Council of ministers approves asylum laws, IND fears becoming overburdened
On Friday 7 March, the council of ministers approved Minister Faber’s asylum laws. The IND supports the plans, but also warns…
In order to be of service to refugees in the best way possible, the IND is going to provide information on location. This will already be done from Thursday at the reception centre in Amsterdam, and from Friday also in Harskamp. The Russian military invasion of Ukraine has caused many people to seek refuge in the West.
Dozens of refugees from Ukraine have meanwhile applied daily in the Netherlands. The IND also answers many questions from Ukrainians about their right of residence. Many telephone calls about this are still received every day. Because of the war, we are lenient for people who flee from Ukraine. Ukrainians can travel visa-free to the Netherlands, thanks to a treaty with the European Union. With a biometric passport, they are allowed in any case to stay in our country for 90 days. In addition, it is possible to apply for a short-stay visa for 90 days. So Ukrainians in the Netherlands do not have to be concerned about their right of residency.
Ukrainians who apply for asylum here will enter the asylum process at the IND. Because of the war in Ukraine in the time to come the IND will not take any decisions on asylum applications by Ukrainians. People will however maintain their right to reception. Ukrainians whose asylum applications have previously been rejected also do not have to leave the country now.
Ukrainians also apply at the application centre of the IND in Ter Apel. In order to prevent heavy pressure in the application centre, they are transferred in busses to other reception centres, such as in Harskamp (Gelderland). Just as at the reception centre in Amsterdam, in Harskamp information officers from the IND are ready to give Ukrainians an explanation about their right of residence, focused as much as possible on the individual situation of the refugee.
Online and on the telephone, staff members of the IND also do their utmost to provide Ukrainians in the Netherlands as well as possible with information about their right of residence. Moreover, close consultations are constantly held between the IND, the Ministry of Justice and Security, the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) and the Dutch Council for Refugees (VluchtelingenWerk).