Accountability Day: IND’s annual financial statements presented 18 May 2022

Last update: 18 May 2022

The income and expenses of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (in Dutch: Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst or IND) were higher than budgetted in 2021. This can be concluded from the annual statements of the Ministry of Justice and Security, the parent ministry of the IND. The annual statements are presented to the House of Representatives on annual Accountability Day, Wednesday 18 May.

The financial expenses of the IND added up to 553 million euros in 2021. The income of the IND added up to 532 million euros. On balance, there was a deficit of 21 million euros in 2021. Because the own reserves were almost zero, the parent ministry will supplement the deficit in the Spring Budget of 2022. The relatively higher income of the IND in 2021 is mostly the result of a contribution for the work done by the Taskforce, which was not included in the budget.

Staff costs

At the end of 2021, the IND employed over 4000 officials, an increase of 190 FTEs. The staff costs were around 400 million euros, so 72% of the total expenses. The increase of staff costs of around 33 million euros compared to 2020 can be explained by the higher staff capacity, both in employment and hired from external parties. The increase of temporarily hired staff is caused particularly by the deployment of temporary workers for the Taskforce. These people helped to reduce the backlog of asylum applications. Moreover, staff costs have increased because of new collective labour agreements. In addition, more leave hours were passed on to the new year. These are recorded as expenses.

Non-staff costs

The non-staff costs of 96.7 million euros in 2021 consisted of accommodation costs, costs for internal procurement and outsourcing of tasks and non-staff programme costs. The latter relate directly to the the implementation of IND tasks, such as costs for interpreters, process, care, laboratory tests, documents, and computerisation.

Corona crisis

The corona crisis resulted in higher costs for the IND, such as additional security costs and costs to have residence documents delivered to applicants by courier. The IND received a 2.2-million-euro advance from the Ministry of Justice and Security to compensate for the losses. This amount has been included in the reserves of the IND.

Read the annual report of the Ministry of Justice and Security (Only in Duth)