Researchers: IND's biggest problem is a lack of decision-making capacity

Last update: 5 March 2020

Researchers from the Significant Public bureau assert that the main problem of the IND currently is a lack of decision-making capacity. This is stated in a report that was sent this afternoon by State Secretary Ankie Broekers-Knol to the House of Representatives. Commissioned by the State Secretary, the researchers have recently investigated the implementation of the general and extended asylum procedure (in track 4) at the IND.

The researchers indicate that the IND falls short on three points in effectively reducing the processing times. This concerns the provision of information in a broad sense, operational management and tactical management of project implementation, pilots and improvement measures. The State Secretary calls the conclusions of the researchers sound. 'It will be clear that the recommendations from the report are leading for me and that I am committed to a concrete improvement process across the full breadth of the three areas of attention and with an ambitious timeline," Broekers-Knol said.

Based on the report, the State Secretary announces the following measures:

  1. Appointment of a programme director
    An improvement process of this scale has a major impact on the internal organisation. This cannot simply be picked up by the existing organisation. Therefore, within the available financial framework, a director will be added to the management of the IND who will take care of the implementation of the measures and recommendations proposed by Significant.
  2. Project-based processing of work stock
    The IND will handle the existing work stock and the current backlogs on a project basis. New asylum applications will be handled separately and processed within the legal deadlines.
  3. Operational management will be improved
    Clear management goals will be set. The operational managers hold periodic and frequent discussions with the employees about the results to be achieved, quality and work pressure.
  4. Process management on completeness of a file
    Disruptions in the process due to incomplete files will be dealt with immediately by introducing process control to the completeness of the files. This means that prior to the asylum procedure, a separate group of employees monitors the completeness and suitability of the files.

She has promised the House of Representatives to report on the progress of the improvement process and the timeline within four weeks.

Task force

The State Secretary has also announced that a Task Force will be instructed to eliminate accumulated stocks at the IND as quickly as possible. Broekers-Knol states about this in her letter: 'This Task Force will be given the opportunity to map out and implement all possible conceivable and, if necessary, unconventional measures. The Task Force will report directly to me and the Secretary-General.' The Taskforce is led by Annelore Roelofs. She is a deputy Head of DJI and will combine both functions.

Recruitment and training

In the recent years, various governments have made large cutbacks at the IND. In the summer of 2019, the IND received money for recruiting and training new colleagues for the first time. 'We are very happy with that', - CEO Aly van Berckel responds. 'The researchers conclude that this is a step in the right direction, but also that it is not sufficient yet. They indicate that the IND must further increase its critical capacity.'

Open for improvement

Aly van Berckel: 'On the one hand, it is nice to read that the Significant researchers indicate that we are on the right track with many measures in place to get our organisation back in order. We are open to criticism. At this moment, the processing times are too long. We find that very distressing for the people who have to wait a long time before they know where they stand. That is why we are, of course, happy to adopt recommendations if they can lead to improvement. With all intended measures, we continue to keep in mind that they remain workable for our employees.'