 |
Sygna (Netherlands) B.V. | 82589909 |
Sylvain Labs, Inc. | 68161506 |
Symbaloo B.V. | 27305591 |
Symeres B.V. | 76677834 |
Symeres Netherlands B.V. | 09127273 |
Symphony Digital B.V. | 73765988 |
Symphony Solutions Netherlands B.V. | 68317492 |
Sympower B.V. | 65605543 |
Synadia Software B.V. | 67501966 |
Synaeda PMC B.V. | 01140346 |
Synaffix B.V. | 51261626 |
Synano B.V. | 68014139 |
Synechron Business Consulting B.V. | 27257333 |
Syneos Health Netherlands B.V. | 30162108 |
Synergie Nederland B.V. | 18126119 |
Synergy International Systems Netherlands B.V. | 70137064 |
SynerScope B.V. | 17139427 |
Syngenta Seeds B.V. | 36029905 |
Synnray B.V. | 24396681 |
Synopsys Netherlands B.V. | 17267567 |
Synopsys Software Netherlands B.V. | 08110267 |
Synova Coöperatief U.A. | 55838626 |
Synova Renewable Technology B.V. | 24257034 |
Synres B.V. | 57505888 |
Syntegon Packaging Solutions B.V. | 13007394 |
Syntel Solutions | 57133174 |
Synthesia B.V. | 82292132 |
Synthesis Labs B.V. | 83126627 |
Syntho B.V. | 77125665 |
Synthomer Middelburg B.V. | 22047104 |
Synthon B.V. | 10036060 |
Syntrium Nederland B.V. | 84666846 |
Synvina C.V. | 67120199 |
SYS B.V. | 76739597 |
SYSINTEQ B.V. | 09150358 |
Systematic Design B.V. | 24283972 |
Systemic B.V. | 70540136 |
SYSTEMIQ Nederland B.V. | 78214971 |
Systems Navigator Consultants B.V. | 27264011 |
Systems of Trust B.V. | 71713042 |
Sytac B.V. | 24397725 |
Sytac Development B.V. | 85740128 |
Sytac Digital B.V. | 85740187 |
Sytac Technologies B.V. | 85740195 |
T&P Projecten B.V. | 53731344 |
T. Stolze Installatietechniek B.V. | 27229875 |
T.E.C. (Tabata Europe Corporation) B.V. | 33246239 |
T.EN Netherlands B.V. | 27069724 |
T.O.P. (Training Organisatie Personeel) B.V. | 27126022 |
T0K10 B.V. | 66836328 |
T2T Consulting B.V. | 58853758 |
TAAL Tech India Private Limited | 76316319 |
Tachyon Security B.V. | 34108038 |
Tacx B.V. | 27072269 |
Tacx International B.V. | 27133005 |
TAF B.V. | 28081869 |
Tahal Group International B.V. | 34294935 |
Taihan Netherlands B.V. | 74529579 |
Taiwan Cement (Dutch) Holdings B.V. | 73050423 |
Taj Indian Restaurant | 57244227 |
Take Two Interactive Benelux B.V. | 34177468 | Central Core B.V. | 64473716 | European Operations B.V. | 69769753 | Express Dutch Operations B.V. | 90056744 | Express Holding B.V. | 78349567 | Group B.V. | 64441725 | Payments B.V. | 67982778 |
Takeda Nederland B.V. | 34035387 |
Takemoto Netherlands B.V. | 64136035 |
Takenaka Europe GmbH - Netherlands Branch | 34287134 |
Takii Europe B.V. | 33223242 |
Takisada Europe B.V. | 69865655 |
Tala B.V. | 81178069 |
Talent Professionals B.V. | 69509166 |
Talent&Pro Nederland B.V. | 32070382 |
Talentix B.V. | 86240080 |
Talentmark Nederland B.V. | 34189014 |
Talentsoft Holding B.V. | 27190533 |
Talespin Netherlands B.V. | 30234962 |
Talk360 Group B.V. | 66242592 |
Talmundo B.V. | 27332651 |
Talpa Azerion Gaming B.V. | 76474259 |
Talpa Technology B.V. | 72133481 |
Tamek Accountants B.V. | 39067696 |
Tameson B.V. | 72902531 |
Tamoil Nederland B.V. | 24181096 |
Tanager Group B.V. | 33162659 |
Tanaka Ai Europe B.V. | 65270398 |
Tanatex Chemicals B.V. | 09032504 |
Tandarts Rooker Kampen B.V. | 08173480 |
Tandartsen Praktijk Zaandam B.V. | 77491505 |
Tandartsenpost Eindhoven B.V. | 77467507 |
Tandartsenpraktijk & Dental Clinic Prinsenhof | 27333575 |
Tandartsenpraktijk Bakel B.V. | 66218241 |
Tandartsenpraktijk DentWork | 62538802 |
Tandartsenpraktijk Karselaan | 34369688 |
Tandartsenpraktijk Mazairac B.V. | 56750692 |
Tandartsenpraktijk Nieuwe Steen B.V. | 69085625 |
Tandartsenpraktijk Ribic B.V. | 80259588 |
Tandartsenpraktijk Rotterdam Noord B.V. | 24346497 |
Tandartsenpraktijk Sonsbeekpark B.V. | 71269061 |
Tandartspraktijk Assenberg | 52386287 |
Tandartspraktijk Brummelhuis Oldenzaal B.V. | 08145679 |
Tandartspraktijk Daneshvar B.V. | 27345128 |
Tandartspraktijk Eemsmond B.V. | 64654001 |
Tandartspraktijk Elinkwijk B.V. | 59246049 |
Tandartspraktijk Genzale | 54425549 |
Tandartspraktijk Julianadorp B.V. | 37157931 |
Tandartspraktijk Julianadorp B.V. | 92485286 |
Tandartspraktijk Kamphuis B.V. | 08151377 |
Tandartspraktijk Palladino B.V. | 34218269 |
Tandartspraktijk Reusel B.V. | 63168197 |
Tandartspraktijk Utenhage B.V. | 60976101 |
Tandartspraktijk van der Lee | 01145043 |
Tandartspraktijk Zilverkamp B.V. | 71318097 |
Tandem Diabetes Care Europe B.V. | 85766364 |
Tandheelkunde Haaksbergen | 57503389 |
Tandheelkunde Waanders N.V. | 08069204 |
Tandheelkunde Winterswijk | 71620907 |
Tandkliniek Goes B.V. | 87553279 |
Tangelo Software B.V. | 24295006 |
Tangram Architekten B.V. | 33258187 |
TANIQ B.V. | 27291266 |
Tanita Europe B.V. | 34283024 |
TANK B.V. | 65889223 |
Tank Systems B.V. | 24318035 |
Tap Electric B.V. | 80990819 |
Tapfiliate B.V. | 60537256 |
TAPP Hospitality B.V. | 62721720 |
TAQA Energy B.V. | 27149802 |
Target Recruitment B.V. | 67343643 |
Tarkett B.V. | 18112942 |
Tarmac Europe B.V. | 76708977 |
Tasking B.V. | 31021363 |
Tasman Analytics B.V. | 76541215 |
Tasman Global Holdings B.V. | 64434877 |
TASS International B.V. | 51391481 |
Tata Communications (Netherlands) B.V. | 34220186 |
Tata Communications MOVE Nederland B.V. | 32130461 |
Tata Consultancy Services Netherlands B.V. | 33237130 |
Tata Consulting Engineers Limited | 67233295 |
Tata Elxsi Limited | 62969145 |
Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V. | 34040331 |
Tata Steel Nederland Services B.V. | 34094299 |
Tata Steel Nederland Technology B.V. | 34083341 |
Tata Steel Nederland Tubes B.V. | 20022812 |
Tata Steel Netherlands Holdings B.V. | 34255148 |
Tate & Lyle Netherlands B.V. | 35014624 |
Tatsumi Europe B.V. | 67038077 |
Tau Engineering B.V. | 81111797 |
Taurus Europe B.V. | 34238689 |
TAUS B.V. | 37147141 |
Tauw B.V. | 38014985 |
Tauw Group B.V. | 38021898 |
TAV Tepe Akfen Yatırım İnşaat ve İşletme A.Ş. | 71293930 |
Tavant B.V. | 83832424 |
Taxameter Centrale B.V. | 33030098 |
Taxi Butler B.V. | 58923853 | B.V. | 83100350 |
TaxModel International | 17222402 |
Taxolutions B.V. | 54168414 |
Taxture B.V. | 57092168 |
Taylor Technologies B.V. | 80237193 |
Taylor Wessing N.V. | 17282726 |
Taylor-Listug Operating B.V. | 50925539 |
TBAuctions Netherlands B.V. | 34373620 |
TBEA Cable B.V. | 92227074 |
TBRM-Engineering Solutions B.V. | 17281805 |
TBWA\NEBOKO B.V. | 33208187 |
TCC Global N.V. | 30129285 |
TCCF B.V. | 68060351 |
tcf. services B.V. | 50183516 |
TCI Biotech Netherlands B.V. | 76481255 |
TCI Risk Management B.V. | 84115076 |
TCL Global B.V. | 73945110 |
TCL Netherlands B.V. | 71020918 |
TconcepT B.V. | 59856459 |
TCPM Zuid BV | 16083521 |
TCX Investment Management Company B.V. | 34281987 |
TD Entertainment C.V. | 53713273 |
TD Global Netherlands B.V. | 74024612 |
TD SYNNEX Netherlands B.V. | 30128649 |
TE Connectivity Nederland B.V. | 16015883 |
Teads NL B.V. | 73641855 |
Team Industrial Services Europe B.V. | 50321781 |
Team Rockstars IT B.V. | 17200588 | nl B.V. | 27366574 |
Team6 Development B.V. | 50673815 |
Team6 Game Studios B.V. | 65925017 |
Teamleader Nederland B.V. | 63326426 |
Tebi B.V. | 82179204 |
TecAlliance Netherlands B.V. | 14621420 |
Tecforce Professionals Engineering and Construction Services B.V. | 27225266 |
Tecforce Professionals Engineering B.V. | 16070254 |
Tech Mahindra IT Services NL | 17145728 |
Tech Rise People B.V. | 73774073 |
Tech2Change B.V. | 82944261 |
Techathone Systems B.V. | 62898760 |
Techcross Europe | 67137199 |
Techlab B.V. | 71056793 |
TechMatch B.V. | 17161962 |
Technetix B.V. | 30109705 |
Techni Works B.V. | 60742607 |
Technia B.V. | 08095732 |
Technical Systems B.V. | 34231848 |
Technics & Production B.V. | 17122646 |
Technip Energies International B.V. | 83164642 |
Technip Energies Italy S.p.A. - Dutch Branch | 82981582 |
Technisch Adviesburo J.J.Th. Willems B.V. | 09071897 |
Technisch Buro West Brabant B.V. | 20068297 |
Technisch Handelsbureau Rensa B.V. | 09051635 |
Technische Unie B.V. | 33235014 |
Technische Universiteit Delft | 27364265 |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | 51278871 |
Technische Verenfabriek De Merwede | 30025165 |
Technisi B.V. | 81451288 |
Technix B.V. | 63810557 |
Techno Infra B.V. | 57301484 |
Techno West B.V. | 22026891 |
Technobis crystallization systems B.V. | 34336601 |
Technochem Services B.V. | 12044188 |
Technologies of Trust B.V. | 24280696 |
Technology2Enjoy Consulting Services B.V. | 24294669 |
Technomed Europe | 14049781 |
Technopolis B.V. | 33282859 |
Technosoft Engineering Solutions | 89024850 |
TechSpire B.V. | 74555987 |
TechTel B.V. | 86109545 |
Techwave Consulting B.V. | 64575799 |
Teddy Kids B.V. | 27381036 |
Teero B.V. | 86345443 |
Teijin Aramid B.V. | 09109421 |
Teijin Holdings Europe B.V. | 09117449 |
Teijin Kasei Europe B.V. | 12029432 |
TEKHNE B.V. | 59034955 |
Teklink Europe B.V. | 09127620 |
Tekstbeeld B.V. | 21017199 |
TEKsystems Global Services B.V. | 34276159 |
TEKTON Architekten B.V. | 59472596 |
Telco Investments B.V. | 76241823 |
Teledyne CARIS B.V. | 16085721 |
Teledyne DALSA B.V. | 17143771 |
Telemagic B.V. | 34139585 |
Teleon Surgical B.V. | 61725242 |
Teleplan International N.V. | 10044356 |
Telespazio Belgium | 27335813 |
Teletrax B.V. | 62179535 |
Telexis B.V. | 24300047 |
Telfisa Global B.V. | 34262314 |
Telford Offshore Netherlands Coöperatie U.A. | 52537315 |
Telius B.V. | 34179870 |
Tellart B.V. | 60609567 |
Tellow B.V. | 72550414 |
Telnyx Netherlands B.V. | 82622124 |
Telstar B.V. | 83310975 |
Tembo 4x4 e-LV B.V. | 71098240 |
Tembo Paper Straws B.V. | 76198340 |
TEMBOGROUP B.V. | 05043147 |
Temenos Holland B.V. | 34130500 |
Temper B.V. | 63682281 |
Temper Global B.V. | 86615467 |
Temper IP B.V. | 87214822 |
Templafy Eindhoven | 17179550 |
Temporary Works Design 1 B.V. | 67683053 |
Temporary Works Design 10 B.V. | 76970477 |
Temporary Works Design 11 B.V. | 81953488 |
Temporary Works Design 12 B.V. | 81953453 |
Temporary Works Design 13 B.V. | 81953429 |
Temporary Works Design 14 B.V. | 81953372 |
Temporary Works Design 2 B.V. | 67682995 |
Temporary Works Design 3 B.V. | 67682928 |
Temporary Works Design 4 B.V. | 67682804 |
Temporary Works Design 5 B.V. | 67682952 |
Temporary Works Design 6 B.V. | 67682987 |
Temporary Works Design 7 B.V. | 67682863 |
Temporary Works Design 8 B.V. | 67682596 |
Temporary Works Design 9 B.V. | 76970531 |
Temporary Works Design Engineering B.V. | 27295998 |
Tempress Holding B.V. | 51736101 |
Ten Cate Protect B.V. | 06036546 |
Ten Cate Thiolon B.V. | 06023232 |
Tenaris Connections B.V. | 34105340 |
TenBrasWestinga - architectuur interieur stedenbouw B.V. | 32102633 |
TenCate Geosynthetics Holding B.V. | 08167177 |
Tencent International Service Europe B.V. | 70972966 |
Tenderapp B.V. | 64977110 |
Tenderworks B.V. | 63049031 |
Tenergy Portfolio Services B.V. | 01104644 |
TenneT TSO | 09155985 |
Tennor Holding B.V. | 34355195 |
Tensing GIS Consultancy B.V. | 61927449 |
Tentech B.V. | 27162791 |
Tentoo | 34286792 |
Tenways Technovation Europe B.V. | 85385115 |
Teqplay B.V. | 61880213 |
Ter Hoek Vonkerosie Rijssen B.V. | 08133984 |
Teradata Netherlands B.V. | 34274817 |
Terberg-Benschop B.V. | 30033216 |
Tergum Nederland B.V. | 82391505 |
Terma B.V. | 28083640 |
Terminal Investment Limited (Netherlands) B.V. | 58229124 |
Ternium Internationaal B.V. | 33245225 |
Terra Inspectioneering B.V. | 65914031 |
Terra Payment Services (Netherlands) B.V. | 63673746 |
Terrado Networks B.V. | 76524566 |
TerraProtein Equity Partners B.V. | 71894225 |
Tertium MNM | 55306683 |
TES Sustainable Battery Solutions B.V. | 82946051 |
tesa Western Europe B.V. | 54474434 |
Tesi International B.V. | 57469369 |
Tesla Dynamic Coils B.V. | 74865862 |
Tesla Financial Services Holdings B.V. | 61192066 |
Tesla International B.V. | 64962482 |
Tesla Motors Netherlands B.V. | 52601196 |
Tesselate the Netherlands B.V. | 52977102 |
Test Yantra Software Solutions B.V. | 73203017 |
Testbirds B.V. | 62539191 |
TestingXperts B.V. | 68267711 |
Testinium B.V. | 73656755 |
Tetra Pak B.V. | 30118531 |
Tetra Pak Cheese and Powder Systems B.V. | 01090891 |
Tetra Pak Processing Systems B.V. | 33135877 |
Tétris Design & Build B.V. | 53323017 |
Teva Pharmaceuticals Europe B.V. | 30110625 |
Tex Technology Europe B.V. | 89886976 |
Texas Instruments Holland B.V. | 06022045 |
Textkernel B.V. | 59663863 |
TFC Nederland B.V. | 24325859 |
TFJoy Limited | 61469718 |
TFS Derivatives Ltd | 69214956 |
TGW Systems B.V. | 66629608 |
Thai Union Trading Europe B.V. | 68246609 |
Thales DIS Technologies B.V. | 33295992 |
Thales Nederland | 06061578 |
The 4th Paradigm Europe B.V. | 77080483 |
The Angel Foundation B.V. | 66576679 |
The Antenna Company Nederland B.V. | 58035761 |
The Asia Connection B.V. | 56229275 |
The Avocado Show Holding B.V. | 69177023 |
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV | 34363596 |
The Bookie B.V. | 77653696 |
The Boston Consulting Group B.V. | 31040324 |
The Brink Agency B.V. | 60771194 |
The British School in the Netherlands | 40409055 |
The British School of Amsterdam | 40530919 |
The Capitals B.V. | 08191591 |
The Chiropractor | 58764100 |
The Chiropractor B.V. | 80768911 |
The Compound B.V. | 64623505 |
The Contractors Company B.V. | 24341015 |
The Creative Productivity Group N.V. | 34381002 |
The Data Agency B.V. | 34209199 |
The Data Cooks B.V. | 72843446 |
The Digital Neighborhood B.V. | 56619359 |
The DOC B.V. | 30155143 |
The Driving Force B.V. | 30143249 |
The Fellas Ads B.V. | 83457941 |
The Fieldwork Company B.V. | 71992014 |
The Fifth Business B.V. | 27301113 |
The Future Mobility Network B.V. | 87542633 |
The Gap Partnership Netherlands B.V. | 61160938 |
The Global Association of Central Counterparties - CCP12 (Amsterdam) | 85855529 |
The Greenery B.V. | 16086757 |
The Hague Academy for Local Governance | 27293917 |
The Hash Eatery B.V. | 64656608 |
The Hyve B.V. | 55415849 |
The International Butler Academy B.V. | 30244919 |
The Internet & Cable Company (TICC) B.V. | 33299871 |
The July B.V. | 75096099 |
The Kingfish Company N.V. | 64625060 |
The Live Kindly Collective | 63285320 |
The Logic Factor B.V. | 17218305 |
The Lost Explorer Mezcal Company B.V. | 77660412 |
The Maastricht Forensic Institute B.V. | 14110754 |
The Madras Diaries | 77384628 |
The Makers B.V. | 20080784 |
The MathCompany B.V. | 86072722 |
The MathWorks B.V. | 29046452 |
The Networkers B.V. | 64789616 |
The New Amsterdam Group B.V. | 65940512 |
The New Boys' Network B.V. | 68341709 |
The New Raw | 65741188 |
The Next Ad B.V. | 60258845 |
The Next Web B.V. | 59424400 |
The Ocean Cleanup Operations B.V. | 67171656 |
The Offshore Partners B.V. | 24445601 |
The Paypers B.V. | 34345453 |
The Payroll Advisor B.V. | 63210576 |
The People Group | Ingenieurs & Specialisten B.V. | 17206872 |
The Pixel Bakery B.V. | 85867713 |
The Protein Brewery B.V. | 76953939 |
The Quinoa Company | 60195347 |
The Relocation Company | 34221303 |
The Seaweed Company B.V. | 72339225 |
The Smile Gallery B.V. | 73833177 |
The SR Group (Netherlands) B.V. | 68127847 |
The Surgical Company International B.V. | 31029240 |
The Sustainables B.V. | 52406644 |
The Swaen B.V. | 22044175 |
The Swatch Group (Netherlands) B.V. | 14635506 |
The Things Industries | 64725189 |
The Transocean Marine Paint Association | 40343019 |
the valley b.v. | 34237062 |
The Vendor Management Company B.V. | 54679613 |
The Walt Disney Company Benelux | 34076102 |
The Weather Makers B.V. | 67946275 |
The Weird Science B.V. | 67666159 |
The YoungOnes B.V. | 70236453 |
The Yuki Company | 20132317 |
theFactor.e B.V. | 02056186 |
Theobroma B.V. | 34170033 |
Theologische Universiteit van de Nederlandse Gereformeerde Kerken | 08191312 |
Theory and Practice B.V. | 87278553 |
Therapieland B.V. | 56516622 |
Thermo Electric Instrumentation B.V. | 59410205 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific B.V. | 32059695 |
Thermo King Transportkoeling B.V. | 24175820 |
Thermon Europe B.V. | 27220155 |
TheRockGroup Holding B.V. | 54707919 |
thetruthworks B.V. | 76218058 |
thinkproject BeNeLux B.V. | 59756519 |
ThinkWings Netherlands B.V. | 63275953 |
Thinkwise Software B.V. | 60653523 |
Thirdera NLD B.V. | 84619503 |
Thirona B.V. | 60119063 |
This is Development B.V. | 65736419 |
This Play Media B.V. | 77925378 |
ThisWorks EOR Services B.V. | 77332962 |
T-Hive B.V. | 82038759 |
THNK Social Enterprise B.V. | 59050659 |
Thomas Miller B.V. | 72109106 |
Thomas Thor Associates B.V. | 34385590 |
Thomassen Energy B.V. | 24272908 |
Thomson Multimedia Distribution (Netherlands) B.V. | 17130046 |
Thomson Reuters Holdings B.V. | 33275788 |
Thonik B.V. | 34112682 |
Thorizon Engineering B.V. | 71137777 |
ThoughtLine Europe B.V. | 68836562 |
Thoughtworks Netherlands B.V. | 72270616 |
ThreatFabric B.V. | 63539330 |
Threeforce B.V. | 24360819 |
Threshold Inspection & Application Training Europe B.V. | 20093617 |
THRIVE Chiropractic B.V. | 66261627 |
THS B.V. | 02333810 |
Thuja Capital Management B.V. | 30213645 |
Thunderbyte.AI B.V. | 76591581 |
Thunderhead B.V. | 53457099 |
Thus Meddens Mudde Technology B.V. | 74991833 |
thyssenkrupp Liften B.V. | 24324616 |
thyssenkrupp Materials Nederland B.V. | 16017990 |
TiasNimbas Business School | 18062669 |
TIBAS Ventures B.V. | 93776489 |
Tibber Netherlands B.V. | 80004245 |
Tiberone Europe B.V. | 14095667 |
TicketSwap B.V. | 59084952 |
Ticketveiling B.V. | 13029315 |
Tideworks Netherlands B.V. | 24364134 |
TIE Kinetix Holding B.V. | 34123374 |
TIE Kinetix N.V. | 34072305 |
TIE Product Development B.V. | 33289671 |
Tieto Netherlands B.V. | 31048925 |
Tiger Stores Nederland B.V. | 30243255 |
TikTok Netherlands B.V. | 85622494 |
TikTok Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 88147843 |
Tiledmedia Operations B.V. | 71600221 |
TIM III B.V. | 77853423 |
Timberhub B.V. | 85562866 |
Time4T Nederland B.V. | 90751787 |
TimeWax B.V. | 34241521 |
Timex Nederland B.V. | 33128681 |
Timko B.V. | 17283165 |
Timmers Engineering B.V. | 78463610 |
Timpel Medical B.V. | 69044678 |
Timver B.V. | 17204655 |
Tinka Holding B.V. | 08178063 |
Tinker Imagineers B.V. | 30103440 |
Tintel B.V. | 24283498 |
tinyBuild B.V. | 75281589 |
Tiobe Software B.V. | 17127653 |
Tiofarma B.V. | 23078797 |
TIP Trailer Services Management B.V. | 33178197 |
Tiqets International B.V. | 59620285 |
Tired of Cancer B.V. | 59422610 |
TISMI B.V. | 32081827 |
Titan Energy Holding B.V. | 58749888 |
Titan Salt B.V. | 70512590 |
Titan Wood B.V. | 09136412 |
Titel Media GmbH | 86677152 |
Tito Smart Modal Logistics Europe | 72252537 |
Titomic Europe B.V. | 01081652 |
Tjelp B.V. | 51682168 |
Tjip B.V. | 27177678 |
Tjoapack Netherlands B.V. | 04071913 |
TK Home Solutions B.V. | 24324608 |
TKH Airport Solutions B.V. | 52898210 |
TKH Artificial Intelligence B.V. | 88277801 |
TKH Security B.V. | 30191139 |
TLG Media B.V. | 64871819 |
TLogistics B.V. | 17285567 |
TLS WH B.V. | 72973730 |
TLX Technology B.V. | 78220416 |
TM Claims Service Europe Limited | 34108588 |
TM Filters B.V. | 67163610 |
TMA B.V. | 30174292 |
TMC Chemical B.V. | 17200644 |
TMC Data Science B.V. | 17200636 |
TMC Electronics B.V. | 17200684 |
TMC Field Service Eindhoven B.V. | 17128459 |
TMC Field Service Midden B.V. | 17245111 |
TMC High Tech Systems B.V. | 17215448 |
TMC Life Sciences B.V. | 56333137 |
TMC Manufacturing Support B.V. | 17223725 |
TMC Mechanical B.V. | 17200719 |
TMC Mechatronics B.V. | 17189489 |
TMC Nanotechnology B.V. | 56332432 |
TMC New Product Introduction B.V. | 64654362 |
TMC Physics B.V. | 34173361 |
TMC Science & Technology MidWest B.V. | 17245102 |
TMC Software | 17128457 |
TMC Technology Oost B.V. | 73997382 |
TMC Test & Integration B.V. | 64653544 |
TMF Group Services II B.V. | 34163523 |
TMF Netherlands B.V. | 33126512 |
TMNS | 27249237 |
Tmprofs B.V. | 50349074 |
TMS Europe B.V. | 60203595 |
TN Europe B.V. | 30231850 |
TNA NL Manufacturing B.V. | 56592868 |
TNT Express Nederland B.V. | 33298857 |
To70 B.V. | 27185299 |
TOA Electronics Europe GmbH | 64587738 |
TODAY B.V. | 50386824 |
Together Detachering B.V. | 34180626 |
TOKU-E EU B.V. | 08226395 |
Tokyo Electron Europe Limited - Netherlands Branch | 09150195 |
TOKYO OHKA KOGYO CO., LTD. Europe Branch | 82736464 |
Toll Global Forwarding | 34231192 |
Toloka AI B.V. | 82041350 | B.V. | 27361194 |
Toltech Solutions B.V. | 34223979 |
Tom B.V. | 61666548 |
Tom Tailor Benelux B.V. | 33213574 |
TomDavid Architecten | 70552762 |
Tommy Hilfiger Europe B.V. | 33290078 |
Tomoegawa Europe B.V. | 33175669 |
TOMS EMEA B.V. | 56381441 |
TomTom Global Content B.V. | 16079560 |
TomTom International B.V. | 34076599 |
TomTom Navigation B.V. | 63035669 |
TomTom Sales B.V. | 34236439 |
TomTom Traffic B.V. | 63030764 |
Ton Venhoeven c.s. Architekten B.V. | 34219057 |
Tony's Factory B.V. | 34241705 |
Tony's Team B.V. | 62929178 |
TOOGETHR B.V. | 66724821 |
ToolsGroup B.V. | 17099379 |
Toolstation Europe B.V. | 59599766 |
TOP Beheer B.V. | 22043974 |
Top Bouwwerken B.V. | 24404755 |
Top Cargo B.V. | 65264827 |
Top Chiropractie B.V. | 52334384 |
Top Group International B.V. | 24319943 |
TOPCHIRO Den Bosch B.V. | 82428360 |
TOPCHIRO Eindhoven B.V. | 88178706 |
TopChiro Rotterdam B.V. | 80913733 |
TOPCHIRO Weert B.V. | 85691399 |
Topcon Europe Medical B.V. | 24380056 |
Topcon Europe Positioning B.V. | 24379990 |
TOPdesk Nederland B.V. | 56849990 |
TOPIC Embedded Projects B.V. | 17218803 |
Topic Farm Out B.V. | 63353962 |
TOPIC Hardware Development B.V. | 17127409 |
Topic Healthcare Solutions B.V. | 67713696 |
TOPIC Software Development B.V. | 17093874 | Coöperatief U.A. | 59421916 |
Topicus.Finance B.V. | 63423715 |
Topicus.Healthcare B.V. | 64768147 |
Topigs Norsvin Research Center | 10025744 |
Topos B.V. | 51685566 |
Toppoint B.V. | 05055988 |
Toray Advanced Composites Netherlands B.V. | 06001690 | B.V. | 84789867 |
Torrgas Projects B.V. | 55701442 |
TOSEC | 05014381 |
Tosoh Europe BV | 33145098 |
TOSS in Holland B.V. | 64636755 |
Total Concept Group B.V. | 58604480 |
Total Design B.V. | 33245156 |
Total Impact Capital Europe B.V. | 80784216 |
Total Resource Solutions B.V. | 54575192 |
Total Solutions Europe B.V. | 34160157 |
TotalEnergies Corbion B.V. | 67982913 |
TotalEnergies EP Nederland B.V. | 27075440 |
TotalEnergies Gas Mobility B.V. | 76517918 |
Totam Seeds B.V. | 52527123 |
Touchdown Aviation B.V. | 34249209 |
TouchTribe B.V. | 53736516 |
Tover B.V. | 77596722 |
TOWA Europe B.V. | 58915656 |
Tower Research Capital Europe B.V. | 71179569 |
Towers Watson Netherlands B.V. | 34308104 |
Toxys B.V. | 61077976 |
Toynamics BeNeLux B.V. | 80773974 |
Toyota Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V. | 33194984 |
TP ICAP (Europe) S.A. | 74720554 |
TP Industrial Yarns B.V. | 32057374 |
TP Things B.V. | 64190242 |
TP Tuned B.V. | 63491478 |
TP Vision Europe B.V. | 53045394 |
T-Pion B.V. | 08155758 |
TP-LINK Enterprises Netherlands B.V. | 63605821 |
Trabotyx B.V. | 78113083 |
Track Concepts B.V. | 50564390 |
Track Line B.V. | 11031325 |
Track32 B.V. | 74406833 |
TrackTik Europe B.V. | 72951184 |
Tract B.V. | 91510686 |
Tractebel Engineering B.V. | 27233771 |
Trade Compliance Europe B.V. | 09130113 |
Trade Plus B.V. | 67825281 |
TradeDoubler B.V. | 20100140 |
Tradesparent B.V. | 51307170 |
Tradeweb EU B.V. | 69899355 |
Tradin Organic Agriculture B.V. | 32039960 |
Traffic Builders B.V. | 39075117 |
Traffic Raptors B.V. | 78179513 |
Traffic4u B.V. | 02071911 |
Trafigura Beheer B.V. | 33236939 |
Trafigura Services Netherlands B.V. | 71666095 |
TRAJECT Services B.V. | 56517467 |
Transavia Airlines | 34069081 |
Transcor B.V. | 27301891 |
Transfer Pricing Associates BV | 34186801 |
TRANSFERZ B.V. | 65145615 |
TransitionHERO B.V. | 73926132 |
Transoft Solutions (Europe) B.V. | 24327536 |
Transparent Business Solutions B.V. | 78091624 |
TransPerfect Translations B.V. | 34251476 |
Transpetro International B.V. | 53561767 |
Transport & Offshore Services Crew B.V. | 24364953 |
Transworld Oil Computer Centrum B.V. | 10022606 |
Travel Guide With Offline Maps B.V. | 64675874 |
Travel Plaza (Europe) B.V. | 33166600 |
Travelcard B.V. | 39037382 |
Traverse Research B.V. | 75250950 |
Travix Nederland B.V. | 20042808 |
Traxion Delivery B.V. | 32082259 |
Traxion Nederland B.V. | 65609263 |
TreasurUp B.V. | 82785252 |
Tree C.. Technology B.V. | 30118462 |
Tree Composites B.V. | 80032966 |
Treecon B.V. | 63925044 |
TreeHouse B.V. | 24426419 |
Trella Holding B.V. | 73587176 |
Trelleborg Ridderkerk B.V. | 24000404 |
Tremoot B.V. | 85752304 |
Trendyol B.V. | 81107404 |
Trengo B.V. | 72043687 |
Trento Engineering B.V. | 14054927 |
TRESANTI B.V. | 62907905 |
Trespa International B.V. | 24270677 |
Trésviri Cost Engineering Solutions B.V. | 62508741 |
TRG Global B.V. | 60844493 |
Tribal Music Group B.V. | 91041325 |
Tribe28 contracting B.V. | 76549100 |
Tribocare B.V. | 76477150 |
Tribus Specials B.V. | 30200217 |
TRICENTIS NL B.V. | 53080556 |
Tricycle MSS B.V. | 66398177 |
Tri-ennium Software B.V. | 24392473 |
Triferto B.V. | 09126552 |
Trifork B.V. | 34174108 |
Trig Avionics Europe B.V. | 71586474 |
Triggerise B.V. | 62327623 |
Triglobal B.V. | 59464534 |
Triluxe B.V. | 84532580 |
Trimble Europe B.V. | 17035763 |
Trinamics Nederland B.V. | 72036494 |
Trinomics B.V. | 56028016 |
Trinseo Netherlands B.V. | 20162359 |
Trio Investment B.V. | 67084737 |
Triodos Bank N.V. | 30062415 |
Triodos Investment Management B.V. | 30170072 |
Tripaneer B.V. | 61843962 |
Triple A - Risk Finance B.V. | 34251771 |
Triple IT B.V. | 37081955 |
Triple Jump B.V. | 34248256 |
Triply B.V. | 70761892 |
Triticum Exploitatie B.V. | 14066301 |
Tritium Technologies B.V. | 68870795 |
Triton Navigation B.V. | 34217181 |
Trits B.V. | 32136659 |
Trius Polytechniek B.V. | 27257553 |
TRIUS Projecten B.V. | 83019960 |
Trivago Services B.V. | 64011798 |
Trivident B.V. | 57485941 |
Trivium Packaging B.V. | 75308789 |
Trivium Packaging Netherlands B.V. | 38006815 |
TRM Oncology B.V. | 27263407 |
Tronox International B.V. | 67086497 |
Tronox Investments Netherlands B.V. | 56102259 |
Tronox Pigments (Holland) B.V. | 24179173 |
TropIQ Health Sciences B.V. | 54021871 |
TRS Staffing Solutions B.V. | 34073103 |
True B.V. | 34131108 |
True Legends IT Professionals | 64750426 |
True North Partners | 75261286 |
True Partner Capital Netherlands B.V. | 81893434 |
True Partner Technology Netherlands B.V. | 81060440 |
TrueNoord Services B.V. | 67286860 |
Trueson B.V. | 65456912 |
TRUMPF Nederland B.V. | 08090682 |
Trunkrs B.V. | 63279940 |
TruQu B.V. | 54112036 |
Trust Computer Products | 23078603 |
Trusted Quality NL B.V. | 75843900 |
Trusted-ID B.V. | 24364284 |
Trustmoore Netherlands B.V. | 34324886 |
TRUVIQ SYSTEMS B.V. | 85160415 |
Truvity B.V. | 64246728 |
TRW International Holdings B.V. | 34319986 |
Trymax Semiconductor Equipment B.V. | 09199226 |
TSC Leeuwarden B.V. | 60384816 |
TSE Imaging B.V. | 32143782 |
TSG Operations B.V. | 27188295 |
TSH Development B.V. | 80949762 |
TSH Europe B.V. | 62790811 |
TSH Management B.V. | 55241247 |
TSH Netherlands B.V. | 61167851 |
TSL B.V. | 81768524 |
TSMC Europe B.V. | 33251385 |
Tss4U B.V. | 17156182 |
Tsubakimoto Europe B.V. | 20070011 |
T-Systems Nederland B.V. | 14042783 |
TTG Group Holding B.V. | 24444662 |
ttopstart B.V. | 34343219 |
TTY Internet Solutions B.V. | 34216777 |
TTY Management B.V. | 50792385 |
TUI Nederland N.V. | 27148888 |
Tulip Oil Holding B.V. | 50297023 |
Tulsi Indian Restaurant | 66938449 |
Tulsie B.V. | 24418824 |
Tune4solutions B.V. | 71703985 |
Tupy Materials & Components B.V. | 76615502 |
Turbo Blower Service B.V. | 24217015 |
Turbo Systems The Netherlands B.V. | 83532064 |
Turff B.V. | 77330870 |
Turk Havayollari A.O. (Turkish Airlines) | 33131663 |
Turner & Townsend Europe | 34130522 |
Turner Engine Control Solutions B.V. | 34223866 |
Turquoise Global Holdings Europe B.V. | 71984062 |
Tuttnauer Europe B.V. | 20071772 |
TÜV Rheinland Sonovation B.V. | 20099797 |
TUX mobility B.V. | 77781031 |
Tuyn's Optiek B.V. | 28024449 |
Tvilight Projects B.V. | 28052105 |
Twente Additive Manufacturing B.V. | 73143189 |
Twente Medical Systems International B.V. | 20056730 |
Twilio Netherlands B.V. | 73420514 |
Twin Peaks Hospitality B.V. | 60333006 |
Twin Sport B.V. | 30205502 |
Twintec Nederland B.V. | 11032674 |
Twin-Tech Engineering B.V. | 69802874 |
Twintos B.V. | 66640504 |
Twitter Netherlands B.V. | 56672179 |
Two Fish B.V. | 34216924 |
TWTG R&D B.V. | 60320192 |
TYC Europe B.V. | 34185591 |
Tyco Building Services Products B.V. | 06040292 |
Tyco Fire and Security Nederland B.V. | 24147529 |
TYM EUROPE B.V. | 95317384 |
Tyndale Theological Seminary | 41202924 |
Typefi Systems B.V. | 53615301 |
Typotheque B.V. | 77393775 |
Tyrian International B.V. | 63613824 |
Tyromer Europe IP B.V. | 80774733 |
Tyson Foods Europe B.V. | 34202469 |
Tyson Foods Holland B.V. | 17146358 |
Tyson Foods Oosterwolde B.V. | 01043629 |
U.S. Wheat Associates, Inc. | 59208929 |
UAB-Online B.V. | 70299226 |
UArchitects B.V. | 17227552 |
Ubbink Nederland | 09036422 |
Uber B.V. | 56317441 |
Uber Freight Europe Holdings B.V. | 77320409 |
Uber International B.V. | 55808646 |
Uber Netherlands B.V. | 56193386 |
Uber Payments B.V. | 71201157 |
Uber Portier B.V. | 65851307 |
uberall B.V. | 34289018 |
UBI GLS B.V. | 73790680 |
Ubisoft B.V. | 32069453 |
UBQ Materials NL B.V. | 82534241 |
UBS Europe SE | 66848717 |
UBsend B.V. | 70588724 |
UCB Pharma B.V. | 20049189 |
U-center B.V. | 14100256 |
UFF African Agri Investments B.V. | 62166867 |
UiPath Netherlands B.V. | 71561544 |
UiPath Process Mining B.V. | 09145879 |
Uitvoeringsinstituut werknemersverzekeringen, Hoofdkantoor UWV | 34360247 |
Uitzendwerk B.V. | 68093276 |
Ukomst B.V. | 51236028 |
UL International (Netherlands) B.V. | 09103568 |
UL TS B.V. | 28086600 |
U-Logs B.V. | 84039787 |
Ulstein Design & Solutions B.V. | 24316678 |
Ultimaker B.V. | 56793138 |
Ultimate Software B.V. | 64031829 |
Umbra B.V. | 34180896 |
UMCG Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen | 01169570 |
uMOB B.V. | 82484724 |
Unc Inc B.V. | 64721868 |
Unconstrained Robotics B.V. | 64165914 |
Undagrid B.V. | 60455861 |
Under Armour Europe B.V. | 34237352 |
Undeveloped B.V. | 61079049 |
Undutchables Recruitment Agency B.V. | 33277208 |
Unexus B.V. | 74840266 |
UnfoldX B.V. | 82008620 |
UNGA B.V. | 34139221 |
Uni Phoenix B.V. | 74566288 |
Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield N.V. | 70898618 |
Unica Datacenters B.V. | 06022065 |
Unicharm Molnlycke Baby B.V. | 02066738 |
Unicharm Mölnlycke Incontinence B.V. | 02066743 |
Unico Investments B.V. | 59050357 |
Unicon Creation B.V. | 08050030 |
Unicorn Systems NL B.V. | 60323108 |
Unidoro B.V. | 53014960 |
Uniform-Agri B.V. | 04029997 |
Unify Energy B.V. | 82039453 |
Unigas International | 24116012 |
Unilever Europe B.V. | 67383033 |
Unilever Europe Business Center B.V. | 29005626 |
Unilever Foods & Refreshments Global B.V. | 24152935 |
Unilever Innovation Centre Wageningen B.V. | 24136290 |
Unilever IP Holdings B.V. | 81003897 |
Unilever Nederland | 24269393 |
Unilever Nederland Holdings B.V. | 24053802 |
Unimpack B.V. | 53014715 |
Unipat B.V. | 27089246 |
Uniper Benelux N.V. | 27028140 |
UNIQLO EUROPE LTD Dutch Branch | 70787077 |
Unique ID B.V. | 75519038 |
Unique Nederland B.V. | 39031551 |
Unique System B.V. | 24332536 |
Unique Technology Europe B.V. | 18054486 |
uniQure biopharma B.V. | 34275365 |
Unis Group Facilities B.V. | 51728737 |
Unis Group R&D B.V. | 01083462 |
Unispace B.V. | 67070809 |
Unisun Energy B.V. | 66682037 |
Unisys Nederland N.V. | 33000201 |
Unit U Professionals B.V. | 76679381 |
Unit040 Ontwerp B.V. | 17196056 |
UNIT4 Business Software Netherlands B.V. | 73574066 |
Unit4 Group Holding B.V. | 82220123 |
UNIT4 MKB Software B.V. | 24309362 |
United Airlines, Inc. | 34115686 |
United Fruits Group B.V. | 64373576 |
United Group MC B.V. | 65337786 |
United Imaging Healthcare Europe B.V. | 94862419 |
United International Management B.V. | 34269697 |
United MICE Travel & Trading B.V. | 64164004 |
United Microelectronics (Europe) B.V. | 33211073 |
United Parcel Service Nederland B.V. | 34089270 |
United Petfood Nederland B.V. | 17095607 |
United World College Maastricht | 14126392 |
Unitron InnoTech B.V. | 08090157 |
Unitura B.V. | 81088035 |
Unity Monetary Services B.V. | 34239397 |
Univar Solutions | 24134696 |
Univé Dichtbij Organisatie B.V. | 32164165 |
Universal Africa Lines B.V. | 24161749 |
Universal Electronics B.V. | 06067125 |
Universal International Music B.V. | 31018439 |
Universal Music Group B.V. | 81106661 |
UNIVERSAL Steel Holland B.V. | 23057271 |
Universal Studios International B.V. | 33127500 |
Universe Company Oy | 71421130 |
Universe Im- & Export B.V. | 30259368 |
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht | 30244197 |
Universiteit Leiden | 27368929 |
Universiteit Maastricht | 50169181 |
Universiteit Nyenrode B.V. | 30201266 |
Universiteit Twente | 50130536 |
Universiteit Utrecht | 30275924 |
Universiteit van Amsterdam | 34370207 |
Universiteit van Tilburg | 41095855 |
University Industry Innovation Network B.V. | 62128736 |
Uniview Europe B.V. | 63820668 |
UNLOQ | 55050727 |
Unovis Asset Management B.V. | 75637545 |
Unquoted Advisory B.V. | 84331909 |
Unsworth & Associates B.V. | 34117808 |
Unusual People B.V. | 70658188 |
U-People B.V. | 56696701 |
Upfield Sourcing Nederland B.V. | 63648083 |
Upfront B.V. | 76913465 |
Upinion Netherlands B.V. | 51837609 |
Upjohn Export B.V. | 74464493 |
UPM-Kymmene B.V. | 33111674 |
UPS SCS (Nederland) B.V. | 34092797 |
Upscale Talent B.V. | 82470480 |
Uranium One Coöperatief U.A. | 34256224 |
Urban Gym Group B.V. | 73124370 |
Urban Jazz B.V. | 20130596 |
Urban Mobility Systems B.V. | 67299008 |
urban-gro Europe B.V. | 84460458 |
Urenco Nederland B.V. | 06070616 |
URUS Europe B.V. | 02040692 |
URW Europa B.V. | 32078120 |
User Intelligence Netherlands B.V. | 34342277 |
USG Engineering Professionals B.V. | 31047854 |
Ushio Europe B.V. | 33181420 |
USoft B.V. | 32045194 |
USP Marketing Consultancy B.V. | 24243535 |
UST Global (Netherlands) B.V. | 67145434 |
Ustaca Holding B.V. | 91297192 |
UT Quality B.V. | 24424856 |
Utilus B.V. | 66388406 |
Utomik Development B.V. | 61448672 |
Utopia Exploitatie B.V. | 73572624 |
Utr8 Holding B.V. | 52164527 |
Utrechtse Zwemclub-Star-Combinatie (U.Z.S.C.) | 40479148 |
UV Smart Technologies B.V. | 83929118 |
Uxus Europe B.V. | 34291914 |
V.B.I. Ontwikkeling B.V. | 09052376 |
V.O.F. Fysiotherapie Konings-Pinxteren | 20075621 |
V.o.f. Van Gulik | 68427980 |
V.S.E. Vehicle Systems Engineering B.V. | 33284572 |
V2Future B.V. | 56613466 |
V518 B.V. | 58135324 |
V8 architects B.V. | 65250281 |
Vaassen Flexible Packaging B.V. | 08036742 |
Vacanceselect Europe B.V. | 37073464 |
VACIS B.V. | 66864321 |
Vaessen-Schoemaker B.V. | 38010648 |
VAF Instruments B.V. | 23029880 |
Valcon B B.V. | 55582125 |
Valcon B.V. | 32128003 |
Valcon SEE B.V. | 69556008 |
Vale Holdings B.V. | 34387450 |
Valery Capital B.V. | 34311430 |
Valiantys B.V. | 67943578 |
Vallei Accountants Audit B.V. | 32126939 |
Vallon B.V. | 75625687 |
Valmet B.V. | 62681532 |
Valspar b.v. | 39033291 |
Valtech B.V. | 24300177 |
Valtech B2B Commerce B.V. | 30138602 |
Valto B.V. | 57048789 |
Value Maritime B.V. | 69564353 |
ValueBlue B.V. | 51910551 |
ValueMetrics B.V. | 68082088 |
Valx B.V. | 17240011 |
Valyuu B.V. | 78352452 |
VAM WaterTech | 22048246 |
VAMED Nederland B.V. | 32097935 |
Van Aaken Automatisering B.V. | 16087818 |
Van Aarsen Machinefabriek B.V. | 13011306 |
Van Aetsveld | 32065048 |
Van Amerongen CA Technology B.V. | 11004608 |
Van Amersfoort Racing B.V. | 63685124 |
Van Ameyde International B.V. | 27097368 |
Van Ameyde Marine B.V. | 24113580 |
van Asten Doomen Architecten BNA | 18077864 |
Van Bakel Personeelsdiensten B.V. | 17185340 |
Van Banen B.V. | 17265810 |
Van Beek Ingenieurs B.V. | 09050918 |
Van Berge Henegouwen Installaties B.V. | 28065487 |
Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten | 24305522 |
Van Berkel en Bos U.N. Studio B.V. | 33247112 |
Van Berkel Logistics B.V. | 17187159 |
Van Campen & Partners N.V. | 54033500 |
van Dal Mannenmode B.V. | 18081302 |
Van Dalfsen Beheer B.V. | 05038170 |
Van Dam Machine Europe B.V. | 30084605 |
Van den Bos Flowerbulbs B.V. | 27216989 |
Van den Bosch Company Services B.V. | 33209507 |
Van den Brink Automation B.V. | 09075471 |
Van der Hoeven Horticultural Projects B.V. | 27217083 |
Van der Lee Engineering B.V. | 76068951 |
Van der Leun Installatiebouw P2 B.V. | 24437396 |
Van der Wal 2.0 B.V. | 67810098 |
Van Deudekom Plastics B.V. | 33236877 |
Van Doorn Container Parts B.V. | 24396401 |
Van Doorne N.V. | 34199342 |
Van Eck Trailers B.V. | 74491768 |
Van Eeghen Functional Ingredients B.V. | 33267274 |
Van Gogh Museum, Stichting | 41213987 |
Van Gool Elburg Vastgoedspecialisten B.V. | 33180131 |
Van Halteren Metaal B.V. | 31017694 |
Van Halteren Technologies Boxtel B.V. | 16057251 |
Van Hattem Infratech Uitzendbureau B.V. | 24310107 |
Van Hessen Holding B.V. | 68089880 |
Van Iperen International B.V. | 50944967 |
Van Koert Chiropractic Care v.o.f. | 58925309 |
Van Lanschot Kempen N.V. | 16038212 |
Van Leeuwen Buizen Groep B.V. | 23038035 |
Van Lieshout Snacks B.V. | 17144342 |
Van Loon Retail & Foodservice B.V. | 18065735 |
Van Nelle Tabak Nederland B.V. | 33302272 |
Van Noort Gassler & Co Rotterdam B.V. | 59216379 |
Van Oers Snacks B.V. | 16065478 |
Van Ommeren Architecten B.V. | 84385758 |
Van Oord Personeels B.V. | 11052639 |
Van Oossanen Naval Architects B.V. | 53911547 |
Van Oostveen Medical | 30079112 |
Van Os Medical B.V. | 20143376 |
Van Putten Instruments B.V. | 27171587 |
Van Ree Accountants West B.V. | 64599892 |
Van Rees Group B.V. | 51461579 |
Van Remmen UV Techniek B.V. | 38024969 |
Van Rossum Raadgevende Ingenieurs B.V. | 34147396 |
Van Storm B.V. | 70929238 |
Van Storm Projects B.V. | 77331087 |
VAN VESSEM & LE PATICHOU B.V. | 34174646 |
Van Voltra Global B.V. | 73836435 |
Van Vredenburghweg B.V. | 30271417 |
Van Wijnen Components B.V. | 72236299 |
Van Wijnen Engineering Dordrecht B.V. | 23044201 |
Van Winkoop Spuiterij B.V. | 08141454 |
Van Zanten Breeding B.V. | 28020223 |
VANAN B.V. | 81561768 |
Vandapac B.V. | 71512799 |
Vandebron Energie B.V. | 59394218 |
Vanderlande Industries B.V. | 16017956 |
VanderSat B.V. | 63628120 |
Vandervegt fijnmetaal B.V. | 61516201 |
Vandervelde Protection B.V. | 27111057 |
VanEck Asset Management B.V. | 34314095 |
Vaneigens B.V. | 68483198 |
Vanenburg Software B.V. | 08202859 |
Vantage Netherlands B.V. | 72685646 |
Vantive B.V. | 90778049 |
vanWengerden | 59561289 |
Vargonen B.V. | 34354650 |
Varian Medical Systems Nederland B.V. | 30100753 |
Varias B.V. | 75671859 |
Varitex B.V. | 34110032 |
VarmX B.V. | 65920112 |
Varo Energy B.V. | 59297247 |
Varo Energy Netherlands B.V. | 18114129 |
Varpro Marketing B.V. | 24278018 |
Varrlyn B.V. | 34387344 |
Vartion B.V. | 72248408 |
Varuna Marine Services B.V. | 77988728 |
Varuna Sentinels B.V. | 78008867 |
Vasco Consult B.V. | 69127697 |
VASS Nederland B.V. | 73401218 |
Vastint Development B.V. | 94004609 |
Vastint Hospitality B.V. | 54360722 |
Vatbox B.V. | 68523289 |
Vattenfall N.V. | 33292246 |
Vatworkx B.V. | 68897634 |
Vaxxinova International B.V. | 64789195 |
Vayapay B.V. | 83774947 |
VB Risk Advisory B.V. | 70448337 |
VB-Airsuspension B.V. | 09151791 |
VBR Services B.V. | 09123253 |
VC4 B.V. | 37144436 |
VC4Africa B.V. | 53103769 |
VCD Business Solutions B.V. | 02034284 |
VCKG Holding B.V. | 61876976 |
VCSW B.V. | 52216721 |
VCTS 3 B.V. | 62816829 |
VCTS B.V. | 55794157 |
VDL Bus & Coach B.V. | 17064837 |
VDL Enabling Technologies Group Almelo B.V. | 02041611 |
VDL Enabling Technologies Group Eindhoven B.V. | 17088583 |
VDL Enabling Transport Solutions B.V. | 63766337 |
VDL Energy Systems B.V. | 72179821 |
VDL ETG Precision B.V. | 12046172 |
VDL ETG Projects B.V. | 71240918 |
VDL ETG Technology & Development B.V. | 20026006 |
VDL Industrial Modules B.V. | 22034728 |
VDL Konings B.V. | 13018590 |
VDL Steelweld B.V. | 20079367 |
VDL Weweler B.V. | 08031176 |
VDM Fysio | 50763261 |
VDR Fashion Group B.V. | 61051829 |
VE Staal B.V. | 54609208 |
VeBe Floorcoverings B.V. | 05022291 |
Vecima Technology B.V. | 71538887 |
Veco B.V. | 08007802 |
Vecon Consultancy B.V. | 90420578 |
Vecos Europe B.V. | 17084983 |
Vectioneer B.V. | 60374578 |
VectorY B.V. | 78702593 |
Veeam Software B.V. | 67514162 |
Veegeo B.V. | 70305714 |
Veerkracht Sloop B.V. | 67639542 |
Vegger B.V. | 78071534 |
Vehant Technologies B.V. | 77001931 |
Vekamaf Services B.V. | 24186955 |
Vekoma Rides Engineering B.V. | 12045769 |
Velocity Capital B.V. | 32071954 |
Velocity Electronics | 59685131 |
Velocity Fund Management B.V. | 72751894 |
Velocity Global B.V. | 72814209 |
Veluwe Mondzorg B.V. | 08209891 |
Vemedia Manufacturing B.V | 33186807 |
Venco Nederland B.V. | 51132710 |
Veneficus B.V. | 51913615 | IT B.V. | 66047331 |
Venti Capital B.V. | 62648586 |
Ventilex B.V. | 08043003 |
Ventolines B.V. | 32128663 |
Ventura Systems C.V. | 71056386 |
Venture Group B.V. | 08167024 |
Venture IQ B.V. | 63459043 |
VentureBuilders B.V. | 54597862 |
VenturesOne B.V. | 27142237 |
Venza Group B.V. | 69125619 |
Veolia Water Technologies Techno Center Netherlands B.V. | 14624792 |
VEON Amsterdam B.V. | 34378904 |
VEON Central Procurement B.V. | 68691467 |
VEON Holdings B.V. | 34345993 |
VEON Ltd. | 34374835 |
VEON Wholesale Services B.V. | 54167000 |
Verasonics B.V. | 74778633 |
Verathon Medical Europe B.V. | 30127415 |
Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions B.V. | 57373884 |
Verder Accountants B.V. | 60967803 |
Verder International B.V. | 30204158 |
Verder Liquids B.V. | 30024315 |
Verenigde Pinkster- en Evangeliegemeenten | 32146736 |
Vereniging Christelijk Voortgezet Onderwijs Rotterdam en omstreken | 40342087 |
Vereniging Deltametropool | 27187127 |
Vereniging Het 's-Gravenhaags Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet | 40408702 |
Vereniging voor Energie, Milieu en Water | 30147022 |
Verheijen-Smeets Architecten B.V. | 12035194 |
Verhoeven Grondverzetmachines B.V. | 17078717 |
Verifone Payments B.V. | 34246766 |
Verimatrix Amsterdam B.V. | 34392050 |
Veris Holding B.V. | 57116083 |
Veritas Marine Inspections | 76049493 |
Veritas Petroleum Services B.V. | 58848754 |
Veriteer B.V. | 75284677 |
Verizon Nederland B.V. | 34199467 |
Verkada Netherlands B.V. | 82522863 |
Verkerk Groep B.V. | 68740883 | B.V. | 51683245 |
Vermaat Servicekantoor B.V. | 30131700 |
Vermeer International B.V. | 22022618 |
Vermeer Manufacturing International Goes B.V. | 71935347 |
Vermilion Energy Netherlands B.V. | 34201179 |
Verra Mobility B.V | 74026240 |
Versatec Energy B.V. | 30125398 |
Versum Materials Netherlands B.V. | 65849620 |
Versuni Group B.V. | 81949154 |
Versuni Holding B.V. | 77810716 |
Versuni Netherlands B.V. | 78095549 |
Vertico B.V. | 82332010 |
VertiDrive B.V. | 24448205 |
Vertigo Studios B.V. | 24446448 |
Vertigo Technologies | 68666640 |
Verus Pharma B.V. | 61325813 |
Verwater Group B.V. | 24254446 |
Vesconite Bearings B.V. | 69952795 |
Vesper B.V. | 72497254 |
Vesta Terminals B.V. | 53728726 |
Vestas Benelux B.V. | 30151792 |
Veth Propulsion B.V. | 23071521 |
Veylinx B.V. | 64818322 |
VGI-Willems RVS Machinebouw B.V. | 17070337 |
VHI Koudetechniek B.V. | 16054913 |
VHP Security Paper B.V. | 08042063 |
VI Technologies B.V. | 63846683 |
VIA Outlets B.V. | 76586537 |
Via Technologies Europe B.V. | 69169969 |
ViaEurope B.V. | 64860817 |
Vialis B.V. | 34117661 |
Viaplay Group Netherlands B.V. | 84541067 |
ViaSat Netherlands B.V. | 66419956 |
Viaservice B.V. | 27168771 |
ViaVac Vacuum Lifting | 30130509 |
Viaware B.V. | 57830037 |
Vibe Group Contracts B.V. | 64057569 |
Vibes Technology B.V. | 65463838 |
Vibrantz Color Solutions Europe B.V. | 14055742 |
Vicarious Perception Technologies BV | 34151114 |
Vice Benelux B.V. | 34244797 |
ViCentra B.V. | 57237662 |
ViCentra Manufacturing B.V. | 68604084 |
Vici B.V. | 20094288 |
VICO Therapeutics B.V. | 75857448 |
Vicoma Rotterdam B.V. | 24146781 |
Victor Holland B.V. | 61525502 |
Victoria Amsterdam Hotel Operator B.V. | 33245263 |
Victory Equestrian Sport B.V. | 20053865 |
Victron Energy B.V. | 39059013 |
Victron Solutions B.V. | 39074846 |
Videojet Technologies B.V. | 23081171 |
VieCuri Medisch Centrum voor Noord-Limburg | 41063674 |
Vierkant Business B.V. | 20104334 |
Viet Yam B.V. | 66873231 |
ViewSonic Europe Limited | 68037228 |
ViiV Healthcare B.V. | 30269460 |
Vijverberg Management Consultants B.V. | 24199609 |
ViKi Serv B.V. | 65535103 |
Viking Life-Saving Equipment B.V. | 23043879 |
Viking Office Europe B.V. | 12066592 |
Viking Office International B.V. | 12066591 |
Viktor & Rolf B.V. | 34128921 |
Villa Parmentier B.V. | 27367657 |
Villares Metals International B.V. | 23034749 |
VIM B.V. | 56279027 |
VIM Group Brand Implementation B.V. | 59111941 |
VIMEC | 17075873 |
VIMN Netherlands B.V. | 33255367 |
Vinmar International B.V. | 24281570 |
VINNO Technology NL B.V. | 80804810 |
Vinted B.V. | 64193632 |
Vintura B.V. | 30142240 |
Vinturas B.V. | 74313460 |
Vintus B.V. | 82648026 |
VION Food Nederland B.V. | 16078870 |
VIRO Arnhem B.V. | 06090013 |
VIRO Echt B.V. | 06089929 |
VIRO Hengelo B.V. | 06065592 |
VIRO Oss B.V. | 17107905 |
VIRO Vlaardingen B.V. | 08167810 |
ViroClinics Biosciences B.V. | 24462693 |
Virology Education B.V. | 30171841 |
Virtuagym B.V. | 34296133 |
Virtual Forge Benelux B.V. | 71746749 |
Virtual Sciences Solutions B.V. | 30156697 |
Virtual Vaults Nederland B.V. | 61213985 |
Virtusa International, B.V. | 34295390 |
Visa Europe (Netherlands) B.V. | 34304949 |
Visa Service Desk Beheer B.V. | 74421174 |
Viscon Plant Technology B.V. | 23054213 |
Vish Psychiatrische Praktijk | 59020776 |
ViSight B.V. | 74924567 |
VisionBI B.V. | 60893125 |
VisionLabs B.V. | 69469830 |
Visionnav Robotics Europe B.V. | 87261928 |
Visionplanner B.V. | 30136344 | B.V. | 90571797 |
VisionWillow B.V. | 82025096 |
Visiopharm NL B.V. | 82176779 |
Visma Connect | 30217488 |
Visma Idella B.V. | 39048695 |
Visma Raet B.V. | 32097068 |
Visma Verzuim B.V. | 74711016 |
Visma Youserve B.V. | 75348799 |
Visscher Caravelle B.V. | 05050626 |
Visscher Caravelle Participaties B.V. | 05056416 |
Visser & Smit Hanab Installatie B.V. | 23079181 |
Visser & Visser Audit en Assurance B.V. | 24399626 |
Vistaprint B.V. | 12051083 |
Vistra Corporate Services B.V. | 20061881 |
Vistra Employment (Netherlands) B.V. | 67109365 |
VisualFabriq Revenue Management B.V. | 57087156 |
VISUfarma B.V. | 66220912 |
VitalFluid B.V. | 61141208 |
VitalHealth Software B.V. | 62296175 |
VitalHealth Software Holding B.V. | 09156850 |
VitalScientific B.V. | 84455853 |
VitalSelect B.V. | 62553429 |
Vitens N.V. | 05069581 |
Viterra B.V. | 24138640 |
Vitestro B.V. | 69461708 |
Vitestro Production B.V. | 92397492 |
Vitol Netherlands Coöperatief U.A. | 71845178 |
Vitol SA Rotterdam Branch | 24170687 |
Vitreq B.V. | 60972084 |
VitroScan B.V. | 66882907 |
Vitrotem B.V. | 76715221 |
Vivaltes B.V. | 67342434 |
Vivar Ship Services B.V. | 71929207 |
Vivera B.V. | 61063827 |
Vivici B.V. | 88737837 |
Vivid Money B.V. | 78219159 |
Vivienne Court Trading Pty Ltd | 74128256 |
Vivo Energy Investments B.V. | 52500543 |
Vivo Energy Morocco Holdings B.V. | 52987965 |
Vivo Energy Supply B.V. | 73836257 |
Vivo Energy Uganda Holdings B.V. | 53690923 |
Vivotek Netherlands B.V. | 56064055 |
VL Flex B.V. | 59262036 |
Vlastuin CDI B.V. | 32171669 |
VleugelAutomation B.V. | 74535137 |
Vlisco Netherlands B.V. | 50751492 |
VLIT SERVICES B.V. | 55854877 |
Vloto B.V. | 67630367 |
VLUGP | 34348954 |
VMI Holland B.V. | 08013145 |
VML Netherlands B.V. | 32092788 |
VMR Promotion B.V. | 64766659 |
VMware Netherlands B.V. | 30241275 |
VMX Architects B.V. | 34330745 |
VNG International B.V. | 27195046 |
VOC-Consultancy B.V. | 30237444 |
Vodafone Libertel B.V. | 14052264 |
VodafoneZiggo Employment B.V. | 52444511 |
Voeg Snel B.V. | 66281067 |
voestalpine Automotive Components Bunschoten B.V. | 31010568 |
Voetbalzone B.V. | 09169860 |
Vogelaar-Vredehof B.V. | 22018955 |
Vogel's Products B.V. | 17055312 |
VoipZeker B.V. | 54462444 |
Volker Wessels Telecom B.V. | 24321042 |
VolkerRail Nederland B.V. | 30142333 |
Volksbank N.V. | 16062338 |
Volkswagen International Finance N.V. | 33148825 |
Volkswagen Pon Financial Services B.V. | 20073305 |
Voltea B.V. | 24332338 |
Voltiq B.V. | 57500843 |
Volvo Car Nederland B.V. | 14051974 |
Volvo Construction Equipment B.V. | 29046290 |
Volvo Group The Netherlands B.V. | 29034670 |
Vonk EUA B.V. | 66831180 |
VONQ B.V. | 24402216 |
Voodoo Netherlands B.V. | 74174428 |
Voorhealth B.V. | 59886110 |
Voormedia B.V. | 27251772 |
Voort B.V. | 30145906 |
Voortman Sales & Engineering B.V. | 61589993 |
Vopak Global IT B.V. | 24146892 |
Vopak LNG Holding B.V. | 24393004 |
Vormats B.V. | 71626913 |
Vos Investments Beheer B.V. | 53297318 |
Vos Prodect Innovations B.V. | 67684831 |
Voskamp Aluminium B.V. | 06063865 |
Vosta LMG B.V. | 33274940 |
VOVB en Partners B.V. | 30190706 |
Voxius Lease a Lawyer B.V. | 24305266 |
Voyex B.V. | 78738083 |
VPK Packaging B.V. | 18132296 |
VR European Holdings B.V. | 33260952 |
VRAIFUTURE B.V. | 71971114 |
VREMAC Cylinders | 08044397 |
Vriesoord B.V. | 16051576 |
Vripack Design B.V. | 01035286 |
VROEGH Design B.V. | 75150816 |
Vroom Consultancy B.V. | 33271613 |
Vroon B.V. | 21001755 |
VRP Consulting B.V. | 73366188 |
Vruchtvlees B.V. | 68437978 |
Vrumona B.V. | 30024744 |
VS&T Valves B.V. | 71943668 |
V-Silicon Netherlands B.V. | 71667903 |
VSL B.V. | 27228703 |
vSmart B.V. | 57957851 |
VSParticle B.V. | 65630688 |
VST Europe B.V. | 56337124 |
VSTEP B.V. | 24390114 |
VTC Europe B.V. | 68114710 |
VTEC Lasers & Sensors Ltd. | 53020057 |
V-Tron B.V. | 08159110 |
VTTI B.V. | 24404761 |
VTTI Terminal Support Services B.V. | 58165533 |
Vuicon Engineering B.V. | 24382216 |
Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam B.V. | 24137027 |
VW Consultancy B.V. | 82609217 |
VWR International B.V. | 04038098 |
VX Company IT Services B.V. | 32059693 |
Vye Consulting B.V. | 52451038 |
Vynova Beek B.V. | 20058947 |
Vysus Netherlands B.V. | 80687725 |
W&O Personeels-B.V. | 85574546 |
W.B. Stables | 01058396 | B.V. | 65028589 |
W.E. Engineering B.V. | 08064318 |
W.F. Westermann & Co. B.V. | 33001298 |
W.P. Carey & Co. B.V. | 34304842 |
W.P. van Acker B.V. | 33066198 |
W.R. Fibers B.V. | 57661065 |
Waalstroom Netwerk Notarissen | 30253130 |
Waard Verzekeringen B.V. | 36047736 |
Wabco Automotive B.V. | 24126110 |
Wacker Biotech B.V. | 34126525 |
Wacker Neuson B.V. | 31031861 |
WAES Brainport B.V. | 63050234 |
Wageningen Universiteit/ Wageningen University | 09215846 |
WAI Europe B.V. | 27283454 |
Wakulimarket B.V. | 69148295 |
Waldom Electronics EMEA B.V. | 50430823 |
Walking The Talk Holding Coöperatie U.A. | 51142015 |
Wallvision B.V. | 55448879 |
Walraven Europe B.V. | 72552875 |
Walsin Technology Europe B.V. | 85044938 |
Walter Blom Plants B.V. | 27378800 |
Walters People B.V. | 33300326 |
Wanders Wonders B.V. | 33271622 |
Wansheng Europe B.V. | 63302810 |
Wanzo (Europe) B.V. | 59825227 |
Warburg Pincus B.V. | 34253650 |
Warner Bros. Entertainment Nederland B.V. | 33042612 |
WarnerMedia Amsterdam B.V. | 34328040 |
Warp Industries B.V. | 68335458 |
Warpnet B.V. | 55115446 |
Wartenbergh Engineering Bureau B.V. | 17191324 |
Wärtsilä Netherlands | 05047750 |
Wassenburg Medical B.V. | 11017159 |
Waste Paper Trade C.V. | 02331342 |
WatchGuard Technologies B.V. | 27319362 |
WaterBear Network B.V. | 73151793 |
Waterland Health B.V. | 82797609 |
Waterland Private Equity Investments B.V. | 32074547 |
Waterland Projecten B.V. | 54870496 |
Waterline Equipment | 78458005 |
Waters Chromatography B.V. | 20073836 |
Waterschap De Dommel | 17277734 |
Waterschap Rijn en IJssel | 09212548 |
Waterschap Rivierenland | 30281419 |
Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg | 50453483 | B.V. | 34188681 |
Waterwatch Projects B.V. | 62320211 |
WaterWipes B.V. | 70780005 |
Watts EMEA Holding B.V. | 59437308 |
Wattson Power B.V. | 66171458 |
Wave Corporate Finance B.V. | 68049528 |
Wave5 B.V. | 51192616 |
Wavemaker B.V. | 33228408 |
Waves Group Consultancy B.V. | 76263495 |
WaveTronica B.V. | 72808446 |
Wavin Diensten B.V. | 05025333 |
Waypoint Port Services B.V. | 61208760 |
WCC Development B.V. | 30215767 |
WCTS B.V. | 56706340 |
WDJArchitecten B.V. | 24291095 |
WE ARE PI B.V. | 51971186 |
We4Sea B.V. | 65476417 |
Weagree B.V. | 34315268 |
Wearable Works Of Art B.V. | 71535624 |
WeAreBrain Agency Group B.V. | 73256560 |
WeAreReasonablePeople B.V. | 54105706 |
Weather Impact B.V. | 62139738 |
Weatherford Netherlands B.V. | 34231980 |
Weathernews Benelux B.V. | 32073686 |
Weaviate B.V. | 75231824 |
WEB HW Projects B.V. | 90668413 |
Web Power B.V. | 09103500 |
WEB SW Projects B.V. | 90668375 |
WEBB Traders B.V. | 37156109 |
Webbers International B.V. | 27175278 | B.V. | 70750300 |
Webfleet Solutions Sales B.V. | 60077972 |
Webhelp Nederland B.V. | 27117788 |
WebinarGeek B.V. | 68420765 |
Web-IQ B.V. | 53250036 |
WebMD Netherlands B.V. | 51463466 |
Webs Inbound B.V. | 14102692 | B.V. | 68846118 |
Webzilla B.V. | 08152605 |
WeChat Pay Europe B.V. | 72082860 |
Wecountancy Expat Services B.V. | 75641488 |
Wedigify B.V. | 90019458 |
Weener Plastics Group B.V. | 63433982 |
Weening Strafrechtadvocaten | 54060036 |
Wefabricate HR B.V. | 86869930 |
WE-Force B.V. | 57124663 |
Weg Benelux S.A. | 08107582 |
WEG Holding B.V. | 91188350 |
Wegochem Europe B.V. | 34317623 |
Wehkamp Retail Group B.V. | 27109571 |
Weidema van Tol | 34145597 |
Weir Minerals Netherlands B.V. | 12032525 |
Welink Constructie Advies B.V. | 84774134 |
Well Engineering Partners (WEP) B.V. | 04061243 |
Well Guidance B.V. | 71541535 |
Wella Netherlands B.V. | 80141374 |
Wellinq Medical B.V. | 55418511 |
Wellknit International B.V. | 63479540 |
Wellman Recycling | 09066911 |
Wellness Innovations B.V. | 59889861 |
WellPerform B.V. | 85316202 |
Welo Post B.V. | 74494112 |
Welocate B.V. | 64004147 |
Wenneker.TV B.V. | 34323979 |
WePayPeople B.V. | 34292836 |
WePayPeople Backoffice Services B.V. | 64996662 |
WePayPeople Verloningen B.V. | 59291540 |
Werfen B.V. | 30058954 |
WerkGroep NL Contracting B.V. | 24194837 |
Werkorganisatie HLT Samen | 67674712 |
Werkspot B.V. | 18079951 |
Wessanen Benelux B.V. | 57018154 |
Wessanen Nederland Holding B.V. | 33163731 |
West 8 urban design & landscape architecture B.V. | 24246438 |
West Consulting B.V. | 27223525 |
West Team B.V. | 27318327 |
Westcon Group European Operations Netherlands Branch | 30221053 |
WestFlex Services B.V. | 24389241 |
Westfort Vleesproducten B.V. | 30182235 |
Westlake Epoxy B.V. | 24294676 |
Westmark International B.V. | 71725784 |
Westmill Foods Europe B.V. | 27131098 |
Westo Prefab Betonsystemen B.V. | 04037246 |
Westport Fuel Systems Netherlands B.V. | 17058344 |
Wetensch. Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid, Stg. SWOV | 41151387 |
Wetransfer B.V. | 34380998 |
WETRAVEL B.V. | 70669783 |
WeVestr Coöperatie U.A. | 77192516 |
WeWork Companies (International) B.V. | 61501220 |
WeWork Netherlands B.V. | 61505439 |
WEX Europe Services B.V. | 59956550 |
Wexford Finance B.V. | 27124941 |
WF Consultancy B.V. | 83046356 |
Whale Cloud Technology Netherlands B.V. | 63774801 |
Whiffle B.V. | 62549987 |
WHILL Europe B.V. | 72465700 |
Whispp B.V. | 78082056 |
Whitaker-Taylor Netherlands B.V. | 66255163 |
White Lines Holdings B.V. | 67307906 |
White Lioness technologies B.V. | 67723179 |
White Oak B.V. | 68606176 |
White Space Energy B.V. | 73765341 |
WhiteHats B.V. | 59362723 |
Whoppah B.V. | 71938206 |
Widget Brain B.V. | 63463725 |
Wieden & Kennedy Amsterdam B.V. | 52337626 |
WIFAC B.V. | 32049023 |
Wijngaarde bv | 34233235 |
Wijnja Groep B.V. | 72887656 |
Wijnne & Barends' Cargadoors- en Agentuurkantoren B.V. | 02300483 |
Wikkelhouse B.V. | 67520480 |
Wildflower B.V. | 86090437 |
Wilgenhaege Innovations B.V. | 60836881 |
Wilhelmsen Ahrenkiel Ship Management B.V. | 69545200 |
Willamette Valley Company B.V. | 68100876 |
William Blair B.V. | 82375682 |
Wilmar Europe Holdings B.V. | 24439170 |
Wilmar Europe Trading B.V. | 24453143 |
Wilshire Associates Europe B.V. | 33260953 |
Winc Academy B.V. | 73031178 |
Winclove B.V. | 33203777 |
Windcat Workboats International B.V. | 84209070 |
Winford Bilingual School B.V. | 73989002 |
Winteb B.V. | 56801068 |
Wintershall Dea Carbon Management Solutions B.V. | 86796917 |
Wintershall Dea Global Support B.V. | 27079455 |
Wintershall Noordzee B.V. | 27100034 |
Winthrop Technologies Netherlands N.V. | 66551102 |
Wipro Information Technology Netherlands B.V. | 34167218 |
Wipro Limited | 34184353 |
Wisdom Lines Europe B.V. | 76508285 |
WiseGuys Internet B.V. | 60986557 |
Wispex Transit NL B.V. | 27263954 |
Witcom Engineering Plastics B.V. | 32101298 |
Withlocals B.V. | 58173382 |
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences B.V. | 08090958 |
Witteveen+Bos | 38020751 |
Wittur B.V. | 39055241 |
WizeNoze Benelux B.V. | 78278341 |
WLT Netherlands B.V. | 30231746 |
WMC Energy | 65173821 |
WNL Staal B.V. | 24304251 |
WNS Global Services Netherlands B.V. | 34272863 |
WOK Het Oosten Oriëntaal restaurant & partycatering | 31036418 |
Wolf & Cherry | 62400517 |
Wolf Dikken Adviseurs | 27155328 |
Wolf Steel Europe B.V. | 51509970 |
Wolfpack Agency B.V. | 69950121 |
Wolfpack DCS B.V. | 76928756 |
Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Netherlands B.V. | 24250145 |
Wolters Kluwer Global Business Services B.V. | 33181756 |
Wolters Kluwer N.V. | 33202517 |
Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V. | 38013226 |
Wolters Kluwer TAA Europe Cloud Strategy & Operations C.V. | 65956583 |
Wolters Kluwer Tax and Accounting Nederland B.V. | 30173996 |
Wolters Kluwer Tax and Accounting Technology B.V. | 52323072 |
Wolters Kluwer Technology B.V. | 38014719 |
Wolverine Europe B.V. | 34125356 |
WOMO Architects B.V. | 71284443 |
Womy equipment supply B.V. | 24277193 |
Wonderflow B.V. | 60436050 |
Wonderkind Technologies B.V. | 63255359 |
Wonderland Industry | 58179895 |
Woningstichting Eigen Haard | 33006516 |
Wonjin Europe B.V. | 34209692 |
Wood Group UK Limited - The Netherlands Branch | 86412086 |
Wood Holding Group B.V. | 34113574 |
Woodpacker Trading B.V. | 67449638 |
WoodWing Software B.V. | 34134682 |
Woodwork Amsterdam B.V. | 54901812 |
Woonwerk Architecten Rotterdam B.V. | 56837968 |
WOOV-IT B.V. | 69646082 |
WorkCo Netherlands Solutions B.V. | 82876916 |
Workday B.V. | 53679660 |
Workersbee Energy B.V. | 87226316 |
WorkFloor B.V. | 62047140 |
WorkFlowWise B.V. | 24172107 |
Workiva Netherlands B.V. | 58856609 |
Works B.V. | 55808379 |
WORKS B.V. | 67265502 |
Workshop Holland B.V. | 64597911 |
Workstreampeople B.V. | 32129927 |
Workwize B.V. | 81053223 |
World Asia Logistics B.V. | 34117104 |
World Business Council for Sustainable Development | 85613606 |
World Fair Trade Organization | 40536675 |
World First Netherlands B.V. | 72715898 |
World Freight Logistics B.V. | 24335571 |
World Learning Inc. | 34198778 |
World Marrow Donor Association | 40448326 |
Worldline Digital Commerce | 34140462 |
Worldline N.V. | 81217587 |
Worldpay B.V. | 60494344 |
WorldPay Limited | 51838133 |
WorldStartupFactory B.V. | 63623455 |
Worldwide Flight Services Holland B.V. | 54969565 |
Worley Nederland B.V. | 24301248 |
Worth IT Webdevelopment B.V. | 27248299 |
Wrangu B.V. | 66214122 |
WRI Europe Stichting | 65379446 |
Wright Brothers Flight Technologies Netherlands B.V. | 70311005 |
Wrist-Klevenberg Ship Supply NL B.V. | 24109658 |
WS Architects B.V. | 74834258 |
WSG Industrial Services B.V. | 04084042 |
WSK Medical B.V. | 71216529 |
WSM Engineering | 13025024 |
WSP Nederland B.V. | 20045963 |
WTN B.V. | 59392835 |
WTS Energy Holding B.V. | 08087968 |
WTS Energy Services B.V. | 51985810 |
Wunderman Thompson Amsterdam VOF | 34269916 |
wUrck architectuur stedenbouw landschap B.V. | 65676890 |
Wurth Finance International B.V. | 16077661 |
Wuunder Nederland B.V. | 65054253 |
WWL ALS (Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics Abnormal Load Services) Nederland B.V. | 13039939 |
WWT Netherlands B.V. | 54053676 |
Wypoon Technologies B.V. | 74007807 |
X17 Group B.V. | 78644739 |
X5 Retail Group N.V. | 33143036 |
Xces B.V. | 06082091 |
XD Connects B.V. | 27115697 |
Xeamos B.V. | 68069464 |
Xebia Nederland B.V. | 32102575 |
XebiaLabs B.V. | 32154286 |
Xeelas B.V. | 66430437 |
Xelion B.V. | 27228063 |
Xella Cellenbeton Nederland B.V. | 11006169 |
Xeltis B.V. | 17108431 |
Xelvin | 12066229 |
XEMC Darwind B.V. | 24468790 |
Xemex B.V. | 17144643 |
Xenikos B.V. | 09206362 |
Xenon Arc EU B.V. | 53330773 |
Xentral ERP Software B.V. | 83406867 |
X-Flow B.V. | 06050907 |
Xiamen Airlines Amsterdam Office | 63555328 |
Xiaomi Technology Netherlands B.V. | 72954914 |
Xiao's Import & Export B.V. | 75138832 |
Xillio Labs B.V. | 62045326 |
Ximedes B.V. | 59479477 |
Ximius B.V. | 76350800 |
Xinaps B.V. | 63458926 |
Xinhuanet Europe B.V. | 62745166 |
XINTC B.V. | 55958478 |
XIP B.V. | 66101190 |
Xite Networks Netherlands B.V. | 64027872 |
XL Catlin Services SE, Netherlands Branch | 66936519 |
Xlab Cloud Services B.V. | 30158924 |
Xlence Renovatie B.V. | 89771613 |
Xomnia B.V. | 57245886 |
XOsight B.V. | 74846108 |
XPAR Vision B.V. | 33255722 |
XPark B.V. i.o. | 82554935 |
XPEL B.V. | 65627555 |
XPeng European Holding B.V. | 81736061 |
Xperit Solutions B.V. | 51109220 |
Xpol B.V. | 27193401 |
Xprtise B.V. | 61250473 |
XR Trading EU B.V. | 72559195 |
XS Investments B.V. | 27292773 |
Xsens Holding B.V. | 08088230 |
Xstate B.V. | 74438441 |
X-Systems B.V. | 65106296 |
Xternal Consultancy B.V. | 27380257 |
XVIVO B.V. | 01135421 |
XVR Simulation B.V. | 09110539 |
XWITS B.V. | 33252019 |
XXImo Financial Services B.V. | 84501901 |
XXImo Holding B.V. | 27264588 |
xxllnc Zaakgericht B.V. | 51902672 |
YA Works B.V. | 34314368 |
YaBand Telecom B.V. | 56197977 |
Yacht B.V. | 62880942 |
Yacht NL B.V. | 33247719 |
Yaghma B.V. | 84842857 |
Yakult Europe B.V. | 33278683 |
Yama Products B.V. | 30040105 |
Yamada Europe B.V. | 06053717 |
Yamaha Motor Europe N.V. | 34084613 |
Yamasa Europe B.V. | 64525961 |
Yamato Transport Europe B.V. | 24172596 |
Yang Ming (Netherlands) B.V. | 24355853 |
Yanmar B.V. | 86915401 |
Yanmar Europe B.V. | 39064873 |
Yapi Kredi Bank Nederland N.V. | 33278349 |
YAPIARTI B.V. | 68487711 |
Yara Nederland B.V. | 21015964 |
Yara Sluiskil B.V. | 21001824 |
Yara Vlaardingen B.V. | 22049559 |
Yardi Systems B.V. | 34198925 |
Yash Technologies B.V. | 57269904 |
Yaskawa Benelux B.V. | 20087925 |
YC Amsterdam B.V. | 34299379 |
YCP Solidiance International B.V. | 73816973 |
YDATALYTICS Netherlands B.V. | 62593811 |
Yehwang Product Imports International B.V. | 50060570 |
Yellow Step Solar B.V. | 51358360 |
Yellowbrick B.V. | 51509458 |
Yellowbrick International B.V. | 61575372 |
Yellowstone Contract Management B.V. | 17214486 |
Yellowstone Managed Services B.V. | 13042315 |
Yellowtail B.V. | 34186479 |
Yellowtail Control Solutions B.V. | 75464861 |
Yenlo Nederland B.V. | 61417025 |
Yep Ads B.V. | 62360329 |
Yeply Netherlands B.V. | 84039841 |
YER Engineering B.V. | 61786535 |
YER Professionals B.V. | 53573854 |
Yesform Co.,Ltd. | 69756163 |
YETI Europe B.V. | 82237980 |
YHUI B.V. | 50134671 |
Yildirim Asset Management Holding B.V. | 16059530 |
Yildirim International Management Services B.V. | 60970812 |
Yili Innovation Center Europe B.V. | 59903562 |
Yinson Boronia Production B.V. | 74100815 |
Yinson Production (The Netherlands) B.V. | 88586340 |
Yiteng Agricultural Science and Technology B.V. | 70167311 |
YiTT B.V. | 84699477 |
Ynvolve B.V. | 09164735 |
Yoast B.V. | 55404367 |
Yobbers B.V. | 68479441 |
Yokogawa Europe B.V. | 31024364 |
Yokogawa Europe Solutions B.V. | 33241208 |
Yokogawa Process Analyzers Europe B.V. | 33179023 |
Yokoy (Netherlands) B.V. | 84480742 |
Yondr Netherlands B.V. | 73356255 |
Yong Da B.V. | 53146328 |
Yore B.V. | 58010041 |
Yorteam B.V. | 52208702 |
Yoshion Europe B.V. | 73769932 |
Young Colfield B.V. | 24361465 |
Young Financials B.V. | 34227502 |
Young Living Europe B.V. | 73123404 |
YoungCapital B.V. | 28087078 |
YoungCapital Flex B.V. | 34199422 |
YoungCapital International B.V. | 34330199 |
YoungCapital Professionals Talent Development B.V. | 61267317 |
Youngcapital Staff B.V. | 59659653 |
Your Majesty | 52030725 |
YourCampus B.V. | 81844646 |
Your-Career B.V. | 64784541 |
Yource B.V. | 52683702 |
YourFlow B.V. | 69952957 |
Youvia B.V. | 27198207 |
Youwe Commerce B.V. | 51792737 |
Youwe Online B.V. | 34126832 |
YP Your Partner B.V. | 01084429 |
YTEC Development B.V. | 01148001 |
Yu Steenwijk Holding B.V. | 53532139 |
YUCONVR B.V. | 89935314 |
Yukiguni Maitake Netherlands Holdings B.V. | 91759544 |
YUME Hoogeveen B.V. | 66779901 |
YUMEMI B.V. | 74783211 |
Yumen Bionics B.V. | 67172016 |
YumiFresh B.V. | 78336767 |
Yunex Traffic B.V. | 82015694 |
YunExpress Supply Chain Solution B.V. | 78487633 |
Yusen Logistics (Benelux) B.V. | 24157614 |
Yusen Logistics (Europe) B.V. | 33234439 |
Yxion B.V. | 27247621 |
Zaffra B.V. | 92040985 |
Zafin Labs AG | 70868468 |
Zalando Logistics Operations Netherlands B.V. | 72853891 |
Zalen Pakhuis de Zwijger B.V. | 34231791 |
Zanders B.V. | 30112147 |
Zandgroup AB | 76701158 |
Zara Holding B.V. | 20080272 |
ZARGAR | 61416800 |
Zasco B.V. | 24192352 |
ZEASN Europe B.V. | 67296610 |
Zebra Technologies B.V. | 01106766 |
Zeeland Refinery N.V. | 22020666 |
Zeelandia H.J. Doeleman B.V. | 22009211 |
Zeelandia Investments Holding B.V. | 64545415 |
ZEEMAN textielSupers B.V. | 28034863 |
ZEF B.V. | 69128588 |
Zego B.V. | 78746930 |
Zehnder Group Zwolle B.V. | 05022293 |
ZEHUA Tower Services B.V. | 63404338 |
Zelfstroom B.V. | 60238828 |
Zelus Sport B.V. | 77380150 |
Zematra B.V. | 24259229 |
Zen Home Rentals | 70379904 |
ZEN Software B.V. | 73422614 |
Zencargo NL B.V. | 83868321 |
Zener Maritime Solutions B.V. | 63420228 |
ZeniMax Benelux B.V. | 50908782 |
Zenmo GGZ B.V. | 91974313 |
Zensar Information Technologies B.V. | 77999940 |
Zensar Technologies IM B.V. | 09079723 |
Zenz Technologies B.V. | 57762368 |
Zephyr Services B.V. | 77904273 | B.V. | 68331401 |
Zeren Group Energy B.V. | 86098438 |
Zero Density Netherlands B.V. | 91908094 |
Zerocopter B.V. | 63716437 |
Zerotrillion B.V. | 72876700 |
Zertic B.V. | 17182921 |
Zest B.V. | 56561105 |
Zeta Alpha Vector B.V. | 74985515 |
Zetadec B.V. | 52256146 |
ZETES B.V. | 17073654 |
Zeton B.V. | 06054827 |
ZettaScale Technology B.V | 53357442 |
Zeustrak B.V. | 72491833 |
ZF Marine Krimpen B.V. | 24299979 |
ZF Services Nederland B.V. | 27136592 |
Z-H Kabeltechniek B.V. | 85110752 |
Zhonghongjian (Holland) B.V. | 34348120 |
ZIEATECH B.V. | 73292036 |
Ziekenhuis Nij Smellinghe | 41000763 |
ZIEMANN Cashservice Holding NL B.V. | 85804703 |
Ziggo B.V. | 37026706 |
Ziggo Services Employment B.V. | 34118291 |
Zijtveld Grijpers B.V. | 32062041 |
Zilverline B.V. | 34377452 |
Zimmer Biomet Nederland B.V. | 31041140 |
ZIRA B.V. | 82692580 |
ZiuZ Research B.V. | 53663438 |
ZIVVER Holding B.V. | 62937057 |
ZJA B.V. | 30108316 |
ZM Media B.V. | 75668475 |
ZNAPZ B.V. | 52889300 |
ZoBio B.V. | 28103137 |
Zoho Corporation B.V. | 63503387 |
Zoku International B.V. | 60864648 |
ZOLA Electric Netherlands B.V. | 67908543 |
Zoll International Holding B.V. | 31044345 |
Zon & Zo - ERD B.V. | 80305342 |
Zon Impex Trading B.V. | 59298464 |
Zoncoalitie Exploitatie B.V. | 68802722 |
Zonel Energy Systems B.V. | 53539877 |
Zones Urbaines Sensibles Public B.V. | 24323710 |
Zonnepanelendelen B.V. | 56170319 |
Zonnepark Services Nederland B.V. | 78462363 |
Zonnestroom Nederland B.V. | 68548745 |
Zoofy B.V. | 63693771 |
Zoom-BIM Solutions B.V. | 33296884 |
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Netherlands B.V. | 91901103 |
ZooStation B.V. | 63536846 |
Zoover Media B.V. | 08091035 |
ZorgDomein Nederland B.V. | 34142150 |
Zorgfactory B.V. | 04061562 |
ZorgXchange B.V. | 74508008 |
ZP Europe B.V. | 34216087 |
ZPMC Netherlands B.V. | 55834043 |
Zscaler Netherlands B.V. | 67202829 |
ZTE Coöperatief U.A. | 27356603 |
ZTE Netherlands B.V. | 27280641 |
Zurich Insurance Europe AG | 27293233 |
ZV Control & Finance B.V. | 81608195 |
ZVC Netherlands B.V. | 72895977 |
Zycus Infotech Netherlands B.V. | 71493166 |
ZyLAB Technologies B.V. | 34284277 |
ZyXel Communications B.V. | 34261162 |