IND process for refugees from Ukraine

Last update: 8 April 2022

For people who have fled from Ukraine, the European Union activated the Temporary Protection Directive in early March. To prove that this directive covers them, they must register with the municipality in the Key Register of Persons (BRP). After this, a simple IND process follows where refugees sign an asylum application and receive proof that they are allowed to stay and work here. 

Application for residence under Temporary Scheme Ukraine

The IND process records the temporary protected status of people who have fled from Ukraine. They also receive proof of this in the form of a sticker. They may then stay in the Netherlands for the duration of the protection measure, as yet one year until 4 March 2023. The maximum period is three years.

The refugee signs an asylum application for residence in the Netherlands in the IND process. For this purpose, form (M35-H) is also used, which is necessary to register them correctly in the IND system. The asylum procedure that usually follows is put on hold. The protected status expires as soon as the temporary protection measure is terminated. The asylum procedure is continued for those wanting to stay in the Netherlands.

The refugee also signs an antecedents certificate, in which they indicate whether or not they have a criminal record. In addition, the IND performs a check in the Central Shared Information Database for the Comprehensive Searching of Data to ascertain whether the refugee can pose a danger to public order and national security.

Not going to Ter Apel

Refugees from Ukraine do not report to Ter Apel, but the municipal reception centre. With the registration in the BRP, the refugee is automatically known to the IND. As currently foreseen, IND mobile teams will complete the application process at various locations from mid-May. As soon as there is news, information follows on this website.

Living allowance, education, and work

After registering with the municipality, refugees from Ukraine can already use facilities such as living allowance, education, and work. They do not have to wait for the formal proof of their temporary protection status. Provisions for people with protected status from Ukraine are, as far as possible, the same as those for asylum seekers in the regular asylum procedure. There are, however, differences. E.g. based on their temporary protection status and unlike other asylum seekers, they are allowed to engage in gainful employment directly and are assisted and accommodated by municipalities and not by the COA.